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Çocuğun Müziksel Düşüncesinin Gelişimi

Year 2025, Volume: 20 Issue: 45, 428 - 444


Bu çalışma, 1-6 yaş arası çocukların müziksel düşüncelerinin gelişimi, bu süreçteki kritik dönemler ve müzikle kurdukları etkileşimlerin bilişsel, duygusal ve sosyal gelişim üzerindeki etkilerini incelemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sistematik bir alanyazın taraması ile gerçekleştirilen araştırma, çocukların müziksel keşiflerinden müziksel beceri gelişimine, düşünme süreçlerinin oluşumu ve kavrayışın derinleşmesine kadar olan evreleri ele alan bilimsel çalışmaları bir araya getirmiştir. Özellikle 4-5 yaş grubunda, çocukların ritim ve melodi farkındalığını artırdıkları, çeşitli çalgıları tanımaya başladıkları ve müzik aracılığıyla kendi duygularını ifade edebildikleri görülmüştür. Doğaçlama ve yaratıcılık bu dönemde önemli bir rol oynarken, çocukların müziksel düşünmelerinin temel yapı taşları olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Araştırma ayrıca çocukların müzik eğitimi yoluyla nasıl bir müziksel kimlik oluşturduklarını ve hangi müziksel becerileri geliştirdiklerini de ele almıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, yaratıcı müzik etkinliklerinin çocukların müziksel düşüncelerini ve genel gelişimlerini desteklediğini vurgulamaktadır. Müzik eğitimi süreçlerinde, çocukların müziksel çeşitliliği keşfetmesinin, topluluk müzisyenliği deneyimlerinin ve ebeveyn-çocuk etkileşimlerinin gelişime önemli katkılar sağladığı belirtilmektedir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma, "Yükseköğretim Kurumları Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesi" ne uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlgili yönergenin "Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiğine Aykırı Davranışlar" başlıklı ikinci bölümünde belirtilen etik ihlallerin hiçbiri bu araştırmada yaşanmamıştır. Ayrıca, çalışma deneysel bir işlem içermediğinden insanlar veya hayvanlar üzerinde herhangi bir deney yapılmamış olup, bu nedenle etik kurul izni gerekmemektedir.


  • Alimi Selmani, T. (2024). The influence of music on the development of a child: Perspectives on the influence of music on child development. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 2(1).
  • Apaydın, Ö. (2022). Doğaçlama ve yaratıcılığın gelişmesinde etkinlik odaklı müzik eğitimi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 2193-2222.
  • Boer, D., & Fischer, R. (2011). Towards a holistic model of functions of music listening across cultures: A culturally decentred qualitative approach. Psychology of Music, 40(2), 179–200.
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27–40.
  • Chatzipanteli, A., Pollatou, E., Diggelidis, N., & Kourtesis, T. (2007). The effectiveness of a music-movement program on manipulative skills performance of six-year-old children. Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 5(1): 19–26.
  • Cirelli, L. K., & Trehub, S. E. (2018). Infants help singers of familiar songs. Music & Science, 1.
  • Cirelli, L. K., & Trehub, S. E. (2020). Familiar songs reduce infant distress. Developmental Psychology, 56(5), 861–868.
  • Creighton, A. (2011). Mother-infant musical interaction and emotional communication: A literature review. Australian Journal of Music Therapy, 22, 37–58.
  • Deli, E., Bakle, I., & Zachopoulou, E. (2006). Implementing intervention movement programs for kindergarten children. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4(1), 5–18.
  • Doğan, C. (2018). Anasınıfına devam eden 60-72 aylık çocukların matematiksel akıl yürütme becerilerine piyano destekli müzik etkinliklerinin etkisi (Tez No.526122). [Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi-Ankara] Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı Tez Merkezi.
  • Eckerman, C. O., & Didow, S. M. (1989). Toddlers' social coordinations: Changing responses to another's invitation to play. Developmental Psychology, 25(5), 794–804.
  • Eckerman, C. O., & Stein, M. R. (1990). How imitation begets imitation and toddlers’ generation of games. Developmental Psychology, 26(3), 370-378.
  • Ertek Babaç, E., & Yıldız, G. (2018). Dil gelişiminde müziğin yeri. Fine Arts, 13(3), 10-22. Doi :10.12739/NWSA.2018.13.1.D0211
  • Fivush, R., & Hamond, N. R. (1988). Time and again: Effects of repetition and retention interval on 2-year-olds’ event recall. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 47, 259–273.
  • Flohr, J. W., & Trevarthen, C. (2008). Music learning in childhood: Early developments of a musical brain and body. In W. Gruhn & F. F. Rauscher (Eds.), Neurosciences in Music Pedagogy (pp. 53–99). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Biomedical Books.
  • Franco, F., Chifa, M., & Politimou, N. (2024). Home Musical Activities Boost Premature Infants’ Language Development. Children, 11(5), 542.
  • Gembris, H. (2006). The development of musical abilities. In R. Colwell (Ed.), MENC Handbook of Musical Cognition and Development (pp. 124–164). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Gül, G. (2012). Okul öncesi altı yaş çocukları için oluşturulan şarkı dağarcığının müziksel gelişim düzeylerine etkisi [Doktora tezi, , Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı Tez Merkezi.
  • Hallam, S. (2015). The power of music. International Music Education Research Centre (iMerc) Press.
  • Hamilton, C., & Murphy, V. A. (2023). Folk pedagogy? Investigating how and why UK early years and primary teachers use songs with young learners. Education 3-13, 52(8), 1488–1509.
  • Humpal, M., & Colwell, C. (Eds.). (2006). Early Childhood and School Age Educational Settings Using Music to Maximize Learning (1st ed.). Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association.
  • Kenney, S. H. (1997). Music in the developmentally appropriate integrated curriculum. In C. H. Hart, D. C. Burts, & R. Charlesworth (Eds.), Integrated Curriculum and Developmentally Appropriate Practice (pp. 103–144). Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Jensen, E. (2000). Music with the brain in mind. Brain Store. Laure, M., & Habe, K. (2024). Stimulating the development of rhythmic abilities in preschool children in Montessori kindergartens with music-movement activities: A quasi-experimental study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(4), 563–574.
  • Lenz, S. M. (1978). A case study of the musical abilities of three- and four-year-old children. Unpublished Ed.D. thesis, University of Illinois. Dissertation Abstracts International Publication Number 7820990.
  • Levitin, D. J., Grahn, J. A., & London, J. (2018). The psychology of music: Rhythm and movement. Annual Review of Psychology, 69(1), 51–75.
  • Liquin, E. G., & Lombrozo, T. (2020). Explanation-seeking curiosity in childhood. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 35, 14-20.
  • Mabini, J. P. (2024). Comparative analysis of Kodály, Suzuki, Dalcroze, Orff, and Gordon music learning theory in early childhood music education: A literature review. Comparative Analysis of Kodály, Suzuki, Dalcroze, Orff, and Gordon Music Learning Theory in Early Childhood Music Education: A Literature Review, 150(1), 12-12. DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001501620246690
  • Merrion, M. (Ed.). (1989). What works: Inst ructional strategies for music education. Reston, VA: MENC.
  • Miyamoto, K. A. (2007). Musical characteristics of preschool-age students: A review of literature. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 26(1), 26-40.
  • Montessori, M. (1967). The discovery of the child. The Random House Publishing Group.
  • Montessori, M. (1976). Child in the family (N. Rockmore Cirillo, Trans.). London and Sydney: Pan Books. (First published 1916)
  • Özal Göncü, İ. (2016). 4-6 yaş anaokulu çocuklarına uygulanan müzik eğitiminin müziksel ses ve işitsel algı gelişimlerine etkileri. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(İpekyolu Özel Sayısı), 2382-2392.
  • Pan, X., & Luen, L. C. (2024). Essential experience and skills for successful music teaching in preschool education. International Journal of Arts and Pedagogy in Education, 13(1).
  • Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1956). The child's conception of space. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Philpott, C. (2001). Musical learning. In C. Philpott (Ed.), Learning to teach music in the secondary school (pp. 19–37). New York, NY: Routledge Falmer.
  • Pollatou, E., Pantelakis, G., Agdiniotis, I., Mpenta, N., Zissi, V., & Karadimou, K. (2012). How is the rhythmic ability of preschool children affected by the implementation of a music-movement program? European Psychomotricity Journal, 4(1), 49–56.
  • Power, T. G. (1999). Play and exploration in children and animals. Psychology Press.
  • Prusky, K. A. (1989). Developmental preschool music education: A proposed rationale, philosophy, and 12-week curriculum for 4-year-old children (T). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from
  • Sak, R., Şahin Sak, İ. T., Öneren Şendil, Ç., & Nas, E. (2021). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 227-256.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2012). Gelişim öğrenme ve öğretim: Kuramdan uygulamaya. Pegem Akademi.
  • Schellenberg, G. E. (2012). Music lessons, emotional intelligence, and IQ. Music Perception, 29(2), 185-194.
  • Sinn Ow, S., Hwa Poon, C., & Wing Cheong, K. (2023). Cultivating 21st-century learning skills: The effectiveness of song-based music and movement for improving children’s social skills. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 31(1), 201-218.
  • Smith, A. R., Salley, B., Hanson‐Abromeit, D., Paluch, R. A., Engel, H., Piazza, J., & Kong, K. L. (2024). The impact of a community‐based music program during infancy on the quality of parent–child language interactions. Child development, 95(2), 481-496.
  • Werner, L. (2007). What do children hear? How auditory maturation affects speech perception. The ASHA Leader, 12(4), 6-33.
  • Yapalı, Y. (2024). Dalcroze yaklaşımı ve erken çocukluk müzik eğitimi için önerileri. Alanyazın, 5(1), 57-69.
  • Young, A. (2024). Montessori education and the development of creativity: A qualitative study. Journal of Montessori Education, 10(2), 58-72.
  • Zadnik, K., & Smrekar, S. (2024). Effects of musical activities on the development of social interactions in early childhood. In B. Kovačič (Ed.), Sodobne raziskave o poučevanju glasbe v Sloveniji (Chapter 2).

The Development of Children's Musical Thinking

Year 2025, Volume: 20 Issue: 45, 428 - 444


This study was conducted to examine the development of musical thinking in children aged 1-6, the critical periods in this process, and the impact of their musical interactions on cognitive, emotional, and social development. Through a systematic literature review, the research brings together scientific studies that explore various stages, ranging from children's musical exploration to the development of musical skills, the formation of thinking processes, and the deepening of comprehension. It has been observed that, particularly in the 4-5 age group, children enhance their awareness of rhythm and melody, begin to recognize different musical instruments, and express their emotions through music. Improvisation and creativity play a crucial role during this period, emerging as fundamental components of children's musical thinking. The study also examines how children construct a musical identity through music education and what musical skills they develop. The findings emphasize that creative musical activities support children's musical thinking and overall development. Furthermore, it is highlighted that exploring musical diversity, engaging in ensemble music-making experiences, and fostering parent-child interactions significantly contribute to children's development in the context of music education.


  • Alimi Selmani, T. (2024). The influence of music on the development of a child: Perspectives on the influence of music on child development. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 2(1).
  • Apaydın, Ö. (2022). Doğaçlama ve yaratıcılığın gelişmesinde etkinlik odaklı müzik eğitimi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 2193-2222.
  • Boer, D., & Fischer, R. (2011). Towards a holistic model of functions of music listening across cultures: A culturally decentred qualitative approach. Psychology of Music, 40(2), 179–200.
  • Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27–40.
  • Chatzipanteli, A., Pollatou, E., Diggelidis, N., & Kourtesis, T. (2007). The effectiveness of a music-movement program on manipulative skills performance of six-year-old children. Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 5(1): 19–26.
  • Cirelli, L. K., & Trehub, S. E. (2018). Infants help singers of familiar songs. Music & Science, 1.
  • Cirelli, L. K., & Trehub, S. E. (2020). Familiar songs reduce infant distress. Developmental Psychology, 56(5), 861–868.
  • Creighton, A. (2011). Mother-infant musical interaction and emotional communication: A literature review. Australian Journal of Music Therapy, 22, 37–58.
  • Deli, E., Bakle, I., & Zachopoulou, E. (2006). Implementing intervention movement programs for kindergarten children. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4(1), 5–18.
  • Doğan, C. (2018). Anasınıfına devam eden 60-72 aylık çocukların matematiksel akıl yürütme becerilerine piyano destekli müzik etkinliklerinin etkisi (Tez No.526122). [Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi-Ankara] Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı Tez Merkezi.
  • Eckerman, C. O., & Didow, S. M. (1989). Toddlers' social coordinations: Changing responses to another's invitation to play. Developmental Psychology, 25(5), 794–804.
  • Eckerman, C. O., & Stein, M. R. (1990). How imitation begets imitation and toddlers’ generation of games. Developmental Psychology, 26(3), 370-378.
  • Ertek Babaç, E., & Yıldız, G. (2018). Dil gelişiminde müziğin yeri. Fine Arts, 13(3), 10-22. Doi :10.12739/NWSA.2018.13.1.D0211
  • Fivush, R., & Hamond, N. R. (1988). Time and again: Effects of repetition and retention interval on 2-year-olds’ event recall. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 47, 259–273.
  • Flohr, J. W., & Trevarthen, C. (2008). Music learning in childhood: Early developments of a musical brain and body. In W. Gruhn & F. F. Rauscher (Eds.), Neurosciences in Music Pedagogy (pp. 53–99). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Biomedical Books.
  • Franco, F., Chifa, M., & Politimou, N. (2024). Home Musical Activities Boost Premature Infants’ Language Development. Children, 11(5), 542.
  • Gembris, H. (2006). The development of musical abilities. In R. Colwell (Ed.), MENC Handbook of Musical Cognition and Development (pp. 124–164). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Gül, G. (2012). Okul öncesi altı yaş çocukları için oluşturulan şarkı dağarcığının müziksel gelişim düzeylerine etkisi [Doktora tezi, , Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı Tez Merkezi.
  • Hallam, S. (2015). The power of music. International Music Education Research Centre (iMerc) Press.
  • Hamilton, C., & Murphy, V. A. (2023). Folk pedagogy? Investigating how and why UK early years and primary teachers use songs with young learners. Education 3-13, 52(8), 1488–1509.
  • Humpal, M., & Colwell, C. (Eds.). (2006). Early Childhood and School Age Educational Settings Using Music to Maximize Learning (1st ed.). Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association.
  • Kenney, S. H. (1997). Music in the developmentally appropriate integrated curriculum. In C. H. Hart, D. C. Burts, & R. Charlesworth (Eds.), Integrated Curriculum and Developmentally Appropriate Practice (pp. 103–144). Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Jensen, E. (2000). Music with the brain in mind. Brain Store. Laure, M., & Habe, K. (2024). Stimulating the development of rhythmic abilities in preschool children in Montessori kindergartens with music-movement activities: A quasi-experimental study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(4), 563–574.
  • Lenz, S. M. (1978). A case study of the musical abilities of three- and four-year-old children. Unpublished Ed.D. thesis, University of Illinois. Dissertation Abstracts International Publication Number 7820990.
  • Levitin, D. J., Grahn, J. A., & London, J. (2018). The psychology of music: Rhythm and movement. Annual Review of Psychology, 69(1), 51–75.
  • Liquin, E. G., & Lombrozo, T. (2020). Explanation-seeking curiosity in childhood. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 35, 14-20.
  • Mabini, J. P. (2024). Comparative analysis of Kodály, Suzuki, Dalcroze, Orff, and Gordon music learning theory in early childhood music education: A literature review. Comparative Analysis of Kodály, Suzuki, Dalcroze, Orff, and Gordon Music Learning Theory in Early Childhood Music Education: A Literature Review, 150(1), 12-12. DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001501620246690
  • Merrion, M. (Ed.). (1989). What works: Inst ructional strategies for music education. Reston, VA: MENC.
  • Miyamoto, K. A. (2007). Musical characteristics of preschool-age students: A review of literature. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 26(1), 26-40.
  • Montessori, M. (1967). The discovery of the child. The Random House Publishing Group.
  • Montessori, M. (1976). Child in the family (N. Rockmore Cirillo, Trans.). London and Sydney: Pan Books. (First published 1916)
  • Özal Göncü, İ. (2016). 4-6 yaş anaokulu çocuklarına uygulanan müzik eğitiminin müziksel ses ve işitsel algı gelişimlerine etkileri. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(İpekyolu Özel Sayısı), 2382-2392.
  • Pan, X., & Luen, L. C. (2024). Essential experience and skills for successful music teaching in preschool education. International Journal of Arts and Pedagogy in Education, 13(1).
  • Piaget, J., & Inhelder, B. (1956). The child's conception of space. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Philpott, C. (2001). Musical learning. In C. Philpott (Ed.), Learning to teach music in the secondary school (pp. 19–37). New York, NY: Routledge Falmer.
  • Pollatou, E., Pantelakis, G., Agdiniotis, I., Mpenta, N., Zissi, V., & Karadimou, K. (2012). How is the rhythmic ability of preschool children affected by the implementation of a music-movement program? European Psychomotricity Journal, 4(1), 49–56.
  • Power, T. G. (1999). Play and exploration in children and animals. Psychology Press.
  • Prusky, K. A. (1989). Developmental preschool music education: A proposed rationale, philosophy, and 12-week curriculum for 4-year-old children (T). University of British Columbia. Retrieved from
  • Sak, R., Şahin Sak, İ. T., Öneren Şendil, Ç., & Nas, E. (2021). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 227-256.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2012). Gelişim öğrenme ve öğretim: Kuramdan uygulamaya. Pegem Akademi.
  • Schellenberg, G. E. (2012). Music lessons, emotional intelligence, and IQ. Music Perception, 29(2), 185-194.
  • Sinn Ow, S., Hwa Poon, C., & Wing Cheong, K. (2023). Cultivating 21st-century learning skills: The effectiveness of song-based music and movement for improving children’s social skills. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 31(1), 201-218.
  • Smith, A. R., Salley, B., Hanson‐Abromeit, D., Paluch, R. A., Engel, H., Piazza, J., & Kong, K. L. (2024). The impact of a community‐based music program during infancy on the quality of parent–child language interactions. Child development, 95(2), 481-496.
  • Werner, L. (2007). What do children hear? How auditory maturation affects speech perception. The ASHA Leader, 12(4), 6-33.
  • Yapalı, Y. (2024). Dalcroze yaklaşımı ve erken çocukluk müzik eğitimi için önerileri. Alanyazın, 5(1), 57-69.
  • Young, A. (2024). Montessori education and the development of creativity: A qualitative study. Journal of Montessori Education, 10(2), 58-72.
  • Zadnik, K., & Smrekar, S. (2024). Effects of musical activities on the development of social interactions in early childhood. In B. Kovačič (Ed.), Sodobne raziskave o poučevanju glasbe v Sloveniji (Chapter 2).
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Child Development Education, Fine Arts Education
Journal Section Review

Sinem Caner This is me 0009-0008-7708-4878

Yunus Yapalı 0000-0003-4225-9005

Early Pub Date March 24, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date November 15, 2024
Acceptance Date February 13, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 20 Issue: 45


APA Caner, S., & Yapalı, Y. (2025). Çocuğun Müziksel Düşüncesinin Gelişimi. Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(45), 428-444.