Research Article
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Determination of Antioxidant Activities of Some Wild Mushrooms Species in Tokat Region

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 24 - 32, 31.12.2019


Wild edible
mushrooms can be eaten for health and play an important role in maintaining a
healthy life by creating synergy due to the various bioactive components it
contains. However, many species that may contain bioactive compounds have not
been investigated.

The purpose of
this study was to investigate the antioxidant capacity of wild mushroom species
which are grown in Tokat region with names Leatiporus sulpherus, Ramaria
sp., Cantharellus aerruginascens, Verpa conica, Verpa bohamica, Tricholoma
terreum, Agaricus sp., Helvella elastica
in vitro. In addition, total
phenolic compound and vitamin E levels were analyzed in mushroom samples. In
order to determine the antioxidant capacity of mushroom samples, free radical
scavenging activity (DPPH), reducing power activity and ABTS•+ [2,2´-Azino-bis
(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] cation radical scavenging activity
analyzes were performed.

The results were
compared with concentrations of Butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), Butylated
hydroxy anisole (BHA) and α-tocopherol. Consequently, the mushroom species with
the highest radical removal activity are Ramaria sp., V. bohamica
and H. elastica, respectively. The highest value of vitamin E, was found
in Agaricus sp. (1444.1 mg/kg), C. aerruginascens (1370.8 mg/kg) and
Ramaria sp. (1204.2 mg/kg)
The highest amount of total phenolic contains was found to be in the
Ramaria sp. (6.57 g/kg).
These results may encourage further studies to
assess nutritional and medicinal properties of selected mushroom species.


  • Elmastaş, M., Gülçin, I., Işildak, Ö., Küfrevioǧlu, Ö. I., Ibaoǧlu, K., & Aboul-Enein, H. Y. (2006). Radical scavenging activity and antioxidant capacity of bay leaf extracts. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society.
  • Elsayed, E. A., El Enshasy, H., Wadaan, M. A. M., & Aziz, R. (2014). Mushrooms: A potential natural source of anti-inflammatory compounds for medical applications. Mediators of Inflammation.
  • Friedman, M. (2016). Mushroom Polysaccharides: Chemistry and Antiobesity, Antidiabetes, Anticancer, and Antibiotic Properties in Cells, Rodents, and Humans. Foods.
  • Gallego, P., Rojas, Á., Falcón, G., Carbonero, P., García-Lozano, M. R., Gil, A., … Del Campo, J. A. (2019). Water-soluble extracts from edible mushrooms (: Agaricus bisporus) as inhibitors of hepatitis C viral replication. Food and Function, 10(6), 3758–3767.
  • Gülçin, I., Sat, I. G., Beydemir, S., & Küfrevioglu, Ö. I. (2004). Evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant properties of broccoli extracts (Brassica oleracea L.). Italian Journal of Food Science.
  • Gülçin, Ilhami. (2006). Antioxidant activity of caffeic acid (3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid). Toxicology.
  • Gülçin, Ilhami. (2010). Antioxidant properties of resveratrol: A structure-activity insight. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies.
  • Miller, N. J., & Rice-Evans, C. A. (1997). Factors influencing the antioxidant activity determined by the ABTS.+ radical cation assay. Free Radical Research.
  • Oktay, M., Gülçin, I., & Küfrevioǧlu, Ö. I. (2003). Determination of in vitro antioxidant activity of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed extracts. LWT - Food Science and Technology.
  • Oyaizu, M. (1986). Studies on products of browning reaction. Antioxidative activities of products of browning reaction prepared from glucosamine. The Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., & Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine.
  • Singh, R. S., Walia, A. K., & Kennedy, J. F. (2019). Mushroom lectins in biomedical research and development. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.
  • Slinkard, K., & Singleton, V. L. (1977). Total Phenol Analysis: Automation and Comparison with Manual Methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 28(1), 49–55.
  • Su, X., Liu, K., Xie, Y., Zhang, M., Wang, Y., Zhao, M., … Wang, J. (2019). Protective effect of a polyphenols-rich extract from Inonotus Sanghuang on bleomycin-induced acute lung injury in mice. Life Sciences, 230, 208–217.
  • Wu, D., Pae, M., Ren, Z., Guo, Z., Smith, D., & Meydani, S. N. (2007). Dietary Supplementation with White Button Mushroom Enhances Natural Killer Cell Activity in C57BL/6 Mice. The Journal of Nutrition, 137(6), 1472–1477.

Tokat Bölgesinde Yetişen Bazı Yabani Mantar Türlerinin Antioksidan Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 24 - 32, 31.12.2019


Yabani yenilebilir
mantarlar sağlık için yenebilir ve içerdiği çeşitli biyoaktif bileşenler
nedeniyle sinerji yaratarak sağlıklı bir yaşam sürdürmede önemli bir rol
oynayabilir. Bununla birlikte, biyoaktif bileşikler içerebilen birçok tür

Bu çalışmanın
amacı Tokat bölgesinde yetişen Leatiporus
sulpherus, Ramaria sp., Cantharellus aerruginascens, Verpa conica, Verpa
bohamica, Tricholoma terreum, Agaricus sp., Helvella elastica
isimli doğal
mantar türlerinin antioksidan kapasitesini araştırmaktır.
Ayrıca, mantar
örneklerinde total fenolik bileşik ve E vitamini seviyeleri analiz edilmiştir.
Mantar örneklerinin antioksidan kapasitesini belirlemek için serbest radikal giderme
aktivitesi (DPPH), indirme gücü tayini, ABTS • + [2,2´-Azino-bis
(3-etilbenzotiyazolin-6-sülfonik asit)] katyon radikali giderme aktivite testleri

Sonuçlar standart olarak
kullanılan Bütillenmiş hidroksi toluen (BHT), Bütillenmiş hidroksi anisol (BHA)
ve α-tokoferol konsantrasyonları ile karşılaştırıldı. Radikal giderme
aktivitesi en yüksek olan mantar türlerinin sırasıyla Ramaria sp., V. bohamica ve H. elastica olduğu, E vitamini yüksek
olan mantar türlerinin ise Agaricus sp.
(1444.1 mg/kg), C. aerruginascens (1370.8
mg/kg) ve Ramaria sp. (1204.2 mg/kg)
olduğu belirlendi. Total fenolik bileşik miktarının en yüksek olduğu türün Ramaria sp. (6.57 g/kg) olduğu tespit
edildi. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma, seçilen mantar türlerinin beslenme ve tıbbi
özelliklerini değerlendirmek için daha fazla çalışmaya teşvik edebilir.


  • Elmastaş, M., Gülçin, I., Işildak, Ö., Küfrevioǧlu, Ö. I., Ibaoǧlu, K., & Aboul-Enein, H. Y. (2006). Radical scavenging activity and antioxidant capacity of bay leaf extracts. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society.
  • Elsayed, E. A., El Enshasy, H., Wadaan, M. A. M., & Aziz, R. (2014). Mushrooms: A potential natural source of anti-inflammatory compounds for medical applications. Mediators of Inflammation.
  • Friedman, M. (2016). Mushroom Polysaccharides: Chemistry and Antiobesity, Antidiabetes, Anticancer, and Antibiotic Properties in Cells, Rodents, and Humans. Foods.
  • Gallego, P., Rojas, Á., Falcón, G., Carbonero, P., García-Lozano, M. R., Gil, A., … Del Campo, J. A. (2019). Water-soluble extracts from edible mushrooms (: Agaricus bisporus) as inhibitors of hepatitis C viral replication. Food and Function, 10(6), 3758–3767.
  • Gülçin, I., Sat, I. G., Beydemir, S., & Küfrevioglu, Ö. I. (2004). Evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant properties of broccoli extracts (Brassica oleracea L.). Italian Journal of Food Science.
  • Gülçin, Ilhami. (2006). Antioxidant activity of caffeic acid (3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid). Toxicology.
  • Gülçin, Ilhami. (2010). Antioxidant properties of resveratrol: A structure-activity insight. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies.
  • Miller, N. J., & Rice-Evans, C. A. (1997). Factors influencing the antioxidant activity determined by the ABTS.+ radical cation assay. Free Radical Research.
  • Oktay, M., Gülçin, I., & Küfrevioǧlu, Ö. I. (2003). Determination of in vitro antioxidant activity of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed extracts. LWT - Food Science and Technology.
  • Oyaizu, M. (1986). Studies on products of browning reaction. Antioxidative activities of products of browning reaction prepared from glucosamine. The Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., & Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine.
  • Singh, R. S., Walia, A. K., & Kennedy, J. F. (2019). Mushroom lectins in biomedical research and development. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.
  • Slinkard, K., & Singleton, V. L. (1977). Total Phenol Analysis: Automation and Comparison with Manual Methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 28(1), 49–55.
  • Su, X., Liu, K., Xie, Y., Zhang, M., Wang, Y., Zhao, M., … Wang, J. (2019). Protective effect of a polyphenols-rich extract from Inonotus Sanghuang on bleomycin-induced acute lung injury in mice. Life Sciences, 230, 208–217.
  • Wu, D., Pae, M., Ren, Z., Guo, Z., Smith, D., & Meydani, S. N. (2007). Dietary Supplementation with White Button Mushroom Enhances Natural Killer Cell Activity in C57BL/6 Mice. The Journal of Nutrition, 137(6), 1472–1477.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Chemistry
Journal Section Research Articles

Duygu Mısırlı 0000-0002-3581-4368

Mahfuz Elmastaş 0000-0002-7149-7427

İbrahim Türkekul 0000-0002-1036-9835

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Mısırlı, D., Elmastaş, M., & Türkekul, İ. (2019). Determination of Antioxidant Activities of Some Wild Mushrooms Species in Tokat Region. Bütünleyici Ve Anadolu Tıbbı Dergisi, 1(1), 24-32.

Journal of Integrative and Anatolian Medicine
Bütünleyici ve Anadolu Tıbbı Dergisi

