Year 2024,
Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 72 - 78, 01.04.2024
Ertuğrul Gençay
Ökkeş Alpaslan Gençay
İnsan saldırganlığı farklı insanlar için farklı anlamlara gelir. Zorlayıcı davranışlar spor dünyasında, siyasi arenada ve iş dünyasında sıklıkla saldırganlıkla eş anlamlı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma, yüzücüler ile hareketsiz yaşam tarzına sahip kişilerin saldırganlık düzeyleri arasında bir fark olup olmadığını araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmaya tamamı Kahramanmaraş ilinde yaşayan 141 genç gönüllü katıldı. Bunlardan 36 kız ve 34 erkek yüzücülerden, 34 kız ve 37 erkek ise spor yapmayanlardan oluşmuştur. Araştırmada demografik bilgilerin yanı sıra saldırganlık düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla Buss ve Warren (2000) tarafından geliştirilen 34 maddelik Saldırganlık Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonuçları yüzücüler ile sedanterlerin fiziksel saldırganlık, sözel saldırganlık ve düşmanca puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğunu gösterdi (p<0,05). Öfke ve dolaylı saldırganlık alt boyutlarında ise fark anlamlı bulunmamıştır (p>0,05). Çalışmada yüzme sporunun saldırganlık eğilimi düzeyini azalttığı belirlendi. Ayrıca yüzmenin genç kadın ve erkeklerde saldırganlık düzeyini azalttığı belirlendi.
- Russell GW. (2008). Aggression in the sports world a social psychological perspective. Oxford University Press, Inc.
- Bushman BJ., Huesmann LR. (2010). Aggression. İçinde: Handbook of Social Psychology. 833-863. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Geen RG. (2001). Human aggression. Open University Press.
- Anderson CA., Huesmann LR. (2007). Human aggression: A social-cognitive view. The Sage handbook of social psychology. 259-287.
- Gordon RW. (2008). Aggression in the sports world.
- Anderson CA., Bushman BJ. (2002). Human aggression. Annual Review of Psychology. 53(1), 27-51.
- Warburton W.A., Anderson CA. (2015). Aggression, social psychology of. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 1, 373-380.
- Lorenz K. (1966). On aggression. Routlege.
- Krishnaveni K., Shahin A. (2014). Aggression and its influence on sports performance. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports, and Health. 1(2), 29–32.
- Malinauskas R., Dumciene A., Malinauskiene V. (2014). Perceived characteristics of aggressiveness in male adolescent athletes and non-athletes. Revista de Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala. 45, 17-30.
- Gage EA. (2008). Collegiate setting. Violence Against Women. 14(9), 1014-1032.
- McCauley HL., Jaime MCD., Tancredi DJ., Silverman JG., Decker MR., Austin SB., Jones K., Miller E. (2014). Differences in adolescent relationship abuse perpetration and gender-inequitable attitudes by sport among male high school athletes. Journal of Adolescent Health. 54(6), 742-744.
- Pappas NT., McKenry PC., Catlett BS. (2004). Athlete aggression on the rink and off the ice. Men and Masculinities. 6(3), 291-312.
- Steinfeldt JA., Vaughan EL., LaFollette JR., Steinfeldt MC. (2012). Bullying among adolescent football players: Role of masculinity and moral atmosphere. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 13(4), 340-353.
- Sebastien G. (2006). Violence in sports and among sportsmen: A single or two-track issue. Aggressive Behavior. 32, 231-240.
- Channon A., Matthews CR. (2015). “It is what it is”: Masculinity, homosexuality, and inclusive discourse in mixed martial arts. Journal of Homosexuality. 62(7), 936-956.
- Buss AH., Perry M. (1992). Personality processess and individual differences: The aggression questionnaire. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 63(3), 452-459.
- Demirtas-Madran, HA. (2012). Reliability and validity studies of turkish version of buss-perry aggression questionnaire. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry. 24(2), 124-129.
- Tabachnick BG., Fidell LS. (2007). Using multivariate statistics. Pearson Allyn & Bacon. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
- Cohen J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin. 112(1), 155-159.
- Leith LL. (1977). The psychological assessment of agression in sport: a critique of existing measurement techniques. International Symposium on Psyhological Assessment in Sport. Wingate Institute. Israel
- Dervent F., Arslanoğlu E., Şenel Ö. (2010). Lise öğrencilerinin saldırganlık düzeyleri ve sportif aktivitelere katılımla ilişkisi (İstanbul ili örneği). Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. 7(1), 521-533.
- Lotfian S., Ziaee V., Amini H., Mansournia MA. (2011). An analysis of anger in adolescent girls who practice the martial arts. International Journal of Pediatrics. 2011, 630604.
- Tamborini R., Chory RM., Lachlan K., Westerman D., Skalski P. (2008). Talking smack: Verbal aggression in professional wrestling. Communication Studies. 59(3), 242-258.
- Parul M. (2014). Comparative study of anxiety and aggression level between handball and basketball male players. Psychology. 3(9), 695-696.
- Güner BÇ. (2006). Takım sporları ve bireysel sporlar yapan sporcuların saldırganlık düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
- Kırımoğlu H., Parlak N., Dereceli Ç., Kepoğlu A. (2008). Lise öğrencilerinin saldırganlık düzeylerinin spora katılım düzeylerine göre incelemesi. Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2(2), 147-154.
- Kinney TA., Smith BA., Donzella B. (2001). The influence of sex, gender, self-discrepancies, and self-awareness on anger and verbal aggressiveness among U.S. college students. Journal of Social Psychology. 141(2), 245-275.
Year 2024,
Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 72 - 78, 01.04.2024
Ertuğrul Gençay
Ökkeş Alpaslan Gençay
Human aggression means different things to different people. Coercive behaviors are often used synonymously with aggressiveness in the sports world, political arena, and business community. This study aims to investigate whether there is a difference between aggression levels of swimmers and people who have a sedentary lifestyle. 141 young volunteers who all live in the city of Kahramanmaras participated in the study. Of them, 36 girls and 34 boys swimmers, and 34 girls and 37 boys don’t play sports. A 34-item Aggression Scale developed by Buss and Warren (2000) was used in the study to determine demographic information as well as levels of aggression. Results showed statistically significant difference between swimmers and sedentary's physical aggression, verbal aggression and hostile scores (p<0.05). The difference was not significant for anger and indirect aggression sub-dimensions (p> 0.05). The study has revealed that swimming sports reduce the level of aggression tendency. Also, it was determined that swimming reduces the level of aggression in young women and men.
- Russell GW. (2008). Aggression in the sports world a social psychological perspective. Oxford University Press, Inc.
- Bushman BJ., Huesmann LR. (2010). Aggression. İçinde: Handbook of Social Psychology. 833-863. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Geen RG. (2001). Human aggression. Open University Press.
- Anderson CA., Huesmann LR. (2007). Human aggression: A social-cognitive view. The Sage handbook of social psychology. 259-287.
- Gordon RW. (2008). Aggression in the sports world.
- Anderson CA., Bushman BJ. (2002). Human aggression. Annual Review of Psychology. 53(1), 27-51.
- Warburton W.A., Anderson CA. (2015). Aggression, social psychology of. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 1, 373-380.
- Lorenz K. (1966). On aggression. Routlege.
- Krishnaveni K., Shahin A. (2014). Aggression and its influence on sports performance. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports, and Health. 1(2), 29–32.
- Malinauskas R., Dumciene A., Malinauskiene V. (2014). Perceived characteristics of aggressiveness in male adolescent athletes and non-athletes. Revista de Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala. 45, 17-30.
- Gage EA. (2008). Collegiate setting. Violence Against Women. 14(9), 1014-1032.
- McCauley HL., Jaime MCD., Tancredi DJ., Silverman JG., Decker MR., Austin SB., Jones K., Miller E. (2014). Differences in adolescent relationship abuse perpetration and gender-inequitable attitudes by sport among male high school athletes. Journal of Adolescent Health. 54(6), 742-744.
- Pappas NT., McKenry PC., Catlett BS. (2004). Athlete aggression on the rink and off the ice. Men and Masculinities. 6(3), 291-312.
- Steinfeldt JA., Vaughan EL., LaFollette JR., Steinfeldt MC. (2012). Bullying among adolescent football players: Role of masculinity and moral atmosphere. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 13(4), 340-353.
- Sebastien G. (2006). Violence in sports and among sportsmen: A single or two-track issue. Aggressive Behavior. 32, 231-240.
- Channon A., Matthews CR. (2015). “It is what it is”: Masculinity, homosexuality, and inclusive discourse in mixed martial arts. Journal of Homosexuality. 62(7), 936-956.
- Buss AH., Perry M. (1992). Personality processess and individual differences: The aggression questionnaire. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 63(3), 452-459.
- Demirtas-Madran, HA. (2012). Reliability and validity studies of turkish version of buss-perry aggression questionnaire. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry. 24(2), 124-129.
- Tabachnick BG., Fidell LS. (2007). Using multivariate statistics. Pearson Allyn & Bacon. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
- Cohen J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin. 112(1), 155-159.
- Leith LL. (1977). The psychological assessment of agression in sport: a critique of existing measurement techniques. International Symposium on Psyhological Assessment in Sport. Wingate Institute. Israel
- Dervent F., Arslanoğlu E., Şenel Ö. (2010). Lise öğrencilerinin saldırganlık düzeyleri ve sportif aktivitelere katılımla ilişkisi (İstanbul ili örneği). Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. 7(1), 521-533.
- Lotfian S., Ziaee V., Amini H., Mansournia MA. (2011). An analysis of anger in adolescent girls who practice the martial arts. International Journal of Pediatrics. 2011, 630604.
- Tamborini R., Chory RM., Lachlan K., Westerman D., Skalski P. (2008). Talking smack: Verbal aggression in professional wrestling. Communication Studies. 59(3), 242-258.
- Parul M. (2014). Comparative study of anxiety and aggression level between handball and basketball male players. Psychology. 3(9), 695-696.
- Güner BÇ. (2006). Takım sporları ve bireysel sporlar yapan sporcuların saldırganlık düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
- Kırımoğlu H., Parlak N., Dereceli Ç., Kepoğlu A. (2008). Lise öğrencilerinin saldırganlık düzeylerinin spora katılım düzeylerine göre incelemesi. Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2(2), 147-154.
- Kinney TA., Smith BA., Donzella B. (2001). The influence of sex, gender, self-discrepancies, and self-awareness on anger and verbal aggressiveness among U.S. college students. Journal of Social Psychology. 141(2), 245-275.