Research Article
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Year 2020, , 272 - 284, 30.07.2020


Supporting Institution

Galatasaray Üniversitesi - BAP

Project Number



Galatasaray Üniversitesi - Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri


  • [1] M. Satyanarayanan, P. Bahl, R. Cáceres and N. Davies, "The case for VM-based cloudlets in mobile computing," IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2009.
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  • [3] E. Uhlemann, "Introducing connected vehicles [Connected vehicles]," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2015.
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  • [6] C. Y. Chang, "MAC protocols in vehicular ad hoc networks," in Telematics Communication Technologies and Vehicular Networks: Wireless Architectures and Applications, 2009.
  • [7] R. Barskar and M. Chawla, "Vehicular Ad hoc Networks and its Applications in Diversified Fields," International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015.
  • [8] M. Saini, A. Alelaiwi and A. El Saddik, "How close are we to realizing a pragmatic VANET solution? A meta-survey," ACM Computing Surveys, 2015.
  • [9] M. Satyanarayanan, "Edge computing for situational awareness," in IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, 2017.
  • [10] L. C. Bento, R. Parafita and U. Nunes, "Intelligent traffic management at intersections supported by V2V and V2I communications," in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, 2012.
  • [11] K. Katsaros, R. Kernchen, M. Dianati and D. Rieck, "Performance study of a Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) application using an integrated cooperative ITS simulation platform," in IWCMC 2011 - 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2011.
  • [12] C. Letter and L. Elefteriadou, "Efficient control of fully automated connected vehicles at freeway merge segments," Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 80, pp. 190-205, 1 7 2017.
  • [13] C.-H. Hong and B. Varghese, "Resource Management in Fog/Edge Computing: A Survey on Architectures, Infrastructure, and Algorithms," ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 52, no. 5, 9 2019.
  • [14] P. Mach and Z. Becvar, Mobile Edge Computing: A Survey on Architecture and Computation Offloading, 2017.
  • [15] C. Sonmez, A. Ozgovde and C. Ersoy, "EdgeCloudSim: An environment for performance evaluation of edge computing systems," Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2018.
  • [16] O. Trullols, M. Fiore, C. Casetti, C. F. Chiasserini and J. M. Barcelo Ordinas, "Planning roadside infrastructure for information dissemination in intelligent transportation systems," Computer Communications, 2010.
  • [17] B. Aslam, F. Amjad and C. C. Zou, "Optimal roadside units placement in urban areas for vehicular networks," in Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2012.
  • [18] N. M. Balouchzahi, M. Fathy and A. Akbari, "Optimal road side units placement model based on binary integer programming for efficient traffic information advertisement and discovery in vehicular environment," IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2015.
  • [19] T. J. Wu, W. Liao and C. J. Chang, "A cost-effective strategy for road-side unit placement in vehicular networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2012.
  • [20] R. Yu, Y. Zhang, S. Gjessing, W. Xia and K. Yang, "Toward Cloud-based vehicular networks with efficient resource management," IEEE Network, 2013.
  • [21] S. K. Datta, R. P. F. Da Costa, J. Harri and C. Bonnet, "Integrating connected vehicles in Internet of Things ecosystems: Challenges and solutions," in WoWMoM 2016 - 17th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, 2016.
  • [22] M. A. Salahuddin, A. Al-Fuqaha, M. Guizani and S. Cherkaoui, "RSU cloud and its resource management in support of enhanced vehicular applications," in 2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2014, 2014.
  • [23] P. A. Lopez, M. Behrisch, L. Bieker-Walz, J. Erdmann, Y. P. Flotterod, R. Hilbrich, L. Lucken, J. Rummel, P. Wagner and E. Wiebner, "Microscopic Traffic Simulation using SUMO," in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, 2018.
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Effect of RSU Placement on Autonomous Vehicle V2I Scenarios

Year 2020, , 272 - 284, 30.07.2020


Edge computing has become a prominent computing strategy as mobile devices and Internet of Things (IoT) became popular in the last decade where cloud computing proved partly insufficient meeting the computational requirements of these devices/applications. Unlike cloud, edge computing can provide low latency in communication, high quality of service, and support for high mobility. Connected and autonomous vehicles scenarios can be considered as an important application field for edge computing as these are the key requirements to implement a vehicular network. In this paper, we aim to present a remedy to one of the crucial problems in vehicular networks: efficient RSU placement by addressing network coverage and computational demand. We propose an RSU placement framework for generating placement models based on traffic characteristics of a target area. Our work differs from previous studies in that we focus on both communication coverage and the computational demand aspects simultaneously. The proposed framework in this study can be used by infrastructure providers for designing an efficient RSU placement while building a smart city. Moreover, our work includes extending capabilities of a simulation framework designed for edge computing scenarios. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal we evaluated the performance of various placement models in realistic settings.

Project Number



  • [1] M. Satyanarayanan, P. Bahl, R. Cáceres and N. Davies, "The case for VM-based cloudlets in mobile computing," IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2009.
  • [2] P. Corcoran and S. K. Datta, "Mobile-Edge Computing and the Internet of Things for Consumers: Extending cloud computing and services to the edge of the network.," IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2016.
  • [3] E. Uhlemann, "Introducing connected vehicles [Connected vehicles]," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2015.
  • [4] J. Santa, A. Moragón and A. F. Gómez-Skarmeta, "Experimental evaluation of a novel vehicular communication paradigm based on cellular networks," in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings, 2008.
  • [5] S. Zeadally, R. Hunt, Y.-S. Chen, A. Irwin and A. Hassan, "Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETS): status, results, and challenges," Telecommunication Systems, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 217-241, 2012.
  • [6] C. Y. Chang, "MAC protocols in vehicular ad hoc networks," in Telematics Communication Technologies and Vehicular Networks: Wireless Architectures and Applications, 2009.
  • [7] R. Barskar and M. Chawla, "Vehicular Ad hoc Networks and its Applications in Diversified Fields," International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015.
  • [8] M. Saini, A. Alelaiwi and A. El Saddik, "How close are we to realizing a pragmatic VANET solution? A meta-survey," ACM Computing Surveys, 2015.
  • [9] M. Satyanarayanan, "Edge computing for situational awareness," in IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, 2017.
  • [10] L. C. Bento, R. Parafita and U. Nunes, "Intelligent traffic management at intersections supported by V2V and V2I communications," in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, 2012.
  • [11] K. Katsaros, R. Kernchen, M. Dianati and D. Rieck, "Performance study of a Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) application using an integrated cooperative ITS simulation platform," in IWCMC 2011 - 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2011.
  • [12] C. Letter and L. Elefteriadou, "Efficient control of fully automated connected vehicles at freeway merge segments," Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 80, pp. 190-205, 1 7 2017.
  • [13] C.-H. Hong and B. Varghese, "Resource Management in Fog/Edge Computing: A Survey on Architectures, Infrastructure, and Algorithms," ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 52, no. 5, 9 2019.
  • [14] P. Mach and Z. Becvar, Mobile Edge Computing: A Survey on Architecture and Computation Offloading, 2017.
  • [15] C. Sonmez, A. Ozgovde and C. Ersoy, "EdgeCloudSim: An environment for performance evaluation of edge computing systems," Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2018.
  • [16] O. Trullols, M. Fiore, C. Casetti, C. F. Chiasserini and J. M. Barcelo Ordinas, "Planning roadside infrastructure for information dissemination in intelligent transportation systems," Computer Communications, 2010.
  • [17] B. Aslam, F. Amjad and C. C. Zou, "Optimal roadside units placement in urban areas for vehicular networks," in Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2012.
  • [18] N. M. Balouchzahi, M. Fathy and A. Akbari, "Optimal road side units placement model based on binary integer programming for efficient traffic information advertisement and discovery in vehicular environment," IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2015.
  • [19] T. J. Wu, W. Liao and C. J. Chang, "A cost-effective strategy for road-side unit placement in vehicular networks," IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2012.
  • [20] R. Yu, Y. Zhang, S. Gjessing, W. Xia and K. Yang, "Toward Cloud-based vehicular networks with efficient resource management," IEEE Network, 2013.
  • [21] S. K. Datta, R. P. F. Da Costa, J. Harri and C. Bonnet, "Integrating connected vehicles in Internet of Things ecosystems: Challenges and solutions," in WoWMoM 2016 - 17th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, 2016.
  • [22] M. A. Salahuddin, A. Al-Fuqaha, M. Guizani and S. Cherkaoui, "RSU cloud and its resource management in support of enhanced vehicular applications," in 2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2014, 2014.
  • [23] P. A. Lopez, M. Behrisch, L. Bieker-Walz, J. Erdmann, Y. P. Flotterod, R. Hilbrich, L. Lucken, J. Rummel, P. Wagner and E. Wiebner, "Microscopic Traffic Simulation using SUMO," in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, 2018.
  • [24] A. K. Ligo, J. M. Peha, P. Ferreira and J. Barros, "Comparison between Benefits and Costs of Offload of Mobile Internet Traffic Via Vehicular Networks," in 43rd Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, 2015.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Computer Software
Journal Section Araştırma Articlessi

Barış Kara 0000-0002-2759-7447

Bahri Atay Özgövde 0000-0001-9688-766X

Project Number 18.401.003
Publication Date July 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kara, B., & Özgövde, B. A. (2020). Effect of RSU Placement on Autonomous Vehicle V2I Scenarios. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 8(3), 272-284.

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