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Yenidoğanın Acil Servise Başvuru Nedenleri ve Triyaj İncelemesi

Year 2024, , 595 - 603, 25.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı yenidoğanın acil başvuru nedenlerinin incelenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma bir kamu hastanesi çocuk acil servisine 01.01.2020-31.12.2022 tarihleri arasında başvuran 0-28 günlük (n=4212) yenidoğanların kayıtları üzerinden gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analizler SPSS 26.0 programı kullanılarak, tanımlayıcı veriler sayı, yüzde ortalama ile sunulmuş, kategorik veriler ki kare testi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Anlamlılık düzeyi p<0.05 kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: Başvuruların %28.9’u (n=1217) 2020 yılında, %36.7’si (n=1545) 2021 yılında, %34.4’ü (n=1450) 2022 yılında olmuştur. Başvurular sonbahar aylarında artış göstermekte, en sık görülen tanıların sağlıklı bebek muayenesi ve sarılık olduğu görülmektedir. Yıllar içinde başvurusu sayısına bakıldığında 2021 yılında 1-7 günlük başvuruların daha fazla olduğu (χ2=10.470, p=0.005), sağlıklı bebek muayenesinin anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği, sarılığın ise 2020 yılında düşük olduğu, huzursuzluk, ajitasyon ile başvuruların 2022 yılında arttığı (χ2=222.467, p=0.000) belirlenmiştir. Triyaj düzeylerine göre genellikle Sarı alan T3 başvurusunun olduğu görülmektedir. 2022 yılında sarı alan T2 başvuruların arttığı, yeşil alanın 2021 yılında düştüğü, 2021 yılında sarı alan T3 arttığı (χ2=94.526; p=0.000) hastaneye yatışların arttığı (χ2=50.029, p=0.000), 2020 yılında ölümlerin yüksek olduğu (χ2=7.388, p=0.025), görülmektedir. Sonuç: Yenidoğanlar çocuk acil servislerini önemli ölçüde kullanmakta olup özellikle sonbahar mevsiminde başvurular artmaktadır. Başvurular sağlıklı bebek muayenesi ve sarılık nedeniyle başvurular daha sık olmaktadır.


  • Akçay, G., & Gül, Ö. (2022). Evaluation of demographic and clinical features of cases readmitted to the pediatric emergency department. Journal of Health Academics, 9(3), 288-293.
  • Batu, E. D., Yeni, S., & Teksam, O. (2015). The factors affecting neonatal presentations to the pediatric emergency department. The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 48(5), 542-547.
  • Blakey, S. J., Lyttle, M. D., & Magnus, D. (2021). Retrospective observational study of neonatal attendances to a children's emergency department. Acta Paediatrica, 110(11), 2968-2975.
  • Bonadio, A. C., & Oliveira, R. A. (2019). Relationship between demand for emergency room care in newborns and maternal counseling about the main events in the neonatal period. American Journal of Pediatrics, 5(4), 234-239.
  • Bozlu, G., Sağcan, M. F., Çelik, Y., & Kuyucu, N. (2018). Retrospective evaluation of 624 newborns brought to the pediatric emergency department. Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences, 11(1),7-12.
  • Calado, CS, Pereira, Andreia G, Santos, Vera N, Castro, MJ Maio, José F. (2009) What Brings Newborns to the Emergency Department?: A 1-Year Study. Pediatric Emergency Care, 25(4), 244-248
  • Eser, O, Boga, A., Çalışkan, S. G., Nafile Sayman, E., Cengiz, M. & Güven, Ş. (2021). The Smallest Guests of Pediatric Emergency Newborns. Sakarya Medical Journal, 11(3), 489-495.
  • Ferreira, H., Ferreira, C., Tavares, C., & Aguiar, I. (2018). Why are newborns brought to the emergency department?. Pediatric Emergency Care, 34(12), 883-887.
  • Güneş, S., Şahin, S., Koyuncu Arslan, M., Karaca Dağ, Ö., & Anil, M. (2022). Newborn Infants Admitted to the Emergency Department: How Many Are Really Emergent? Forbes Journal of Medicine, 3(3).
  • Karakaş, N. M., Özdemir, B., Kılıç, S., & Akbulut, Ö. (2020). Reasons that bring parents to pediatric emergency department: 4-year follow-up. Osmangazi Journal of Medicine, 42(1), 67-74. 472672
  • Lee, S. H., Yoon, S. W., & Jin, J. H. (2024). Changes in emergency department utilization by neonates during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a single-center study in Korea. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal. 11(3): 107-114.
  • Montero, M. H., Sánchez, E. M., Monteagudo, F. O., Rico, J. A. Q., & Blanquer, F. A. A. (2021). ¿ Por qué acuden los neonatos al servicio de urgencias?. Actualidad Medica, 106(813), 165-176.
  • Montoro-Pérez, N., Richart-Martínez, M., & Montejano-Lozoya, R. (2023). Factors associated with the inappropriate use of the pediatric emergency department. A systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 69, 38-46.
  • Morrison, A. K., Schapira, M. M., Gorelick, M. H., Hoffmann, R. G., & Brousseau, D. C. (2014). Low caregiver health literacy is associated with higher pediatric emergency department use and nonurgent visits. Academic Pediatrics, 14(3), 309-314.
  • Pehlivanturk-Kizilkan, M., Ozsezen, B., & Batu, E. D. (2022). Factors affecting nonurgent pediatric emergency department visits and parental emergency overestimation. Pediatric Emergency Care, 38(6), 264-268.
  • Pervane, S. Ş., Çiçek, Ç., & Halil, H. (2024). Investigation of the Profile of Newborns Presenting to the Pediatric Emergency. Anatolian Journal of Emergency Medicine;7(1):32-36.
  • Silvagni, D., Baggio, L., Lo Tartaro Meragliotta, P., Soloni, P., La Fauci, G., Bovo, C., ... & Biban, P. (2021). Neonatal and pediatric emergency room visits in a tertiary center during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. Pediatric Reports, 13(2), 168-176.
  • Turan, C., Keskin, G., Turan, B., Yurtseven, A., & Saz, E. U. (2021). A prospective investigation of factors influencing neonatal visits to a Tertiary Emergency Department. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics, 56(4), 386.
  • T.C. Ministry of Health, (2022). Communiqué on the Implementation Procedures and Principles of Emergency Services in Inpatient Health Facilities. Retrieved from on July 19, 2024.
  • Yang, X., & Meng, T. (2019). Admission of full-term infants to the neonatal intensive care unit: a 9.5-year review in a tertiary teaching hospital. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 33(17), 3003–3009.
  • Yan, Q., Gong, Y., Luo, Q., Yin, X., Yang, L., Wang, H., ... & Fan, L. (2022). Effects of a smartphone-based out-of-hospital screening app for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia on neonatal readmission rates and maternal anxiety: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(11), e37843.
  • United Nations (U.N.), (2016). Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Retrieved from 20.07.2024 on July 1, 2024.

Investigation of Causes of Emergency Service Admission and Triage of the Newborn

Year 2024, , 595 - 603, 25.12.2024


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the reasons for the emergency admission of the newborn. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on the records of newborns aged 0-28 days (n=4212) admitted to the pediatric emergency department of a public hospital between 01.01.2020-31.12.2022. The analyses were performed using the SPSS 26.0 program. Descriptive data were presented as numbers, percentages, and mean, and categorical data were evaluated using the chi-square test. Significance level p<0.05 was accepted. Results: 28.9% (n=1217) of the applications were in 2020, 36.7% (n=1545) in 2021, and 34.4% (n=1450) in 2022. The number of applications increased in the fall months, and the most common diagnoses were healthy baby examinations and jaundice. Looking at the number of admissions over the years, it was determined that the number of 1-7-day admissions was higher in 2021 (χ2=10.470, p=0.005), healthy infant examination showed a significant difference, jaundice was low in 2020, and admissions with restlessness and agitation increased in 2022 (χ2=222.467, p=0.000). According to triage levels, it is seen that there are generally T3 applicants who receive a yellow area. In 2022, yellow area T2 applications increased, green area decreased in 2021, yellow area T3 increased in 2021 (χ2=94.526; p=0.000), hospitalizations increased (χ2=50.029, p=0.000), and deaths were high in 2020 (χ2=7.388, p=0.025). Conclusion: Newborns use pediatric emergency departments significantly, and admissions increase, especially in the fall season. Admissions are generally more frequent due to healthy baby examinations and jaundice.

Ethical Statement

In this study, the rules of the Declaration of Helsinki were followed, permission was obtained from the ethics committee of xxx University Health Sciences Non-Interventional Research (Date: 06.12.2022, Number: 2022/118), and permission was obtained from the chief physician of xxx Hospital (Date: 26.01.2023, Number: 2023/01).

Supporting Institution

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, manuscript writing, or decision to publish the results.


The authors would like to thank the hospital for allowing us to carry out this study.


  • Akçay, G., & Gül, Ö. (2022). Evaluation of demographic and clinical features of cases readmitted to the pediatric emergency department. Journal of Health Academics, 9(3), 288-293.
  • Batu, E. D., Yeni, S., & Teksam, O. (2015). The factors affecting neonatal presentations to the pediatric emergency department. The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 48(5), 542-547.
  • Blakey, S. J., Lyttle, M. D., & Magnus, D. (2021). Retrospective observational study of neonatal attendances to a children's emergency department. Acta Paediatrica, 110(11), 2968-2975.
  • Bonadio, A. C., & Oliveira, R. A. (2019). Relationship between demand for emergency room care in newborns and maternal counseling about the main events in the neonatal period. American Journal of Pediatrics, 5(4), 234-239.
  • Bozlu, G., Sağcan, M. F., Çelik, Y., & Kuyucu, N. (2018). Retrospective evaluation of 624 newborns brought to the pediatric emergency department. Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences, 11(1),7-12.
  • Calado, CS, Pereira, Andreia G, Santos, Vera N, Castro, MJ Maio, José F. (2009) What Brings Newborns to the Emergency Department?: A 1-Year Study. Pediatric Emergency Care, 25(4), 244-248
  • Eser, O, Boga, A., Çalışkan, S. G., Nafile Sayman, E., Cengiz, M. & Güven, Ş. (2021). The Smallest Guests of Pediatric Emergency Newborns. Sakarya Medical Journal, 11(3), 489-495.
  • Ferreira, H., Ferreira, C., Tavares, C., & Aguiar, I. (2018). Why are newborns brought to the emergency department?. Pediatric Emergency Care, 34(12), 883-887.
  • Güneş, S., Şahin, S., Koyuncu Arslan, M., Karaca Dağ, Ö., & Anil, M. (2022). Newborn Infants Admitted to the Emergency Department: How Many Are Really Emergent? Forbes Journal of Medicine, 3(3).
  • Karakaş, N. M., Özdemir, B., Kılıç, S., & Akbulut, Ö. (2020). Reasons that bring parents to pediatric emergency department: 4-year follow-up. Osmangazi Journal of Medicine, 42(1), 67-74. 472672
  • Lee, S. H., Yoon, S. W., & Jin, J. H. (2024). Changes in emergency department utilization by neonates during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a single-center study in Korea. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal. 11(3): 107-114.
  • Montero, M. H., Sánchez, E. M., Monteagudo, F. O., Rico, J. A. Q., & Blanquer, F. A. A. (2021). ¿ Por qué acuden los neonatos al servicio de urgencias?. Actualidad Medica, 106(813), 165-176.
  • Montoro-Pérez, N., Richart-Martínez, M., & Montejano-Lozoya, R. (2023). Factors associated with the inappropriate use of the pediatric emergency department. A systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 69, 38-46.
  • Morrison, A. K., Schapira, M. M., Gorelick, M. H., Hoffmann, R. G., & Brousseau, D. C. (2014). Low caregiver health literacy is associated with higher pediatric emergency department use and nonurgent visits. Academic Pediatrics, 14(3), 309-314.
  • Pehlivanturk-Kizilkan, M., Ozsezen, B., & Batu, E. D. (2022). Factors affecting nonurgent pediatric emergency department visits and parental emergency overestimation. Pediatric Emergency Care, 38(6), 264-268.
  • Pervane, S. Ş., Çiçek, Ç., & Halil, H. (2024). Investigation of the Profile of Newborns Presenting to the Pediatric Emergency. Anatolian Journal of Emergency Medicine;7(1):32-36.
  • Silvagni, D., Baggio, L., Lo Tartaro Meragliotta, P., Soloni, P., La Fauci, G., Bovo, C., ... & Biban, P. (2021). Neonatal and pediatric emergency room visits in a tertiary center during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. Pediatric Reports, 13(2), 168-176.
  • Turan, C., Keskin, G., Turan, B., Yurtseven, A., & Saz, E. U. (2021). A prospective investigation of factors influencing neonatal visits to a Tertiary Emergency Department. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics, 56(4), 386.
  • T.C. Ministry of Health, (2022). Communiqué on the Implementation Procedures and Principles of Emergency Services in Inpatient Health Facilities. Retrieved from on July 19, 2024.
  • Yang, X., & Meng, T. (2019). Admission of full-term infants to the neonatal intensive care unit: a 9.5-year review in a tertiary teaching hospital. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 33(17), 3003–3009.
  • Yan, Q., Gong, Y., Luo, Q., Yin, X., Yang, L., Wang, H., ... & Fan, L. (2022). Effects of a smartphone-based out-of-hospital screening app for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia on neonatal readmission rates and maternal anxiety: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(11), e37843.
  • United Nations (U.N.), (2016). Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Retrieved from 20.07.2024 on July 1, 2024.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Midwifery (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Esra Çevik 0000-0002-7464-439X

Gamze Erdoğan 0009-0002-4185-0725

Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date July 31, 2024
Acceptance Date September 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Çevik, E., & Erdoğan, G. (2024). Investigation of Causes of Emergency Service Admission and Triage of the Newborn. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(3), 595-603.

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