Alternatif Finansman Yöntemi Olarak Kitle Fonlaması ve Yenilikçilik İlişkisi
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 215 - 230, 01.12.2019
Oya Ekici
İbrahim Sırma
Yusuf Aytürk
Bireylerin kitle fonlamasına katılımı kişinin yenilikçi olması ile mümkün olabilmektedir.Türkiye’de üniversite öğrencilerinin ve akademisyenlerin yenilikçi olmaları ile kitle fonlamasını kullanma potansiyelleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak amacıyla anket çalışması yaparak 824 kişiden veri elde edilmiştir. Toplanan veri ile Bayesci sıralı logit model tahmini yapılmıştır. Tahmin sonuçlarına göre yenilikçi olma ile fon arayan olarak kitle fonlamasını kullanma niyeti arasında pozitif ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Benzer şekilde yenilikçi olma ile destekçi olarak kitle fonlamasını kullanma niyeti arasında pozitif ilişki olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışma, öncelikle üniversitelerde yenilikçi yönün ortaya çıkarılması ve böylelikle kitle fonlamasının daha yaygın kullanılabileceği gerçeğini ortaya koyması bakımından katkı sağlamaktadır
- Brüntje, Dennis and Gajda, Oliver. (2016). Crowdfunding in Europe - State of the Art in Theory and Practice. The Presentation of Bayesian Statistical Analyses in Legal Proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-319-18017-5.
- Congdon, P. (2005). Bayesian Models for Categorical Data. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
- Ranga, M., & Etzkowitz, H. (2015). Triple Helix systems: an analytical frame- work for innovation policy and practice in the Knowledge Society. In Entrep- reneurship and knowledge exchange (pp. 117-158). Routledge.
- Rogers, E.M. and Shoemaker, F.F. (1971). Communication of Innovations, a Cross-Cultural Approach, The Free Press, New York, NY.
- Tikkanen T. (2011) Innovative Capability and Productivity: What has Demog- raphic Change to do with it?. In: Jeschke S., Isenhardt I., Hees F., Trantow S. (eds) Enabling Innovation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
- Atsan, N., & Erdoğan, E. O. (2015). Girişimciler için alternatif bir finansman yöntemi: Kitlesel fonlama (crowdfunding).Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 10(1), 297-320.
- Bürkner, P.C. (2017). Brms: An R Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Us- ing Stan. Journal of Statistical Software, 80(1), 1-28. doi:10.18637/jss.v080. i01.
- Gelman A, Rubin DB (1992). Inference from Iterative Simulation Using Mul- tiple Sequences. Statistical Science, pp. 457–472.
- Gürol, Y. and Atsan, N. (2006), Entrepreneurial characteristics amongst university students. Education + Training, Vol. 48 No. 1, pp. 25-38. doi:10.1108/00400910610645716
- Heminway, J. M., & Hoffman, S. R. (2010). Proceed at your peril: crowdfun- ding and the securities act of 1933. Tenn. L. Rev., 78, 879.
- Hurt, H. T., Joseph, K. and Cook, C. D. (1977). Scales for the measurement of innovativeness. Human Communications Research, 4 (1):58-65.
- İzmirli Ata, F. (2018). Yeni Nesil Finansman Yöntemi Olarak Kitle Fonlama: Türkiye Potansiyeli. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16 (2), 273-296.
- Kahn, K.B. (2018). Understanding innovation, Business Horizons, 61 (3): 453- 460.
- Medina-Molina, C., Rey-Moreno, M., Felício, J. A., & Paguillo, I. R. (2019). Participation in crowdfunding among users of collaborative platforms: the role of innovativeness and social capital. Review of Managerial Science, 1-15.
- Mollick, E. (2014). The dynamics of crowdfunding: An exploratory study. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(1): 1-16.
- Mollick, E., & Robb, A. (2016). Democratizing innovation and capital access: The role of crowdfunding. California management review, 58(2), 72-87.
- Ordanini, A., Miceli, L., Pizzetti, M., & Parasuraman, A. (2011). Crowd- funding: transforming customers into investors through innovative service platforms. Journal of service management, 22(4), 443-470.
- Rodriguez-Ricardo, Y., Sicilia, M., & López, M. (2018). What drives crowd- funding participation? The influence of personal and social traits. Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, 22(2), 163-182.
- Stanko, M. A., & Henard, D. H. (2017). Toward a better understanding of crowdfunding, openness and the consequences for innovation. Research Po- licy, 46(4), 784-798.
- Sakarya, Ş., & Bezirgan, E. (2018). Kitlesel Fonlama Platformları: Türkiye ve Yurtdışı Karşılaştırması. Düzce Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(2), 18-33.
- Vismara, S. (2016). Equity retention and social network theory in equity crowdfunding. Small Business Economics, 46(4), 579-590.
The Relationship between Crowdfunding as Alternative Financing Method and Innovativeness
Yıl 2019,
Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2, 215 - 230, 01.12.2019
Oya Ekici
İbrahim Sırma
Yusuf Aytürk
The Relationship between Crowdfunding as Alternative Financing Method and InnovativenessInnovativeness may influence participation in crowdfunding. To investigate the relation between being innovative and the potential of crowdfunding engagement among university students and faculty members in Turkey, we conducted a survey and collected crosssectional data from 824 respondents. Bayesian ordered logit models are estimated. Results proved that intention to use crowdfunding as a fundraiser is positively related to innovativeness. Similarly it is identified that intention to use crowdfunding as a backer is positively related to innovativeness. This study contributes primarily in revealing the need of innovative aspect and thus helps in realizing individual conditions to achieve widespread use of crowdfunding
- Brüntje, Dennis and Gajda, Oliver. (2016). Crowdfunding in Europe - State of the Art in Theory and Practice. The Presentation of Bayesian Statistical Analyses in Legal Proceedings, 10.1007/978-3-319-18017-5.
- Congdon, P. (2005). Bayesian Models for Categorical Data. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
- Ranga, M., & Etzkowitz, H. (2015). Triple Helix systems: an analytical frame- work for innovation policy and practice in the Knowledge Society. In Entrep- reneurship and knowledge exchange (pp. 117-158). Routledge.
- Rogers, E.M. and Shoemaker, F.F. (1971). Communication of Innovations, a Cross-Cultural Approach, The Free Press, New York, NY.
- Tikkanen T. (2011) Innovative Capability and Productivity: What has Demog- raphic Change to do with it?. In: Jeschke S., Isenhardt I., Hees F., Trantow S. (eds) Enabling Innovation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
- Atsan, N., & Erdoğan, E. O. (2015). Girişimciler için alternatif bir finansman yöntemi: Kitlesel fonlama (crowdfunding).Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 10(1), 297-320.
- Bürkner, P.C. (2017). Brms: An R Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Us- ing Stan. Journal of Statistical Software, 80(1), 1-28. doi:10.18637/jss.v080. i01.
- Gelman A, Rubin DB (1992). Inference from Iterative Simulation Using Mul- tiple Sequences. Statistical Science, pp. 457–472.
- Gürol, Y. and Atsan, N. (2006), Entrepreneurial characteristics amongst university students. Education + Training, Vol. 48 No. 1, pp. 25-38. doi:10.1108/00400910610645716
- Heminway, J. M., & Hoffman, S. R. (2010). Proceed at your peril: crowdfun- ding and the securities act of 1933. Tenn. L. Rev., 78, 879.
- Hurt, H. T., Joseph, K. and Cook, C. D. (1977). Scales for the measurement of innovativeness. Human Communications Research, 4 (1):58-65.
- İzmirli Ata, F. (2018). Yeni Nesil Finansman Yöntemi Olarak Kitle Fonlama: Türkiye Potansiyeli. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16 (2), 273-296.
- Kahn, K.B. (2018). Understanding innovation, Business Horizons, 61 (3): 453- 460.
- Medina-Molina, C., Rey-Moreno, M., Felício, J. A., & Paguillo, I. R. (2019). Participation in crowdfunding among users of collaborative platforms: the role of innovativeness and social capital. Review of Managerial Science, 1-15.
- Mollick, E. (2014). The dynamics of crowdfunding: An exploratory study. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(1): 1-16.
- Mollick, E., & Robb, A. (2016). Democratizing innovation and capital access: The role of crowdfunding. California management review, 58(2), 72-87.
- Ordanini, A., Miceli, L., Pizzetti, M., & Parasuraman, A. (2011). Crowd- funding: transforming customers into investors through innovative service platforms. Journal of service management, 22(4), 443-470.
- Rodriguez-Ricardo, Y., Sicilia, M., & López, M. (2018). What drives crowd- funding participation? The influence of personal and social traits. Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, 22(2), 163-182.
- Stanko, M. A., & Henard, D. H. (2017). Toward a better understanding of crowdfunding, openness and the consequences for innovation. Research Po- licy, 46(4), 784-798.
- Sakarya, Ş., & Bezirgan, E. (2018). Kitlesel Fonlama Platformları: Türkiye ve Yurtdışı Karşılaştırması. Düzce Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(2), 18-33.
- Vismara, S. (2016). Equity retention and social network theory in equity crowdfunding. Small Business Economics, 46(4), 579-590.