Year 2024,
Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 23 - 37, 01.04.2024
Nebi Beyaz
Ruçhan İri
Necdet Eray Pişkin
Yapılan çalışmanın amacı 14-16 yaş futbolculara uygulatılan 8 haftalık aletli solunum kası egzersizlerinin aerobik kapasite, anaerobik güç ve bazı solunum parametreleri üzerine olan etkisinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya haftada 3 gün rutin olarak futbol antrenmanı yapan 14-16 yaş arası 30 erkek futbolcu gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Katılımcılar aletli solunum, plasebo ve kontrol olmak üzere 10’ar kişilik 3 gruba ayrılmıştır. Aletli solunum grubuna maksimal inspirasyon basıncı (MIP) değerlerinin %40’ı ile plasebo grubuna ise %15’i ile sabah-akşam 30’ar tekrar adet olmak üzere 8 hafta boyunca haftanın her günü aletli solunum kası egzersizi uygulanmıştır. Katılımcılara çalışmanın başında, 4. hafta sonunda ve 8. hafta sonunda olmak üzere toplam 3 defa aerobik kapasite, anaerobik güç ve solunum parametrelerini belirlemeye yönelik testler uygulanmıştır. Çalışma bulguları incelendiğinde solunum kası egzersizlerinin 8 haftalık sürecin 4 haftalık ara sürece kıyasla etki büyüklüğünün daha yüksek olduğu görülürken, grup içi ölçümlerin karşılaştırmasında solunum ve aerobik kapasite parametrelerinin çoğunluğunda tüm gruplarda anlamlı düzeyde fark görülmüştür (p<0,005). Gruplar arası etki büyüklüğü karşılaştırıldığında ise hem 4 haftalık süreçte hem de 8 haftalık süreçte aletli solunum grubunun diğer gruplara kıyasla etki düzeyinin daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak aktif futbol oynayan genç erkeklerde rutin antrenmanlara eklenen solunum kası egzersizlerinin özellikle solunum parametreleri ile aerobik kapasite üzerine etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Bu tarz yeni antrenman yöntemlerinin spor bilimlerinde performansı artırmaya yönelik önemli bir çalışma konusu ve alternatif bir yöntem olarak önerilebileceği düşünülmektedir.
- McConnel A. (2011). Breathe Strong, Perform Better, Human Kinetics, United States of America.
- Kraemer WJ., Adams K., Cafearelli E., Dudley GA., Dooly C., Feigenbaum MS., et al. (2002). American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in resistance training for healthy adults. Medicine Science in Sports Exercise. 34(2), 364-380.
- Enright SJ., Unnithan VB., Heward C., Withnall L., Davies DH. (2006). Effect of high-intensity inspiratory muscle training on lung volumes, diaphragm thickness and exercise capacity in subjects who are healthy. Physical Therapy. 86(3), 345-354.
- Kilding AE., Brown S., McConnell AK. (2010). Inspiratory muscle training improves 100 and 200 m swimming performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 108(3), 505-511.
- Aktuğ ZB., Yavuz G., İbiş S., Aka H., Pişkin NE. (2022). Solunum kası kuvvetini geliştirmede yeni bir yaklaşım: Aletli solunum kası egzersizi. Töre Ö., Akdeniz, H. (Editörler). Her yönüyle spor ve sağlık araştırmaları, Çizgi Kitabevi.
- Silva IS., Fregonezi GA., Dias FA., Ribeiro CT., Guerra RO.,Ferreira GM. (2013). Inspiratory muscle training for asthma. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 9, 1-35.
- Menzes KKP., Nascimento LR., Avelino PR., Polese JC., Salmela LFT. (2018). A review on respiratory muscle training devices. Journal of Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine. 8(2), 2-7.
- Salazar-Martínez E., Gatterer H., Burtscher M., Naranjo Orellana J., Santalla A. (2017). Influence of inspiratory muscle training on ventilatory efficiency and cycling performance in normoxia and hypoxia. Frontiers in Physiology. 8, 133.
- Pine M., Watsford M. (2005). Specific respiratory muscle training for athletic performance. Sports Coach. 27(4), 1-4.
- Aktuğ ZB., Yavuz G., Pişkin NE., Aka H., İbiş S. (2022). Farklı solunum kası egzersizlerinin maksimal oksijen tüketimi ve akciğer fonksiyonları üzerine akut etkisi. Spor Hekimliği Dergisi. 57(2), 79-85.
- Sukatan Z., Aktuğ ZB., İbiş S., Yavuz G., Pişkin, NE. (2022). Acute effect of different respiratory muscle warm-up on respiratory parameters. Journal of Human Sciences. 19(4), 550-560.
- Cheng CF., Hsu WC., Kuo YH., Chen TW., Kuo YC. (2020). Acute effect of inspiratory resistive loading on sprint interval exercise performance in team-sport athletes. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 282, 103531.
- Aktuğ ZB., Kurt S., Pişkin NE., Yavuz G., İbiş S., (2022). Effect of inspiratory muscle training with the device on respiratory functions. Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science. 5(3), 571-581.
- Şerifoğlu H., Çetinkaya C., Kayatekin BM. (2021). Sağlıklı bireylerde yapılan, aletli solunum egzersizleri ile aletsiz solunum egzersizlerinin akciğer hacim ve kapasitelerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 19(1), 127-136.
- Köroğlu Y. (2021). The effects of respiratory muscle training on aerobic, anaerobic and respiration parameters. African Educational Research Journal. 9(2), 405-417.
- Bağıran Y., Dağlıoğlu Ö., Bostancı Ö. (2019). The effect of respiratory muscle training on aerobic power and respiratory parameters in swimmers. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Sciences. 5(4), 214-220.
- Yılmaz ÖF., Özdal M. (2019). Acute, chronic, and combined pulmonary responses to swimming in competitive swimmers. Respiratory Physiology Neurobiology. 259, 129-135.
- Fernández-Lázaro D., Gallego-Gallego D., Corchete LA., Fernández Zoppino D., González-Bernal JJ., García Gómez B., Mielgo-Ayuso J. (2021). Inspiratory muscle training program using the powerbreath: Does it have ergogenic potential for respiratory and/or athletic performance? A systematic review with meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(13), 6703.
- Öztütüncü S., Özdal M. (2019). Chronic effect of ınspiratory muscle training to maximal expiratory pressure in sedentary healthy boys. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 5(9), 1-7.
- Günay M., Tamer K., Cicioğlu İ. (2013). Spor fizyolojisi ve performans ölçümü. 3. Baskı. Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara.
- Özdal M. (2016). Influence of an eight-week core strength training program on respiratory muscle fatigue following incremental exercise. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 24(3), 225-230.
- Cheng CF., Tong TK., Kuo TC., Chen PH., Huang HW., Lee CL. (2013). Inspiratorymuscle warm-up attenuates muscle deoxygenation during cycling exercise inwomen athletes. Respiratory Physiology Neurobiology. 186(3), 296-302.
- Culver BH., Graham B L., Coates A L., Wanger J., Berry C E., Clarke P K., Weiner DJ., et al. (2017). ATS Committee on Proficiency Standards for Pulmonary Function Laboratories. “Recommendations for a standardized pulmonary function report”: An Official American Thoracic Society technical statement. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 196(11), 1463-1472.
- Liu K., Zhang W., Yang Y., Zhang J., Li Y., Chen Y. (2020). Respiratory rehabilitation in elderly patients with COVID-19: A randomized controlled study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 39, 101166.
- Bilgiç A., Özdal M., Vural M. (2022). Acute effect of ınspıratory muscle warm up protocol on dynamıc and statıc balance performance. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 8(4), 11-20.
- Kurt S., Hazar S., Alpay B., İbiş S. (2011). Orta yaş sedanter bayanlarda sekiz haftalık step-aerobik egzersizin solunum parametrelerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi. 13(3), 311-314.
- Gökdemir K., Koç H. (2000). Hentbolcularda genel kuvvet antrenman programının bazı fizyolojik parametrelere etkisi. 1. Gazi Üniversitesi Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Kongresi Bildiri.
- Koç H. (2010). Aerobik antrenman programının erkek hentbolcularda bazı dolaşım ve solunum parametrelerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi. 12(3), 185-190.
- İri R., Eroğlu H. (2003). Makro dönem dayanıklılık antrenmanının amatör futbolcuların fiziksel parametrelerine etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 5(3), 11-16.
- Çakmakçı E., Çınar V., Boyalı, E. (2009). Bayan Tekvandocularda Kamp Döneminin Bazı Solunum Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. Atabesbd. 11(1),1-6.
- Tenório LHS., Santos AC., Câmara Neto JB., Amaral FJ., Passos VMM., Lima A MJ., Brasileiro-Santos MDS. (2013). The influence of inspiratory muscletraining on diaphragmatic mobility, pulmonary function and maximumrespiratory pressures in morbidly obese individuals: a pilot study. Disability and rehabilitation. 35(22), 1915-1920.
- Dempsey JA. (2006). Challenges for future research in exercise physiology as applied to the respiratory system. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 34(3), 92-98.
- Weiner P., Magadle R., Beckerman M., Weiner M., Berar-Yanay N. (2003). Comparison of specific expiratory inspiratory and combined muscle training programs in COPD. Chest. 124(4), 1357-1364.
- Gupta SS., Sawane MV. (2012). A comparative study of the effects of yoga and swimming on pulmonary functions in sedentary subjects. International Journal of Yoga. 5(2), 128-133.
- Poole DC., Jones AM. (2012) Oxygen uptake kinetics. Comprehensive Physiology. 2(2), 933-996.
- Sheel AW. (2002). Respiratory muscle training in healthy individuals: physiological rationale and implications for exercise performance. Sports Medicine. 32, 567-581.
- Archiza B., Andaku DK., Caruso FCR., Bonjorno Jr., JC Oliveira CRD Ricci PA. et al. (2018). Effects of inspiratory muscle training in professional women football players: a randomized sham-controlled trial. Journal of Sports Sciences. 36(7), 771-780.
- Pehlivan E., Mutluay F., Balcı A., Kılıç L. (2018). The effects of inspiratory muscle training on exercise capacity, dyspnea and respiratory functions in lung transplantation candidates: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 32(10), 1328-1339.
- Mahajan AA., Kulkarni N., Khatri SM., Kazi A., Shinde N. (2012). Effectiveness of Respıratory Muscle Training in Recreational Soccer Players: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy/Revista Romana de Kinetoterapie. 18(30), 64-70.
- Illi SK., Held U., Frank I., Spengler C M. (2012). Effect of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance in healthy individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine. 42(8), 707-724.
- Barnes KR., Ludge AR. (2021). Inspiratory muscle warm-up improves 3,200-m running performance in distance runners. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research. 35(6), 1739-1747.
- Poole DC., Barstow TJ., McDonough P., Jones AM. (2008). Oxygen uptake kinetics. Comprehensıve Physiology. 40(3), 462-474.
- Fukuoka Y., Poole DC., Barstow TJ., Kondo N., Nishiwaki M., Okushima D., Koga S. (2015). Reduction of VO2 slow component by priming exercise: Novel mechanistic insights from time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy. Physiological Reports. 3(6), e12432.
- Janssens L., Brumagne S., McConnell AK., Raymaekers J., Goossens N., Gayan-Ramirez G., Troosters T. (2013). The assessment of inspiratory muscle fatigue in healthy individuals: a systematic review. Respiratory Medicine. 107(3), 331-346.
- Kayar C., Özdal M., Vural M. (2020). Acute effect of inspiratory muscle warm-up protocol on knee flexion-extension isokinetic strength. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 6(4), 56-64.
- Lomax M., Grant I., Corbett J. (2011). Inspiratory muscle warm-up and inspiratory muscle training: separate and combined effects on intermittent running to exhaustion. Journal of Sports Sciences. 29(6), 563-569.
- Pişkin NE., Kutlu Z., Yavuz G., Aktuğ ZB., İbiş S., Aka H. (2023). The effect of deviced respiratory muscle exercises applied to smokers and non-smokers on respiratory functions. Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns (JERP). 4(1), 87-98.
- Aslan M., Dağlıoğlu Ö. (2022). Acute effect of respıratory muscle warm-up on explosıve power and flexıbılıty performance. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 8(4). 88-97.
- İbiş S., Yavuz G., Kurt S., Pişkin NE., Aktuğ B. (2022). What is the most important percentage of pressure in inspiratory muscle warm-up exercises for children?. Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science. 5(3), 593-603.
Year 2024,
Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 23 - 37, 01.04.2024
Nebi Beyaz
Ruçhan İri
Necdet Eray Pişkin
- McConnel A. (2011). Breathe Strong, Perform Better, Human Kinetics, United States of America.
- Kraemer WJ., Adams K., Cafearelli E., Dudley GA., Dooly C., Feigenbaum MS., et al. (2002). American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in resistance training for healthy adults. Medicine Science in Sports Exercise. 34(2), 364-380.
- Enright SJ., Unnithan VB., Heward C., Withnall L., Davies DH. (2006). Effect of high-intensity inspiratory muscle training on lung volumes, diaphragm thickness and exercise capacity in subjects who are healthy. Physical Therapy. 86(3), 345-354.
- Kilding AE., Brown S., McConnell AK. (2010). Inspiratory muscle training improves 100 and 200 m swimming performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 108(3), 505-511.
- Aktuğ ZB., Yavuz G., İbiş S., Aka H., Pişkin NE. (2022). Solunum kası kuvvetini geliştirmede yeni bir yaklaşım: Aletli solunum kası egzersizi. Töre Ö., Akdeniz, H. (Editörler). Her yönüyle spor ve sağlık araştırmaları, Çizgi Kitabevi.
- Silva IS., Fregonezi GA., Dias FA., Ribeiro CT., Guerra RO.,Ferreira GM. (2013). Inspiratory muscle training for asthma. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 9, 1-35.
- Menzes KKP., Nascimento LR., Avelino PR., Polese JC., Salmela LFT. (2018). A review on respiratory muscle training devices. Journal of Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine. 8(2), 2-7.
- Salazar-Martínez E., Gatterer H., Burtscher M., Naranjo Orellana J., Santalla A. (2017). Influence of inspiratory muscle training on ventilatory efficiency and cycling performance in normoxia and hypoxia. Frontiers in Physiology. 8, 133.
- Pine M., Watsford M. (2005). Specific respiratory muscle training for athletic performance. Sports Coach. 27(4), 1-4.
- Aktuğ ZB., Yavuz G., Pişkin NE., Aka H., İbiş S. (2022). Farklı solunum kası egzersizlerinin maksimal oksijen tüketimi ve akciğer fonksiyonları üzerine akut etkisi. Spor Hekimliği Dergisi. 57(2), 79-85.
- Sukatan Z., Aktuğ ZB., İbiş S., Yavuz G., Pişkin, NE. (2022). Acute effect of different respiratory muscle warm-up on respiratory parameters. Journal of Human Sciences. 19(4), 550-560.
- Cheng CF., Hsu WC., Kuo YH., Chen TW., Kuo YC. (2020). Acute effect of inspiratory resistive loading on sprint interval exercise performance in team-sport athletes. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 282, 103531.
- Aktuğ ZB., Kurt S., Pişkin NE., Yavuz G., İbiş S., (2022). Effect of inspiratory muscle training with the device on respiratory functions. Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science. 5(3), 571-581.
- Şerifoğlu H., Çetinkaya C., Kayatekin BM. (2021). Sağlıklı bireylerde yapılan, aletli solunum egzersizleri ile aletsiz solunum egzersizlerinin akciğer hacim ve kapasitelerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 19(1), 127-136.
- Köroğlu Y. (2021). The effects of respiratory muscle training on aerobic, anaerobic and respiration parameters. African Educational Research Journal. 9(2), 405-417.
- Bağıran Y., Dağlıoğlu Ö., Bostancı Ö. (2019). The effect of respiratory muscle training on aerobic power and respiratory parameters in swimmers. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Sciences. 5(4), 214-220.
- Yılmaz ÖF., Özdal M. (2019). Acute, chronic, and combined pulmonary responses to swimming in competitive swimmers. Respiratory Physiology Neurobiology. 259, 129-135.
- Fernández-Lázaro D., Gallego-Gallego D., Corchete LA., Fernández Zoppino D., González-Bernal JJ., García Gómez B., Mielgo-Ayuso J. (2021). Inspiratory muscle training program using the powerbreath: Does it have ergogenic potential for respiratory and/or athletic performance? A systematic review with meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(13), 6703.
- Öztütüncü S., Özdal M. (2019). Chronic effect of ınspiratory muscle training to maximal expiratory pressure in sedentary healthy boys. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 5(9), 1-7.
- Günay M., Tamer K., Cicioğlu İ. (2013). Spor fizyolojisi ve performans ölçümü. 3. Baskı. Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara.
- Özdal M. (2016). Influence of an eight-week core strength training program on respiratory muscle fatigue following incremental exercise. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 24(3), 225-230.
- Cheng CF., Tong TK., Kuo TC., Chen PH., Huang HW., Lee CL. (2013). Inspiratorymuscle warm-up attenuates muscle deoxygenation during cycling exercise inwomen athletes. Respiratory Physiology Neurobiology. 186(3), 296-302.
- Culver BH., Graham B L., Coates A L., Wanger J., Berry C E., Clarke P K., Weiner DJ., et al. (2017). ATS Committee on Proficiency Standards for Pulmonary Function Laboratories. “Recommendations for a standardized pulmonary function report”: An Official American Thoracic Society technical statement. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 196(11), 1463-1472.
- Liu K., Zhang W., Yang Y., Zhang J., Li Y., Chen Y. (2020). Respiratory rehabilitation in elderly patients with COVID-19: A randomized controlled study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 39, 101166.
- Bilgiç A., Özdal M., Vural M. (2022). Acute effect of ınspıratory muscle warm up protocol on dynamıc and statıc balance performance. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 8(4), 11-20.
- Kurt S., Hazar S., Alpay B., İbiş S. (2011). Orta yaş sedanter bayanlarda sekiz haftalık step-aerobik egzersizin solunum parametrelerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi. 13(3), 311-314.
- Gökdemir K., Koç H. (2000). Hentbolcularda genel kuvvet antrenman programının bazı fizyolojik parametrelere etkisi. 1. Gazi Üniversitesi Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Kongresi Bildiri.
- Koç H. (2010). Aerobik antrenman programının erkek hentbolcularda bazı dolaşım ve solunum parametrelerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi. 12(3), 185-190.
- İri R., Eroğlu H. (2003). Makro dönem dayanıklılık antrenmanının amatör futbolcuların fiziksel parametrelerine etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 5(3), 11-16.
- Çakmakçı E., Çınar V., Boyalı, E. (2009). Bayan Tekvandocularda Kamp Döneminin Bazı Solunum Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. Atabesbd. 11(1),1-6.
- Tenório LHS., Santos AC., Câmara Neto JB., Amaral FJ., Passos VMM., Lima A MJ., Brasileiro-Santos MDS. (2013). The influence of inspiratory muscletraining on diaphragmatic mobility, pulmonary function and maximumrespiratory pressures in morbidly obese individuals: a pilot study. Disability and rehabilitation. 35(22), 1915-1920.
- Dempsey JA. (2006). Challenges for future research in exercise physiology as applied to the respiratory system. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 34(3), 92-98.
- Weiner P., Magadle R., Beckerman M., Weiner M., Berar-Yanay N. (2003). Comparison of specific expiratory inspiratory and combined muscle training programs in COPD. Chest. 124(4), 1357-1364.
- Gupta SS., Sawane MV. (2012). A comparative study of the effects of yoga and swimming on pulmonary functions in sedentary subjects. International Journal of Yoga. 5(2), 128-133.
- Poole DC., Jones AM. (2012) Oxygen uptake kinetics. Comprehensive Physiology. 2(2), 933-996.
- Sheel AW. (2002). Respiratory muscle training in healthy individuals: physiological rationale and implications for exercise performance. Sports Medicine. 32, 567-581.
- Archiza B., Andaku DK., Caruso FCR., Bonjorno Jr., JC Oliveira CRD Ricci PA. et al. (2018). Effects of inspiratory muscle training in professional women football players: a randomized sham-controlled trial. Journal of Sports Sciences. 36(7), 771-780.
- Pehlivan E., Mutluay F., Balcı A., Kılıç L. (2018). The effects of inspiratory muscle training on exercise capacity, dyspnea and respiratory functions in lung transplantation candidates: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 32(10), 1328-1339.
- Mahajan AA., Kulkarni N., Khatri SM., Kazi A., Shinde N. (2012). Effectiveness of Respıratory Muscle Training in Recreational Soccer Players: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Romanian Journal of Physical Therapy/Revista Romana de Kinetoterapie. 18(30), 64-70.
- Illi SK., Held U., Frank I., Spengler C M. (2012). Effect of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance in healthy individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine. 42(8), 707-724.
- Barnes KR., Ludge AR. (2021). Inspiratory muscle warm-up improves 3,200-m running performance in distance runners. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research. 35(6), 1739-1747.
- Poole DC., Barstow TJ., McDonough P., Jones AM. (2008). Oxygen uptake kinetics. Comprehensıve Physiology. 40(3), 462-474.
- Fukuoka Y., Poole DC., Barstow TJ., Kondo N., Nishiwaki M., Okushima D., Koga S. (2015). Reduction of VO2 slow component by priming exercise: Novel mechanistic insights from time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy. Physiological Reports. 3(6), e12432.
- Janssens L., Brumagne S., McConnell AK., Raymaekers J., Goossens N., Gayan-Ramirez G., Troosters T. (2013). The assessment of inspiratory muscle fatigue in healthy individuals: a systematic review. Respiratory Medicine. 107(3), 331-346.
- Kayar C., Özdal M., Vural M. (2020). Acute effect of inspiratory muscle warm-up protocol on knee flexion-extension isokinetic strength. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 6(4), 56-64.
- Lomax M., Grant I., Corbett J. (2011). Inspiratory muscle warm-up and inspiratory muscle training: separate and combined effects on intermittent running to exhaustion. Journal of Sports Sciences. 29(6), 563-569.
- Pişkin NE., Kutlu Z., Yavuz G., Aktuğ ZB., İbiş S., Aka H. (2023). The effect of deviced respiratory muscle exercises applied to smokers and non-smokers on respiratory functions. Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns (JERP). 4(1), 87-98.
- Aslan M., Dağlıoğlu Ö. (2022). Acute effect of respıratory muscle warm-up on explosıve power and flexıbılıty performance. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science. 8(4). 88-97.
- İbiş S., Yavuz G., Kurt S., Pişkin NE., Aktuğ B. (2022). What is the most important percentage of pressure in inspiratory muscle warm-up exercises for children?. Mediterranean Journal of Sport Science. 5(3), 593-603.