Research Article
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Attitudes and Care Experiences of Nurses and Midwives Towards Obese Pregnant Women: A Qualitative Study

Year 2024, , 657 - 665, 25.12.2024


Objective: The aim of this study is to examine and explain the attitudes and care experiences of nurses/midwives towards obese pregnant women in detail. Materials and Methods: This is a qualitative study that uses a phenomenological approach. The study included 30 nurses and midwives who were involved in the care of obese pregnant women. The research data were collected with the descriptive data form and semi-structured questionnaire by the researchers through face-to-face interviews. The data were analyzed using the theoretical thematic analysis technique. Results: Four main themes emerged from the data as experience, reaction, prejudice, and stigmatization. According to the results of the study, most of the midwives/nurses stated that they had negative care experiences with obese pregnant women. Many nurses and midwives stated that obese pregnant women have a high risk of complications, have difficulty in their care, and increase the workload. In addition, participants described obese pregnant women with expressions such as sick individual, immobile, gets tired quickly, and cannot breastfeed. Conclusion: In general, according to these results, it was determined that nurses/midwives mostly had negative care experiences towards obese pregnant women, were prejudiced against obese pregnant women and stigmatized them.

Project Number



  • Aksoy, S. D., Dutucu, N., Özdilek, R., & Acar Bektaş, H. (2022). The effects of musculoskeletal disorders on professional quality of life among midwives working in delivery rooms. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 26(2), 110-115.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Bjørsmo, E. H., Sandsæter, H. L., & Horn, J. (2022). Knowledge, experiences and attitudes of midwives in maternity care in encounters with pregnant women with obesity- are adverse childhood experiences understood and explored as a contributing factor? Midwifery, 114, 103461.
  • Charnley, M. S., McCann, M. T., Newson, L., Rooney, J. S., Burden, C., & Abayomi, J. C. (2017). Midwives perceptions, knowledge and experiences of providing nutritional advice to pregnant women with obesity. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 76(OCE3), E80.
  • Christenson, A., Torgerson, J., & Hemmingsson, E. (2020). Attitudes and beliefs in Swedish midwives and obstetricians towards obesity and gestational weight management. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), 1-9.
  • Dieterich, R., & Demirci, J. (2020). Communication practices of healthcare professionals when caring for overweight/obese pregnant women: A scoping review. Patient Education and Counseling, 103(10), 1902-1912.
  • Du, M. C., Ouyang, Y. Q., Nie, X. F., Huang, Y., & Redding, S. R. (2019). Effects of physical exercise during pregnancy on maternal and infant outcomes in overweight and obese pregnant women: A meta-analysis. Birth, 46(2), 211-221.
  • Ellis, J. A., Brown, C. M., Barger, B., & Carlson, N. S. (2019). Influence of maternal obesity on labor induction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, 64(1), 55-67.
  • Garner, C. D., Ratcliff, S. L., Devine, C. M., Thornburg, L. L., & Rasmussen, K. M. (2014). Health professionals' experiences providing breastfeeding-related care for obese women. Breastfeeding Medicine, 9(10), 503-509.
  • Grube, M., Keitel-Korndörfer, A., Bergmann, S., Wendt, V., von Klitzing, K., & Petroff, D. (2016). Breastfeeding in obese versus normal-weight German mothers of various socioeconomic status. Journal of Human Lactation, 32(3), 546-550.
  • Kerrigan, A., Kingdon, C., & Cheyne, H. (2015). Obesity and normal birth: A qualitative study of clinician’s management of obese pregnant women during labour. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 15, 256.
  • Knight-Agarwal, C. R., Williams, L. T., Davis, D., Davey, R., Shepherd, R., Downing, A., & Lawson, K. (2016). The perspectives of obese women receiving antenatal care: A qualitative study of women’s experiences. Women and Birth, 29(2), 189-195.
  • Okuyucu, K., Gyi, D., Hignett, S., & Doshani, A. (2019). Midwives are getting hurt: UK survey of the prevalence and risk factors for developing musculoskeletal symptoms. Midwifery, 79, 102546.
  • Paredes, C., Hsu, R. C., Tong, A., & Johnson, J. R. (2021). Obesity and pregnancy. Neoreviews, 22(2), e78-e87.
  • Phelan, S. M., Burgess, D. J., Yeazel, M. W., Hellerstedt, W. L., Griffin, J. M., & van Ryn, M. (2015). Impact of weight bias and stigma on quality of care and outcomes for patients with obesity. Obesity Reviews, 16(4), 319-326.
  • Tomiyama, A. J., Carr, D., Granberg, E. M., Major, B., Robinson, E., Sutin, A. R., & Brewis, A. (2018). How and why weight stigma drives the obesity “epidemic” and harms health. BMC Medicine, 16(1), 123.
  • Wennberg, A. L., Hamberg, K., & Hörnsten, A. (2014). Midwives’ strategies in challenging dietary and weight counselling situations. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 5(3), 107-112.
  • Yan, J., Liu, L., Zhu, Y., Huang, G., & Wang, P. P. (2014). The association between breastfeeding and childhood obesity: a meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 13(14), 1267.
  • Yilmaz, H. Ö., & Yabanci Ayhan, N. (2019). Is there prejudice against obese persons among health professionals? A sample of student nurses and registered nurses. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 5(2), 262-268.

Hemşire ve Ebelerin Obez Gebelere Yönelik Tutumları ve Bakım Deneyimleri: Nitel Bir Çalışma

Year 2024, , 657 - 665, 25.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, hemşire/ebelerin obez gebelere yönelik tutumlarını ve bakım deneyimlerini ayrıntılı olarak incelemek ve açıklamaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma fenomenolojik yaklaşımın kullanıldığı nitel bir çalışmadır. Çalışmaya obez gebelerin bakımında yer alan 30 hemşire ve ebe dahil edilmiştir. Araştırma verileri, tanımlayıcı veri formu ve yarı yapılandırılmış soru formu ile araştırmacılar tarafından yüz yüze görüşme yoluyla toplanmıştır. Veriler teorik tematik analiz tekniği kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Verilerden deneyim, tepki, önyargı ve damgalama olmak üzere dört ana tema belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, hemşire/ebelerin çoğu obez gebelerle yönelik olumsuz bakım deneyimleri olduğunu belirtmiştir. Birçok hemşire ve ebe, obez gebelerin komplikasyon riskinin yüksek olduğunu, bakımlarında zorluk yaşadıklarını ve iş yükünü artırdıklarını belirtmiştir. Ayrıca katılımcılar obez gebeleri; hasta birey, hareketsiz, çabuk yorulan, emziremeyen gibi ifadelerle tanımlamışlardır. Sonuç: Genel olarak bu sonuçlara göre hemşire/ebelerin obez gebelere yönelik çoğunlukla olumsuz bakım deneyimlerinin olduğu, obez gebelere karşı önyargılı oldukları ve onları damgaladıkları belirlenmiştir.

Project Number



  • Aksoy, S. D., Dutucu, N., Özdilek, R., & Acar Bektaş, H. (2022). The effects of musculoskeletal disorders on professional quality of life among midwives working in delivery rooms. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 26(2), 110-115.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Bjørsmo, E. H., Sandsæter, H. L., & Horn, J. (2022). Knowledge, experiences and attitudes of midwives in maternity care in encounters with pregnant women with obesity- are adverse childhood experiences understood and explored as a contributing factor? Midwifery, 114, 103461.
  • Charnley, M. S., McCann, M. T., Newson, L., Rooney, J. S., Burden, C., & Abayomi, J. C. (2017). Midwives perceptions, knowledge and experiences of providing nutritional advice to pregnant women with obesity. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 76(OCE3), E80.
  • Christenson, A., Torgerson, J., & Hemmingsson, E. (2020). Attitudes and beliefs in Swedish midwives and obstetricians towards obesity and gestational weight management. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), 1-9.
  • Dieterich, R., & Demirci, J. (2020). Communication practices of healthcare professionals when caring for overweight/obese pregnant women: A scoping review. Patient Education and Counseling, 103(10), 1902-1912.
  • Du, M. C., Ouyang, Y. Q., Nie, X. F., Huang, Y., & Redding, S. R. (2019). Effects of physical exercise during pregnancy on maternal and infant outcomes in overweight and obese pregnant women: A meta-analysis. Birth, 46(2), 211-221.
  • Ellis, J. A., Brown, C. M., Barger, B., & Carlson, N. S. (2019). Influence of maternal obesity on labor induction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, 64(1), 55-67.
  • Garner, C. D., Ratcliff, S. L., Devine, C. M., Thornburg, L. L., & Rasmussen, K. M. (2014). Health professionals' experiences providing breastfeeding-related care for obese women. Breastfeeding Medicine, 9(10), 503-509.
  • Grube, M., Keitel-Korndörfer, A., Bergmann, S., Wendt, V., von Klitzing, K., & Petroff, D. (2016). Breastfeeding in obese versus normal-weight German mothers of various socioeconomic status. Journal of Human Lactation, 32(3), 546-550.
  • Kerrigan, A., Kingdon, C., & Cheyne, H. (2015). Obesity and normal birth: A qualitative study of clinician’s management of obese pregnant women during labour. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 15, 256.
  • Knight-Agarwal, C. R., Williams, L. T., Davis, D., Davey, R., Shepherd, R., Downing, A., & Lawson, K. (2016). The perspectives of obese women receiving antenatal care: A qualitative study of women’s experiences. Women and Birth, 29(2), 189-195.
  • Okuyucu, K., Gyi, D., Hignett, S., & Doshani, A. (2019). Midwives are getting hurt: UK survey of the prevalence and risk factors for developing musculoskeletal symptoms. Midwifery, 79, 102546.
  • Paredes, C., Hsu, R. C., Tong, A., & Johnson, J. R. (2021). Obesity and pregnancy. Neoreviews, 22(2), e78-e87.
  • Phelan, S. M., Burgess, D. J., Yeazel, M. W., Hellerstedt, W. L., Griffin, J. M., & van Ryn, M. (2015). Impact of weight bias and stigma on quality of care and outcomes for patients with obesity. Obesity Reviews, 16(4), 319-326.
  • Tomiyama, A. J., Carr, D., Granberg, E. M., Major, B., Robinson, E., Sutin, A. R., & Brewis, A. (2018). How and why weight stigma drives the obesity “epidemic” and harms health. BMC Medicine, 16(1), 123.
  • Wennberg, A. L., Hamberg, K., & Hörnsten, A. (2014). Midwives’ strategies in challenging dietary and weight counselling situations. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 5(3), 107-112.
  • Yan, J., Liu, L., Zhu, Y., Huang, G., & Wang, P. P. (2014). The association between breastfeeding and childhood obesity: a meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 13(14), 1267.
  • Yilmaz, H. Ö., & Yabanci Ayhan, N. (2019). Is there prejudice against obese persons among health professionals? A sample of student nurses and registered nurses. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 5(2), 262-268.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing
Journal Section Articles

Çiğdem Bilge 0000-0002-8120-6216

Rabia Atilla 0000-0003-2854-9508

Meltem Mecdi Kaydırak 0000-0002-6877-0269

Project Number Yok
Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date April 3, 2024
Acceptance Date November 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Bilge, Ç., Atilla, R., & Mecdi Kaydırak, M. (2024). Attitudes and Care Experiences of Nurses and Midwives Towards Obese Pregnant Women: A Qualitative Study. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 657-665.

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