Determination of the Optimum Hybrid Renewable Power System: A case study of Istanbul Gedik University Gedik Vocational School
Year 2019,
, 456 - 463, 30.10.2019
Onur Akar
Ümit Kemalettin Terzi
Burhanettin Koray Tunçalp
Temel Sönmezocak
In this study, Hybrid
Renewable Power System (HRPS) has been designed to meet the energy requirement
of Istanbul Gedik University Vocational School (IGUVS) in an optimum way. The
energy requirement will be achieved mainly with wind and solar power generation
system. The hybrid regenerative power system will be requested from the network
when it can’t meet its energy needs. The optimum configuration of
grid-connected solar/wind hybrid power generation system will be determined by
considering the wind speed data and solar radiation data of the location of
IGUVS. Moreover, sensitivity analysis will be carried out taking into
consideration the wind speed and solar radiation values. If the optimum hybrid
power generation system specified is used, the carbon emission values obtained
will be examined.
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- H.U.R Habib, S. Wang, M.R. Elkadeem, M.F. Elmorshedy, “Design Optimization and Model Predictive Control of a Standalone Hybrid Renewable Energy System: A Case Study on a Small Residential Load in Pakistan”, IEEE Access, Volume 7, August 2019, pp. 117369-117390.
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- G.V.J. Bussel, S.M. Mertens, “Small Wind Turbines for The Built Environment. The Fourth European& African Conference on Wind Engineering”, ITAMASCR, 11-15 July,1-9; 2005.
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- S.B. Efe, B. Kocaman, “Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynaklı Hibrit Sistemin Fiziksel Olarak Gerçeklenmesi ve Analizi”, 5th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science 29-30 September 2017 (ISITES2017) Baku, Azerbaijan, 2017.
- B. Dursun, C. Gokcol, I. Umut, E. Ucar, S. Kocabey, “Techno-Economic Evaluation of a Hybrid PV-Wind Power Generation System”, Intern. Journ. of Green Energy, 2013; pp. 117–136.
- Istanbul Meteoroloji 1.Bölge Müdürlüğü Son 20 yıl Aylık, Ortalama Rüzgar Hızı ve Güneş Global Radyasyon Değerleri, Turkish State Meteorological Service Report, Istanbul, 2011.
- N. Koca, “Using hybrid energy at home”, Sakarya Univ. M.Sc. Thesis, 2006.
- O. Akar, U.K. Terzi, “Yapı Tabanlı Mikro Dağıtılmış Enerji Üretim Sistemleri”, 3e Electrotech Journal. 223, pp. 210-220,2013.22
- Sharp Electronics Corporation, 2015. 08.07.2018
- Swepic, 2018. Accessed 08.07.2018
- Mean Well, 2018., Taiwan, Accessed 08.07.2018
- P. Yilmaz, M.H. Hocaoglu, A.E.S. Konukman “A Pre-feasibility Case Study on Integrated Resource Planning Including Renewables”, Energy. Policy, 2008.
- The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Exchange Rates,2018. 08.07.2018
Year 2019,
, 456 - 463, 30.10.2019
Onur Akar
Ümit Kemalettin Terzi
Burhanettin Koray Tunçalp
Temel Sönmezocak
- J.S. Ojo, P.A. Owolawi, A.M. Atoye, “Designing a Green Power Delivery System for Base Transceiver Stations in Southwestern Nigeria”, SAIEE Africa Research Journal, Volume 110, March 2019, pp.19-25.
- S. Sayın, “The Significance of the use of renewable energy in our country’s building sector and the opportunities of utilizing of solar energy in buildings”, Selcuk Univ. M.Sc. Thesis; 2006.
- T. Adefarati, R.C. Bansal, “Application of renewable energy resources in a microgrid power system”, The Journal of Engineering, 2019, pp.5308-5313.
- I. Das, C.A. Cañizares, “Renewable Energy Integration in Diesel-Based Microgrids at the Canadian Arctic”, Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 107, Sept. 2019, pp. 1838-1856.
- M. Altın, “Research on the Architectural Use of Photovoltaic (PV) Components in Turkey from the Viewpoint of Building Shape”, Dokuz Eylul Univ. Ph.D. Thesis; 2005.
- H.U.R Habib, S. Wang, M.R. Elkadeem, M.F. Elmorshedy, “Design Optimization and Model Predictive Control of a Standalone Hybrid Renewable Energy System: A Case Study on a Small Residential Load in Pakistan”, IEEE Access, Volume 7, August 2019, pp. 117369-117390.
- IEA Renewable energy: 2018.
- R. Singh, R.C. Bansal, “Optimization of an Autonomous Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Reformed Electric System Cascade Analysis”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 15, Jan. 2019, pp.399-409.
- O. Akar, “Technical and Economical Analysis of Renewable Energy Resources Based Electricity Generation And Usage In Smart Buildings”, Marmara Univ. M.Sc. Thesis; 2011.
- I. Yuksek, T. Esin, “Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynaklarının Yapılarda Kullanım Olanakları”, 5thInternational Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’ 09), Karabuk, 2009.
- A. Parida, S. Choudhury, D. Chatterjee, “Microgrid Based Hybrid Energy Co-Operative for Grid-Isolated Remote Rural Village Power Supply for East Coast Zone of India”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Volume 9, no 3, July 2018, pp.1375-1383.
- A. Kumar, A.R. Singh, Y. Deng, X. He, P. Kumar, R.C. Bansal, “Multiyear Load Growth Based Techno-Financial Evaluation of a Microgrid for an Academic Institution”, IEEE Access, Volume 6, June, 2018, pp.37533-37555.
- G. Celebi, “Bina Düşey Kabuğunda Fotovoltaik Panellerin Kullanım İlkeleri”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2002, pp. 17-33.
- G. Kocaslan, “Energy resources in Turkey and the research of wind energy as an alternative technology”, Istanbul Univ. M.Sc. Thesis, 2002.
- M.H. Gunel, H.E.Ilgın, “Bir Mimari Tasarım Kriteri Olarak Rüzgar Enerjisi Kullanımı”, Journal of Ege Architecture. Izmir, 6-11; 2008.
- G.V.J. Bussel, S.M. Mertens, “Small Wind Turbines for The Built Environment. The Fourth European& African Conference on Wind Engineering”, ITAMASCR, 11-15 July,1-9; 2005.
- B. Dursun, “Determination of the optimum hybrid renewable power generating systems for Kavakli Campus of Kirklareli University”, Turkey. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2012; 16, pp.6183–6190.
- S.B. Efe, B. Kocaman, “Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynaklı Hibrit Sistemin Fiziksel Olarak Gerçeklenmesi ve Analizi”, 5th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science 29-30 September 2017 (ISITES2017) Baku, Azerbaijan, 2017.
- B. Dursun, C. Gokcol, I. Umut, E. Ucar, S. Kocabey, “Techno-Economic Evaluation of a Hybrid PV-Wind Power Generation System”, Intern. Journ. of Green Energy, 2013; pp. 117–136.
- Istanbul Meteoroloji 1.Bölge Müdürlüğü Son 20 yıl Aylık, Ortalama Rüzgar Hızı ve Güneş Global Radyasyon Değerleri, Turkish State Meteorological Service Report, Istanbul, 2011.
- N. Koca, “Using hybrid energy at home”, Sakarya Univ. M.Sc. Thesis, 2006.
- O. Akar, U.K. Terzi, “Yapı Tabanlı Mikro Dağıtılmış Enerji Üretim Sistemleri”, 3e Electrotech Journal. 223, pp. 210-220,2013.22
- Sharp Electronics Corporation, 2015. 08.07.2018
- Swepic, 2018. Accessed 08.07.2018
- Mean Well, 2018., Taiwan, Accessed 08.07.2018
- P. Yilmaz, M.H. Hocaoglu, A.E.S. Konukman “A Pre-feasibility Case Study on Integrated Resource Planning Including Renewables”, Energy. Policy, 2008.
- The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Exchange Rates,2018. 08.07.2018