Year 2018,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 34 - 41, 30.04.2018
Perihan Şimşek
Dilek Çilingir
Nursing theories provide common language in nursing field and organize proffessional scientific knowledge by defining concepts related to nursing and explaining relation between theese concepts. Theories introduce different wiewpoint to nursing practises and researches and they allow to plan, evaluate with methodological approaches. Using nursing theories in clinics and researches strengthens scientific basis of nursing profession by systematizing body of knowledge that obtained from professional experience and nursing researches. Levine’s conservation model is one of the nursing models which are widely used worldwide. İn this model it is specified that for sustainability of health and wholeness, balance between persons internal and external environmet must be conserved. Levine explained nursing functions that provide sustaining balance and conserving wholenes by addressing in a conceptual framework. İn this review, information regarding the conceptual structure of Levine's conservation model will be presented.
- 1. Beycioğlu K, Dönmez B. Eğitim yönetiminde kuramsal bilginin üretimine ve uygulanmasına ilişkin bir değerlendirme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 2006;47(47):317-342.
- 2. Taşkın Ö, Çobanoğlu EO, Apaydın Z, Çobanoğlu H, Yılmaz B, Şahin B. Lisans öğrencilerinin kuram (teori) kavramını algılayışları. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi. 2008;25(2).
- 3. Risjord M: Nursing Knowledge: Science, Practice, and Philosophy, 2. Baskı, s.190-200, John Wiley&Sons, United Kingdom (2011).
- 4. Şengün İnan F, Üstün B, Bademli K. Türkiye’de kuram/modele dayalı hemşirelik araştırmalarının incelemesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2013;16:2.
- 5. Fawcett J, Desanto-Madeya S: Contemporary Nursing Knowledge: Analysis and Evaluation of Nursing Models and Theories, 3. Baskı, s.112-130, FA Davis, Philadelphia (2013).
- 6. McCrae N. Whither nursing models? Thevalue of nursingtheory in thecontext of evidence‐based practice and multidisciplinary healthcare. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2012;68(1):222-229.
- 7. Schaefer KM: The Conservation Model,” Alligood MR, Tomey AM (eds):Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 7. Baskı” kitabında s.225-241, MO: Mosby Elsevier, Maryland Heights (2010).
- 8. Schaefer KM: Levine’s Conservation Model in Nursing Practice, “Alligood, MR (eds): Nursingmodels: Utilization& Application, 5. Baskı” kitabında s.181-196, Mosby Elsevier, Missouri (2014).
- 9. Nursing theory. Myra Estrin Levine-Nursing Theorist. (Erişim tarihi:03.10.2016).
- 10. Schaefer KM: Levine's Conservation Model, “Walker PH, Neuman B (eds): Blue print foruse of Nursing models education, research, practice and administration 1. Baskı” kitabında, s.187–219, NLN Press,New York (1996).
- 11. Snowden A, Donnell A, Duffy T: Pioneering Theories in Nursing, 1. Baskı, s.262-266,MA Healthcare Limited, London (2010).
- 12. Wikipedia. Levine's Conservation Model for Nursing. (Erişim tarihi: 03.10.2016).
- 13. Basavanthappa BT: Nursingtheories, 1. Baskı, s.242-256, Jaypee Brothers Publishers, New Delhi (2007).
- 14. Masters, K: Nursing Theories: A Framework for Professional Practice, 2. Baskı, s.142-147, Jones&Bartlett Publishers, United States of America (2015).
- 15. Meleis AI, Simon Dean MB: Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress. 5. Baskı, s.290-297, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, China(2012).
- 16. Settle MD. Continuity of Nurse Caregivers in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Creative Nursing. 2016;22(2):121-127.
- 17. Denich M, Rubarth LB. Outcomes of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Management in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (2012). Erişim:28.09.2016,
- 18. Monsen KA, Radosevich DM, Kerr MJ, Fulkerson JA. Public health nurses tailor interventions forfamilies at risk. PublicHealthNursing. 2011;28(2):119-128.
- 19. Abumaria IM, Hastings‐Tolsma M, Sakraida TJ. Levine's conservation model: A framework for advanced gerontology nursin gpractice. InNursing Forum. 2015;50(3):179-188.
- 20. Delmore BA. Levine’s framework in long-term ventilated patients during the weaning course. Nursing science quarterly. 2006;19(3):247-258.
- 21. Mock V, Krumm S, Belcher A, Stewart K, DeWeese T, Shang, et al. Exercise during prostate cancer treatment: Effects on functional status and symptoms. In Oncology Nursing Forum. 2007;34(1).
- 22. Bana ED. Cryopreserved and Lyophylized Amniotic Fluids using Levine’s Conservation Model: A Break though in the Process of Wound Healing. Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research. 2014;10(1).
- 23. Mock V, StOurs C, Hall S, Bositis A, Tillery M, Belcher A, et al. Using a conceptual model in nursing research–mitigating fatigue in
cancer patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2007;58(5):503-512.
- 24. Leach MJ. Wound management: using Levine's conservation model toguide practice. Ostomy/Wound Management. 2006;52(8):74-80.
- 25. Chang HM, Chiang LC. Evaluating effectiveness of swaddling on physiological indicators among preterm-infants during suction period-on the application of levine's conservation model of nursing (2007). Erişim: 28.09.2016,
- 26. Mefford LC, Alligood MR. Evaluating nurse staffing patterns and neonatal intensive care unit outcome susing Levine’s Conservation Model of Nursing. Journal of Nursing Management. 2011;19(8):998-1011.
- 27. Shannon MM. A retrospective descriptive study of nursing home residents with heel eschar or blisters. Ostomy/Wound Management. 2013;59(1):20-27.
- 28. Pinto BM, Floyd A. Theories underlying health promotion interventions among cancer survivors. In Seminars in oncologynursing. 2008;24(3):153-163.
- 29. Schaefer KM: Myra Estrin Levine: The Conservation Model, “Alligood MR (eds): Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 8. Baskı” kitabında s.205-211, Elsevier Health Sciences, Missouri (2014).
Year 2018,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 34 - 41, 30.04.2018
Perihan Şimşek
Dilek Çilingir
Hemşirelik kuramları, hemşirelikle ilgili kavramları ve bu kavramlar arasındaki ilişkileri açıklayarak hemşirelik alanında ortak bir dilin kullanılmasını ve mesleğe ilişkin bilimsel bilginin düzenlenmesini sağlamaktadır. Kuramlar hemşirelik uygulamaları ve araştırmaları için farklı bakış açıları getirmekte, metodolojik bir yaklaşımla planlama ve değerlendirmeye olanak sunmaktadır. Hemşirelik kuramları, mesleki deneyimlerden ve araştırmalardan elde edilen bilgi birikiminin sistematize edilmesiyle hemşirelik mesleğinin bilimsel temelini güçlendirmektedir. Günümüzde Levine’nin koruma modeli yaygın olarak kullanılan hemşirelik modellerinden biridir. Modelde sağlığın ve bütünlüğün sürdürülebilmesi için bireyin iç ve dış çevresi arasındaki uyumun korunması gerektiği belirtilmektedir. Levine, uyumun sürdürülmesini ve bütünlüğün korunmasını sağlayıcı hemşirelik işlevlerini kavramsal bir çerçevede ele alarak açıklamaktadır. Bu derlemede Levine’nin koruma modelinin kavramsal yapısına ilişkin bilgi sunulmaktadır.
- 1. Beycioğlu K, Dönmez B. Eğitim yönetiminde kuramsal bilginin üretimine ve uygulanmasına ilişkin bir değerlendirme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 2006;47(47):317-342.
- 2. Taşkın Ö, Çobanoğlu EO, Apaydın Z, Çobanoğlu H, Yılmaz B, Şahin B. Lisans öğrencilerinin kuram (teori) kavramını algılayışları. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi. 2008;25(2).
- 3. Risjord M: Nursing Knowledge: Science, Practice, and Philosophy, 2. Baskı, s.190-200, John Wiley&Sons, United Kingdom (2011).
- 4. Şengün İnan F, Üstün B, Bademli K. Türkiye’de kuram/modele dayalı hemşirelik araştırmalarının incelemesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2013;16:2.
- 5. Fawcett J, Desanto-Madeya S: Contemporary Nursing Knowledge: Analysis and Evaluation of Nursing Models and Theories, 3. Baskı, s.112-130, FA Davis, Philadelphia (2013).
- 6. McCrae N. Whither nursing models? Thevalue of nursingtheory in thecontext of evidence‐based practice and multidisciplinary healthcare. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2012;68(1):222-229.
- 7. Schaefer KM: The Conservation Model,” Alligood MR, Tomey AM (eds):Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 7. Baskı” kitabında s.225-241, MO: Mosby Elsevier, Maryland Heights (2010).
- 8. Schaefer KM: Levine’s Conservation Model in Nursing Practice, “Alligood, MR (eds): Nursingmodels: Utilization& Application, 5. Baskı” kitabında s.181-196, Mosby Elsevier, Missouri (2014).
- 9. Nursing theory. Myra Estrin Levine-Nursing Theorist. (Erişim tarihi:03.10.2016).
- 10. Schaefer KM: Levine's Conservation Model, “Walker PH, Neuman B (eds): Blue print foruse of Nursing models education, research, practice and administration 1. Baskı” kitabında, s.187–219, NLN Press,New York (1996).
- 11. Snowden A, Donnell A, Duffy T: Pioneering Theories in Nursing, 1. Baskı, s.262-266,MA Healthcare Limited, London (2010).
- 12. Wikipedia. Levine's Conservation Model for Nursing. (Erişim tarihi: 03.10.2016).
- 13. Basavanthappa BT: Nursingtheories, 1. Baskı, s.242-256, Jaypee Brothers Publishers, New Delhi (2007).
- 14. Masters, K: Nursing Theories: A Framework for Professional Practice, 2. Baskı, s.142-147, Jones&Bartlett Publishers, United States of America (2015).
- 15. Meleis AI, Simon Dean MB: Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress. 5. Baskı, s.290-297, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, China(2012).
- 16. Settle MD. Continuity of Nurse Caregivers in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Creative Nursing. 2016;22(2):121-127.
- 17. Denich M, Rubarth LB. Outcomes of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Management in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (2012). Erişim:28.09.2016,
- 18. Monsen KA, Radosevich DM, Kerr MJ, Fulkerson JA. Public health nurses tailor interventions forfamilies at risk. PublicHealthNursing. 2011;28(2):119-128.
- 19. Abumaria IM, Hastings‐Tolsma M, Sakraida TJ. Levine's conservation model: A framework for advanced gerontology nursin gpractice. InNursing Forum. 2015;50(3):179-188.
- 20. Delmore BA. Levine’s framework in long-term ventilated patients during the weaning course. Nursing science quarterly. 2006;19(3):247-258.
- 21. Mock V, Krumm S, Belcher A, Stewart K, DeWeese T, Shang, et al. Exercise during prostate cancer treatment: Effects on functional status and symptoms. In Oncology Nursing Forum. 2007;34(1).
- 22. Bana ED. Cryopreserved and Lyophylized Amniotic Fluids using Levine’s Conservation Model: A Break though in the Process of Wound Healing. Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research. 2014;10(1).
- 23. Mock V, StOurs C, Hall S, Bositis A, Tillery M, Belcher A, et al. Using a conceptual model in nursing research–mitigating fatigue in
cancer patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2007;58(5):503-512.
- 24. Leach MJ. Wound management: using Levine's conservation model toguide practice. Ostomy/Wound Management. 2006;52(8):74-80.
- 25. Chang HM, Chiang LC. Evaluating effectiveness of swaddling on physiological indicators among preterm-infants during suction period-on the application of levine's conservation model of nursing (2007). Erişim: 28.09.2016,
- 26. Mefford LC, Alligood MR. Evaluating nurse staffing patterns and neonatal intensive care unit outcome susing Levine’s Conservation Model of Nursing. Journal of Nursing Management. 2011;19(8):998-1011.
- 27. Shannon MM. A retrospective descriptive study of nursing home residents with heel eschar or blisters. Ostomy/Wound Management. 2013;59(1):20-27.
- 28. Pinto BM, Floyd A. Theories underlying health promotion interventions among cancer survivors. In Seminars in oncologynursing. 2008;24(3):153-163.
- 29. Schaefer KM: Myra Estrin Levine: The Conservation Model, “Alligood MR (eds): Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 8. Baskı” kitabında s.205-211, Elsevier Health Sciences, Missouri (2014).