Year 2020,
, 21 - 27, 09.04.2021
Atınç Yılmaz
İlayda Ölçer
Yapay zeka teknolojisinin, robotların icadıyla ortaya çıktığı bilinse de yapay zekadaki hızlı gelişmeler bu zaman açığını kapatmıştır. Geleceğimizi şekillendirecek teknolojiler arasında sayılan yapay zeka teknolojisi hayatın her alanına olduğu gibi sağlık alanına da her geçen gün daha çok etki etmektedir. Bu etkilerin en büyük getirilerinden biri yapay zekanın robotiğe entegre olmasının cerrahi uygulamalarda çığır açan gelişmeleri beraberinde getirmesi olmuştur. Yapay zeka teknolojisinin robotikte yer alması ile birlikte problemleri analiz ederek bu problemleri çözümlemeye dair gerekli olan eylem planlarını yerine getirebilen ve karşılaşılan yeni problemler için çözüm üretebilen üst düzeyde teknik özelliklere sahip robotların geliştirilmesi beklenmektedir. Yapay zekanın robotikle entegrasyonunda gelinen son noktada ise sadece basit bir akıl yürütmeden ziyade insan benzeri kognitif yeteneklerin robotlara kazandırılması söz konusudur. Yapay zekanın robotikte meydana getirdiği bu ilerlemelerle beraber yapay zeka teknolojisinin cerrahi uygulamalarda yer bulması zamandan tasarruf sağlamanın yanında meydana gelebilecek tıbbi hataların en aza indirilerek daha başarılı bir cerrahi süreç meydana gelmesine ve ameliyat sonrası sürecin de en az hasarla atlatılmasına olanak sağladığı için yapay zekanın cerrahide kullanılması önem arz etmektedir. Bu makalede yapay zekanın cerrahi uygulamalara dahil olması sonucu geliştirilen bir takım cerrahi teknolojilerden bahsedilmişir. Yapay zeka teknolojisinin robotiğe sağladığı avantajlar değerlendirilerek gelecekte daha kapsamlı gelişmelere katkı sağlaması amaçlanmıştır.
- 1. Hashimoto, D.A., et al., Artificial Intelligence in Surgery: Promises and Perils. Ann Surg, 2018. 268(1): p. 70-76.
- 2. Mirnezami, R. and A. Ahmed, Surgery 3.0, artificial intelligence and the next-generation surgeon. The British journal of surgery, 2018. 105(5): p. 463-465.
- 3. Zhou, X.-Y., et al., Artificial Intelligence in Surgery. arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.00627, 2019.
- 4. Troccaz, J., G. Dagnino, and G.-Z. Yang, Frontiers of medical robotics: from concept to systems to clinical translation. Annual review of biomedical engineering, 2019. 21: p. 193-218.
- 5. Patcas, R., et al., Applying artificial intelligence to assess the impact of orthognathic treatment on facial attractiveness and estimated age. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2019. 48(1): p. 77-83.
- 6. Bouletreau, P., et al., Artificial intelligence: applications in orthognathic surgery. Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2019. 120(4): p. 347-354.
- 7. Hamet, P. and J. Tremblay, Artificial intelligence in medicine. Metabolism, 2017. 69: p. S36-S40.
- 8. Gomes, P., Surgical robotics: Reviewing the past, analysing the present, imagining the future. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2011. 27(2): p. 261-266.
- 9. Hashimoto, D.A., et al., Artificial intelligence in surgery: promises and perils. Annals of surgery, 2018. 268(1): p. 70.
- 10. Wang, L., Discovering phase transitions with unsupervised learning. Physical Review B, 2016. 94(19): p. 195105.
- 11. Panch, T., P. Szolovits, and R. Atun, Artificial intelligence, machine learning and health systems. Journal of global health, 2018. 8(2).
- 12. Bhandari, M., T. Zeffiro, and M. Reddiboina, Artificial intelligence and robotic surgery: current perspective and future directions. Current opinion in urology, 2020. 30(1): p. 48-54.
- 13. Murphy, M.J., et al., Patterns of patient movement during frameless image-guided radiosurgery. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 2003. 55(5): p. 1400-1408.
- 14. Lutz, W., K.R. Winston, and N. Maleki, A system for stereotactic radiosurgery with a linear accelerator. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 1988. 14(2): p. 373-381.
- 15. Nuyttens, J.J. and M. Van De Pol, The CyberKnife radiosurgery system for lung cancer. Expert review of medical devices, 2012. 9(5): p. 465-475.
- 16. Wowra, B., A. Muacevic, and J.-C. Tonn, CyberKnife radiosurgery for brain metastases. Current and Future Management of Brain Metastasis, 2012. 25: p. 201-209.
- 17. Shimamoto, S., et al., CyberKnife stereotactic irradiation for metastatic brain tumors. Radiation medicine, 2002. 20(6): p. 299-304.
- 18. Nishizaki, T., et al., The role of cyberknife radiosurgery/radiotherapy for brain metastases of multiple or large-size tumors. min-Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, 2006. 49(04): p. 203-209.
- 19. Hara, W., et al., Cyberknife for brain metastases of malignant melanoma and renal cell carcinoma. Neurosurgery, 2009. 64(suppl_2): p. A26-A32.
- 20. Corn, B.W., et al., Stereotactic irradiation: potential new treatment method for brain metastases resulting from ovarian cancer. American journal of clinical oncology, 1999. 22(2): p. 143-146.
- 21. Chmiel, A.M.D.E. Fractionation (radiation therapy). 2020; Available from: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/fractionation-radiation-therapy?lang=us.
- 22. Hara, W., S.G. Soltys, and I.C. Gibbs, CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery system for tumor treatment. Expert review of anticancer therapy, 2007. 7(11): p. 1507-1515.
- 23. Wu, Y., et al., Robotics in dental implantology. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, 2019. 31(3): p. 513-518.
- 24. Spiers, H.J. and E.A. Maguire, A navigational guidance system in the human brain. Hippocampus, 2007. 17(8): p. 618-626.
- 25. Natarajan, M., A Review of Robotics in Dental Implantology.
- 26. Maksimovic, R., S. Stankovic, and D. Milovanovic, Computed tomography image analyzer: 3D reconstruction and segmentation applying active contour models—‘snakes’. International journal of medical informatics, 2000. 58: p. 29-37.
- 27. Neocis. Robotic Guidance in Implant Dentistry. What is YOMI? [cited Accessed January 7, 2018; Available from: https://www.neocis.com/meet-yomi/.
- 28. Soltys, S.G., et al., Stereotactic radiosurgery of the postoperative resection cavity for brain metastases. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 2008. 70(1): p. 187-193.
- 29. Muacevic, A., et al., Feasibility, safety, and outcome of frameless image-guided robotic radiosurgery for brain metastases. Journal of neuro-oncology, 2010. 97(2): p. 267-274.
- 30. Wang, Z.-z., et al., Brain metastasis treated with Cyberknife. Chinese medical journal, 2009. 122(16): p. 1847-1850.
- 31. Wowra, B., A. Muacevic, and J.-C. Tonn, Quality of radiosurgery for single brain metastases with respect to treatment technology: a matched-pair analysis. Journal of neuro-oncology, 2009. 94(1): p. 69-77.
- 32. Granovetter, M., Intelligent knife shown to be effective in surgery. The Lancet Oncology, 2013. 14(10): p. e392.
- 33. Goble, C., N. Goble, and F. Amoah, Electrosurgery system. 2002, Google Patents.
- 34. Tzafetas, M., et al., The intelligent knife (iKnife) and its intraoperative diagnostic advantage for the treatment of cervical disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020. 117(13): p. 7338-7346.
- 35. Pratt, K.A. and K.A. Prather, Mass spectrometry of atmospheric aerosols—Recent developments and applications. Part II: On‐line mass spectrometry techniques. Mass spectrometry reviews, 2012. 31(1): p. 17-48.
- 36. Hays, H., SUCTION TUBES FOR USE IN THE NOSE, THROAT OR EARS. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1915. 65(5): p. 421-421.
Year 2020,
, 21 - 27, 09.04.2021
Atınç Yılmaz
İlayda Ölçer
- 1. Hashimoto, D.A., et al., Artificial Intelligence in Surgery: Promises and Perils. Ann Surg, 2018. 268(1): p. 70-76.
- 2. Mirnezami, R. and A. Ahmed, Surgery 3.0, artificial intelligence and the next-generation surgeon. The British journal of surgery, 2018. 105(5): p. 463-465.
- 3. Zhou, X.-Y., et al., Artificial Intelligence in Surgery. arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.00627, 2019.
- 4. Troccaz, J., G. Dagnino, and G.-Z. Yang, Frontiers of medical robotics: from concept to systems to clinical translation. Annual review of biomedical engineering, 2019. 21: p. 193-218.
- 5. Patcas, R., et al., Applying artificial intelligence to assess the impact of orthognathic treatment on facial attractiveness and estimated age. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2019. 48(1): p. 77-83.
- 6. Bouletreau, P., et al., Artificial intelligence: applications in orthognathic surgery. Journal of stomatology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2019. 120(4): p. 347-354.
- 7. Hamet, P. and J. Tremblay, Artificial intelligence in medicine. Metabolism, 2017. 69: p. S36-S40.
- 8. Gomes, P., Surgical robotics: Reviewing the past, analysing the present, imagining the future. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2011. 27(2): p. 261-266.
- 9. Hashimoto, D.A., et al., Artificial intelligence in surgery: promises and perils. Annals of surgery, 2018. 268(1): p. 70.
- 10. Wang, L., Discovering phase transitions with unsupervised learning. Physical Review B, 2016. 94(19): p. 195105.
- 11. Panch, T., P. Szolovits, and R. Atun, Artificial intelligence, machine learning and health systems. Journal of global health, 2018. 8(2).
- 12. Bhandari, M., T. Zeffiro, and M. Reddiboina, Artificial intelligence and robotic surgery: current perspective and future directions. Current opinion in urology, 2020. 30(1): p. 48-54.
- 13. Murphy, M.J., et al., Patterns of patient movement during frameless image-guided radiosurgery. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 2003. 55(5): p. 1400-1408.
- 14. Lutz, W., K.R. Winston, and N. Maleki, A system for stereotactic radiosurgery with a linear accelerator. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 1988. 14(2): p. 373-381.
- 15. Nuyttens, J.J. and M. Van De Pol, The CyberKnife radiosurgery system for lung cancer. Expert review of medical devices, 2012. 9(5): p. 465-475.
- 16. Wowra, B., A. Muacevic, and J.-C. Tonn, CyberKnife radiosurgery for brain metastases. Current and Future Management of Brain Metastasis, 2012. 25: p. 201-209.
- 17. Shimamoto, S., et al., CyberKnife stereotactic irradiation for metastatic brain tumors. Radiation medicine, 2002. 20(6): p. 299-304.
- 18. Nishizaki, T., et al., The role of cyberknife radiosurgery/radiotherapy for brain metastases of multiple or large-size tumors. min-Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, 2006. 49(04): p. 203-209.
- 19. Hara, W., et al., Cyberknife for brain metastases of malignant melanoma and renal cell carcinoma. Neurosurgery, 2009. 64(suppl_2): p. A26-A32.
- 20. Corn, B.W., et al., Stereotactic irradiation: potential new treatment method for brain metastases resulting from ovarian cancer. American journal of clinical oncology, 1999. 22(2): p. 143-146.
- 21. Chmiel, A.M.D.E. Fractionation (radiation therapy). 2020; Available from: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/fractionation-radiation-therapy?lang=us.
- 22. Hara, W., S.G. Soltys, and I.C. Gibbs, CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery system for tumor treatment. Expert review of anticancer therapy, 2007. 7(11): p. 1507-1515.
- 23. Wu, Y., et al., Robotics in dental implantology. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, 2019. 31(3): p. 513-518.
- 24. Spiers, H.J. and E.A. Maguire, A navigational guidance system in the human brain. Hippocampus, 2007. 17(8): p. 618-626.
- 25. Natarajan, M., A Review of Robotics in Dental Implantology.
- 26. Maksimovic, R., S. Stankovic, and D. Milovanovic, Computed tomography image analyzer: 3D reconstruction and segmentation applying active contour models—‘snakes’. International journal of medical informatics, 2000. 58: p. 29-37.
- 27. Neocis. Robotic Guidance in Implant Dentistry. What is YOMI? [cited Accessed January 7, 2018; Available from: https://www.neocis.com/meet-yomi/.
- 28. Soltys, S.G., et al., Stereotactic radiosurgery of the postoperative resection cavity for brain metastases. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 2008. 70(1): p. 187-193.
- 29. Muacevic, A., et al., Feasibility, safety, and outcome of frameless image-guided robotic radiosurgery for brain metastases. Journal of neuro-oncology, 2010. 97(2): p. 267-274.
- 30. Wang, Z.-z., et al., Brain metastasis treated with Cyberknife. Chinese medical journal, 2009. 122(16): p. 1847-1850.
- 31. Wowra, B., A. Muacevic, and J.-C. Tonn, Quality of radiosurgery for single brain metastases with respect to treatment technology: a matched-pair analysis. Journal of neuro-oncology, 2009. 94(1): p. 69-77.
- 32. Granovetter, M., Intelligent knife shown to be effective in surgery. The Lancet Oncology, 2013. 14(10): p. e392.
- 33. Goble, C., N. Goble, and F. Amoah, Electrosurgery system. 2002, Google Patents.
- 34. Tzafetas, M., et al., The intelligent knife (iKnife) and its intraoperative diagnostic advantage for the treatment of cervical disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020. 117(13): p. 7338-7346.
- 35. Pratt, K.A. and K.A. Prather, Mass spectrometry of atmospheric aerosols—Recent developments and applications. Part II: On‐line mass spectrometry techniques. Mass spectrometry reviews, 2012. 31(1): p. 17-48.
- 36. Hays, H., SUCTION TUBES FOR USE IN THE NOSE, THROAT OR EARS. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1915. 65(5): p. 421-421.