Year 2022,
, 97 - 105, 30.01.2022
Behçet Kocaman
Yunus Yiğit
- [1] M. F. Tuysuz , M. Ucan, R.. Trestian. “A real-time power monitoring and energy-efficient network/interface selection tool for android smartphones”. Journal of Network and Computer Application, vol.127, 2019, pp.107-121.
- [2] P. A. Kowalska, K. Byrka. “Determinants of the Willingness to Energy Monitoring by Residential Consumers: A Case Study in the City of Wroclaw in Poland”. Energies, vol.12.5, 2019,907.
- [3] F. Al-Turjman, C. Altrjman, S. Din, A. Paul,. Energy monitoring in IoT-based ad hoc networks: An overview. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2019, vol.76, pp.133–142.
- [4] M.A. Devlin, B.P. Hayes. “Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring and Classification of Activities of Daily Living using Residential Smart Meter Data”. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,vol 65.3, 2019, pp.339-348.
- [5] A.M. Elsayed, M.M.Hegab, S.M. Farrag. “Smart residential load management technique for distribution systems’ performance enhancement and consumers’ satisfaction achievement”. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 29.4,2019, pp.1-23.
[6] P.K. Neelima, S.Suvarna, M.Roja, D.Madhusudhan. “Smart Energy and Overload Tracking Using Labview”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol.7.6, 2018, pp. 2828-2834.
- [7] C. Nutthaka, L. Monthon, B. Suttipong, C. Chow. “Design and Implementation of a smart monitoring system of a modern renewable energy micro-grid system using a low-cost data acquisition system and LabVIEWTM program”. Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, vol 7.1, 2017, pp. 142-152.
- [8] S.S.Mohamed, A.A.Ahmad, A.M. Abdulwadoud, O.E.Mohamed. “Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Smart Home Automation System Based on Arduino Microcontroller Kit and LabVIEW Platform”. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.12.18,2017, pp. 7259-7264.
- [9] K.G.Samit, P.B.Natarajan, B.P.Sankata. “Intelligent Smart Home Automation System based on LabVIEW”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 120. 6,2018, pp.339-348.
- [10] P. Ali, R.B. Hamid, E.I. Mohamad, B.G. Gevork, J.M. Guerrero. “Real-time simulator and ofine/online closed-loop test bed for power system modeling and development”. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol.122.106203, 2020, pp.1-16.
- [11] K.M.E. Galera, O.E. Llantos. “Mobile Web Energy Monitoring System Using DFRduino Uno”. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 124, 2017,706–713.
- [12] N. Hnin, Z.M.T. Thaung, M.T. Hla. “Automatic Energy Control And Monitoring System For Building”. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, vol. 5.6, 2016, pp.125-129.
- [13] R. Govindarajan, S. Meikandasivam, D.Vijayakumar. “Energy Monitoring System Using Zigbee and Arduino”. International Journal of Engineering & Technology Sciences, vol.7.4, 2018, pp.608-611.
- [14] S. Sadowski, P. Spachos. “Wireless technologies for smart agricultural monitoring using internet of things devices with energy harvesting capabilities”. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol.172.105338, 2020, pp.1-8.
- [15] O.S.Shereefdeen, O.O. Kehinde, M.Ismail. “Design and Implementation of Home Appliance Energy Monitoring Device”. International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering (IJEEPSE),vol. 2.2,2019, pp. 1-6.
- [16] S.K. Omar, K.A. Ahmed. “Real-Time Power Measurements In Smart Building Monitoring System”, Journal of University of Duhok (Pure and Eng. Sciences), vol. 20.1, 2017, pp.142-151.
[17] M.M. Jabbar, A. Van den Bossche, C.R. Farhood. “A Smart Voltage and Current Monitoring System for Three Phase Inverters Using an Android Smartphone Application”. Sensors (Basel), vol.17.4, 2017, pp.2-16.
- [18] Fluke: Power Quality, (2020). [Online] Available: [Accessed: 2020].
- [19] E-commerce: (2020) [Online] Available: [Accessed: 2020].
- [20] R. Akkan, “Relay Coordination And Selection of Breaker Example of Ihsaniye”. Afyon Kocatepe University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,2019.
- [21] Chint: Brief Katalog [Online] Available: [Accessed: 2020].
Real-Time Monitoring, Analysis and Control of Power Parameters in Residential Houses Using LabVIEW
Year 2022,
, 97 - 105, 30.01.2022
Behçet Kocaman
Yunus Yiğit
Electrical energy consumed in residential has an important value in total consumption. For this reason, monitoring and control of the electricity consumed in the residential offers a significant potential for energy saving. In this study, the power parameters of the linear and nonlinear loads used in the residential have measured, analyzed and controlled in real time. Thanks to real-time monitoring, analysis and control of power parameters ensure efficient use of energy. For this, power parameters of the loads used have transferred to the computer thanks to the data acquisition card. A visual interface has been created with the software designed in the Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) program so that the data transferred to the computer can be monitored and controlled instantly.
- [1] M. F. Tuysuz , M. Ucan, R.. Trestian. “A real-time power monitoring and energy-efficient network/interface selection tool for android smartphones”. Journal of Network and Computer Application, vol.127, 2019, pp.107-121.
- [2] P. A. Kowalska, K. Byrka. “Determinants of the Willingness to Energy Monitoring by Residential Consumers: A Case Study in the City of Wroclaw in Poland”. Energies, vol.12.5, 2019,907.
- [3] F. Al-Turjman, C. Altrjman, S. Din, A. Paul,. Energy monitoring in IoT-based ad hoc networks: An overview. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2019, vol.76, pp.133–142.
- [4] M.A. Devlin, B.P. Hayes. “Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring and Classification of Activities of Daily Living using Residential Smart Meter Data”. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,vol 65.3, 2019, pp.339-348.
- [5] A.M. Elsayed, M.M.Hegab, S.M. Farrag. “Smart residential load management technique for distribution systems’ performance enhancement and consumers’ satisfaction achievement”. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 29.4,2019, pp.1-23.
[6] P.K. Neelima, S.Suvarna, M.Roja, D.Madhusudhan. “Smart Energy and Overload Tracking Using Labview”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, vol.7.6, 2018, pp. 2828-2834.
- [7] C. Nutthaka, L. Monthon, B. Suttipong, C. Chow. “Design and Implementation of a smart monitoring system of a modern renewable energy micro-grid system using a low-cost data acquisition system and LabVIEWTM program”. Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, vol 7.1, 2017, pp. 142-152.
- [8] S.S.Mohamed, A.A.Ahmad, A.M. Abdulwadoud, O.E.Mohamed. “Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Smart Home Automation System Based on Arduino Microcontroller Kit and LabVIEW Platform”. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.12.18,2017, pp. 7259-7264.
- [9] K.G.Samit, P.B.Natarajan, B.P.Sankata. “Intelligent Smart Home Automation System based on LabVIEW”. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 120. 6,2018, pp.339-348.
- [10] P. Ali, R.B. Hamid, E.I. Mohamad, B.G. Gevork, J.M. Guerrero. “Real-time simulator and ofine/online closed-loop test bed for power system modeling and development”. Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol.122.106203, 2020, pp.1-16.
- [11] K.M.E. Galera, O.E. Llantos. “Mobile Web Energy Monitoring System Using DFRduino Uno”. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 124, 2017,706–713.
- [12] N. Hnin, Z.M.T. Thaung, M.T. Hla. “Automatic Energy Control And Monitoring System For Building”. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, vol. 5.6, 2016, pp.125-129.
- [13] R. Govindarajan, S. Meikandasivam, D.Vijayakumar. “Energy Monitoring System Using Zigbee and Arduino”. International Journal of Engineering & Technology Sciences, vol.7.4, 2018, pp.608-611.
- [14] S. Sadowski, P. Spachos. “Wireless technologies for smart agricultural monitoring using internet of things devices with energy harvesting capabilities”. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol.172.105338, 2020, pp.1-8.
- [15] O.S.Shereefdeen, O.O. Kehinde, M.Ismail. “Design and Implementation of Home Appliance Energy Monitoring Device”. International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering (IJEEPSE),vol. 2.2,2019, pp. 1-6.
- [16] S.K. Omar, K.A. Ahmed. “Real-Time Power Measurements In Smart Building Monitoring System”, Journal of University of Duhok (Pure and Eng. Sciences), vol. 20.1, 2017, pp.142-151.
[17] M.M. Jabbar, A. Van den Bossche, C.R. Farhood. “A Smart Voltage and Current Monitoring System for Three Phase Inverters Using an Android Smartphone Application”. Sensors (Basel), vol.17.4, 2017, pp.2-16.
- [18] Fluke: Power Quality, (2020). [Online] Available: [Accessed: 2020].
- [19] E-commerce: (2020) [Online] Available: [Accessed: 2020].
- [20] R. Akkan, “Relay Coordination And Selection of Breaker Example of Ihsaniye”. Afyon Kocatepe University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,2019.
- [21] Chint: Brief Katalog [Online] Available: [Accessed: 2020].