Year 2022,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 09.09.2022
Zeynep Kızılcık Özkan
Seher Ünver
Figen Dığın
Ümmü Yıldız Fındık
Aim: The cancellation of surgery is defined as the failure to carry out the surgery planned for a patient on the day the procedure is listed on the surgical schedule. Cancellation rates are high in orthopedic surgeries. This study aims to identify of the reasons for scheduled orthopedic surgery cancellations.
Method: This was a descriptive study that was conducted between December 2016 and May 2017 with 76 patients who were hospitalized in an orthopedic clinic of a university hospital and whose surgery was canceled. Data were collected using a patient identification form. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 20.0.
Results: Of the patients, 82.9% had learned about the cancellation of their surgery from the surgeon. It was determined that 28.9% of the surgery cancellations of the patients stemmed from the were not enough beds in the intensive care unit for postoperative care, 28.9% stemmed from an increase in the number of patients scheduled for surgery due to emergencies (28.9%). The avoidable reasons for cancellation were 55.3%. Of the participants, 85.5% were upset that their surgery had been canceled.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that most of elective orthopedic surgery cancellation causes were stemmed from hospital administration. It might be recommended that the reasons for cancellations are investigated, produce strategies to eliminate avoidable causes and the needed regulations/revisions are made.
Supporting Institution
- Abate HM, Chekole YA, Minaye SY, Basu B. Global prevalence and reasons for case cancellation on the intended day of surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Surgery Open 2020;26:55-63.
- Altun, A, Özer AB, Aksoku BT, Karatepe Ü, Kılınç M, Erhan ÖL, Demirel İ, Bolat E. Evaluation of the reasons for the cancellation of elective procedures at level 3 university hospital on the day of surgery. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 2020; 35(5): 514-517.
- Alves Carroll dos Santos G, Mangini Bocchi S. Cancellation of elective surgeries in a Brazilian public hospital: reasons and estimated reduction. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 2017;70(3): 535-542.
- Anarfi N, Singh S, Nakua E. Effect of cancellation of elective operation on patient. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care 2020;1(1):14-23.
- Argo J, Vick C, Graham L, İtani KM, Piskopos MJ, Hawn MT. Elective surgical case cancellation in the Veterans Health Administration system: identifying areas for improvement. The American Journal of Surgery 2009;198 (5): 600-606. doi:10.1016/j.amjsurg.2009.07.005
- Arun MS, Kumar ST, Suresh K. Causes of cancellation for elective orthopedic procedures on the day of surgery in a large tertiary care teaching hospital IOSR- Journal of Business and Management 2019; 21(11): 41-44.
- Askari A, Nunn R, Hajuthman W, Shehzad K, Riaz A. Reasons for same-day cancellation in a dedicated day surgery hospital. Ambulatory Surgery 2019;30 30-34.
Ayele AS, Weldeyohannes M, Tekalegn Y. Magnitude and reasons of surgical case cancellation at a specialized hospital in Ethiopia. Journal of Anesthesia Clinical Research 2020;10(12): 1-5.
- Broullon Dobarro A, Avion R, Leal Ruiloba M, Lima V, Cendon M, Garcia FN, et al. Retrospective analysis of suspended surgeries and influencing factors during an 8-year period. Cirugía Española Journal 2019; 97(4): 213-221.
- Caesar U, Karlsson J, Olsson LE, Samuelsson K, Hansson-Olofsson E. Incidence and root causes of cancellations for elective orthopaedic procedures: a single center experience of 17,625 consecutive cases. Patient Safety in Surgery 2014;8(24), 1-7.
- Chalya P, Gilyoma J, Mabula J, Simbila S, Ngayomela İH, Chandika AB, et al. Incidence, causes and pattern of cancellation of elective surgical operations in a university teaching hospital in the Lake Zone, Tanzania. African Journal of Health Sciences 2011;11(3): 438-443.
- Dadaş S, Aslan F. The causes and consequences of cancellations in planned orthopaedic surgery: the reactions of patients and their families. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing 2004; 8(11): 11-19. doi:10.1016/j.joon.2003.12.001
- Haile M, Desalegn N. Prospective study of proportions and causes of cancellation of surgical operations at Jimma University Teaching Hospital, Ethiopia. International Journal of Anesthetics and Anesthesiology 2015;3(2): 87-90. doi: 10.19070/2332-2780-1500022
- Herrod P, Adiamah A, Boyd-Carson H, Daliya P, El-Sharkawy E, Sarmah P, Hossain T et al. Winter cancellations of elective surgical procedures in the UK: a questionnaire survey of patients on the economic and psychological impact. BMJ Open 2019; 9, e028753.
- Huda F. A retrospective analysis of reasons for cancellation of elective surgery in a teaching hospital. International Journal of Scientific Study 2014;2(2): 28-30.
- Ivarsson B, Kimblad P, Sjöberg T, Larsson S. Patients reactions to cancelled or postponed heart operations. Journal of Nursing Management 2002;10(2): 75-81.
- Kaddoum R, Fadlallah R, Hitti E, Ejardali F, Eid G. Causes of cancellations on the day of surgery at a Tertiary Teaching Hospital. BMC Health Services Research 2016;16: 259-266.
- Karahan E, Çelik S, Zaman F. Ertelenen cerrahi girişimlerin nedenleri ve hasta anksiyete düzeyine etkisi. Celal Bayar Universitesi-Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 2020;7(2): 123-129.
- Karki OB, Hazra NK, Timilsina B. Cancellation of elective general surgical operations on the day of surgery. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council 2020;18(47): 201-204.
- Karnalkar A, Karnalkar P. Causes of cancellation for elective orthopedic procedures on the day of surgery. International Journal of Scientific Reports 2015;1(5): 235-238. doi: 10.18203/issn.2454-2156.
- Lankoande M, Bonkoungou P, Traore S, Kabore RAF, Ourange E, Pendeville P. Cancellation of elective surgical procedures in the university teaching hospital center Yalgado Ouedraogo in Burkina Faso: incidence, reasons and proposals for improvement. Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2016; 22(5): 140-144.
- Lee C, Rodgers C, Oh A, Muckler V. Reducing surgery cancellations at a pediatric ambulatory surgery center. Journal of Association of Operating Room Nurses 2017;105(4): 384-391. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2017.01.011
- Lorenzo-Pinto A, Ortega-Navarro C, Ribed A, Giménez–Manzorro Á, Ibáñez–García S, Miguel-Guijarro Á et al. Cancellations of elective surgical procedures due to inadequate management of chronic medications. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 2019;44(4): 561-564.
- Maimati N, Rahimi A, Aghaie L. Economic impact of surgery cancellation in a general hospital, Iran. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 2016;30(2): 92-95.
- Mehta SS, Bryson DJ, Mangwani J, Cutler L. (2014). Communication after cancellations in orthopaedics: The patient perspective. World Journalof Orthopedics 2014;5(1): 45-50.
- Mesmar M, Shatnawi N, Faori I, Khader YS. Reasons for cancellation of elective operations at a major teaching referral hospital in Jordan. The Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2011;17(8): 651-655.
- Mutwali I, Abbass A, Elkheir I, Arbab S, Bur A, Geregandi T. Cancellation of elective surgical operations in a teaching hospital at Khartoum Bahri, Sudan. Sudan Medical Monitor 2016;11(2): 45-51. doi: 10.4103/1858-5000.185230
- Ogwal A, Oyania E, Makumbi T, Galukande M. Prevalence and predictors of cancellation of elective surgical procedures at a tertiary hospital in uganda: a cross-sectional study. Surgery Research Practice 2020;1464098, 1-7.
- Pre-operative Assessment and Patient Preparation The Role of the Anaesthetist [Internet] London: The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland; 2010 [cited 2022 January 31]. Available from: https://www.aagbi.org/sites/default/files/preop2010.pdf
- Sebach A, Rockelli L, Reddish W, Jarosinski J, Dolan C. Development of a nurse practitioner‒managed preoperative evaluation clinic within a multispecialty orthopedic practice. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners 2015;11(9): 869-877.
- Sommer J, Jacobsohn E, El-Gabalawy R. Impacts of elective surgical cancellations and postponements in Canada. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 2021;68:315-323. doi: 10.1007/s12630-020-01824-z
- Tait A, Voepel-Lewis T, Munro H, Gutstein H, Reynolds P. Cancellation of pediatric outpatient surgery: Economic and emotional implications for patients and their families. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 1997;9(3): 213-219.
- Talalwah N, Mcllrot K, Ghamdi A. Elective surgical cancellations in a tertiary hospital in the Middle East: quality improvement process. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 2019;34(2): 310-321.
- Tan A, Chiew C, Wang S, Abdullah HR, Lam SS, Ong ME et al. Risk factors and reasons for cancellation within 24 h of scheduled electivesurgery in an academic medical centre: A cohort study. International Journal of Surgery 2019;66: 72-78.
- Xue W, Yan Z, Barnett R, Fleisher L, Liu R. Dynamics of elective case cancellation for inpatient and outpatient in an academic center. Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research 2013;4(5):1-4. doi: 10.4172/ 2155-6148.1000314
Ortopedi Hastalarında Planlı Cerrahi İptallerinin Nedenlerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2022,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 09.09.2022
Zeynep Kızılcık Özkan
Seher Ünver
Figen Dığın
Ümmü Yıldız Fındık
Amaç: Ameliyat iptali; cerrahi işlemin planlandığı günde ameliyat listesinde yer alan hastaların ameliyatlarının gerçekleştirilememesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Ortopedik ameliyatlarda da iptal oranını yüksektir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; hastaların ameliyatlarının iptal nedenlerini belirlemektir.
Yöntem: Çalışma tanımlayıcı olarak Aralık 2016 – Mayıs 2017 tarihleri arasında bir üniversite hastanesinin ortopedi kliniğinde yatarak tedavi gören ve ameliyatı iptal edilen 76 hastanın katılımıyla gerçekleştirildi. Veri toplamada Hasta Tanıtım Formu kullanıldı. Veriler SPSS 20.0 paket programında analiz edildi.
Bulgular: Hastaların %82,9’ının ameliyatlarının iptal edildiğini doktordan öğrendiği belirlendi. Ameliyat iptallerinin %28,9’unun’ yoğun bakım ünitesinde ya da ameliyat sonrası klinikte yetersiz yatak sayısından ve %28,9’unun acil durumlar nedeniyle ameliyat planlanan hasta sayısındaki artıştan kaynaklandığı belirlendi. Önlenebilir cerrahi iptal oranı %55,3 idi. Hastaların %85,5’inin ameliyatın iptal edildiğini öğrendikten sonra üzüldükleri saptandı.
Sonuç: İptallerin nedenlerinin araştırılması önlenebilir nedenleri ortadan kaldıracak stratejiler üretilmesi, önlenebilir nedenleri azaltmak için stratejilerin üretilmesi ve gerekli düzenlemelerin/revizyonların yapılması önerilebilir.
- Abate HM, Chekole YA, Minaye SY, Basu B. Global prevalence and reasons for case cancellation on the intended day of surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Surgery Open 2020;26:55-63.
- Altun, A, Özer AB, Aksoku BT, Karatepe Ü, Kılınç M, Erhan ÖL, Demirel İ, Bolat E. Evaluation of the reasons for the cancellation of elective procedures at level 3 university hospital on the day of surgery. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 2020; 35(5): 514-517.
- Alves Carroll dos Santos G, Mangini Bocchi S. Cancellation of elective surgeries in a Brazilian public hospital: reasons and estimated reduction. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 2017;70(3): 535-542.
- Anarfi N, Singh S, Nakua E. Effect of cancellation of elective operation on patient. Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care 2020;1(1):14-23.
- Argo J, Vick C, Graham L, İtani KM, Piskopos MJ, Hawn MT. Elective surgical case cancellation in the Veterans Health Administration system: identifying areas for improvement. The American Journal of Surgery 2009;198 (5): 600-606. doi:10.1016/j.amjsurg.2009.07.005
- Arun MS, Kumar ST, Suresh K. Causes of cancellation for elective orthopedic procedures on the day of surgery in a large tertiary care teaching hospital IOSR- Journal of Business and Management 2019; 21(11): 41-44.
- Askari A, Nunn R, Hajuthman W, Shehzad K, Riaz A. Reasons for same-day cancellation in a dedicated day surgery hospital. Ambulatory Surgery 2019;30 30-34.
Ayele AS, Weldeyohannes M, Tekalegn Y. Magnitude and reasons of surgical case cancellation at a specialized hospital in Ethiopia. Journal of Anesthesia Clinical Research 2020;10(12): 1-5.
- Broullon Dobarro A, Avion R, Leal Ruiloba M, Lima V, Cendon M, Garcia FN, et al. Retrospective analysis of suspended surgeries and influencing factors during an 8-year period. Cirugía Española Journal 2019; 97(4): 213-221.
- Caesar U, Karlsson J, Olsson LE, Samuelsson K, Hansson-Olofsson E. Incidence and root causes of cancellations for elective orthopaedic procedures: a single center experience of 17,625 consecutive cases. Patient Safety in Surgery 2014;8(24), 1-7.
- Chalya P, Gilyoma J, Mabula J, Simbila S, Ngayomela İH, Chandika AB, et al. Incidence, causes and pattern of cancellation of elective surgical operations in a university teaching hospital in the Lake Zone, Tanzania. African Journal of Health Sciences 2011;11(3): 438-443.
- Dadaş S, Aslan F. The causes and consequences of cancellations in planned orthopaedic surgery: the reactions of patients and their families. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing 2004; 8(11): 11-19. doi:10.1016/j.joon.2003.12.001
- Haile M, Desalegn N. Prospective study of proportions and causes of cancellation of surgical operations at Jimma University Teaching Hospital, Ethiopia. International Journal of Anesthetics and Anesthesiology 2015;3(2): 87-90. doi: 10.19070/2332-2780-1500022
- Herrod P, Adiamah A, Boyd-Carson H, Daliya P, El-Sharkawy E, Sarmah P, Hossain T et al. Winter cancellations of elective surgical procedures in the UK: a questionnaire survey of patients on the economic and psychological impact. BMJ Open 2019; 9, e028753.
- Huda F. A retrospective analysis of reasons for cancellation of elective surgery in a teaching hospital. International Journal of Scientific Study 2014;2(2): 28-30.
- Ivarsson B, Kimblad P, Sjöberg T, Larsson S. Patients reactions to cancelled or postponed heart operations. Journal of Nursing Management 2002;10(2): 75-81.
- Kaddoum R, Fadlallah R, Hitti E, Ejardali F, Eid G. Causes of cancellations on the day of surgery at a Tertiary Teaching Hospital. BMC Health Services Research 2016;16: 259-266.
- Karahan E, Çelik S, Zaman F. Ertelenen cerrahi girişimlerin nedenleri ve hasta anksiyete düzeyine etkisi. Celal Bayar Universitesi-Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 2020;7(2): 123-129.
- Karki OB, Hazra NK, Timilsina B. Cancellation of elective general surgical operations on the day of surgery. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council 2020;18(47): 201-204.
- Karnalkar A, Karnalkar P. Causes of cancellation for elective orthopedic procedures on the day of surgery. International Journal of Scientific Reports 2015;1(5): 235-238. doi: 10.18203/issn.2454-2156.
- Lankoande M, Bonkoungou P, Traore S, Kabore RAF, Ourange E, Pendeville P. Cancellation of elective surgical procedures in the university teaching hospital center Yalgado Ouedraogo in Burkina Faso: incidence, reasons and proposals for improvement. Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2016; 22(5): 140-144.
- Lee C, Rodgers C, Oh A, Muckler V. Reducing surgery cancellations at a pediatric ambulatory surgery center. Journal of Association of Operating Room Nurses 2017;105(4): 384-391. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2017.01.011
- Lorenzo-Pinto A, Ortega-Navarro C, Ribed A, Giménez–Manzorro Á, Ibáñez–García S, Miguel-Guijarro Á et al. Cancellations of elective surgical procedures due to inadequate management of chronic medications. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 2019;44(4): 561-564.
- Maimati N, Rahimi A, Aghaie L. Economic impact of surgery cancellation in a general hospital, Iran. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 2016;30(2): 92-95.
- Mehta SS, Bryson DJ, Mangwani J, Cutler L. (2014). Communication after cancellations in orthopaedics: The patient perspective. World Journalof Orthopedics 2014;5(1): 45-50.
- Mesmar M, Shatnawi N, Faori I, Khader YS. Reasons for cancellation of elective operations at a major teaching referral hospital in Jordan. The Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2011;17(8): 651-655.
- Mutwali I, Abbass A, Elkheir I, Arbab S, Bur A, Geregandi T. Cancellation of elective surgical operations in a teaching hospital at Khartoum Bahri, Sudan. Sudan Medical Monitor 2016;11(2): 45-51. doi: 10.4103/1858-5000.185230
- Ogwal A, Oyania E, Makumbi T, Galukande M. Prevalence and predictors of cancellation of elective surgical procedures at a tertiary hospital in uganda: a cross-sectional study. Surgery Research Practice 2020;1464098, 1-7.
- Pre-operative Assessment and Patient Preparation The Role of the Anaesthetist [Internet] London: The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland; 2010 [cited 2022 January 31]. Available from: https://www.aagbi.org/sites/default/files/preop2010.pdf
- Sebach A, Rockelli L, Reddish W, Jarosinski J, Dolan C. Development of a nurse practitioner‒managed preoperative evaluation clinic within a multispecialty orthopedic practice. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners 2015;11(9): 869-877.
- Sommer J, Jacobsohn E, El-Gabalawy R. Impacts of elective surgical cancellations and postponements in Canada. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 2021;68:315-323. doi: 10.1007/s12630-020-01824-z
- Tait A, Voepel-Lewis T, Munro H, Gutstein H, Reynolds P. Cancellation of pediatric outpatient surgery: Economic and emotional implications for patients and their families. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 1997;9(3): 213-219.
- Talalwah N, Mcllrot K, Ghamdi A. Elective surgical cancellations in a tertiary hospital in the Middle East: quality improvement process. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 2019;34(2): 310-321.
- Tan A, Chiew C, Wang S, Abdullah HR, Lam SS, Ong ME et al. Risk factors and reasons for cancellation within 24 h of scheduled electivesurgery in an academic medical centre: A cohort study. International Journal of Surgery 2019;66: 72-78.
- Xue W, Yan Z, Barnett R, Fleisher L, Liu R. Dynamics of elective case cancellation for inpatient and outpatient in an academic center. Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research 2013;4(5):1-4. doi: 10.4172/ 2155-6148.1000314