Yusuf Has Hâcib hem İslâm öncesi hem de ilk İslâmî dönem Türk kültürünün günümüze ulaşmasını sağlayan seçkin birkaç Türk bilim insanından biridir. Kutadgu Bilig, insanı merkeze koyarak, Allah-insan, dünya-insan ve ölüm-insan ilişkilerini özelde bir siyaset felsefesi, genelde de bir hayat felsefesi bakışıyla ele alan özgün bir eserdir. Bu bağlamda dönemine ve medeniyetine kandil olan çok önemli bir kaynaktır. Kutadgu Bilig, İslâm öncesi Türk kültür kodlarını barındırmakla birlikte daha çok İslâmlaşma dönemi Türk düşüncesini sunması bakımından da çok özeldir.
Her dönemde, kendi hayat anlayışları çerçevesinde, devrin ihtiyaçlarına uygun, halkın durumunu dile getiren, hükümdarlara, vezirlere ve diğer üst düzey devlet erkânına, halkın dertleriyle ilgilenmelerini ve özellikle de âdil davranmalarını öğütleyen, uyarıcı ve yol gösterici hem ilmî hem de popüler eserler hep yazıla gelmiştir. Bu eserlere ilim tarihimizde “siyasetnâme” adı verilmiştir. Bu eserlerde temel olarak iki ekol göze çarpar. Bunlardan biri Eflatun ve Aristo’nun fikirlerinin ağırlıkta olduğu Batı ekolüdür. Diğeri ise, İbn Mukaffa’nın Edebü’l-Kebîr ve Edebü’s-sagîr ve Risâletü’s-sahâbe adlı eserleri, Cahız’ın Kitabü’t-Tâc fî ahlâki’l-mülûk, Keykavus b. İskender’in oğlu Gilan Şah için yazdığı Kâbusnâme ve Nizamü’l-Mülk’ün Siyasetnâme’sinin etkilerini hissettirdiği Doğu (İran-Hint) ekolüdür. Bu bağlamda Kutadgu Bilig Doğu (İran-Hint) ekolü seçkin ve önemli bir siyasetnamedir. Kutadgu Bilig, bütün diğer ilmî kimlikleri bir tarafa bırakılsa bile, Eflatun’un Devlet’inden daha hayatın içinde; Niccola Machiavelli’nin Prens’inden daha insânî ve daha ahlaklı; Jean Jacques Rousseau’nun Toplum Sözleşmesi ve Tommaso Campanella’nın Güneş Ülkesi Filozofça Bir Devlet Tasarısı’ndan daha gerçekçi; Abdülhamid el-Kâtib’in Doğunun Hükümdarı’ndan; Nizâmü’l-Mülk ve Necmeddin Dâye’nin Siyasetname’lerinden hayatla daha iç içe ve daha klasik bir siyasetnamedir.
Kutadgu Bilig sadece siyasetname özelliği ile sınırlanamaz Siyasetin nasıl olması gerektiğini hem siyasal olan şeylerin hem de doğru ya da iyi siyasal düzenin doğasını bilmek isteyişi ve bunu bütün muhataplarına aktarma girişimiyle bir siyaset felsefesidir. Bu özelliği ile İslam dünyasında kaleme alınmış olan Siyaset felsefelerinin ilklerinden olan Kutadgu Bilig devlet yönetiminin bir bütün olarak genel ilkelerini konu edinerek devlet-din veya siyaset-din ilişkilerini ele alır. Bu ilişkiler bir taraftan Kur’ân-ı Kerim âyetleri ve Hadislerle ilmek ilmek dokunurken diğer taraftan bu dokumalar mevcut sultana kaftan olarak giydirilir, kılıç olarak kuşatılır. Hedef kitlesi için de medeniyet kandili olarak parlar.
Yusuf Has Hajib is one of the few distinguished Turkish scientists who have brought the pre-Islamic and early Islamic Turkish culture to the present day. Kutadgu Bilig is an original work that focuses on people, focusing on the relations between God and man, the world and man, and death and human in particular with a political philosophy and a philosophy of life in general. In this context, it is a very important resource that sheds light on its period and civilization. Although Kutadgu Bilig contains pre-Islamic Turkish cultural codes, it is also of special importance in that it presents Turkish during the period of Islamization.
Various scholars have always written both scientific and popular works, which warn the rulers, viziers and other high-level statesmen to deal with the problems of the people and especially to act fairly, in accordance with the needs of the era in line with their own life understanding. These works have been called “book of policy-siyasetname” in our scientific history. In these works, there are basically two schools. One of them is the Western school, where the ideas of Plato and Aristotle predominate. The other one is the East (Iran-Indian) school in which the influence of Siyasetnâme of Nizamü'l-Mulk is felt as well as Ibn Mukaffa's works named Edebü’l-Kebir and Edebü's-sagir and Risâletü's-sahâbe, Cahız's "Kitabü't-Tâc fiî Ahlâki'l-mülûk", Keykavus b. Iskender's book he wrote for his son Gilan Shah, Kabusnâme. In this context, Kutadgu Bilig is an elite and important Book of Policy within the East (Iran-Indian) school. Leaving all its other scientific identities aside, Kutadgu Bilig is more in life than Plato's State; more humanly and more moral than Niccola Machiavelli’s the Prince; more realistic than Jean Jacques Rousseau's Community Convention and Tommaso Campanella's Solar Country Philosophical State Draft; more intertwined with life and more classical book of policy when compared to Abdulhamid al-Qatib's Ruler of the East; those of Nizâmü’l-Mulk and Necmeddin Dâye.
Kutadgu Bilig is not limited to the feature of politics; it is a political philosophy with an effort to know how politics should be, the nature of both political things and the right or good political order and attempt to transfer it to all its interlocutors. With this feature, Kutadgu Bilig, one of the pioneers of political philosophies in the Islamic world, deals with the general principles of state administration as a whole, and the relations of state-religion or politics-religion. On the one hand, these relations are knotted by the verses of the Holy Quran and the hadiths, while on the other hand, these fabrics were dressed to the Sultans as a caftan and besieged as swords. It shines as a lamp of civilization for its target audience.
When we consider civilization as the name of the rational, moral, material, spiritual, religious and worldly values set up in every aspect of human life or when we see civilization as a life style, we see Kutadgu Bilig as a burning candle of civilization. Yusuf Has Hâcib treats many thoughts and behaviors that reveal the understanding of civilization within the understanding and style as we convey in the article. The concepts of sovereignty, viziership, bureaucracy, state, law, rule of law, justice, fair administration, language / language, word, reason, knowledge, world, hereafter and righteousness are the prominent ones. These concepts are presented in a very understandable way in the life of thought and behavior.
First of all, this work is called “Kutadgu Bilig and it is a civilization project. The term ad Kutadgu etymologically means “kut-ad-gu / blessedness”. Kut also means state, happiness, bliss and political power. If Kut is understood as sovereignty, it refers to “heavenly sovereignty. The ruler is the Bless coming from the God in the Turks. Ebü’l-Gâzi explains in his “Secre” that “idi kut” means “the one who blesses”. In the language of Yusuf Hâs Hâcib, “idi kut” might have turned into “kutadgu”. Accordingly, the sovereign gives the blessings he received from God to those under his rule. Thus, the bless passes from God to the ruler and through him to his people. Likewise, Kutadgu Bilig is the information which provides bless. God enlightens the consciousness about the kut-bless in the ruler through Yusuf Has Hajib. Has Hâcib presents the blessing to his ruler as this Kutadgu Bilig-Blessed Knowledge book, while the ruler transmits this blessing to his people as justice. If Kutadgu Bilig is taken at the center of these approaches to “blessing up and painted as a river on a canvas, and likewise the values and insights of the civilization circle preferred by Yusuf Has Hajib is depicted as another river on another canvas, the viewer will consider the sources, flows and targets of both rivers to be substantially the same.
It is an invaluable blessing that this exceptional work, which is nearly ten centuries old, is intact today. Despite this value, it is very difficult to say that the interest shown to Yusuf Has Hajib and Kutadgu Bilig for the last ten centuries is at the level they deserve. This has so far been a very unfortunate ignorance by Turkish scientists.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 23, 2019 |
Submission Date | September 12, 2019 |
Acceptance Date | December 11, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2019 Volume: 2019 Issue: 39 |