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Year 2018, , 1 - 19, 01.12.2018


Ship-building is an important production industry which comprises composition of products from industries such as defense, iron-steel, dyeing, machine, plastic, electric-electronic and information technology. Because of its intertwinement to various industry branches, managing, controlling and coordinating the relationships between firms effectively in ship-building industry is an obligation. In this research, it was aimed to identify the connection between logistic performance and relationship satisfaction in shipyards which is a major actor in the ship-building industry. In the context of research, we implemented a descriptive research in an attempt to assess how much perceived logistic performance which is composed of effectiveness, efficiency, and differentiation affects relationship satisfaction that is forming between firms in supply chains. Within the scope of this study, data was gathered with a survey, from 101 employees working in the supply chain, logistics and procurement management departments of shipyards operating in various regions of Turkey and member of Turkish Shipbuilders’ Association. Afterward, the data was subjected to statistical analyses via SPSS and WarpPls package programs in order to measure correlational relations between variables


  • Adjei, M.T., Stephanie, M. N. and Charles, H. N. (2010). The influence of C2C communications in online brandcommunities on customer purchase behavior. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38(5), 634- 653.
  • Bagozzi, R. P. and Yi, Y. (1988). On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74-94.
  • Barry, J. M., Dion, P. and Johnson, W., (2008). A Cross-Cultural Examination of Relationship Strength in B2B Services, Journal of Services Marketing, 22(2), 114 – 135.
  • Bobbitt, L. M., (2004). An Examination of the Logistics Leverage Process: Implications for Marketing Strategy and Competitive Advantage. Doktora Tezi, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
  • Bowersox, D. J., (1990). The Strategic Benefits of Logistics Alliances, Harvard Business Review, 68(4), 36–45.
  • Cenfetelli, R. T. and Bassellier, G., (2009). Interpretation of Formative Measurement in Information Systems Research, Mis Quarterly, 689-707.
  • Chin, W. W., (1998). The Partial Least Squares Approach to Structural Equation Modeling, In: G. A. Marcoulides (Ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research, 295(2), 295-336.
  • Chow, G., Heaver, T. D. and Henriksson, L. E. (1994). Logistics Performance: Definition and Measurement, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 24(1), 17-28.
  • Chu, Z. and Wang, Q., (2012). Drivers of Relationship Quality in Logistics Outsourcing in China, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 48(3), 78-96.
  • Crosby, L. A., Evans, K. R. and Cowles, D. (1990). Relationship Quality in Services Selling: an Interpersonal Influence Perspective, The Journal of Marketing, 55(3), 68-81.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş., (2014). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik: SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, 3. Baskı, Ankara, Pegem Akademi.
  • Doran, D., Thomas, P. and Caldwell, N., (2005). Examining Buyer-Supplier Relationships Within a Service Sector Context, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10(4), 272-277.
  • Duffy, R. and Fearny, A., (2004). The Impact of Supply Chain Partnership on Supply Performance, International Journal of Logistics Management, 15(1), 57-72.
  • Fornell, C. and Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Fugate, B. S., Mentzer, J. T. and Stank, T. P., (2010). Logistics Performance: Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Differentiation, Journal of Business Logistics, 31(1), 43-62.
  • Gardner, J. and Cooper, M., (1994). Partnerships: a Natural Evolution in Logistics, Journal of Business Logistics, 13(2), 121–144.
  • GISBIR, 2015a. Gemi İnşa Sanayicileri Birliği Üye Kataloğu /katalog/
  • GISBIR, 2015b. Gemi İnşa Sanayisinin Durumu, Documents/Deniz %20Ticareti%20Dergisi/eksayi_15.pdf
  • Gleason, J. M. and Barnum, D. T., (1986). Toward Valid Measures of Public Sector Productivity: Performance Measures in Urban Transit, Management Science, 28(4), 379-386.
  • Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research, The Qualitative Report, 8(4), 597–607.
  • Golicic, S. L. and Mentzer, J. T., (2006). An Empirical Examination of Relationship Magnitude, Journal of Business Logistics, 27(1), 81-108.
  • Gunasekaran, A. and Kobu, B., (2007). Performance Measures and Metrics in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: a Review of Recent Literature (1995–2004) for Research and Applications, International Journal of Production Research, 45(12), 2819-2840.
  • Ha, B. C., Park, Y. K. and Cho, S., (2011). Suppliers' Affective Trust and Trust in Competency in Buyers: Its Effect on Collaboration and Logistics Efficiency, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31(1), 56-77.
  • Hair, J. F. Jr., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. and Anderson, R. E., (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. Baskı, New Jersey, Pearson Education
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M. and Sarstedt, M., (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a Silver Bullet”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
  • Halbesleben, J. R. and Whitman, M. V., (2013). Evaluating Survey Quality in Health Services Research: a Decision Framework for Assessing Nonresponse Bias, Health Services Research, 48(3), 913-930.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M. and Sinkovics, R. R., (2009). The Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling in International Marketing. Advances in International Marketing, 20(1), 277–319.
  • Kalaycı, Ş., (2014). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, 6.Baskı, Ankara, Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kannan, V.R. and Tan, K.C. (2004). Supplier Alliance: Differences in Attitudes to Supplier and Quality Management of Adapters and Non-Adapters, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9(4), 279-286.
  • Katz, D. and Kahn, R.L., (1978). The Social Psychology of Organizations, NewYork, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kenyon, G. N. and Mary J. M., (2011). Success Factors and Cost Management Strategies For Logistics Outsourcing, Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 7(1), 1-17.
  • Kline, R. B., (2011). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York, Guilford Publications.
  • Kock, N., (2015). WarpPLS 5.0 User Manual. Texas, ScriptWarp Systems.
  • Langley Jr, C. J. and Holcomb, M. C., (1992). Creating Logistics Customer Value, Journal of Business Logistics, 13(2), p. 1.
  • Leuthesser, L. (1997). Supplier Relational Behavior: An Empirical Assessment. Industrial Marketing Management, 26(3), 245-254.
  • Lewis, E. F., Hardy, M. and Snaith, B., (2013). An Analysis of Survey Reporting in the Imaging Professions: is the Issue of Non-Response Bias Being Adequately Addressed? Radiography, 19(3), 240-245.
  • Lo, V. H. Y. and Yeung, A. (2006). Managing Quality Effectively in Supply Chain: a PreliminaryStudy, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11(3), 208-215.
  • Matopoulos, A., Vlachopoulou, M., Manthou, V. and Manos, B. (2007). A Conceptual Framework for Supply Chain Collaboration: Empirical Evidence from the Agri-Food Industry, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 12(3), 177-186.
  • McKinnon, A. C., (2003). Outsourcing the Logistics Function, Global Logistics and Distribution Planning, ed. Waters, D, Kogan Page, London.
  • Mello, M. H. and Strandhagen, J. O. (2011). Supply Chain Management in the Shipbuilding Industry: Challenges and Perspectives. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 225(3), 261-270.
  • Menachemi, N., (2010). Assessing Response Bias in a Web Survey at a University Faculty, Evaluation & Research in Education. 24(1), 5-15.
  • Mentzer, J. T. and Konrad, B. P., (1991). An Efficiency/Effectiveness Approach to Logistics Performance Analysis, Journal of Business Logistics, 12(1), 33-61.
  • Mentzer, J. T., Min, S. and Michelle B. L., (2004). Toward a Unified Theory of Logistics, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(8), 606-627.
  • Morash, E. A., (2001). Supply Chain Strategies, Capabilities, and Performance, Transportation Journal, 41(1), 37-54.
  • Murphy, P. R. Jr. and Knemeyer, M. A., (2015). Contemporary Logistics, 11.Baskı, (Çeviri, Nobel Akademik, 2016), England, Prentice Hall.
  • Nulty, D. D. (2008). The Adequacy of Response Rates to Online and Paper Surveys: What Can Be Done?, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 33(3), 301-314.
  • Ostroff, C. and Schmitt, N., (1993). Configurations of Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency, Academy of Management Journal, 36(6), 1345-1361.
  • Piboonrungroj, P. and Disney, S. M., (2012). Supply Chain Collaboration, Inter-Firm Trust and Logistics Performance: Evidence from the Tourism Sector, SSRN,
  • Rahaman, M. M., Abdullah, M. and Rahman, A., (2011). Measuring Service Quality Using Servqual Model: A Study on PCBs (Private Commercial Banks) in Bangladesh, Business Management Dynamics, 1(1), 1- 11.
  • Smith, J. B. and Barclay, D. W., (1997). The Effects of Organizational Differences and Trust on the Effectiveness of Selling Partner Relationships, The Journal of Marketing, 61(1), 3-21.
  • Smith, C. D., (2000). Assessing the Value of Improved Forecasting Management, Doktora Tezi, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, US.
  • Sornsri, S., (2018). Antecedents and Consequences of Relationship Quality: A Study on Private Hospitals in Thailand, AU Journal of Management, 13(1), 41-65.
  • Srabotic, A. and Ruzzier, M., (2012). Logistics Outsourcing: Lessons from Case Studies, Managing Global Transitions, 10(2), 205-225.
  • Tanyaş, M. and Serdar, S. A., (2003). Comparison of Quality Performance Criteria of Logistics Service Providers and Those of Their Customers. In Proceedings of International Logistics Congress.
  • Tenenhaus, M., Vinzi, V. E., Chatelin, Y. M. and Lauro, C., (2005). PLS Path Modeling, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 48(1), 159-205.
  • Van der Meulen, P. R. H. and Spijkerman, G., (1985). The Logistics Input-Output Model and its Application, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, 15(3), 17-25.
  • Waters, D. (2003). Logistics: An Introduction To Supply Chain Management, 1. Baskı, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wernerfelt, B. (1984). A Resource-Based View of the Firm, Strategic Management Journal, 5(2), 171-180.
  • Wetzels, M., Odekerken-Schroder, G. and Van Oppen, C., (2009). Using PLS Path Modeling for Assessing Hierarchical Construct Models: Guidelines and Empirical Illustration, MIS Quarterly, 33(1), 177-196.
  • Williamson, K. C., Spitzer Jr. D. M. and Bloomberg, D. J., (1990). Modern Logistics Systems: Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Logistics, 11(2), p. 65.
  • Wulf, K. D., Odekerken-Schröder, G. and Iacobucci, D., (2001). Investments In Consumer Relationships: a CrossCountry and Cross-Industry Exploration, Journal of Marketing, 65(4), 33-50.
  • Yıldız, A., (2008). Türkiye’de Tersanelerin Tarihi ve Gemi İnşa Sanayisinin Gelişimi, Mühendis ve Makine, 49(578), s. 23-47.
  • Yu, K., Cadeaux, J. and Son, H., (2013). Distribution Channel Network and Relational Performance: The Intervening Mechanism of Adaptive Distribution Flexibility, Decision Sciences Journal, 44(5), 915-950.


Year 2018, , 1 - 19, 01.12.2018


Gemi inşa sanayisi; savunma, demir-çelik, boya, makine, lastik-plastik, elektrik-elektronik ve bilişim sanayi gibi sanayi ürünlerinin bileşimini içeren önemli bir imalat sanayisidir. Bir çok sanayi ile bağlantılı olması sebebiyle gemi inşa sanayisinde, işletmeler arası ilişkilerin düzenlenmesi, kontrolü ve koordinesinin etkin bir şekilde yürütülmesi bir zorunluluktur. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, gemi inşa sanayisinin önemli aktörlerinden olan tersanelerdeki lojistik performans ile ilişki memnuniyeti arasındaki bağın araştırılmasıdır. Araştırma kapsamında, etkililik, etkinlik, farklılaştırmadan oluşan algılanan lojistik performansın, tedarik zinciri kapsamındaki işletmeler arasında oluşan ilişki memnuniyetini ne derecede etkilediğini tespit etmek için tanımlayıcı araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında, Türkiye Gemi İnşa Sanayicileri Birliği üyesi olan ve Türkiye’nin çeşitli bölgelerinde faaliyet gösteren tersanelerde görev yapan 101 adet lojistik, tedarik zinciri ve satınalma personelinden anket ile veri toplanmıştır. Toplanan veri, SPSS ve WarpPls programları kullanılarak istatistiksel analizlere tabi tutulmuş, değişkenler arasındaki korelasyonel ilişkiler ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında icra edilen testler arasında doğrulayıcı faktör analizi, güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik testleri, kısmi en küçük kareler yöntemi ile yapısal eşitlik modelinin çözüm testi bulunmaktadır. Sonuçlara göre, lojistik etkililik, etkinlik ve farklılaştırma değişkenlerinin lojistik performans üzerinde anlamlı etkilere sahip olduğu görülmüş, ayrıca bu üç değişkenin lojistik performansı açıklamada büyük öneme sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Diğer önemli bulgu ise farklılaştırma değişkeninin diğer iki unsura göre lojistik performans üzerinde görece daha büyük etkisinin olduğudur. Ayrıca, lojistik performansın ilişki memnuniyeti üzerideki anlamlı etkisi, özellikle tedarik zincirlerinde ilişki memnuniyetinin elde edilmesinde lojistik performansın ne kadar önemli bir unsur olduğunu göstermiştir. Lojistik performansın ilişki memnuniyeti üzerindeki etkisini Türkiye’de ve aynı zamanda gemi inşa sektöründe ölçen ilk çalışma olması nedeniyle bu çalışmanın literatürde yeni bir araştırma yönünün açılmasında önemli bir rol oynayacağı değerlendirilmektedir


  • Adjei, M.T., Stephanie, M. N. and Charles, H. N. (2010). The influence of C2C communications in online brandcommunities on customer purchase behavior. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38(5), 634- 653.
  • Bagozzi, R. P. and Yi, Y. (1988). On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74-94.
  • Barry, J. M., Dion, P. and Johnson, W., (2008). A Cross-Cultural Examination of Relationship Strength in B2B Services, Journal of Services Marketing, 22(2), 114 – 135.
  • Bobbitt, L. M., (2004). An Examination of the Logistics Leverage Process: Implications for Marketing Strategy and Competitive Advantage. Doktora Tezi, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
  • Bowersox, D. J., (1990). The Strategic Benefits of Logistics Alliances, Harvard Business Review, 68(4), 36–45.
  • Cenfetelli, R. T. and Bassellier, G., (2009). Interpretation of Formative Measurement in Information Systems Research, Mis Quarterly, 689-707.
  • Chin, W. W., (1998). The Partial Least Squares Approach to Structural Equation Modeling, In: G. A. Marcoulides (Ed.), Modern Methods for Business Research, 295(2), 295-336.
  • Chow, G., Heaver, T. D. and Henriksson, L. E. (1994). Logistics Performance: Definition and Measurement, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 24(1), 17-28.
  • Chu, Z. and Wang, Q., (2012). Drivers of Relationship Quality in Logistics Outsourcing in China, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 48(3), 78-96.
  • Crosby, L. A., Evans, K. R. and Cowles, D. (1990). Relationship Quality in Services Selling: an Interpersonal Influence Perspective, The Journal of Marketing, 55(3), 68-81.
  • Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş., (2014). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik: SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, 3. Baskı, Ankara, Pegem Akademi.
  • Doran, D., Thomas, P. and Caldwell, N., (2005). Examining Buyer-Supplier Relationships Within a Service Sector Context, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 10(4), 272-277.
  • Duffy, R. and Fearny, A., (2004). The Impact of Supply Chain Partnership on Supply Performance, International Journal of Logistics Management, 15(1), 57-72.
  • Fornell, C. and Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Fugate, B. S., Mentzer, J. T. and Stank, T. P., (2010). Logistics Performance: Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Differentiation, Journal of Business Logistics, 31(1), 43-62.
  • Gardner, J. and Cooper, M., (1994). Partnerships: a Natural Evolution in Logistics, Journal of Business Logistics, 13(2), 121–144.
  • GISBIR, 2015a. Gemi İnşa Sanayicileri Birliği Üye Kataloğu /katalog/
  • GISBIR, 2015b. Gemi İnşa Sanayisinin Durumu, Documents/Deniz %20Ticareti%20Dergisi/eksayi_15.pdf
  • Gleason, J. M. and Barnum, D. T., (1986). Toward Valid Measures of Public Sector Productivity: Performance Measures in Urban Transit, Management Science, 28(4), 379-386.
  • Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research, The Qualitative Report, 8(4), 597–607.
  • Golicic, S. L. and Mentzer, J. T., (2006). An Empirical Examination of Relationship Magnitude, Journal of Business Logistics, 27(1), 81-108.
  • Gunasekaran, A. and Kobu, B., (2007). Performance Measures and Metrics in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: a Review of Recent Literature (1995–2004) for Research and Applications, International Journal of Production Research, 45(12), 2819-2840.
  • Ha, B. C., Park, Y. K. and Cho, S., (2011). Suppliers' Affective Trust and Trust in Competency in Buyers: Its Effect on Collaboration and Logistics Efficiency, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 31(1), 56-77.
  • Hair, J. F. Jr., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. and Anderson, R. E., (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis. 7. Baskı, New Jersey, Pearson Education
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M. and Sarstedt, M., (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a Silver Bullet”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 139-152.
  • Halbesleben, J. R. and Whitman, M. V., (2013). Evaluating Survey Quality in Health Services Research: a Decision Framework for Assessing Nonresponse Bias, Health Services Research, 48(3), 913-930.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M. and Sinkovics, R. R., (2009). The Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling in International Marketing. Advances in International Marketing, 20(1), 277–319.
  • Kalaycı, Ş., (2014). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, 6.Baskı, Ankara, Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kannan, V.R. and Tan, K.C. (2004). Supplier Alliance: Differences in Attitudes to Supplier and Quality Management of Adapters and Non-Adapters, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9(4), 279-286.
  • Katz, D. and Kahn, R.L., (1978). The Social Psychology of Organizations, NewYork, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kenyon, G. N. and Mary J. M., (2011). Success Factors and Cost Management Strategies For Logistics Outsourcing, Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 7(1), 1-17.
  • Kline, R. B., (2011). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. New York, Guilford Publications.
  • Kock, N., (2015). WarpPLS 5.0 User Manual. Texas, ScriptWarp Systems.
  • Langley Jr, C. J. and Holcomb, M. C., (1992). Creating Logistics Customer Value, Journal of Business Logistics, 13(2), p. 1.
  • Leuthesser, L. (1997). Supplier Relational Behavior: An Empirical Assessment. Industrial Marketing Management, 26(3), 245-254.
  • Lewis, E. F., Hardy, M. and Snaith, B., (2013). An Analysis of Survey Reporting in the Imaging Professions: is the Issue of Non-Response Bias Being Adequately Addressed? Radiography, 19(3), 240-245.
  • Lo, V. H. Y. and Yeung, A. (2006). Managing Quality Effectively in Supply Chain: a PreliminaryStudy, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 11(3), 208-215.
  • Matopoulos, A., Vlachopoulou, M., Manthou, V. and Manos, B. (2007). A Conceptual Framework for Supply Chain Collaboration: Empirical Evidence from the Agri-Food Industry, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 12(3), 177-186.
  • McKinnon, A. C., (2003). Outsourcing the Logistics Function, Global Logistics and Distribution Planning, ed. Waters, D, Kogan Page, London.
  • Mello, M. H. and Strandhagen, J. O. (2011). Supply Chain Management in the Shipbuilding Industry: Challenges and Perspectives. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 225(3), 261-270.
  • Menachemi, N., (2010). Assessing Response Bias in a Web Survey at a University Faculty, Evaluation & Research in Education. 24(1), 5-15.
  • Mentzer, J. T. and Konrad, B. P., (1991). An Efficiency/Effectiveness Approach to Logistics Performance Analysis, Journal of Business Logistics, 12(1), 33-61.
  • Mentzer, J. T., Min, S. and Michelle B. L., (2004). Toward a Unified Theory of Logistics, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(8), 606-627.
  • Morash, E. A., (2001). Supply Chain Strategies, Capabilities, and Performance, Transportation Journal, 41(1), 37-54.
  • Murphy, P. R. Jr. and Knemeyer, M. A., (2015). Contemporary Logistics, 11.Baskı, (Çeviri, Nobel Akademik, 2016), England, Prentice Hall.
  • Nulty, D. D. (2008). The Adequacy of Response Rates to Online and Paper Surveys: What Can Be Done?, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 33(3), 301-314.
  • Ostroff, C. and Schmitt, N., (1993). Configurations of Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency, Academy of Management Journal, 36(6), 1345-1361.
  • Piboonrungroj, P. and Disney, S. M., (2012). Supply Chain Collaboration, Inter-Firm Trust and Logistics Performance: Evidence from the Tourism Sector, SSRN,
  • Rahaman, M. M., Abdullah, M. and Rahman, A., (2011). Measuring Service Quality Using Servqual Model: A Study on PCBs (Private Commercial Banks) in Bangladesh, Business Management Dynamics, 1(1), 1- 11.
  • Smith, J. B. and Barclay, D. W., (1997). The Effects of Organizational Differences and Trust on the Effectiveness of Selling Partner Relationships, The Journal of Marketing, 61(1), 3-21.
  • Smith, C. D., (2000). Assessing the Value of Improved Forecasting Management, Doktora Tezi, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, US.
  • Sornsri, S., (2018). Antecedents and Consequences of Relationship Quality: A Study on Private Hospitals in Thailand, AU Journal of Management, 13(1), 41-65.
  • Srabotic, A. and Ruzzier, M., (2012). Logistics Outsourcing: Lessons from Case Studies, Managing Global Transitions, 10(2), 205-225.
  • Tanyaş, M. and Serdar, S. A., (2003). Comparison of Quality Performance Criteria of Logistics Service Providers and Those of Their Customers. In Proceedings of International Logistics Congress.
  • Tenenhaus, M., Vinzi, V. E., Chatelin, Y. M. and Lauro, C., (2005). PLS Path Modeling, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 48(1), 159-205.
  • Van der Meulen, P. R. H. and Spijkerman, G., (1985). The Logistics Input-Output Model and its Application, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management, 15(3), 17-25.
  • Waters, D. (2003). Logistics: An Introduction To Supply Chain Management, 1. Baskı, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wernerfelt, B. (1984). A Resource-Based View of the Firm, Strategic Management Journal, 5(2), 171-180.
  • Wetzels, M., Odekerken-Schroder, G. and Van Oppen, C., (2009). Using PLS Path Modeling for Assessing Hierarchical Construct Models: Guidelines and Empirical Illustration, MIS Quarterly, 33(1), 177-196.
  • Williamson, K. C., Spitzer Jr. D. M. and Bloomberg, D. J., (1990). Modern Logistics Systems: Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Logistics, 11(2), p. 65.
  • Wulf, K. D., Odekerken-Schröder, G. and Iacobucci, D., (2001). Investments In Consumer Relationships: a CrossCountry and Cross-Industry Exploration, Journal of Marketing, 65(4), 33-50.
  • Yıldız, A., (2008). Türkiye’de Tersanelerin Tarihi ve Gemi İnşa Sanayisinin Gelişimi, Mühendis ve Makine, 49(578), s. 23-47.
  • Yu, K., Cadeaux, J. and Son, H., (2013). Distribution Channel Network and Relational Performance: The Intervening Mechanism of Adaptive Distribution Flexibility, Decision Sciences Journal, 44(5), 915-950.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Durmaz This is me

Mehmet Bilge Kağan Önaçan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


AMA Durmaz A, Önaçan MBK. TERSANELERİN TEDARİKÇİLERİ İLE İLİŞKİLERİNDE LOJİSTİK PERFORMANSIN İLİŞKİ MEMNUNİYETİNE ETKİSİ. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi. December 2018;6(2):1-19. doi:10.14514/BYK.m.26515393.2018.6/2.1-19
Chicago Durmaz, Ahmet, and Mehmet Bilge Kağan Önaçan. “TERSANELERİN TEDARİKÇİLERİ İLE İLİŞKİLERİNDE LOJİSTİK PERFORMANSIN İLİŞKİ MEMNUNİYETİNE ETKİSİ”. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi 6, no. 2 (December 2018): 1-19.
IEEE A. Durmaz and M. B. K. Önaçan, “TERSANELERİN TEDARİKÇİLERİ İLE İLİŞKİLERİNDE LOJİSTİK PERFORMANSIN İLİŞKİ MEMNUNİYETİNE ETKİSİ”, Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1–19, 2018, doi: 10.14514/BYK.m.26515393.2018.6/2.1-19.
MLA Durmaz, Ahmet and Mehmet Bilge Kağan Önaçan. “TERSANELERİN TEDARİKÇİLERİ İLE İLİŞKİLERİNDE LOJİSTİK PERFORMANSIN İLİŞKİ MEMNUNİYETİNE ETKİSİ”. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 2, 2018, pp. 1-19, doi:10.14514/BYK.m.26515393.2018.6/2.1-19.