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Coriandrum Sativum ve Foeniculum Vulgare Sulu Ekstrelerinin İn Vitro Antimikrobiyal Aktivite Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 19 - 23, 31.12.2019


Bu çalışma
Coriandrum sativum ve Foeniculum vulgare sulu ekstrelerinin
antimikrobiyal aktivitesini değerlendirmek üzere tasarlanmıştır. Ekstrelerin
antimikrobiyal aktivitesi beş bakteri suşu ve iki mantar suşuna karşı agar kuyu
difüzyon metodu ve MİK (minimum inhibitör konsantrasyon) değerleri kullanılarak
test edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, sulu C. sativum ve F. vulgare ekstrelerinin
test edilen tüm mikroorganizmalara karşı antibakteriyel ve antifungal aktiviteye
sahip olduğunu, Nystatin'in ise C.cladosporides'e karşı herhangi bir
etki göstermediğini göstermiştir. F. vulgare ve C. sativum aktiviterlerinde
MİK değerleri aralığı, 0.7 ile 6.2 mg/mL olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu nedenle
sonuçlar, bu bitki ekstrelerinin antimikrobiyal bileşikler içerdiğini önermektedir
ve böylelikle gelecekte insan mikrobiyal hastalıkları için yeni antimikrobiyal
ajanlar olarak kullanılabilecektir.


  • Abdel-Barry, J., Abdel-Hassan, I., Jawad, A., & Al-Hakiem, M. (2000). Hypoglycaemic effect of aqueous extract of the leaves of Trigonella foenum-graecum in healthy volunteers. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 6(1), 83-88.
  • Aelenei, P., Rimbu, C., Guguianu, E., Dimitriu, G., Aprotosoaie, A., Brebu, M., . . . Miron, A. (2019). Coriander essential oil and linalool–interactions with antibiotics against Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria. Letters in applied microbiology, 68(2), 156-164.
  • Al-Rawi, A., & Chaakravarty, H. (1964). Medicinal plants of Iraq, Ministry of Agriculture Technology. Bulletin(146), 22.
  • Al‐Jasim, H., & Barakat, M. (1973). Effect of some vegetable extracts on the activity of polygalacturonase. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 24(2), 119-121.
  • Das, M. P., Livingstone, J. R., Veluswamy, P., & Das, J. (2018). Exploration of Wedelia chinensis leaf-assisted silver nanoparticles for antioxidant, antibacterial and in vitro cytotoxic applications. journal of food and drug analysis, 26(2), 917-925.
  • Esquivel-Ferriño, P. C., Favela-Hernández, J. M. J., Garza-González, E., Waksman, N., Ríos, M. Y., & Camacho-Corona, M. d. R. (2012). Antimycobacterial activity of constituents from Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce grown in Mexico. Molecules, 17(7), 8471-8482.
  • Khoram, Z., Naine, A., Rafieinezha, R., Hakimaneh, S. M., Hakimaneh, S. M. R., Shayehg, S. S., & Salari, A. M. (2019). The Antifungal Effects of Two Herbal Essences in Comparison with Nystatin on the Candida Strains Isolated from the Edentulous Patients. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 20(6).
  • Li, Y., Aioub, A. A., Lv, B., Hu, Z., & Wu, W. (2019). Antifungal activity of pregnane glycosides isolated from Periploca sepium root barks against various phytopathogenic fungi. Industrial crops and products, 132, 150-155.
  • Matasyoh, J., Maiyo, Z., Ngure, R., & Chepkorir, R. (2009). Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Coriandrum sativum. Food Chemistry, 113(2), 526-529.
  • Parthiban, E., Manivannan, N., Ramanibai, R., & Mathivanan, N. (2019). Green synthesis of silver-nanoparticles from Annona reticulata leaves aqueous extract and its mosquito larvicidal and anti-microbial activity on human pathogens. Biotechnology Reports, 21, e00297.
  • Rather, M. A., Dar, B. A., Sofi, S. N., Bhat, B. A., & Qurishi, M. A. (2016). Foeniculum vulgare: A comprehensive review of its traditional use, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and safety. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 9, S1574-S1583.
  • Rezaei, M., Karimi, F., Shariatifar, N., Mohammadpourfard, I., & Malekabad, E. S. (2016). Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil from the Leaves and Seeds of Coriandrum sativum toward Food-borne Pathogens. West Indian Medical Journal, 65(1).
  • Rose, A. H. (2014). Chemical microbiology: an introduction to microbial physiology: Elsevier.
  • Salami, M., Rahimmalek, M., & Ehtemam, M. H. (2016). Inhibitory effect of different fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) samples and their phenolic compounds on formation of advanced glycation products and comparison of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Food chemistry, 213, 196-205.
  • Sathishkumar, P., Preethi, J., Vijayan, R., Yusoff, A. R. M., Ameen, F., Suresh, S., . . . Palvannan, T. (2016). Anti-acne, anti-dandruff and anti-breast cancer efficacy of green synthesised silver nanoparticles using Coriandrum sativum leaf extract. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 163, 69-76.
  • Service, R. F. (1995). Antibiotics that resist resistance. Science (New York, NY), 270(5237), 724. Wei, J.-N., Liu, Z.-H., Zhao, Y.-P., Zhao, L.-L., Xue, T.-K., & Lan, Q.-K. (2019). Phytochemical and Bioactive Profile of Coriandrum sativum L. Food Chemistry.

Evaluation of in-vitro antimicrobial activity of Coriandrum sativum and Foeniculum vulgare aqueous extracts

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 19 - 23, 31.12.2019


present study has been designated to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Coriandrum
and Foeniculum vulgare aqueous extracts. The antimicrobial
activity of the extracts against five bacterial strains and two fungal strains
were tested by using agar well diffusion method and minimal inhibitory
concentration MIC values. Results showed that aqueous extracts of C. sativum
and F. vulgare had antibacterial and antifungal effects against all the
tested microorganisms, wherease Nystatin failed to show any effect against C.cladosporides.
The range of MIC values was 0.7 to 6.2 mg/mL in the F. vulgare and C.
treatments. Therefore, results suggest that t
hese extracts contain antimicrobial compounds that can
be used in the future as antimicrobial agents in the new drugs for human
microbial diseases.


  • Abdel-Barry, J., Abdel-Hassan, I., Jawad, A., & Al-Hakiem, M. (2000). Hypoglycaemic effect of aqueous extract of the leaves of Trigonella foenum-graecum in healthy volunteers. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 6(1), 83-88.
  • Aelenei, P., Rimbu, C., Guguianu, E., Dimitriu, G., Aprotosoaie, A., Brebu, M., . . . Miron, A. (2019). Coriander essential oil and linalool–interactions with antibiotics against Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria. Letters in applied microbiology, 68(2), 156-164.
  • Al-Rawi, A., & Chaakravarty, H. (1964). Medicinal plants of Iraq, Ministry of Agriculture Technology. Bulletin(146), 22.
  • Al‐Jasim, H., & Barakat, M. (1973). Effect of some vegetable extracts on the activity of polygalacturonase. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 24(2), 119-121.
  • Das, M. P., Livingstone, J. R., Veluswamy, P., & Das, J. (2018). Exploration of Wedelia chinensis leaf-assisted silver nanoparticles for antioxidant, antibacterial and in vitro cytotoxic applications. journal of food and drug analysis, 26(2), 917-925.
  • Esquivel-Ferriño, P. C., Favela-Hernández, J. M. J., Garza-González, E., Waksman, N., Ríos, M. Y., & Camacho-Corona, M. d. R. (2012). Antimycobacterial activity of constituents from Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce grown in Mexico. Molecules, 17(7), 8471-8482.
  • Khoram, Z., Naine, A., Rafieinezha, R., Hakimaneh, S. M., Hakimaneh, S. M. R., Shayehg, S. S., & Salari, A. M. (2019). The Antifungal Effects of Two Herbal Essences in Comparison with Nystatin on the Candida Strains Isolated from the Edentulous Patients. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 20(6).
  • Li, Y., Aioub, A. A., Lv, B., Hu, Z., & Wu, W. (2019). Antifungal activity of pregnane glycosides isolated from Periploca sepium root barks against various phytopathogenic fungi. Industrial crops and products, 132, 150-155.
  • Matasyoh, J., Maiyo, Z., Ngure, R., & Chepkorir, R. (2009). Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Coriandrum sativum. Food Chemistry, 113(2), 526-529.
  • Parthiban, E., Manivannan, N., Ramanibai, R., & Mathivanan, N. (2019). Green synthesis of silver-nanoparticles from Annona reticulata leaves aqueous extract and its mosquito larvicidal and anti-microbial activity on human pathogens. Biotechnology Reports, 21, e00297.
  • Rather, M. A., Dar, B. A., Sofi, S. N., Bhat, B. A., & Qurishi, M. A. (2016). Foeniculum vulgare: A comprehensive review of its traditional use, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and safety. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 9, S1574-S1583.
  • Rezaei, M., Karimi, F., Shariatifar, N., Mohammadpourfard, I., & Malekabad, E. S. (2016). Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil from the Leaves and Seeds of Coriandrum sativum toward Food-borne Pathogens. West Indian Medical Journal, 65(1).
  • Rose, A. H. (2014). Chemical microbiology: an introduction to microbial physiology: Elsevier.
  • Salami, M., Rahimmalek, M., & Ehtemam, M. H. (2016). Inhibitory effect of different fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) samples and their phenolic compounds on formation of advanced glycation products and comparison of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Food chemistry, 213, 196-205.
  • Sathishkumar, P., Preethi, J., Vijayan, R., Yusoff, A. R. M., Ameen, F., Suresh, S., . . . Palvannan, T. (2016). Anti-acne, anti-dandruff and anti-breast cancer efficacy of green synthesised silver nanoparticles using Coriandrum sativum leaf extract. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 163, 69-76.
  • Service, R. F. (1995). Antibiotics that resist resistance. Science (New York, NY), 270(5237), 724. Wei, J.-N., Liu, Z.-H., Zhao, Y.-P., Zhao, L.-L., Xue, T.-K., & Lan, Q.-K. (2019). Phytochemical and Bioactive Profile of Coriandrum sativum L. Food Chemistry.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Beyatli 0000-0001-5225-6217

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Beyatli, A. (2019). Evaluation of in-vitro antimicrobial activity of Coriandrum sativum and Foeniculum vulgare aqueous extracts. Bütünleyici Ve Anadolu Tıbbı Dergisi, 1(1), 19-23.

Journal of Integrative and Anatolian Medicine
Bütünleyici ve Anadolu Tıbbı Dergisi

