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Sequence Partitioning and Compression Rate

Year 2014, , 28 - 33, 01.03.2014


— In the lossless data compression, the process of splitting a data sequence into appropriate subsequences has a substantial role in improving compression rate. This study theoretically investigates effects of data sequence partition on the overall compression rate of data sets. For this proposes, we show that it is always possible to find a partition of data sequence such that the entropy rate at each subsequence is lower than entropy rate of original sequences. This motivates our work to figure out the overall compression rate of the partitioned data sequences. Then, the effects of sequence partitioning on overall compression rate are discussed to explore an optimal partitioning strategy. Finally, an optimization problem for the optimal partitioning of a data sequences is stated for future works


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  • C.E. Shannon and Weaver W., The Mathematical Theory of Communication, Illinois, 1949.
  • T.M. Cover and J.A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, Wiley India Pvt Ltd., 1991.
  • D.A. Huffman, “A Method for the Construction of Minimum Redundancy Codes”, Proceedings of the IRE, 40, 1952, pp. 1098-1101. J. Ziv and A. Lempel, “A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 23, 1977, pp. 337-342.
  • J. Ziv and A. Lempel, “Compression of Individual Sequences Via Variable-Rate Coding”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 24, 1978, pp. 530--536.
  • R.R. Coifman, M.V. Wickerhauser, “Entropy-Based Algorithms for Best Basis Selection”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 38, 1992, pp.713-718.
  • K. Skretting, J.H. Husoy, S.O. Aase , “Improved Huffman coding using recursive splitting”, Norwegian Signal Processing Society Conference (NORSIG-99),Norway, 1999. [8]
  • T.A. Welch, “A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression”, Computer, 1984, pp. 8-18,.
  • R.M. Hassan and B. Nath, “Data Compression Using Huffman Coding A Novel Approach”, International Conference on Applied Computing (IADIS-2005), Portugal,2005.
  • T. Bonny, J. Henkel, “Instruction Splitting for Efficient Code Compression”, Design Automation Conference, 2007. DAC '07. 44th ACM/IEEE, 2007, pp. 646-651.
Year 2014, , 28 - 33, 01.03.2014



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  • C.E. Shannon and Weaver W., The Mathematical Theory of Communication, Illinois, 1949.
  • T.M. Cover and J.A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, Wiley India Pvt Ltd., 1991.
  • D.A. Huffman, “A Method for the Construction of Minimum Redundancy Codes”, Proceedings of the IRE, 40, 1952, pp. 1098-1101. J. Ziv and A. Lempel, “A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 23, 1977, pp. 337-342.
  • J. Ziv and A. Lempel, “Compression of Individual Sequences Via Variable-Rate Coding”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 24, 1978, pp. 530--536.
  • R.R. Coifman, M.V. Wickerhauser, “Entropy-Based Algorithms for Best Basis Selection”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 38, 1992, pp.713-718.
  • K. Skretting, J.H. Husoy, S.O. Aase , “Improved Huffman coding using recursive splitting”, Norwegian Signal Processing Society Conference (NORSIG-99),Norway, 1999. [8]
  • T.A. Welch, “A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression”, Computer, 1984, pp. 8-18,.
  • R.M. Hassan and B. Nath, “Data Compression Using Huffman Coding A Novel Approach”, International Conference on Applied Computing (IADIS-2005), Portugal,2005.
  • T. Bonny, J. Henkel, “Instruction Splitting for Efficient Code Compression”, Design Automation Conference, 2007. DAC '07. 44th ACM/IEEE, 2007, pp. 646-651.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Reviews

B. B. Alagoz This is me

H. Z. Alisoy This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Alagoz, B. B., & Alisoy, H. Z. (2014). Sequence Partitioning and Compression Rate. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2(1), 28-33.

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