Year 2021,
Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 319 - 320, 01.09.2021
Nazlı Melis Misyağcı
Çiğdem Müge Haylı
- Clarke M, Price K. 2016. Augmentative and alternative communication for children with cerebral palsy. Paediat Child Health, 22(9): 373-377.
- Craig F, Lorenzo A, Lucarelli E, Russo L, Fanizza I, Trabacca A. 2018. Motor competency and social communication skills in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res, 11: 894-900.
- Goldstein H. 2002. Communication intervention for children with autism: A review of treatment efficacy. J Autism Develop Disorders, 32(5): 373-396.
- Hidecker CM, Slaughter J, Abeysekara PT, Ho N, Dodge NA, Hurvitz E, Workinger SMD, Kent R, Rosenbaum P, Lenski M, Vanderbeek BS, Deroos R, Paneth N. 2018. Early predictors and correlates of communication function in children with cerebral palsy. J Child Neurol, 33(4): 275-285.
- Marrus N, Hall L. 2017. Intellectual disability and language disorder. Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am, 26: 539-540.
- Mcleod ST, Threats T. 2008. The ICF-CY and children with communication disabilities. Inter J Speech-Language Pathol, 10(1-2): 92-93.
- McNeil NM; Alibali MW, Evans JL. 2000. The role of gesture in children’s comprehension of spoken language: Now they need it, now they don’t. J Nonverbal Behav, 24: 131-150.
- Özmen GR. 2003. İfade edici dil becerileri sınırlı olan zihinsel engell, çocukların dil gelişimlerini desteklemek için öğretmenin sınıf ortamında yapacakları. Türk Eğitim Bilim Derg, 1(2): 1-17.
- Sarı H. 2010. Zihinsel yetersiz bireylerin sağlık sorunları. TAF Prevent Med Bullet, 9(2): 145-150.
- Schalick OW, Westbrook C, Young B. 2012. Communication with individuals with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric disabilities: A summary of the literature. Michigan Retirement Research Center University of Michigan, Working Paper, 264-270.
Disabled Children and Communication
Year 2021,
Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 319 - 320, 01.09.2021
Nazlı Melis Misyağcı
Çiğdem Müge Haylı
The acquisition of the mother tongue is one of the areas that may be problematic for children affected by disability. Problems in both receptive and expressive language development can be seen in children affected by various degrees of disability. It is seen that the natural language approach, which is based on the foundations of social interactionist theory, has been effective in teaching the mother tongue to children who have been affected by inadequacy. This study explains what needs to be done to develop the expressive language of children with mental disabilities who have limited expressive language skills. The study also includes activity suggestions to support children's language development.
- Clarke M, Price K. 2016. Augmentative and alternative communication for children with cerebral palsy. Paediat Child Health, 22(9): 373-377.
- Craig F, Lorenzo A, Lucarelli E, Russo L, Fanizza I, Trabacca A. 2018. Motor competency and social communication skills in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res, 11: 894-900.
- Goldstein H. 2002. Communication intervention for children with autism: A review of treatment efficacy. J Autism Develop Disorders, 32(5): 373-396.
- Hidecker CM, Slaughter J, Abeysekara PT, Ho N, Dodge NA, Hurvitz E, Workinger SMD, Kent R, Rosenbaum P, Lenski M, Vanderbeek BS, Deroos R, Paneth N. 2018. Early predictors and correlates of communication function in children with cerebral palsy. J Child Neurol, 33(4): 275-285.
- Marrus N, Hall L. 2017. Intellectual disability and language disorder. Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am, 26: 539-540.
- Mcleod ST, Threats T. 2008. The ICF-CY and children with communication disabilities. Inter J Speech-Language Pathol, 10(1-2): 92-93.
- McNeil NM; Alibali MW, Evans JL. 2000. The role of gesture in children’s comprehension of spoken language: Now they need it, now they don’t. J Nonverbal Behav, 24: 131-150.
- Özmen GR. 2003. İfade edici dil becerileri sınırlı olan zihinsel engell, çocukların dil gelişimlerini desteklemek için öğretmenin sınıf ortamında yapacakları. Türk Eğitim Bilim Derg, 1(2): 1-17.
- Sarı H. 2010. Zihinsel yetersiz bireylerin sağlık sorunları. TAF Prevent Med Bullet, 9(2): 145-150.
- Schalick OW, Westbrook C, Young B. 2012. Communication with individuals with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric disabilities: A summary of the literature. Michigan Retirement Research Center University of Michigan, Working Paper, 264-270.