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API-ZYM and numerical analysis of 16S rRNA gene ıdendified micromonospora ısolates from the Black Sea region

Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 81 - 92, 15.08.2017


In this study, molecular and numerical methods were applied to identify possible novel Micromonospora isolates. The isolation study of different actinomycetes obtained from the Black Sea Region soil samples were carried out by modifying different isolation techniques. Genomic DNA of bacteria is obtained by using DNA isolation kit. PCR-mediated amplification of the 16S rRNA gene region of test isolates were performed by using 27F and 1525R universal primers. Almost complete 16S rRNA gene sequences of the isolates were determined using automatic sequencer with 800R, MG3F and MG5F primers. Phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA gene were constructed with the neighbour-joining, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony algorithms by using MEGA6 software. In this study, we obtained one hundred fifty-one isolates in total, and it was determined that these microorganims belong to different groups of actinomycetes. Eleven possible novel strains which belong to the genus Micromonospora isolates were subjected to numerical and biochemical analysis. Putative novel Micromonospora soil isolates are expected to contribute to taxonomy of actinomycetes and also many novel species are sure to emerge


  • Abbas, I.H. (2006). A Biological and Biochemical Studies of Actinomycetes Isolated from Kuwait Saline Soil-Kuwait. Journal of Applied Science Research, 2(10), 809-815.
  • Berdy, J. (2005). Bioactive microbial metabolites. The Journal of Antibiotics, 58, 1-26.
  • Blackall, L., Parlett, J.H., Hayward, A.C., Minnikin, D.E., Greenfield, P.F., Harbers, A.E. (1989). Nocardia pinensis sp. nov., an actinomycete found in activated sludge foams in Australia. Journal of General Microbiyology, 135, 1547- 1558.
  • Brosius, J., Palmer, L., Kennedy, J. P., Noller, H. F. (1978). Complete nucleotide sequence of a 16s ribosomal RN A gene from Escherichia coli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 75, 4801-4805.
  • Buchanan, R.E., Gibbons, N.E. (Eds). Slack, J.M. (1974). Family Actinomycetaceae and genus Actinomyces. Bergey’s manual of determinative bacteriology. 8th edn. Pp: 659–667, Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins
  • Chun, J., Goodfellow, M. (1995). A phylogenetic analysis of the genus Nocardia with 16S rRNA gene sequences. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 45, 240-245.
  • de Menezes, A.B., Lockhart, R.J., Cox, M.J., Allison, H.E., McCarthy, A.J. (2008). Cellulose Degradation by Micromonosporas Recovered from Freshwater Lakes and Classification of These Actinomycetes by DNA Gyrase B Gene Sequencing. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology, 74(22), 7080-7084.
  • Felsenstein, J. (1981). Evolutionary trees from DNA sequences: a maximum likelihood approach. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 17, 368-376.
  • Felsenstein, J. (1985). Confidence limits on phylogeny: an appropriate use of the bootstrap. Evolution, 39, 783-791.
  • Gao, R., Liu, C., Zhao, J., Jia, F., Yu, C., Yang, L., Wang, X., Xiang, W.(2014). Micromonospora jinlongensis sp. nov., isolated from muddy soil in China and emended description of the genus Micromonospora. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 105(2),307-15.
  • Gordon, R.E., Mihm, J.M. (1962). The type species of the genus Nocardia. Journal of General Microbiology, 27, 1-10.
  • Gyobu, Y., Miyadoh, S. (2001). Proposal to transfer Actinomadura carminata to a new subspecies of Nonomuraea as Nonomuraea roseviolaceae subsp. carminata comb. Nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 51, 881-889.
  • Hassan, U.L., Wellington, E.M. (2009). Actinobacteria. Encyclopedia of Microbiology. Third Edition. S: 26-44. Moselio Schaechter.
  • Hayakawa, M., Nonomura, H. (1987). Humic acid-vitamin agar, a new medium for the selectiveisolation of soil actinomycetes. Journal of Fermentation Technology, 65 (5), 501-509.
  • Hayakawa, M. (2008). Studies on the isolation and distribution of rare actinomycetes in soil. Actinomycetologica, 22, 12–19
  • Hirsch, A.M., Valdés, M. (2010). Micromonospora: an important microbe for biomedicine and potentially for biocontrol and biofuels. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42,536–542.
  • Isik, K., Gencbay, T., Özdemir- Kocak, F., Cil, E. (2014). Molecular identification of different actinomycetes isolated from East Black Sea region plateau soil by 16S rDNA gene sequencing. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 8(9), 878-887.
  • Kelly, K.L. (1964). Inter-society color council-national bureau of standards color-name charts illustrated with centroid colors. Washington, DC: US Government Printing OfŞce
  • Kim, O.S., Cho, Y-J., Lee, K., Yoon, S.H., Kim, M., Na, H., Park, S.C., Jeon, Y.S., Lee, J.H., Yi, H., et al. (2012). Introducing EzTaxon-e: a prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene sequence database with phylotypes that represent uncultured species. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 62, 716–721.
  • Kluge, A.G., Farris, J.S. (1969). Quantitative phyletics and the evolution of anurans. Systematic. Zoology, 18, 1–32.
  • Küster, E. (1959). Outline of a comparative study of criteria used in characterization of the actinomycetes. Internatıonal Bulletın of Bacterıologıcal Nomenclature and Taxonomy, 9, 97–104.
  • Meier-Kolthoff, J. P., Auch, A. F., Klenk, H. P., Goker, M. (2013). Genome sequence-based species delimitation with confidence intervals and improved distance functions. BMC Bioinformatics, 60, 1-14.
  • Munro, H.N. , (Ed.), Jukes, T.H., Cantor, C.R. (1969). Evolution of protein molecules. Mammalian protein metabolism, vol. 3, New York: Acedemic Press.
  • Ozdemir Kocak., F., Gencbay, T., Işik, K. (2014). Selective Isolation and Molecular Identification of Different Actinomycetes from Various Habitats. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 8(5), 3781-3788.
  • Ozdemir-Kocak, F., Isik, K. (2015). Molecular ıdentification of Nocardia Diversity in soil by multilocus sequence analysis. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 8(2), 122-133
  • Phongsopitanun, W., Kudo, T., Ohkuma, M., Pittayakhajonwut, P., Suwanborirux, K., Tanasupawat. S. (2016). Micromonospora sediminis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 66, 3235-3240.
  • Shirling, E.B., Gottlieb, D. (1966). Methods for characterisation of Streptomyces species. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 16, 313-340.
  • Slack, J.M., Gerencser, M.A. (1976). Proposal and description of ATCC 13683 and ATCC 12102 as neotype strains of Actinomyces bovis Harz 1877 and Actinomyces israelii (Kruse), Lachner-Sandoval 1898, respectively. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 26, 85–87
  • E. Stackebrandt, M. Goodfellow, J. Wieley (Eds.), Lane, D.J. (1991). 16S/23S rRNA sequencing. Nucleic acid techniques in bacterial systematics, p: 115-175, New York.
  • Stoyanovski, S., Gacovski, Z., Antonova-Nikolova, S., Kırılov, N., Ivanova, I., Tenev, T., Hadjınesheva, V. (2013). API ZYM Enzymatic Profile of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Tratitional Bulgarian Meat Product “LUKANKA” . Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2), 86–89.
  • Tamura, K., Stecher, G., Peterson, D., Filipski, A., Kumar, S. (2013). MEGA6: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 6.0. Molecular biology and evolution, 30(12), 2725–2729.
  • Tanasupawat, S.,Jongrungruangchok, S., Kudo, T. (2010). Micromonospora marina sp. nov., isolated from sea sand. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 60, 648-652.
  • Yamamura, H., Hayakawa, M., Limura, Y. (2003). Application of sucrose-gradient centrifugation for selective isolation of Nocardia sp. from soil. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 95, 677–685.
  • Wanbanjob, A. (2008). Investigation of bioactive compounds from endophytic Actinomycete. Silpakorn University, Department Chemistry.

Karadeniz bölgesinden izole edilen 16S rRNA gen bölgesi ile tanımlanan Micromonospora izolatlarının APIZYM ve nümerik analizleri

Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 81 - 92, 15.08.2017


Çalışmamızda yeni tür olması muhtemel Micromonospora izolatlarına moleküler ve nümerik metodlar uygulanmıştır. Karadeniz bölgesinden alınan toprak örneklerinden izole edilen farklı aktinomisetlerin izolasyon çalışması farklı izolasyon teknikleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bakterilerin genomic DNA’sı DNA izolasyon kiti kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Test izolatlarına ait 16S rRNA gen bölgesi çoğaltımı 27F ve 1525R primerleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. İzolatlara ait gen dizileri 800R, MG3F ve MG5F evrensel primerleri ile otomatik dizileme cihazı kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. 16S rRNA gen bölgesi temelli filogenetik ağaçlar MEGA6 programında neighbour-joining, maximum likelihood ve maximum parsimony algorithmaları kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Bu çalışmada, toplamda yüz elli bir aktinomiset izolatı elde edilmiş ve bunların farklı aktinomiset gruplarına dahil oldukları belirlenmiştir. Bu izolatlardan Micromonospora cinsine ait olan yeni tür olması muhtemel 11 tanesine nümerik ve biyokimyasal testler uygulanmıştır. Yeni olduğu varsayılan Micromonospora toprak izolatlarının aktinomiset taksonomisine katkı sağlayacağı ve aynı zamanda birçok yeni türün ortaya çıkacağı düşünülmektedir


  • Abbas, I.H. (2006). A Biological and Biochemical Studies of Actinomycetes Isolated from Kuwait Saline Soil-Kuwait. Journal of Applied Science Research, 2(10), 809-815.
  • Berdy, J. (2005). Bioactive microbial metabolites. The Journal of Antibiotics, 58, 1-26.
  • Blackall, L., Parlett, J.H., Hayward, A.C., Minnikin, D.E., Greenfield, P.F., Harbers, A.E. (1989). Nocardia pinensis sp. nov., an actinomycete found in activated sludge foams in Australia. Journal of General Microbiyology, 135, 1547- 1558.
  • Brosius, J., Palmer, L., Kennedy, J. P., Noller, H. F. (1978). Complete nucleotide sequence of a 16s ribosomal RN A gene from Escherichia coli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 75, 4801-4805.
  • Buchanan, R.E., Gibbons, N.E. (Eds). Slack, J.M. (1974). Family Actinomycetaceae and genus Actinomyces. Bergey’s manual of determinative bacteriology. 8th edn. Pp: 659–667, Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins
  • Chun, J., Goodfellow, M. (1995). A phylogenetic analysis of the genus Nocardia with 16S rRNA gene sequences. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 45, 240-245.
  • de Menezes, A.B., Lockhart, R.J., Cox, M.J., Allison, H.E., McCarthy, A.J. (2008). Cellulose Degradation by Micromonosporas Recovered from Freshwater Lakes and Classification of These Actinomycetes by DNA Gyrase B Gene Sequencing. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology, 74(22), 7080-7084.
  • Felsenstein, J. (1981). Evolutionary trees from DNA sequences: a maximum likelihood approach. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 17, 368-376.
  • Felsenstein, J. (1985). Confidence limits on phylogeny: an appropriate use of the bootstrap. Evolution, 39, 783-791.
  • Gao, R., Liu, C., Zhao, J., Jia, F., Yu, C., Yang, L., Wang, X., Xiang, W.(2014). Micromonospora jinlongensis sp. nov., isolated from muddy soil in China and emended description of the genus Micromonospora. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 105(2),307-15.
  • Gordon, R.E., Mihm, J.M. (1962). The type species of the genus Nocardia. Journal of General Microbiology, 27, 1-10.
  • Gyobu, Y., Miyadoh, S. (2001). Proposal to transfer Actinomadura carminata to a new subspecies of Nonomuraea as Nonomuraea roseviolaceae subsp. carminata comb. Nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 51, 881-889.
  • Hassan, U.L., Wellington, E.M. (2009). Actinobacteria. Encyclopedia of Microbiology. Third Edition. S: 26-44. Moselio Schaechter.
  • Hayakawa, M., Nonomura, H. (1987). Humic acid-vitamin agar, a new medium for the selectiveisolation of soil actinomycetes. Journal of Fermentation Technology, 65 (5), 501-509.
  • Hayakawa, M. (2008). Studies on the isolation and distribution of rare actinomycetes in soil. Actinomycetologica, 22, 12–19
  • Hirsch, A.M., Valdés, M. (2010). Micromonospora: an important microbe for biomedicine and potentially for biocontrol and biofuels. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42,536–542.
  • Isik, K., Gencbay, T., Özdemir- Kocak, F., Cil, E. (2014). Molecular identification of different actinomycetes isolated from East Black Sea region plateau soil by 16S rDNA gene sequencing. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 8(9), 878-887.
  • Kelly, K.L. (1964). Inter-society color council-national bureau of standards color-name charts illustrated with centroid colors. Washington, DC: US Government Printing OfŞce
  • Kim, O.S., Cho, Y-J., Lee, K., Yoon, S.H., Kim, M., Na, H., Park, S.C., Jeon, Y.S., Lee, J.H., Yi, H., et al. (2012). Introducing EzTaxon-e: a prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene sequence database with phylotypes that represent uncultured species. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 62, 716–721.
  • Kluge, A.G., Farris, J.S. (1969). Quantitative phyletics and the evolution of anurans. Systematic. Zoology, 18, 1–32.
  • Küster, E. (1959). Outline of a comparative study of criteria used in characterization of the actinomycetes. Internatıonal Bulletın of Bacterıologıcal Nomenclature and Taxonomy, 9, 97–104.
  • Meier-Kolthoff, J. P., Auch, A. F., Klenk, H. P., Goker, M. (2013). Genome sequence-based species delimitation with confidence intervals and improved distance functions. BMC Bioinformatics, 60, 1-14.
  • Munro, H.N. , (Ed.), Jukes, T.H., Cantor, C.R. (1969). Evolution of protein molecules. Mammalian protein metabolism, vol. 3, New York: Acedemic Press.
  • Ozdemir Kocak., F., Gencbay, T., Işik, K. (2014). Selective Isolation and Molecular Identification of Different Actinomycetes from Various Habitats. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 8(5), 3781-3788.
  • Ozdemir-Kocak, F., Isik, K. (2015). Molecular ıdentification of Nocardia Diversity in soil by multilocus sequence analysis. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 8(2), 122-133
  • Phongsopitanun, W., Kudo, T., Ohkuma, M., Pittayakhajonwut, P., Suwanborirux, K., Tanasupawat. S. (2016). Micromonospora sediminis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 66, 3235-3240.
  • Shirling, E.B., Gottlieb, D. (1966). Methods for characterisation of Streptomyces species. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 16, 313-340.
  • Slack, J.M., Gerencser, M.A. (1976). Proposal and description of ATCC 13683 and ATCC 12102 as neotype strains of Actinomyces bovis Harz 1877 and Actinomyces israelii (Kruse), Lachner-Sandoval 1898, respectively. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 26, 85–87
  • E. Stackebrandt, M. Goodfellow, J. Wieley (Eds.), Lane, D.J. (1991). 16S/23S rRNA sequencing. Nucleic acid techniques in bacterial systematics, p: 115-175, New York.
  • Stoyanovski, S., Gacovski, Z., Antonova-Nikolova, S., Kırılov, N., Ivanova, I., Tenev, T., Hadjınesheva, V. (2013). API ZYM Enzymatic Profile of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Tratitional Bulgarian Meat Product “LUKANKA” . Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (2), 86–89.
  • Tamura, K., Stecher, G., Peterson, D., Filipski, A., Kumar, S. (2013). MEGA6: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 6.0. Molecular biology and evolution, 30(12), 2725–2729.
  • Tanasupawat, S.,Jongrungruangchok, S., Kudo, T. (2010). Micromonospora marina sp. nov., isolated from sea sand. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 60, 648-652.
  • Yamamura, H., Hayakawa, M., Limura, Y. (2003). Application of sucrose-gradient centrifugation for selective isolation of Nocardia sp. from soil. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 95, 677–685.
  • Wanbanjob, A. (2008). Investigation of bioactive compounds from endophytic Actinomycete. Silpakorn University, Department Chemistry.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Fadime Özdemirkoçak This is me

Talha Gençbay This is me

A Rıdvan Topkara

Elif Çil This is me

Kamil Işık This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Özdemirkoçak, F., Gençbay, T., Topkara, A. R., Çil, E., et al. (2017). API-ZYM and numerical analysis of 16S rRNA gene ıdendified micromonospora ısolates from the Black Sea region. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 10(2), 81-92.

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