Research Article
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Year 2020, , 300 - 306, 30.10.2020



  • [1] T.C. Akinci, “The Defect Detection in Ceramic Materials Based on Time-Frequency Analysis by Using the Method of Impulse Noise” Archives of Acoustics, Vol.36, No.1, 2011, pp.1–9.
  • [2] T.C. Akinci, H.S. Nogay, O. Yilmaz, “Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Defect Detection in Ceramic Materials Archieves of Acoustics”, Vol. 37, No.3, 2012, pp.279-286.
  • [3] T.C. Akinci, S. Seker, R. Gurbuz, E. Guseinoviene, E., “Spectral and Statistical Analysis for Ceramic Plate Specimens Subjected to Impact”, Solid State Phenomena .199, 2013, pp.621-626.
  • [4] O. Akgun, T.C. Akinci, H.S. Nogay, S. Seker, “The defect detection in ceramic materials based on wavelet analysis by using the method of impulse noise”, JVE Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol.15, No.2, 2013, pp.818-825.
  • [5] L. Montanaro, N. Bianchini, J.Ma Rincon, M. Romero, “Sintering Behaviour of Pressed Red Mud Wastes from Zinc Hydrometallurgy”, Ceram. Int., 27, 2001, pp. 29-37. [6] M. Romero, J. Ma Rincón, S. Musik, V. Kozhukharov, “Mössbauer Effect and X-ray Distribution Function Analysis in Complex Na2O-CaO-ZnO-PbO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 Glasses and Glass-Ceramics” Mater. Res. Bull., 34, 1998, pp. 1107-1115.
  • [7] A. Karamanov, M. Pelino, G. Taglieri, C. Cantalani, “Sintered Building Glass-Ceramics Based on Jarosite”, XVIII International Congress on Glass, San Francisco (USA), July 5-10, 1998, The American Ceramic Society, Ohio, M. K. Choudhary, N. T. Huff and Ch. H. Drummond III (Eds.).
  • [8] C. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton, “Ceramic Materials”, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC., 2007, pp.4-10.
  • [9] R. Brian, “Lawn Indentation of Ceramics with Spheres: A Century after Hertz”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 81, No.8, 1998, pp. 1977–94 .
  • [10] R.O. Ritchie, “Mechanisms of fatigue-crack propagation in ductile and brittle solids”, International Journal of Fracture, 100, 1999, pp. 55–83.
  • [11] P.D. Zavattieri, H.D. Espinosa, “Grain Level Analysis Of Crack Initiation And Propagation In Brittle Materials”, Acta mater., 49, 2001, pp. 4291–4311.
  • [12] M. Suzuki, K. Ogawa, T. Shoji, “Quantitative NDE of Surface Cracks in Ceramic Materials by means of a High-Frequency Electromagnetic Wave”, Materials Transactions, Vol.47, No.6, 2006, pp. 1605-1610.
  • [13] J.J. Kruzic, O.R. Robert, “Determining the Toughness of Ceramics from Vickers Indentations Using the Crack-Opening Displacements: An Experimental Study”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol.86, No.8, 2003, pp. 1433–36.
  • [14] M.A. Aswad, “Comparison of the Fracture Toughness of High Temperature Ceramic measured by Digital Image Correlation and Indentation Method”, Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences, Vol. 22,No.4, 2014.
  • [15] F. Mignard, C. Olagnon, G. Fantozzi, “Acoustic emission monitoring of damage evaluation in ceramics submitted to thermal shock” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol.15, No.7, 1995, pp. 651–653.
  • [16] K. Ito, S. Ohmata, S., K. Kobayashi, M. Watanabe, S. Kuroda, M. Enoki, “Crack Monitoring during Plasma Spraying of Ceramic Coatings by Non-Contact Acoustic Emission Method”, Materials Transactions, Vol.51, No.7, 2010, pp. 1272- 1276.
  • [17] W.P. Ganley, “Simple pendulum approximation”, Am. J. Phys. Vol.53, No.1, 1985, pp.73–76.
  • [18] T.C. Akinci, O. Yilmaz, T. Kaynas, M. Ozgiray, S. Seker, “Defect Detection for Ceramic Materials bey Continuous Wavelet Analysis Mechanika”, Prooceedings of the 16th International Conference, 7-8 April 2011, Kaunas Lithuana, pp.9-14.
  • [19] R. Başar, Ü. Artan, A. Akan, “Higher-Order Evolutionary Spectral Analysis”, IEEE ICASSP 6, 2003, pp. 633-636.
  • [20] B. Ergen, Y. Tatar, “The Bispectral Analysis of Phonocardiogram Signals”, Biomedical Engineering National Meeting Biyomut Istanbul, Turkey , 2004, pp. 11-14.
  • [21] J.M. Nichols, C.C. Olson, J.V. Michalowicz, F. Bucholtz, “The Bispectrum and Bicoherence for Quadratically Nonlinear Systems Subject to Non-Gaussian Inputs”, Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 57, No.10, 2009, pp. 3879-3890.
  • [22] C.L. Nikias, “Higher-OrderSpectra Analysis”, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1993
  • [23] B. Jang, C. Shin, E.J. Powers, W.M. Grady, “Machine fault detection using bicoherence spectra”, Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC 04. Proceedings of the 21st IEEE 3 2004, pp. 1661-1666
  • [24] K. Han, K.R. Tinsley, J. Aguilar-Torrentera, “Identification of high speed jittered digital interconnects using bicoherence spectra”, Devices, Circuits and Systems,. ICCDCS 2008. 7th International Caribbean Conference on, 2008, pp. 1- 4.

Damage Detection in Ceramic Materials Using Bicoherence Analysis

Year 2020, , 300 - 306, 30.10.2020


In this study, Bicoherence method was applied to analyze the state of 6 ceramic plates made from the same material is cracked or not. Of all six plates, while 1 consisted of an undamaged plate, the other 5 comprised of cracked plates. Cracks in damages plates have non-identical deformations. The centre points of the plates were applied to shock at equal severity by means of the pendulum. The sound, which emerged as a result of the impact, was recorded and transferred to the data processing environment. A single bicoherence peak was observed at the centre of the durable plate and more than one peak was seen in the cracked plates by the analysis conducted, in addition, their magnitudes were so much smaller than those of durable plates. While large rising magnitudes were formed at the centre on the bi-coherence plane of the durable ceramic plate, more than one bicoherence peaks, with low magnitudes, were formed on the cracked ceramic plates. Differentiation and feature extraction can clearly be identified in the feature diagonal slice analysis of the cracked plates with the bicoherence analysis carried out. While maximum bicoherence coordinates were formed in the coordinate centre of the durable ceramic plate, deviation from the centre presented itself in the cracked ceramic plates.


  • [1] T.C. Akinci, “The Defect Detection in Ceramic Materials Based on Time-Frequency Analysis by Using the Method of Impulse Noise” Archives of Acoustics, Vol.36, No.1, 2011, pp.1–9.
  • [2] T.C. Akinci, H.S. Nogay, O. Yilmaz, “Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Defect Detection in Ceramic Materials Archieves of Acoustics”, Vol. 37, No.3, 2012, pp.279-286.
  • [3] T.C. Akinci, S. Seker, R. Gurbuz, E. Guseinoviene, E., “Spectral and Statistical Analysis for Ceramic Plate Specimens Subjected to Impact”, Solid State Phenomena .199, 2013, pp.621-626.
  • [4] O. Akgun, T.C. Akinci, H.S. Nogay, S. Seker, “The defect detection in ceramic materials based on wavelet analysis by using the method of impulse noise”, JVE Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol.15, No.2, 2013, pp.818-825.
  • [5] L. Montanaro, N. Bianchini, J.Ma Rincon, M. Romero, “Sintering Behaviour of Pressed Red Mud Wastes from Zinc Hydrometallurgy”, Ceram. Int., 27, 2001, pp. 29-37. [6] M. Romero, J. Ma Rincón, S. Musik, V. Kozhukharov, “Mössbauer Effect and X-ray Distribution Function Analysis in Complex Na2O-CaO-ZnO-PbO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 Glasses and Glass-Ceramics” Mater. Res. Bull., 34, 1998, pp. 1107-1115.
  • [7] A. Karamanov, M. Pelino, G. Taglieri, C. Cantalani, “Sintered Building Glass-Ceramics Based on Jarosite”, XVIII International Congress on Glass, San Francisco (USA), July 5-10, 1998, The American Ceramic Society, Ohio, M. K. Choudhary, N. T. Huff and Ch. H. Drummond III (Eds.).
  • [8] C. Barry Carter, M. Grant Norton, “Ceramic Materials”, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC., 2007, pp.4-10.
  • [9] R. Brian, “Lawn Indentation of Ceramics with Spheres: A Century after Hertz”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 81, No.8, 1998, pp. 1977–94 .
  • [10] R.O. Ritchie, “Mechanisms of fatigue-crack propagation in ductile and brittle solids”, International Journal of Fracture, 100, 1999, pp. 55–83.
  • [11] P.D. Zavattieri, H.D. Espinosa, “Grain Level Analysis Of Crack Initiation And Propagation In Brittle Materials”, Acta mater., 49, 2001, pp. 4291–4311.
  • [12] M. Suzuki, K. Ogawa, T. Shoji, “Quantitative NDE of Surface Cracks in Ceramic Materials by means of a High-Frequency Electromagnetic Wave”, Materials Transactions, Vol.47, No.6, 2006, pp. 1605-1610.
  • [13] J.J. Kruzic, O.R. Robert, “Determining the Toughness of Ceramics from Vickers Indentations Using the Crack-Opening Displacements: An Experimental Study”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol.86, No.8, 2003, pp. 1433–36.
  • [14] M.A. Aswad, “Comparison of the Fracture Toughness of High Temperature Ceramic measured by Digital Image Correlation and Indentation Method”, Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences, Vol. 22,No.4, 2014.
  • [15] F. Mignard, C. Olagnon, G. Fantozzi, “Acoustic emission monitoring of damage evaluation in ceramics submitted to thermal shock” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol.15, No.7, 1995, pp. 651–653.
  • [16] K. Ito, S. Ohmata, S., K. Kobayashi, M. Watanabe, S. Kuroda, M. Enoki, “Crack Monitoring during Plasma Spraying of Ceramic Coatings by Non-Contact Acoustic Emission Method”, Materials Transactions, Vol.51, No.7, 2010, pp. 1272- 1276.
  • [17] W.P. Ganley, “Simple pendulum approximation”, Am. J. Phys. Vol.53, No.1, 1985, pp.73–76.
  • [18] T.C. Akinci, O. Yilmaz, T. Kaynas, M. Ozgiray, S. Seker, “Defect Detection for Ceramic Materials bey Continuous Wavelet Analysis Mechanika”, Prooceedings of the 16th International Conference, 7-8 April 2011, Kaunas Lithuana, pp.9-14.
  • [19] R. Başar, Ü. Artan, A. Akan, “Higher-Order Evolutionary Spectral Analysis”, IEEE ICASSP 6, 2003, pp. 633-636.
  • [20] B. Ergen, Y. Tatar, “The Bispectral Analysis of Phonocardiogram Signals”, Biomedical Engineering National Meeting Biyomut Istanbul, Turkey , 2004, pp. 11-14.
  • [21] J.M. Nichols, C.C. Olson, J.V. Michalowicz, F. Bucholtz, “The Bispectrum and Bicoherence for Quadratically Nonlinear Systems Subject to Non-Gaussian Inputs”, Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 57, No.10, 2009, pp. 3879-3890.
  • [22] C.L. Nikias, “Higher-OrderSpectra Analysis”, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1993
  • [23] B. Jang, C. Shin, E.J. Powers, W.M. Grady, “Machine fault detection using bicoherence spectra”, Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC 04. Proceedings of the 21st IEEE 3 2004, pp. 1661-1666
  • [24] K. Han, K.R. Tinsley, J. Aguilar-Torrentera, “Identification of high speed jittered digital interconnects using bicoherence spectra”, Devices, Circuits and Systems,. ICCDCS 2008. 7th International Caribbean Conference on, 2008, pp. 1- 4.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Articlessi

Ömer Akgün 0000-0003-3486-2197

Publication Date October 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Akgün, Ö. (2020). Damage Detection in Ceramic Materials Using Bicoherence Analysis. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 8(4), 300-306.

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