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Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 48 - 57


Bu çalışmada amaç, Türkiye’deki sertifikalı hipnoterapistlerin, hipnoz uygulamalarına bakışı, kullandıkları yöntemler, kişisel deneyim, mesleki uygulama alanları, yaşadıkları zorlukları ve akademik eğitimlerini belirlemektir. Katılımcılara WhatsApp ve SMS aracılığı ile anket formu gönderildi. Araştırmaya Sağlık Bakanlığı onaylı sertifika sahibi 195 katılımcı dahil oldu. Katılımcıların %56,9’u kadındı. Son 10 yıldır hipnoz uygulayanların sayısı oldukça artmıştır, Tüm uygulayıcıların 2/3’ünden fazlası son 10 yılda uygularken bunların yarısı da 4 yıl içinde uygulamaya başlamıştır. Sertifika sahibi hipnoterapistlerin sadece %4,6’sı hipnoz uygulamamaktadır. %41’i özel muayenede çalışmaktadır. Katılımcıların neredeyse yarısı, ayda 10 hastadan daha az uygulama yaparken, ¼’ü 10-50 hastaya hipnoz uygulamaktadır. Karşılaşılan olumsuz etki çok azdı, bu etkilerden de en fazla olan baş ağrısı idi (%50), Yaşanan zorluklar sorulduğunda en fazla rapport ve ön yargı sorunu belirtilmiştir. Katılımcıların %14,9’u seans öncesi kendine self hipnoz uyguluyordu. Kamuda çalışan hekim sayısı diğer meslek gruplarına göre daha yüksekti (P=0,015). Diğer meslek gruplarına göre, psikologlar daha fazla online hipnoz uyguluyor idi (P=0,043). Türkiye’de hipnotistlerin çoğunluğu hekimlerden oluşmaktadır ve online hipnoz uygulaması azımsanmayacak kadar çoktur. Sertifika sahibi katılımcıların çoğu hipnoz uygulamaktadırlar. En çok anksiyete amacı ile kullanılmaktadır. Geleneksel klasik hipnoz ve Ericksonian yaklaşım yaygındır. Kadın doğum hastalıkları ve doğum ile diş kliniklerinde hala kullanım çok az görülmektedir. Hipnoz eğitimi ile birlikte klinik uygun ortam sağlandığında hipnoz uygulamalarının artacağını düşünüyoruz.

Ethical Statement

Yerel etik kurul onayı (2024-TBEK 2024/05-13) alındıktan sonra Helsinki Deklerasyonu Prensipleri’ne uygun olarak çalışılmıştır.


  • Ayaslı A, Ay T, Alan H. 2020. Olumsuz yaşam deneyimlerine bağlı anksiyetede hipnotik yeniden işleme terapisinin etkinliği: Olgu sunumu. Gelen Tam Anadolu Tıbbı Derg, 2(2): 36-41.
  • Bollinger JW. 2018. The rate of adverse event s related to hypnosis during clinical trials. Amer J Clin Hypn, 60(4): 357-366.
  • Elkins GR, Barabasz AF, Council JR, Spiegel, D. 2015. Advancing research and practice: there vised APA division 30 definition of hypnosis. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 63: 1-9.
  • Flynn N. 2019. Effect of an Online hypnosis ıntervention in reducing migraines ymptoms: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 67(3): 313-335.
  • Gardner T, O'Hagan E, Gilanyi YL, McAuley JH, Jensen MP. Rizzo RR. 2024. Using hypnosis in clinical practice for the management of chronic pain: A qualitative study. Patient Educ Couns, 119: 108097.
  • Hammond DC. 2010. Hypnosis in thetreatment of anxiety- and stress-related disorders. Expert Rev Neurother, 10(2): 263-273.
  • Häuser W, Hagl M, Schmierer A, Hansen E. 2016. The efficacy, safety and applications of medical hypnosis. Dtsch ArzteblInt, 113(17): 289-296.
  • Jensen MP. 2024. Hypnosis and chronic pain management. Routledge Int Handb Clin Hypn, 2024: 628-639.
  • Kekecs Z, Moss D, Elkins G, De Benedittis G, Palsson OS, Shenefelt PD, Terhune BD, Varga K, Whorwell PJ. 2022. Guidelines for the assessment of efficacy of clinical hypnosis applications. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 70(2): 104-122.
  • Linden JH, De Benedittis G, Sugarman LI, Varga K. 2024. Hypnosis and society. Routledge Int Handb Clin Hypn, 2024: 739-788.
  • Lynn SJ, Green JP. 2023. . An introduction to the practice of clinical hypnosis. In Milling LS (Ed.), Evidence-based practice in clinical hypnosis, American Psychological Association, Washington, US, pp: 3-27.
  • Meyerson J. 2014. The myth of hypnosis: the need for remythification. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 62(3): 378-393.
  • Molina-Peral JA, Rodríguez JS, Capafons A, Mendoza ME. 2020. Attitudes toward hypnosis based on source of information and experience with hypnosis. Am J Clin Hypn, 62(3): 282-297.
  • Montgomery, GH, David D, Winkel G, Silverstein JH, Bovbjerg DH. 2002. The effectiveness of adjunctive hypnosis with surgical patients: a meta-analysis. Anesth Analg, 94(6): 1639-1645.
  • NCCIH. 2021. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: Feasibilit yclinical trials of mind and body interventions for NCCIH high priority research topics. URL: (erişim tarihi: 15 Haziran, 2024).
  • Ozgunay SE, Ozmen S, Karasu D, Yilmaz C, Taymur I. 2019. The effect of hypnosis on intraoperative hemorrhage and postoperative pain in rhinoplasty. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 67(3): 262-277.
  • Palfi B, Moga G, Lush P, Scott RB, Dienes Z. 2020. Can hypnotic suggestibility be measured online? Psychol Res, 84(5): 1460-1471.
  • Palsson OS, Kekecs Z, De Benedittis G, Moss D, Elkins GR, Terhune DB, Varga K. 2023. Current practices, experiences, and views in clinical hypnosis: Findings of an ınternational survey. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 71(2): 92-114.
  • Rosendahl J, Alldredge CT, Haddenhorst A. 2024. Meta-analytic evidence on the efficacy of hypnosis for mental and somatic health issues: a 20-year perspective. Front Psychol, 14: 1330238.
  • Schmidt B, Böhmer J, Schnuerch M, Koch T, Michelmann S. 2024. Post-hypnotic suggestion improves confidence and speed of memory Access with long-lasting effects. Acta Psychol, 245: 104240.
  • Slater P, Van-Manen A, Cyna AM. 2024. Clinical hypnosis and the anaesthetist: a practical approach. BJA Educ, 24(4): 121-128.
  • Stein MV, McCann BS. 2022. A pilot survey of clinicians’ experiences, attitudes, andinterests in hypnosis. Am J Clin Hypn, 64(3): 239-247.
  • Tangkiatkumjai M, Boardman H, Walker DM.2020. Potential factors that influence usage of complementary and alternative medicine world wide: a systematic review. BMC Compl Medic Ther, 20: 1-15.
  • URL1: T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı, geleneksel ve tamamlayıcı tıp uygulamaları daire başkanlığı, yönetmelikler., 8460/yönetmelikler. html (erişim tarihi: 10 Şubat 2024).
  • URL2: (erişim tarihi: 15 Haziran, 2024).

Investigation of Different Approaches, Practices, and Experiences in Clinical Hypnosis: A Survey,Cross-Sectional Study

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 48 - 57


The aim of this study is to determine the perspectives of certified hypnotherapists in Turkey regarding hypnosis practices, the methods they use, their personal experiences, fields of professional practice, challenges they encounter, and their academic training. A survey form was sent via WhatsApp and SMS to accessible hypnosis practitioners. A total of 195 participants with Turkish Ministry of Health-approved certificates were included in the study. Of the participants, 56.9% were women. The number of people practicing hypnosis has significantly increased in the past 10 years, with more than two-thirds of all practitioners beginning within this period, and half of them starting in the last four years. Only 4.6% of certified hypnotherapists are not practicing hypnosis. Additionally, 41% work in private practice. Almost half of the participants perform hypnosis on fewer than 10 patients per month, while one-quarter of them treat 10 to 50 patients monthly. Negative side effects were reported to be rare, with headaches being the most common adverse effect (50%). The most frequently mentioned challenges were difficulties in establishing rapport and overcoming prejudices. A total of 14.9% of participants reported practicing self-hypnosis before sessions. The number of public sector physicians was higher than other Professional groups (P=0.015). Psychologists were more likely to practice online hypnosis compared to other professions (P=0.043). The majority of hypnotherapists in Türkiye are physicians, and online hypnosis is practiced at a significant rate. Most certified participants actively practice hypnosis, primarily for anxiety management. Traditional classical hypnosis and Ericksonian approaches are common. The use of hypnosis remains low in gynecology, obstetrics, and dental clinics. We believe that with appropriate clinical environments and training, the practice of hypnosis will increase.

Ethical Statement

Yerel etik kurul onayı (2024-TBEK 2024/05-13) alındıktan sonra Helsinki Deklerasyonu Prensipleri’ne uygun olarak


  • Ayaslı A, Ay T, Alan H. 2020. Olumsuz yaşam deneyimlerine bağlı anksiyetede hipnotik yeniden işleme terapisinin etkinliği: Olgu sunumu. Gelen Tam Anadolu Tıbbı Derg, 2(2): 36-41.
  • Bollinger JW. 2018. The rate of adverse event s related to hypnosis during clinical trials. Amer J Clin Hypn, 60(4): 357-366.
  • Elkins GR, Barabasz AF, Council JR, Spiegel, D. 2015. Advancing research and practice: there vised APA division 30 definition of hypnosis. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 63: 1-9.
  • Flynn N. 2019. Effect of an Online hypnosis ıntervention in reducing migraines ymptoms: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 67(3): 313-335.
  • Gardner T, O'Hagan E, Gilanyi YL, McAuley JH, Jensen MP. Rizzo RR. 2024. Using hypnosis in clinical practice for the management of chronic pain: A qualitative study. Patient Educ Couns, 119: 108097.
  • Hammond DC. 2010. Hypnosis in thetreatment of anxiety- and stress-related disorders. Expert Rev Neurother, 10(2): 263-273.
  • Häuser W, Hagl M, Schmierer A, Hansen E. 2016. The efficacy, safety and applications of medical hypnosis. Dtsch ArzteblInt, 113(17): 289-296.
  • Jensen MP. 2024. Hypnosis and chronic pain management. Routledge Int Handb Clin Hypn, 2024: 628-639.
  • Kekecs Z, Moss D, Elkins G, De Benedittis G, Palsson OS, Shenefelt PD, Terhune BD, Varga K, Whorwell PJ. 2022. Guidelines for the assessment of efficacy of clinical hypnosis applications. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 70(2): 104-122.
  • Linden JH, De Benedittis G, Sugarman LI, Varga K. 2024. Hypnosis and society. Routledge Int Handb Clin Hypn, 2024: 739-788.
  • Lynn SJ, Green JP. 2023. . An introduction to the practice of clinical hypnosis. In Milling LS (Ed.), Evidence-based practice in clinical hypnosis, American Psychological Association, Washington, US, pp: 3-27.
  • Meyerson J. 2014. The myth of hypnosis: the need for remythification. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 62(3): 378-393.
  • Molina-Peral JA, Rodríguez JS, Capafons A, Mendoza ME. 2020. Attitudes toward hypnosis based on source of information and experience with hypnosis. Am J Clin Hypn, 62(3): 282-297.
  • Montgomery, GH, David D, Winkel G, Silverstein JH, Bovbjerg DH. 2002. The effectiveness of adjunctive hypnosis with surgical patients: a meta-analysis. Anesth Analg, 94(6): 1639-1645.
  • NCCIH. 2021. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: Feasibilit yclinical trials of mind and body interventions for NCCIH high priority research topics. URL: (erişim tarihi: 15 Haziran, 2024).
  • Ozgunay SE, Ozmen S, Karasu D, Yilmaz C, Taymur I. 2019. The effect of hypnosis on intraoperative hemorrhage and postoperative pain in rhinoplasty. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 67(3): 262-277.
  • Palfi B, Moga G, Lush P, Scott RB, Dienes Z. 2020. Can hypnotic suggestibility be measured online? Psychol Res, 84(5): 1460-1471.
  • Palsson OS, Kekecs Z, De Benedittis G, Moss D, Elkins GR, Terhune DB, Varga K. 2023. Current practices, experiences, and views in clinical hypnosis: Findings of an ınternational survey. Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 71(2): 92-114.
  • Rosendahl J, Alldredge CT, Haddenhorst A. 2024. Meta-analytic evidence on the efficacy of hypnosis for mental and somatic health issues: a 20-year perspective. Front Psychol, 14: 1330238.
  • Schmidt B, Böhmer J, Schnuerch M, Koch T, Michelmann S. 2024. Post-hypnotic suggestion improves confidence and speed of memory Access with long-lasting effects. Acta Psychol, 245: 104240.
  • Slater P, Van-Manen A, Cyna AM. 2024. Clinical hypnosis and the anaesthetist: a practical approach. BJA Educ, 24(4): 121-128.
  • Stein MV, McCann BS. 2022. A pilot survey of clinicians’ experiences, attitudes, andinterests in hypnosis. Am J Clin Hypn, 64(3): 239-247.
  • Tangkiatkumjai M, Boardman H, Walker DM.2020. Potential factors that influence usage of complementary and alternative medicine world wide: a systematic review. BMC Compl Medic Ther, 20: 1-15.
  • URL1: T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı, geleneksel ve tamamlayıcı tıp uygulamaları daire başkanlığı, yönetmelikler., 8460/yönetmelikler. html (erişim tarihi: 10 Şubat 2024).
  • URL2: (erişim tarihi: 15 Haziran, 2024).
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Seyda Ozgunay 0000-0003-1501-9292

Sinan Güzel 0000-0002-9103-9511

Şermin Eminoglu 0000-0001-5741-2960

Publication Date
Submission Date September 25, 2024
Acceptance Date January 15, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Ozgunay, S., Güzel, S., & Eminoglu, Ş. (n.d.). Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 8(2), 48-57.
AMA Ozgunay S, Güzel S, Eminoglu Ş. Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma. BSJ Health Sci. 8(2):48-57. doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.1555933
Chicago Ozgunay, Seyda, Sinan Güzel, and Şermin Eminoglu. “Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların Ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 8, no. 2 n.d.: 48-57.
EndNote Ozgunay S, Güzel S, Eminoglu Ş Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 8 2 48–57.
IEEE S. Ozgunay, S. Güzel, and Ş. Eminoglu, “Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma”, BSJ Health Sci., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 48–57, doi: 10.19127/bshealthscience.1555933.
ISNAD Ozgunay, Seyda et al. “Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların Ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science 8/2 (n.d.), 48-57.
JAMA Ozgunay S, Güzel S, Eminoglu Ş. Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma. BSJ Health Sci.;8:48–57.
MLA Ozgunay, Seyda et al. “Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların Ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma”. Black Sea Journal of Health Science, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 48-57, doi:10.19127/bshealthscience.1555933.
Vancouver Ozgunay S, Güzel S, Eminoglu Ş. Klinik Hipnoza Farklı Yaklaşımların, Uygulamaların ve Deneyimlerin Araştırılması, Anket-Kesitsel Araştırma. BSJ Health Sci. 8(2):48-57.