Research Article
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The Relationship Between Energy Poverty and Economic Growth

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 101 - 114, 31.12.2020


In this study, it is aimed to analyze the causality relationship between the rate of access to electricity and economic growth in Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Gambia, Haiti, Madagascar, Malawi, and Mali in the period 1995-2016. According to the Kónya (2006) causality test, which was applied after the cross section dependency and homogeneity test, findings were obtained for both variables in a country specific. According to the findings, there is a bidirectional causality relationship between economic growth and energy poverty in the Central African Republic and Madagascar, and a one-way causality relationship from economic growth to energy poverty in Burkina Faso and Malawi, and from energy poverty to economic growth in Haiti. In addition, it has been concluded that there is no causal relationship between economic growth and energy poverty in the selected countries, Gambia and Mali.


  • Adusah-Poku, F., & Takeuchi, K. (2019). Energy poverty in Ghana: Any progress so far?. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 112, 853-864.
  • Alter N, Syed SH (2011), An empirical analysis of electricity demand in Pakistan. Int J Energy Econ Policy, 1(4):116-139.
  • Aigheyisi, O.S. & Oligbi, B.O. (2020). Energy Poverty and Economic Development in Nigeria: Empirical Analysis. KIU Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), 183-193
  • Alam, M. S., Miah, M. D., Hammoudeh, S., & Tiwari, A. K. (2018). The nexus between access to electricity and labour productivity in developing countries. Energy policy, 122, 715-726.
  • Amin, A., Liu, Y., Yu, J., Chandio, A. A., Rasool, S. F., Luo, J., & Zaman, S. (2020). How does energy poverty affect economic development? A panel data analysis of South Asian countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International.
  • Attigah, B. & Mayer-Tasch, L. (2013): The Impact of Electricity Access on Economic Development - A Literature Review. In: Mayer-Tasch, L. and Mukherjee, M. and Reiche, K. (eds.), Productive Use of Energy (PRODUSE): Measuring Impacts of Electrification on Micro-Enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa. Eschborn.
  • Breusch, T. S., & Pagan, A. R. (1980). The Lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics. The review of economic studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Culver, L. (2017). Energy poverty: What you measure matters. In Proceedings of the Reducing Energy Poverty with Natural Gas: Changing Political, Business and Technology Paradigms Symposium, Stanford, CA, USA (pp. 9-10).
  • Dagoumas, A., & Kitsios, F. (2014). Assessing the impact of the economic crisis on energy poverty in Greece. Sustainable Cities and Society, 13, 267-278.
  • González-Eguino, M. (2015). Energy poverty: An overview. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 47, 377-385.
  • Kónya, L. (2006). Exports and growth: Granger causality analysis on OECD countries with a panel data approach. Economic Modelling, 23(6), 978-992.
  • Maxim, A., Mihai, C., Apostoaie, C. M., Popescu, C., Istrate, C., & Bostan, I. (2016). Implications and measurement of energy poverty across the European Union. Sustainability, 8(5), 483.
  • Munyanyi, M. E., & Awaworyi Churchill, S. (2020). Foreign aid and energy poverty: Sub-national evidence from Senegal. Available at SSRN 3673243.
  • Onuonga SM. (2020). Economic growth, electricity access, and remittances in Kenya. Management and Economics Research Journal, 6(2): 1100554.
  • Onyeji, I. (2010). On the Determinants of Energy Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. African Institute for Applied Economics, ISSN 079-4187
  • Pesaran, M. H., & Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
  • Pesaran, M. H., Ullah, A., & Yamagata, T. (2008). A bias‐adjusted LM test of error cross‐section independence. The Econometrics Journal, 11(1), 105-127.
  • Pereira, M. G., Freitas, M. A. V., & da Silva, N. F. (2010). Rural electrification and energy poverty: empirical evidences from Brazil. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(4), 1229-1240.
  • Qurat-ul-Ann, A. R., & Mirza, F. M. (2020). Meta-analysis of empirical evidence on energy poverty: The case of developing economies. Energy Policy, 141, 111444.
  • Rehman A, & Deyuan Z. (2018). Investigating the linkage between economic growth, electricity access, energy use and population growth in Pakistan. Applied Sciences 8(12): 2442
  • Rehman, A., Deyuan, Z., Chandio, A. A., & Hussain, I. (2018). An empirical analysis of rural and urban populations’ access to electricity: evidence from Pakistan. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 8(1), 40.
  • Sarkodie, S. A., & Adams, S. (2020). Electricity access, human development index, governance and income inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy Reports, 6, 455-466.
  • Schuessler, R. (2014). Energy Poverty Indicators: Conceptual Issues-Part I: The Ten-Percent-Rule and Double Median/Mean Indicators. ZEW-Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper, (14-037).
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2017). Panel zaman serileri analizi. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • World Bank. (2020), World Development Indicators.

Enerji Yoksulluğu ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 101 - 114, 31.12.2020


Bu çalışmada, 1995-2016 dönemindeki Burkina Faso, Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti, Gambiya, Haiti, Madagaskar, Malavi, Mali’de enerji yoksulluğu göstergesi olarak ele alınan elektrik enerjisine erişim oranı ile ekonomik büyüme arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin analiz edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yapılan yatay kesit bağımlılığı ve homojenlik testi sonrasında uygulanan Kónya (2006) nedensellik testi ile ülke özelinde her iki değişken için bulgular elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen analiz sonuçlarına göre, Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti ile Madagaskar’da ekonomik büyüme ile enerji yoksulluğu arasında çift yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi, Burkina Faso ve Malavi’de ekonomik büyümeden enerji yoksulluğuna, Haiti’de ise enerji yoksulluğundan ekonomik büyümeye doğru tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi mevcuttur. Ayrıca seçilen ülkelerden, Gambiya ve Mali’de ekonomik büyüme ve enerji yoksulluğu arasında herhangi bir nedensellik ilişkisinin söz konusu olmadığı görülmektedir.


  • Adusah-Poku, F., & Takeuchi, K. (2019). Energy poverty in Ghana: Any progress so far?. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 112, 853-864.
  • Alter N, Syed SH (2011), An empirical analysis of electricity demand in Pakistan. Int J Energy Econ Policy, 1(4):116-139.
  • Aigheyisi, O.S. & Oligbi, B.O. (2020). Energy Poverty and Economic Development in Nigeria: Empirical Analysis. KIU Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), 183-193
  • Alam, M. S., Miah, M. D., Hammoudeh, S., & Tiwari, A. K. (2018). The nexus between access to electricity and labour productivity in developing countries. Energy policy, 122, 715-726.
  • Amin, A., Liu, Y., Yu, J., Chandio, A. A., Rasool, S. F., Luo, J., & Zaman, S. (2020). How does energy poverty affect economic development? A panel data analysis of South Asian countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International.
  • Attigah, B. & Mayer-Tasch, L. (2013): The Impact of Electricity Access on Economic Development - A Literature Review. In: Mayer-Tasch, L. and Mukherjee, M. and Reiche, K. (eds.), Productive Use of Energy (PRODUSE): Measuring Impacts of Electrification on Micro-Enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa. Eschborn.
  • Breusch, T. S., & Pagan, A. R. (1980). The Lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model specification in econometrics. The review of economic studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Culver, L. (2017). Energy poverty: What you measure matters. In Proceedings of the Reducing Energy Poverty with Natural Gas: Changing Political, Business and Technology Paradigms Symposium, Stanford, CA, USA (pp. 9-10).
  • Dagoumas, A., & Kitsios, F. (2014). Assessing the impact of the economic crisis on energy poverty in Greece. Sustainable Cities and Society, 13, 267-278.
  • González-Eguino, M. (2015). Energy poverty: An overview. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 47, 377-385.
  • Kónya, L. (2006). Exports and growth: Granger causality analysis on OECD countries with a panel data approach. Economic Modelling, 23(6), 978-992.
  • Maxim, A., Mihai, C., Apostoaie, C. M., Popescu, C., Istrate, C., & Bostan, I. (2016). Implications and measurement of energy poverty across the European Union. Sustainability, 8(5), 483.
  • Munyanyi, M. E., & Awaworyi Churchill, S. (2020). Foreign aid and energy poverty: Sub-national evidence from Senegal. Available at SSRN 3673243.
  • Onuonga SM. (2020). Economic growth, electricity access, and remittances in Kenya. Management and Economics Research Journal, 6(2): 1100554.
  • Onyeji, I. (2010). On the Determinants of Energy Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. African Institute for Applied Economics, ISSN 079-4187
  • Pesaran, M. H., & Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
  • Pesaran, M. H., Ullah, A., & Yamagata, T. (2008). A bias‐adjusted LM test of error cross‐section independence. The Econometrics Journal, 11(1), 105-127.
  • Pereira, M. G., Freitas, M. A. V., & da Silva, N. F. (2010). Rural electrification and energy poverty: empirical evidences from Brazil. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(4), 1229-1240.
  • Qurat-ul-Ann, A. R., & Mirza, F. M. (2020). Meta-analysis of empirical evidence on energy poverty: The case of developing economies. Energy Policy, 141, 111444.
  • Rehman A, & Deyuan Z. (2018). Investigating the linkage between economic growth, electricity access, energy use and population growth in Pakistan. Applied Sciences 8(12): 2442
  • Rehman, A., Deyuan, Z., Chandio, A. A., & Hussain, I. (2018). An empirical analysis of rural and urban populations’ access to electricity: evidence from Pakistan. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 8(1), 40.
  • Sarkodie, S. A., & Adams, S. (2020). Electricity access, human development index, governance and income inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Energy Reports, 6, 455-466.
  • Schuessler, R. (2014). Energy Poverty Indicators: Conceptual Issues-Part I: The Ten-Percent-Rule and Double Median/Mean Indicators. ZEW-Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper, (14-037).
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2017). Panel zaman serileri analizi. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • World Bank. (2020), World Development Indicators.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Müge Manga 0000-0003-2675-2182

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date October 19, 2020
Acceptance Date November 11, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Manga, M. (2020). Enerji Yoksulluğu ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi. Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis, 5(2), 101-114.



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