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Avrupa Birliği’nde Siyasallaşma ve De-Politizasyon. Doğu Avrupa Üye Ülkelerinde Kamuoyu Tahayyülü Üzerinden Bir İrdeleme

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 75 - 95, 31.03.2021


Avrupa bütünleşmesinin siyasal görünüm kazanma süreci hakkındaki çalışmalar ağırlıkla kamuoyundaki tartışmaların Avrupa Birliği (AB) kurumlarına baskısı, AB kurumları arasındaki rekabet ile yönetişim boyutlarına odaklanmıştır. Bu çalışmada ise AB’nin bir siyasal ve kurumsal yapı (polity) olarak siyasallaşmasının üye ülkelerde siyasal göreceleşme (de-politizasyon) anlamına gelip gelmediğine odaklanılacaktır. Sorunsal ilkin nedensellik bağlamında, takiben çok boyutlu nicel verilerin yardımıyla “AB’nin siyasallaşması üye ülke devletlerinin de-politizasyonuna neden olmaktadır” hipotezi üzerinden irdelenecektir. Ölçüm için araştırmaya verilerin çekilmesi Doğu Avrupa üye ülkeleri örnekleminde ve 2019 yılında kamuoyunun tahayyülü perspektifi kapsamında gerçekleştirilecektir. Araştırmada Doğu Avrupa üye ülkelerindeki de-politizasyonun, örneklemdeki ülkelerin çoğunluğunda AB’nin geri kalanına göre belirgin iken bu olgunun Çek Cumhuriyeti için geçersizve Slovenya ile Baltık ülkeleri için ise dalgalı görünüm taşıdığı savunulmaktadır.


Görüş ve değerlendirmelerinden dolayı Dr. Mahir ÖZHAN ve Dr. Khairulla Massadikov'a teşekkürlerimi sunarım.


  • Ágh, A. (2019). Declining Democracy in East-Central Europe: The Divide in the EU and Emerging Hard Populism. Birleşik Krallık: Elgar.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2010a). New Europeans (Special Eurobarometer 346: Fieldwork March- April 2010). Brüksel: TNS Opinion&Social.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2010b). Savunma Politikası 11/2010. Eurobarometer. 09.11.2020 tarihinde Chart/get-Chart/themeKy/1 0/groupKy/250 adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2010c). Eurostat (tsdgo510). Chapter 6 Living Conditions and Welfare: Good Governance-Table.4 Level of Citizens’ Confidence in EU institutions (1) (2004- 2006-2008). Eurobarometer. 09.11.2020 tarihinde 2010_XLS adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019a). Europeans in 2019. Special Eurobarometer 486: Fieldwork March 2019. Brüksel DOI:10.2775/46073.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019c), Eurobarometer Interactive, (06/2019). 09.11.2020 tarihinde themeKy/9 /groupKy/23 adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019d), Eurobarometer Interactive, (06/2019). 09.11.2020 tarihinde Chart/themeKy/9 /groupKy/24 adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019e), Eurobarometer Interactive, (06/2019). 09.11.2020 tarihinde themeKy/9 /groupKy/31 adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019b), Eurobarometer Interactive. 02.12.2020 tarihinde themeKy/1 8/groupKy/97 adresinden alındı.
  • Bohle, D. & Jacoby, W.E. (2018). From Static to Dynamic Europeanization: The Case of the Central and Eastern European Developmental Strategies. (Ed.) Matlak, M.& Schimmelfennig, F. & Woznickowski, T.P. Europeanization Revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union (s. 90-107). Brüksel: European University Institute –Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
  • Börzel, T. A. & Risse, T. (2017). From the Euro to the Schengen Crises: European Integration Theories, Politicisation, and Identity Politics. Journal of European Public Policy, 83-108 DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1310281
  • Bressanelli, E.& Koop, K. & Reh, C. (2020). EU Actors Under Pressure: Politicisation and Depoliticisation as Strategic Responses, 329-341 DOI:10.1080/13501763.2020.1713193
  • Cambridge Dictionary. (2020). Politicise; De-Politicise. 01.11.2020 tarihinde; adresinden alındı.
  • Carmichael, P. (2002). Briefing Paper: Multi-Level Governance. Review of Public Administration Team Report. Kuzey İrlanda, Birleşik Krallık
  • De Wilde, P. (2011). No Polity for Old Politics? A Framework for Analyzing Politicisation of European Integration. Journal of European Integration, 33 (5), 559–75
  • De Wilde, P. & Zürn, M. (2012). Can the Politicisation of European Integration be Reversed?. Journal of Common Market Studies, 50 (1), 137–153
  • Dimitrakopoulos, D. & Passas, A. (2020). The Depoliticisation of Greece’s Public Revenue Administration: Radical Change and the Limits of Conditionality. İsviçre:Springer
  • Drechsler, W. (2009). The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management: Lessons and Opportunities for South East Europe. Uprava, 7 (3), 7-27
  • Ekiert, G. (2008). Dilemmas of Europeanization: Eastern and Central Europe after the EU Enlargement. Acta Slavica Iaponica, 25,1-28
  • Evmez, Z. (2020a). Türkiye’de Siyasal Elit Uzlaşmasının Halkın AB’ye Yönelik Tutumlarına Etkisi. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7 (1), 51- 73
  • Evmez, Z. (2020b). Avrupa Birliği’nin Meşrulaştırıcılığı ve Göç Krizi. (Ed.) M. Özhan Değişen Dünya’da Göç (s. 169-187). Bursa: Ekin
  • Hobbes, T. (2019). Leviathan. (S. Lim, Çev.). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1651)
  • Hood, C. (1991). A Public Management for All Seasons. Public Administration, 69 (1), 3–19
  • Hooghe, L. & Marks, G. (2009). A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus. British Journal of Political Science, 39 (1), 1–23.
  • Jensen, T. (2009). Democratic Deficit of the European Union. Living Reviews in Democracy, 1-8
  • Kochenov, D. & Bard, P. (2018). Against Overemphasizing Enforcement in the Current Crisis: EU Law and the Rule of Law in the (New) Member States. (Ed.) Matlak, M.& Schimmelfennig, F. & Woznickowski, T.P. Europeanization Revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union (s. 72-89). Brüksel: European University Institute –Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
  • Kriesi, H.& Grande, E.& Dolezal, M.& Helbling, M.,&Höglinger, D.& Hutter, S.&Wüest, B., (Ed.) (2012). Political Conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Lavenex, S. (2018). ‘Failing Forward’ Towards Which Europe? Organized Hypocrisy in the Common European Asylum System. Journal of Common Market Studies, 1-18
  • Mair, P. (2013). Ruling the Void: The Hollowing of Western Democracy. London: Verso
  • Medve-Balint, G. (2018). Implementing EU Cohesion Policy in the Eastern Member States: Quality of Government Balancing Between Equity and Efficiency. (Ed.) Matlak, M.& Schimmelfennig, F. & Woznickowski, T.P. Europeanization Revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union (s. 108-126). Brüksel: European University Institute –Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
  • Nakrošis, V. & Bankauskaitė-Grigaliūnienė, S. (2014). Public Administration Changes and the Impact of the EU: Agencification and Depoliticisation in Central and Eastern Europe. Vilnius: Paper fort he ECPR Joint Sessions
  • Neocleous, M. (2015). Devleti Tahayyül Etmek. (A. Sarı, Çev.). Ankara: Nota Bene Yayınları (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 2003)
  • Papadopoulos, Y. (2017). Multilevel Governance and Depoliticization. (Ed.) F. Paul& M. Flinders& C. Hay& M. Wood. Anti-politics, Depoliticization, and Governance (s. 134- 165). Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Peters, B. G. & Pierre, J. (2001). Developments in Intergovernmental Relations: Towards Multi- level Governance. Policy Politics, 29 (2), 130-135
  • Pierson, C. (2014). Modern Devlet, (N. Kutluğ & B. Erdoğan, Çev.). İstanbul: Chiviyazıları-Nemesis Kitaplığı, İkinci Baskı (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 2004)
  • Rhodes, R. A. W. (1996). The New Governance: Governing without Government. Political Studies, 44 (4), 652-667
  • Rosenstiel, F. (1962). Le Principe de “Supranationalité”: Essai sur les Rapports de la Politique et Du Droit. Paris: Pedone
  • Rousseau, J. J. (2018). Toplum Sözleşmesi. (E. Tezcan, Çev.). İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1762)
  • Schimmelfennig, F. & Sedelmeier, U. (2005). Conceptualising the Europeanisation of Central and Eastern Europe. (Ed.) Schimmelfennig, F. & Sedelmeier, U. The Europeanisation of Central and Eastern Europe (s. 1-29). New York: Ithaca-Cornell University Press
  • Schmidt, V. A. (2019). Politicization in the EU: Between National Politics and EU Political Dynamics. Journal of European Public Policy, 26 (7), 1018-1036
  • Schmitt, C. (2018). Siyasal Kavramı. (E. Göztepe, Çev.). İstanbul: Metis (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1932)
  • Schmitt, C. (2017). Parlamenter Demokrasinin Krizi. (A. E. Zeybekoğlu, Çev.). Ankara: Dost Kitabevi (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1923)
  • Schmitt, C. (2011)). Somut ve Çağa Bağlı bir Kavram Olarak Devlet. (B. E. Oder, Çev.). (Ed.) Akal, C. B. Devlet Kuramı, (s. 245-254). Ankara: Dost Kitabevi (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1958)
  • Verheijen, T. (2000). Administrative Capacity Development - A Race Against Time?. Working Document W107, Hague: WRR Scientific Council for Government Policies
  • Vogel, L. (2019). Illiberal and Anti-EU Politics in the Name of the People? Eurosceptism in East Central Europe: 2004-2019. (Ed.) Lorenz, A.&Anders, L.H. Illiberal Trends and Anti- EU Politics in East Central Europe (s. 29-55). İsviçre: Palgrave- Macmillan
  • Vukov, V. (2018). Europeanizing Development: EU Integration and Developmental State Capacities in Eastern Europe. (Ed.) Matlak, M.& Schimmelfennig, F. & Woznickowski, T.P. Europeanization Revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union (s. 127-142). Brüksel: European University Institute – Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
  • Zürn, M. (2011). Politisierung als Konzept der Internationalen Beziehungen. (Ed.) Zürn, M. & Ecker- Ehrhardt, M. Gesellschaftliche Politisierung und Internationale Institutionen (s. 7-35). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp
  • Zürn, M. (2019). Politicisation compared: at National, European, and Global Levels, Journal of European Public Policy, 26 (7), 997-995

Politicisation and De-Politicisation in the European Union. A Scrutiny via Public’s Imagination in the East European Member Countries

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 75 - 95, 31.03.2021


Studies on process of European integration to take a political appearance, mainly focused on pressure of public debate on EU institutions, competition between EU institutions and governance dimensions. This research will be focused on whether politicisation of EU as a political and institutional structure (polity) means de-politicisation of member states' politicisation. Problematic will be examined in the context of causality and with help of multi-dimension quantitative data over hypothesis that "Politicisation of the EU causes de-politicisation of member states". The analysis will be carried out in the sample of Eastern European member countries and framework of the public's imagination in 2019. De-politicization in Eastern European member countries is obviously in the majority of countries in sample compared to the rest of EU, this phenomenon is invalid for Czech Republic and has a fluctuating appearance for Slovenia and Baltic countries.


  • Ágh, A. (2019). Declining Democracy in East-Central Europe: The Divide in the EU and Emerging Hard Populism. Birleşik Krallık: Elgar.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2010a). New Europeans (Special Eurobarometer 346: Fieldwork March- April 2010). Brüksel: TNS Opinion&Social.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2010b). Savunma Politikası 11/2010. Eurobarometer. 09.11.2020 tarihinde Chart/get-Chart/themeKy/1 0/groupKy/250 adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2010c). Eurostat (tsdgo510). Chapter 6 Living Conditions and Welfare: Good Governance-Table.4 Level of Citizens’ Confidence in EU institutions (1) (2004- 2006-2008). Eurobarometer. 09.11.2020 tarihinde 2010_XLS adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019a). Europeans in 2019. Special Eurobarometer 486: Fieldwork March 2019. Brüksel DOI:10.2775/46073.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019c), Eurobarometer Interactive, (06/2019). 09.11.2020 tarihinde themeKy/9 /groupKy/23 adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019d), Eurobarometer Interactive, (06/2019). 09.11.2020 tarihinde Chart/themeKy/9 /groupKy/24 adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019e), Eurobarometer Interactive, (06/2019). 09.11.2020 tarihinde themeKy/9 /groupKy/31 adresinden alındı.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2019b), Eurobarometer Interactive. 02.12.2020 tarihinde themeKy/1 8/groupKy/97 adresinden alındı.
  • Bohle, D. & Jacoby, W.E. (2018). From Static to Dynamic Europeanization: The Case of the Central and Eastern European Developmental Strategies. (Ed.) Matlak, M.& Schimmelfennig, F. & Woznickowski, T.P. Europeanization Revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union (s. 90-107). Brüksel: European University Institute –Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
  • Börzel, T. A. & Risse, T. (2017). From the Euro to the Schengen Crises: European Integration Theories, Politicisation, and Identity Politics. Journal of European Public Policy, 83-108 DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2017.1310281
  • Bressanelli, E.& Koop, K. & Reh, C. (2020). EU Actors Under Pressure: Politicisation and Depoliticisation as Strategic Responses, 329-341 DOI:10.1080/13501763.2020.1713193
  • Cambridge Dictionary. (2020). Politicise; De-Politicise. 01.11.2020 tarihinde; adresinden alındı.
  • Carmichael, P. (2002). Briefing Paper: Multi-Level Governance. Review of Public Administration Team Report. Kuzey İrlanda, Birleşik Krallık
  • De Wilde, P. (2011). No Polity for Old Politics? A Framework for Analyzing Politicisation of European Integration. Journal of European Integration, 33 (5), 559–75
  • De Wilde, P. & Zürn, M. (2012). Can the Politicisation of European Integration be Reversed?. Journal of Common Market Studies, 50 (1), 137–153
  • Dimitrakopoulos, D. & Passas, A. (2020). The Depoliticisation of Greece’s Public Revenue Administration: Radical Change and the Limits of Conditionality. İsviçre:Springer
  • Drechsler, W. (2009). The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management: Lessons and Opportunities for South East Europe. Uprava, 7 (3), 7-27
  • Ekiert, G. (2008). Dilemmas of Europeanization: Eastern and Central Europe after the EU Enlargement. Acta Slavica Iaponica, 25,1-28
  • Evmez, Z. (2020a). Türkiye’de Siyasal Elit Uzlaşmasının Halkın AB’ye Yönelik Tutumlarına Etkisi. Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7 (1), 51- 73
  • Evmez, Z. (2020b). Avrupa Birliği’nin Meşrulaştırıcılığı ve Göç Krizi. (Ed.) M. Özhan Değişen Dünya’da Göç (s. 169-187). Bursa: Ekin
  • Hobbes, T. (2019). Leviathan. (S. Lim, Çev.). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1651)
  • Hood, C. (1991). A Public Management for All Seasons. Public Administration, 69 (1), 3–19
  • Hooghe, L. & Marks, G. (2009). A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus. British Journal of Political Science, 39 (1), 1–23.
  • Jensen, T. (2009). Democratic Deficit of the European Union. Living Reviews in Democracy, 1-8
  • Kochenov, D. & Bard, P. (2018). Against Overemphasizing Enforcement in the Current Crisis: EU Law and the Rule of Law in the (New) Member States. (Ed.) Matlak, M.& Schimmelfennig, F. & Woznickowski, T.P. Europeanization Revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union (s. 72-89). Brüksel: European University Institute –Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
  • Kriesi, H.& Grande, E.& Dolezal, M.& Helbling, M.,&Höglinger, D.& Hutter, S.&Wüest, B., (Ed.) (2012). Political Conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Lavenex, S. (2018). ‘Failing Forward’ Towards Which Europe? Organized Hypocrisy in the Common European Asylum System. Journal of Common Market Studies, 1-18
  • Mair, P. (2013). Ruling the Void: The Hollowing of Western Democracy. London: Verso
  • Medve-Balint, G. (2018). Implementing EU Cohesion Policy in the Eastern Member States: Quality of Government Balancing Between Equity and Efficiency. (Ed.) Matlak, M.& Schimmelfennig, F. & Woznickowski, T.P. Europeanization Revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union (s. 108-126). Brüksel: European University Institute –Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
  • Nakrošis, V. & Bankauskaitė-Grigaliūnienė, S. (2014). Public Administration Changes and the Impact of the EU: Agencification and Depoliticisation in Central and Eastern Europe. Vilnius: Paper fort he ECPR Joint Sessions
  • Neocleous, M. (2015). Devleti Tahayyül Etmek. (A. Sarı, Çev.). Ankara: Nota Bene Yayınları (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 2003)
  • Papadopoulos, Y. (2017). Multilevel Governance and Depoliticization. (Ed.) F. Paul& M. Flinders& C. Hay& M. Wood. Anti-politics, Depoliticization, and Governance (s. 134- 165). Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Peters, B. G. & Pierre, J. (2001). Developments in Intergovernmental Relations: Towards Multi- level Governance. Policy Politics, 29 (2), 130-135
  • Pierson, C. (2014). Modern Devlet, (N. Kutluğ & B. Erdoğan, Çev.). İstanbul: Chiviyazıları-Nemesis Kitaplığı, İkinci Baskı (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 2004)
  • Rhodes, R. A. W. (1996). The New Governance: Governing without Government. Political Studies, 44 (4), 652-667
  • Rosenstiel, F. (1962). Le Principe de “Supranationalité”: Essai sur les Rapports de la Politique et Du Droit. Paris: Pedone
  • Rousseau, J. J. (2018). Toplum Sözleşmesi. (E. Tezcan, Çev.). İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1762)
  • Schimmelfennig, F. & Sedelmeier, U. (2005). Conceptualising the Europeanisation of Central and Eastern Europe. (Ed.) Schimmelfennig, F. & Sedelmeier, U. The Europeanisation of Central and Eastern Europe (s. 1-29). New York: Ithaca-Cornell University Press
  • Schmidt, V. A. (2019). Politicization in the EU: Between National Politics and EU Political Dynamics. Journal of European Public Policy, 26 (7), 1018-1036
  • Schmitt, C. (2018). Siyasal Kavramı. (E. Göztepe, Çev.). İstanbul: Metis (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1932)
  • Schmitt, C. (2017). Parlamenter Demokrasinin Krizi. (A. E. Zeybekoğlu, Çev.). Ankara: Dost Kitabevi (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1923)
  • Schmitt, C. (2011)). Somut ve Çağa Bağlı bir Kavram Olarak Devlet. (B. E. Oder, Çev.). (Ed.) Akal, C. B. Devlet Kuramı, (s. 245-254). Ankara: Dost Kitabevi (Orijinal eserin yayım tarihi 1958)
  • Verheijen, T. (2000). Administrative Capacity Development - A Race Against Time?. Working Document W107, Hague: WRR Scientific Council for Government Policies
  • Vogel, L. (2019). Illiberal and Anti-EU Politics in the Name of the People? Eurosceptism in East Central Europe: 2004-2019. (Ed.) Lorenz, A.&Anders, L.H. Illiberal Trends and Anti- EU Politics in East Central Europe (s. 29-55). İsviçre: Palgrave- Macmillan
  • Vukov, V. (2018). Europeanizing Development: EU Integration and Developmental State Capacities in Eastern Europe. (Ed.) Matlak, M.& Schimmelfennig, F. & Woznickowski, T.P. Europeanization Revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union (s. 127-142). Brüksel: European University Institute – Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
  • Zürn, M. (2011). Politisierung als Konzept der Internationalen Beziehungen. (Ed.) Zürn, M. & Ecker- Ehrhardt, M. Gesellschaftliche Politisierung und Internationale Institutionen (s. 7-35). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp
  • Zürn, M. (2019). Politicisation compared: at National, European, and Global Levels, Journal of European Public Policy, 26 (7), 997-995
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Zafer Evmez

Publication Date March 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Evmez, Z. (2021). Avrupa Birliği’nde Siyasallaşma ve De-Politizasyon. Doğu Avrupa Üye Ülkelerinde Kamuoyu Tahayyülü Üzerinden Bir İrdeleme. Akademik İzdüşüm Dergisi, 6(1), 75-95.

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