Research Article
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Year 2019, , 319 - 325, 30.07.2019



  • [1] C. Batlle, Ignacio J. Perez-Arriaga, “Design criteria for implementing a capacity mechanism in deregulated electricity markets” Utilities Policy Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2008, Pages 184-193[2] A. D. Baddeley, Denıse Scott, Rosemary Drynan and Janet C. Smıth, “Short‐Term Memory and The Lımıted Capacıty Hypothesıs”, British Journal of Psychology, Volume 60, Issue 1,[3] M. Cepeda, D. Finon, “How to correct for long-term externalities of large-scale wind power development by a capacity mechanism” Energy Policy Volume 61, October 2013, Pages 671-685,[4] Igor K. Shesho, Risto V. Filkoski and Done J. Tashevski, “Techno-Economic and Environmental Optimization of Heat Supply Systems in Urban Areas” Thermal Science: 2018, Vol. 22, Suppl. 5, pp. S1635-S1647[5] Bingtuan G., Xiaofeng L., Cheng W. and Yi T., “Game-theoretic energy management with storage capacity optimization in the smart grids” J. Mod. Power Syst. Clean Energy (2018) 6(4):656–667[6] D. Finona, V. Pignonb, “Electricity and long-term capacity adequacy: The quest for regulatory mechanism compatible with electricity market”, Utilities Policy, Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2008, Pages 143-158,[7] H. Chao, “Demand Response in Wholesale Electricity Markets: The Choice of the Consumer Baseline,” Journal of Regulatory Economics, (2011). [8] W. Hogan William “Electricity Market Design Energy and Capacity Markets and Resource Adequacy”, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University, 2015[9] Dario Garozzo, Giuseppe Marco Tina and Dezso Sera, “Comparison of The Reactive Control Strategies in Low Voltage Network with Photovoltaic Generation and Storage” Thermaal Science: 2018, Vol. 22, Suppl. 3, pp. S887-S896[10] Bin L., Xingchen L., Xiaoqing B. and Zhineng L., “Storage capacity allocation strategy for distribution network with distributed photovoltaic generators”, J. Mod. Power Syst. Clean Energy (2018) 6(6):1234–1243[11] J. Grigorjeva, “Capacıty Mechanısms In the Eu: Natıonalızıng Energy Securıty”, Jacques Delors Institut – Polıcy Paper, 134, Berlin, 21 MAY 2015[12] S. Andoura, J.A. Vinois, “From the European Energy Community to the Energy Union, A Policy Proposal for the short and long-term”, Policy Paper No. 107, Jacques Delors Institute, January 2015.[13] ACER (2013), The Agency for The Cooperation of Energy Regulators, Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms and The Internal Market for Electricity Of 30 July 2013 Pursuant to Article 11 Of Regulation (Ec) No 713/2009[14] European Commission, DG Energy, Energy Union Package. A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy, February 2015.[15] European Commission, DG Energy, Energy Union Package. Achieving 10% electricity interconnection target, February 2015.[16] S. Biricik, “Design of Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution Network”, Balkan Journal Of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2018[17] G. Erbach, Briefing, “Capacity mechanisms for electricity”, European parliament, May 2017.

The Impact of Emerging Renewable Energy on Capacity Mechanisms in Power Systems and Expert Opinion

Year 2019, , 319 - 325, 30.07.2019


With the increasing
energy demand, the growing capacity of renewable energy sources and the impact
of developing competition, it is desirable to manage the market with
appropriate investments along with the electricity market and optimum load
distribution. In line with this demand, supply security and energy quality play
an important role day by day. This includes the production capacity and the
long-term security of the system, reflecting the system's ability to stand in
unexpected events and sudden load changes. The demand side seems to have
insufficient support to the market for new capacity planning to ensure this
coverage. This problem can be solved by producing additional capacity.
Basically, it is aimed to reduce investment risk for production companies and /
or investors and to provide higher supply security and lower price fluctuations
to consumers. The concern of not investing in electricity generation capacity
to meet the maximum load level has led to investments in capacity utilization
in the form of capacity mechanisms of developed and developing states. In this
study, an academic analysis of the capacity mechanism of the renewable energy
resources and the capacity analysis of the capacity mechanism were made and
expert opinions were presented, the latest developments in the energy market
were examined and the reliability solutions that could be appropriate to the
national electricity market were proposed


  • [1] C. Batlle, Ignacio J. Perez-Arriaga, “Design criteria for implementing a capacity mechanism in deregulated electricity markets” Utilities Policy Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2008, Pages 184-193[2] A. D. Baddeley, Denıse Scott, Rosemary Drynan and Janet C. Smıth, “Short‐Term Memory and The Lımıted Capacıty Hypothesıs”, British Journal of Psychology, Volume 60, Issue 1,[3] M. Cepeda, D. Finon, “How to correct for long-term externalities of large-scale wind power development by a capacity mechanism” Energy Policy Volume 61, October 2013, Pages 671-685,[4] Igor K. Shesho, Risto V. Filkoski and Done J. Tashevski, “Techno-Economic and Environmental Optimization of Heat Supply Systems in Urban Areas” Thermal Science: 2018, Vol. 22, Suppl. 5, pp. S1635-S1647[5] Bingtuan G., Xiaofeng L., Cheng W. and Yi T., “Game-theoretic energy management with storage capacity optimization in the smart grids” J. Mod. Power Syst. Clean Energy (2018) 6(4):656–667[6] D. Finona, V. Pignonb, “Electricity and long-term capacity adequacy: The quest for regulatory mechanism compatible with electricity market”, Utilities Policy, Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2008, Pages 143-158,[7] H. Chao, “Demand Response in Wholesale Electricity Markets: The Choice of the Consumer Baseline,” Journal of Regulatory Economics, (2011). [8] W. Hogan William “Electricity Market Design Energy and Capacity Markets and Resource Adequacy”, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University, 2015[9] Dario Garozzo, Giuseppe Marco Tina and Dezso Sera, “Comparison of The Reactive Control Strategies in Low Voltage Network with Photovoltaic Generation and Storage” Thermaal Science: 2018, Vol. 22, Suppl. 3, pp. S887-S896[10] Bin L., Xingchen L., Xiaoqing B. and Zhineng L., “Storage capacity allocation strategy for distribution network with distributed photovoltaic generators”, J. Mod. Power Syst. Clean Energy (2018) 6(6):1234–1243[11] J. Grigorjeva, “Capacıty Mechanısms In the Eu: Natıonalızıng Energy Securıty”, Jacques Delors Institut – Polıcy Paper, 134, Berlin, 21 MAY 2015[12] S. Andoura, J.A. Vinois, “From the European Energy Community to the Energy Union, A Policy Proposal for the short and long-term”, Policy Paper No. 107, Jacques Delors Institute, January 2015.[13] ACER (2013), The Agency for The Cooperation of Energy Regulators, Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms and The Internal Market for Electricity Of 30 July 2013 Pursuant to Article 11 Of Regulation (Ec) No 713/2009[14] European Commission, DG Energy, Energy Union Package. A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy, February 2015.[15] European Commission, DG Energy, Energy Union Package. Achieving 10% electricity interconnection target, February 2015.[16] S. Biricik, “Design of Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution Network”, Balkan Journal Of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2018[17] G. Erbach, Briefing, “Capacity mechanisms for electricity”, European parliament, May 2017.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Articlessi

Mehmet Rıda Tür 0000-0001-5688-4624

Publication Date July 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Tür, M. R. (2019). The Impact of Emerging Renewable Energy on Capacity Mechanisms in Power Systems and Expert Opinion. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(3), 319-325.

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