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Ameliyathane İçinde ve Dışında Çalışan Tıp Asistalarında Tükenmişlik, Öfke Yönetimi ve İş Stresinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, , 525 - 531, 25.12.2024


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı cerrahi (ameliyathanede) ve dahiliye asistanlarında iş stresi, tükenmişlik ve öfke yönetimini karşılaştırmak, ayrıca tükenmişlik, öfke yönetimi ve iş stresi arasında ilişki olup olmadığını değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Etik kurul onayını takiben cerrahi ve dahiliye asistanlarından iş stresi, Kopenhag tükenmişlik ölçeği ve öfke yönetimi ile ilgili çevrimiçi bir anket doldurmaları istendi. Bulgular: Toplam 139 asistan (cerrahi, n=74 ve dahiliye, n=65) için cutoff değerine göre tükenmişlik düzeyi %73 olup, cerrahi asistanlarında dahiliye asistanlarına göre daha yüksek prevalans gözlendi (%77 ve %68, p=0.01). Toplam ve işe bağlı tükenmişlik, sürekli öfke ve iş stresi ölçeklerinin cerrahi grupta anlamlı olarak daha yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Tükenmişlik tüm asistanlarda değerlendirildiğinde iş stresi ölçeği ile güçlü, öfke ile orta düzeyde bir korelasyon gösterdi. İş stresi ölçeği de öfkeyle orta düzeyde korelasyon gösterdi. İş stresi (p=0.019) ve kişisel tükenmişliğin (p=0.002) kadınlarda, özellikle cerrahi asistanlarında, erkeklere göre daha yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç: Bu çalışma, cerrahi asistanlarında (ameliyathanede) tükenmişlik, iş stresi ve sürekli öfkenin dahiliye asistanlarına göre daha yüksek olduğunu, ayrıca tükenmişliğin iş stresi ile güçlü, öfke ile orta düzeyde bir korelasyona sahip olduğunu gösterdi.


  • Abi-Jaoudé, J. G., Kennedy-Metz, L. R., Dias, R. D., Yule, S. J., & Zenati, M. A. (2022). Measuring and improving emotional intelligence in surgery: A systematic review. Annals of surgery, 275(2), e353–e360.
  • Aktaş, A.M. (2001). Bir kamu kuruluşunun üst düzey yöneticilerinin iş stresi ve kişilik özellikleri. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF, 56(4).
  • Alahmari, M. A., Al Moaleem, M. M., Hamdi, B. A., Hamzi, M. A., Aljadaani, A. T., Khormi, F. A., Darraj, M. A., Shrwani, R. J., AlOmar, A. A., Tahhah, M. K., Alyousefy, M. A., & Al Sanabani, F. A. (2022). Prevalence of burnout in healthcare specialties: A systematic review using copenhagen and Maslach Burnout Inventories. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 28, e938798.
  • Bianchi, R., Boffy, C., Hingray, C., Truchot, D., & Laurent, E. (2013). Comparative symptomatology of burnout and depression. Journal of health psychology, 18(6), 782–787.
  • Borritz, M., Rugulies, R., Bjorner, J. B., Villadsen, E., Mikkelsen, O. A., & Kristensen, T. S. (2006). Burnout among employees in human service work: Design and baseline findings of the PUMA study. Scandinavian journal of public health, 34(1), 49–58.
  • Chong, M. Y. F., Lin, S. H. X., Lim, W. Y., Ong, J., Kam, P. C. A., & Ong, S. G. K. (2022). Burnout in anaesthesiology residencies: A systematic review of its prevalence and stressors. European journal of anaesthesiology, 39(4), 368–377.
  • Cochran, A., & Elder, W. B. (2014). A model of disruptive surgeon behavior in the perioperative environment. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 219(3), 390-98. 05.011.
  • De Hert S. (2020). Burnout in healthcare workers: Prevalence, impact and preventative strategies. Local and Regional Anesthesia, 13, 171–183.
  • Edú-Valsania, S., Laguía, A., & Moriano, J. A. (2022). Burnout: A review of theory and measurement. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1780.
  • Grover, S., Adarsh, H., Naskar, C., & Varadharajan, N. (2018). Physician burnout: A review. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 23(2), 78-85. DOI: 10.4103/jmhhb.jmhhb_47_19
  • Golisch, K. B., Sanders, J. M., Rzhetsky, A., & Tatebe, L. C. (2023). Addressing surgeon burnout through a multi-level approach: A national call to action. Current Trauma Reports, 9(2), 28–39.
  • Haynes, S.G., Feinleib, M., & Kannel, W.B. (1980). The relationship of psychosocial factors to coronary heart disease in the Framingham Study. III. Eight-year incidence of coronary heart disease. American Journal of Epidemiology, 111(1), 37–58.
  • Knight, R. G., Chisholm, B. J., Paulin, J. M., & Waal-Manning, H. J. (1988). The Spielberger Anger Expression Scale: some psychometric data. The British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27(3), 279–281.
  • Kocer, E., Kocer, A., & Canan, F. (2011). Anger management and factors that influence anger in physicians. Balkan Medical Journal, 2011(1), 62-68.
  • Kristensen, T. S., Borritz, M., Villadsen, E., & Christensen, K. B. (2005). The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory: A new tool for the assessment of burnout. Work & Stress, 19(3), 192–207.
  • Low, Z. X., Yeo, K. A., Sharma, V. K., Leung, G. K., McIntyre, R. S., Guerrero, A., Lu, B., Sin Fai Lam, C. C., Tran, B. X., Nguyen, L. H., Ho, C. S., Tam, W. W., & Ho, R. C. (2019). Prevalence of burnout in medical and surgical residencies: A meta-analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(9), 1479.
  • Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (2016). Understanding the burnout experience: Recent research and its implications for psychiatry. World Psychiatry: Official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 15(2):103-111.
  • Navinés, R., Olivé, V., Fonseca, F., & Martín-Santos, R. (2021). Job stress and residencies burnout, before and during the COVID-19 pandemia: An up-date. Medicina clinica (English ed.), 157(3), 130–140.
  • Ozer, K. (1994). Preliminary study of trait anger (SL-Anger) and anger expression style scales. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 9, 26-35.
  • Mahoney, S. T., Strassle, P. D., Schroen, A. T., Agans, R. P., Turner, P. L., Meyer, A. A., Freischlag, J. A., & Brownstein, M. R. (2020). Survey of the US Surgeon Workforce: Practice Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and Reasons for Leaving Surgery. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 230(3), 283–293.e1.
  • Sabih, Q.,Cappuccino, H., Edge, S.,& Takabe, K.(2023). Burnout in the women surgical trainee; Is it time to consider a more global approach to tackle this issue? Surgery in Practice and Science, 13:100162.
  • Satar, S., Cenkseven, F., Karcioglu, O., Topal, M., & Sebe, A. (2005). An investigation of the anger levels of residencies: Medical compared with surgical disciplines. Postgraduate medical journal, 81(960), 653–656.
  • Shalaby, R., Oluwasina, F., Eboreime, E., El Gindi, H., Agyapong, B., Hrabok, M., Dhanoa, S., Kim, E., Nwachukwu, I., Abba-Aji, A., Li, D., & Agyapong, V. I. O. (2023). Burnout among residencies: Prevalence and Predictors of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion and professional unfulfillment among residencies doctors in canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3677.
  • Sen, B., Sen, S., Alkut Kurum, S.,& Kurt Omurlu, İ. (2018). The effect of emotional intelligence on anger management among anesthesiologists, surgeons and internal medicine physicians. Medical Science and Discovery, 5(6), 229-233.
  • Spielberger, C.D., Jacobs, G.A., Russell, S., Crane, R.S.(1983) Assessment of anger: The state-trait anger scale. In: JN Butcher, CD Spielberger,eds. Advances in Personality Assessment, vol 2. Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Stodolska, A., Wójcik, G., Barańska, I., Kijowska, V., & Szczerbińska, K. (2023). Prevalence of burnout among healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic and associated factors - a scoping review. International Journal of Occupational Medicine And Environmental Health, 36(1), 21–58.
  • Yuan, J. H., Huang, Y., Rosgen, B. K., Donnelly, S., Lan, X., & Katz, S. J. (2023). Burnout and fatigue amongst internal medicine residencies: A cross-sectional study on the impact of alternative scheduling models on residencies wellness. PloS One, 18(9), e0291457.
  • Wan, Z., Tang, J., Bai, X., Cao, Y., Zhang, D., Su, T., Zhou, Y., Qiao, L., Shen, K., Wang, L., Tian, X., & Wang, J. (2024). Burnout among radiology residencies: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European radiology, 34(2), 1399–1407.
  • World Health Organization. (2022). ICD-11: International classification of diseases (11th revision).
  • Yeo, H., Bucholz, E., Ann Sosa, J., Curry, L., Lewis, F. R., Jr, Jones, A. T., Viola, K., Lin, Z., & Bell, R. H., Jr (2010). A national study of attrition in general surgery training: Which residencies leave and where do they go?. Annals of surgery, 252(3), 529–536.

Evaluation of Burnout, Anger Management and Job Stress in Medical Residencies Working in and Outside the Operating Room

Year 2024, , 525 - 531, 25.12.2024


Objective: The aim of the study is to compare job stress, burnout and anger management in surgical (in the operating room) and internal medicine residencies, and also to evaluate whether there is a relationship between burnout, anger management and job stress. Materials and Methods: Following ethics committee approval, surgical and internal medicine residencies were asked to fill out an online survey regarding job stress, Copenhagen burnout scale, and anger management. Results: The burnout level according to the cutoff value for a total of 139 residencies (surgery, n=74 and internal medicine, n=65) was 73%, and also higher prevalence was observed in surgical residencies than in internal medicine residencies (77% and 68%, p=0.01). It was determined that total and work-related burnout, trait anger and job stress scales were significantly higher in the surgical group. When burnout was evaluated in all residencies, it showed a strong correlation with the job stress scale and a moderate correlation with anger. The job stress scale also showed moderate correlation with anger. Job stress (p=0.019) and personal burnout (p=0.002) were found to be higher in women, especially surgical residencies, than in men. Conclusion: In this study showed that burnout, job stress, and trait anger were higher in surgical residencies (in the operating room) than in internal medicine residencies, and burnout had a strong correlation with job stress and a moderate correlation with anger.


  • Abi-Jaoudé, J. G., Kennedy-Metz, L. R., Dias, R. D., Yule, S. J., & Zenati, M. A. (2022). Measuring and improving emotional intelligence in surgery: A systematic review. Annals of surgery, 275(2), e353–e360.
  • Aktaş, A.M. (2001). Bir kamu kuruluşunun üst düzey yöneticilerinin iş stresi ve kişilik özellikleri. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF, 56(4).
  • Alahmari, M. A., Al Moaleem, M. M., Hamdi, B. A., Hamzi, M. A., Aljadaani, A. T., Khormi, F. A., Darraj, M. A., Shrwani, R. J., AlOmar, A. A., Tahhah, M. K., Alyousefy, M. A., & Al Sanabani, F. A. (2022). Prevalence of burnout in healthcare specialties: A systematic review using copenhagen and Maslach Burnout Inventories. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 28, e938798.
  • Bianchi, R., Boffy, C., Hingray, C., Truchot, D., & Laurent, E. (2013). Comparative symptomatology of burnout and depression. Journal of health psychology, 18(6), 782–787.
  • Borritz, M., Rugulies, R., Bjorner, J. B., Villadsen, E., Mikkelsen, O. A., & Kristensen, T. S. (2006). Burnout among employees in human service work: Design and baseline findings of the PUMA study. Scandinavian journal of public health, 34(1), 49–58.
  • Chong, M. Y. F., Lin, S. H. X., Lim, W. Y., Ong, J., Kam, P. C. A., & Ong, S. G. K. (2022). Burnout in anaesthesiology residencies: A systematic review of its prevalence and stressors. European journal of anaesthesiology, 39(4), 368–377.
  • Cochran, A., & Elder, W. B. (2014). A model of disruptive surgeon behavior in the perioperative environment. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 219(3), 390-98. 05.011.
  • De Hert S. (2020). Burnout in healthcare workers: Prevalence, impact and preventative strategies. Local and Regional Anesthesia, 13, 171–183.
  • Edú-Valsania, S., Laguía, A., & Moriano, J. A. (2022). Burnout: A review of theory and measurement. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1780.
  • Grover, S., Adarsh, H., Naskar, C., & Varadharajan, N. (2018). Physician burnout: A review. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 23(2), 78-85. DOI: 10.4103/jmhhb.jmhhb_47_19
  • Golisch, K. B., Sanders, J. M., Rzhetsky, A., & Tatebe, L. C. (2023). Addressing surgeon burnout through a multi-level approach: A national call to action. Current Trauma Reports, 9(2), 28–39.
  • Haynes, S.G., Feinleib, M., & Kannel, W.B. (1980). The relationship of psychosocial factors to coronary heart disease in the Framingham Study. III. Eight-year incidence of coronary heart disease. American Journal of Epidemiology, 111(1), 37–58.
  • Knight, R. G., Chisholm, B. J., Paulin, J. M., & Waal-Manning, H. J. (1988). The Spielberger Anger Expression Scale: some psychometric data. The British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 27(3), 279–281.
  • Kocer, E., Kocer, A., & Canan, F. (2011). Anger management and factors that influence anger in physicians. Balkan Medical Journal, 2011(1), 62-68.
  • Kristensen, T. S., Borritz, M., Villadsen, E., & Christensen, K. B. (2005). The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory: A new tool for the assessment of burnout. Work & Stress, 19(3), 192–207.
  • Low, Z. X., Yeo, K. A., Sharma, V. K., Leung, G. K., McIntyre, R. S., Guerrero, A., Lu, B., Sin Fai Lam, C. C., Tran, B. X., Nguyen, L. H., Ho, C. S., Tam, W. W., & Ho, R. C. (2019). Prevalence of burnout in medical and surgical residencies: A meta-analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(9), 1479.
  • Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (2016). Understanding the burnout experience: Recent research and its implications for psychiatry. World Psychiatry: Official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 15(2):103-111.
  • Navinés, R., Olivé, V., Fonseca, F., & Martín-Santos, R. (2021). Job stress and residencies burnout, before and during the COVID-19 pandemia: An up-date. Medicina clinica (English ed.), 157(3), 130–140.
  • Ozer, K. (1994). Preliminary study of trait anger (SL-Anger) and anger expression style scales. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 9, 26-35.
  • Mahoney, S. T., Strassle, P. D., Schroen, A. T., Agans, R. P., Turner, P. L., Meyer, A. A., Freischlag, J. A., & Brownstein, M. R. (2020). Survey of the US Surgeon Workforce: Practice Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and Reasons for Leaving Surgery. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 230(3), 283–293.e1.
  • Sabih, Q.,Cappuccino, H., Edge, S.,& Takabe, K.(2023). Burnout in the women surgical trainee; Is it time to consider a more global approach to tackle this issue? Surgery in Practice and Science, 13:100162.
  • Satar, S., Cenkseven, F., Karcioglu, O., Topal, M., & Sebe, A. (2005). An investigation of the anger levels of residencies: Medical compared with surgical disciplines. Postgraduate medical journal, 81(960), 653–656.
  • Shalaby, R., Oluwasina, F., Eboreime, E., El Gindi, H., Agyapong, B., Hrabok, M., Dhanoa, S., Kim, E., Nwachukwu, I., Abba-Aji, A., Li, D., & Agyapong, V. I. O. (2023). Burnout among residencies: Prevalence and Predictors of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion and professional unfulfillment among residencies doctors in canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3677.
  • Sen, B., Sen, S., Alkut Kurum, S.,& Kurt Omurlu, İ. (2018). The effect of emotional intelligence on anger management among anesthesiologists, surgeons and internal medicine physicians. Medical Science and Discovery, 5(6), 229-233.
  • Spielberger, C.D., Jacobs, G.A., Russell, S., Crane, R.S.(1983) Assessment of anger: The state-trait anger scale. In: JN Butcher, CD Spielberger,eds. Advances in Personality Assessment, vol 2. Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Stodolska, A., Wójcik, G., Barańska, I., Kijowska, V., & Szczerbińska, K. (2023). Prevalence of burnout among healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic and associated factors - a scoping review. International Journal of Occupational Medicine And Environmental Health, 36(1), 21–58.
  • Yuan, J. H., Huang, Y., Rosgen, B. K., Donnelly, S., Lan, X., & Katz, S. J. (2023). Burnout and fatigue amongst internal medicine residencies: A cross-sectional study on the impact of alternative scheduling models on residencies wellness. PloS One, 18(9), e0291457.
  • Wan, Z., Tang, J., Bai, X., Cao, Y., Zhang, D., Su, T., Zhou, Y., Qiao, L., Shen, K., Wang, L., Tian, X., & Wang, J. (2024). Burnout among radiology residencies: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European radiology, 34(2), 1399–1407.
  • World Health Organization. (2022). ICD-11: International classification of diseases (11th revision).
  • Yeo, H., Bucholz, E., Ann Sosa, J., Curry, L., Lewis, F. R., Jr, Jones, A. T., Viola, K., Lin, Z., & Bell, R. H., Jr (2010). A national study of attrition in general surgery training: Which residencies leave and where do they go?. Annals of surgery, 252(3), 529–536.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Behavioural Epidemiology, Occupational Epidemiology
Journal Section Articles

Cemil Bülent Şen This is me 0000-0003-1752-1876

Selda Şen 0000-0001-7452-9888

İmran Kurt Omurlu 0000-0003-2887-6656

Mustafa Atile This is me 0009-0004-4227-8569

Murat Demircioğlu This is me 0000-0002-0474-2138

Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date February 23, 2024
Acceptance Date July 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Şen, C. B., Şen, S., Kurt Omurlu, İ., Atile, M., et al. (2024). Evaluation of Burnout, Anger Management and Job Stress in Medical Residencies Working in and Outside the Operating Room. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 525-531.

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