Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 176 Sayı: 176, 1 - 2
Buse Özentürk
Öznur Karaca
Emin Ulugergerli
Proje Numarası
- Abarca Cameo, E. 2006. Seawater intrusion in complex geological environments. PhD Thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 154, Barcelona.
- Abd-Elaty, I., Kuriqi, A., Bhat, M., Zelenakov, S. A. 2022. Sustainable management of two‐directional lateral and upcoming saltwater intrusion in coastline aquifers to alleviate water scarcity. Hydrological Processes 36(9).
- Acar, Y. B., Alshawabkeh, A. N. 1993. Principles of electrokinetic remediation. Environmental science & technology 27(13), 2638-2647.
- Barker, J.E., Rogers, C.D.F., Boardman, D.I., Peterson, J., 2004. Electrokinetic stabilisation: an overview and case study. Ground Improvement, 8(2), 47-58.
- Bear, J., Cheng, A. H. D. 2010. Modeling groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Dordrecht: Springer 23, 89-103.
- Bessaim, M. M., Karaca, O., Missoum, H., Bendani, K., Laredj, N., Bekkouche, M. S. 2020. Effect of imposed electrical gradient on removal of toxic salt contaminants from alkali-saline low permeable soil during electrokinetic remediation. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13(14), 1-12.
- Brusseau, M. L., Maier, R. M. 2014. Soil and groundwater remediation in Artiola. J., Pepper, IL, & Brusseau, M.L. Environmental monitoring and characterization. Elsevier 335-356.
- Candansayar, M. E. 2008. Two-dimensional individual and joint inversion of three-and four-electrode array dc resistivity data. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 5.3, 290-300.
- Chambers, J. E., Kuras, O., Meldrum, P. I., Ogilvy, R. D., Hollands, J. 2006. Electrical resistivity tomography applied to geologic, hydrogeologic, and engineering investigations at a former waste-disposal site. Geophysics 71(6), 231-239.
- Coban, K. H., Babacan, A. E., Durmaz, E., Ceylan, S. 2017. The Use of Slingram Method to Map the Marine Water Intrusion: A Case Study from the Trabzon, Turkey. 23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 3-7 September 2017, Malmö, 1-5.
- Cohen, B. 2006. Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability. Technology in Society 28(1), 63-80.
- Corwin, D. L., Lesch, S. M. 2005. Apparent soil electrical conductivity measurements in agriculture. Computers and electronics in agriculture 46(1-3), 11-43.
- Ertekin, C., Ulugergerli, E. U. 2022. Geoelectrical survey over perched aquifers in the northern part of Upper Sakarya River Basin, Türkiye. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 0(4), 335-352.
- Fretwell, J. D., Stewart, M. T. 1981. Resistivity study of a coastal karst terrain. Florida. Ground Water, 9, 156-162.
- Jayasekera, S., Hall, S. 2007. Modification of the properties of salt affected soils using electrochemical treatments. Geotech Geology Engineering 25, 1-10.
- Karaca, O., Cameselle, C., Reddy, K. R. 2017. Acid pond sediment and mine tailings contaminated with metals: physicochemical characterization and electrokinetic remediation. Environmental Earth Sciences 76(408).
- Karaca, O., Cameselle, C., Reddy, K. R. 2018. Mine tailing disposal sites: contamination problems, remedial options and phytocaps for sustainable remediation. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 17, 205-228.
- Karaca, O., Cameselle, C., Bozcu, M. 2019. Opportunities of electrokinetics for the remediation of mining sites in Biga peninsula, Turkey. Chemosphere 27, 606-613.
- Karaca, O., Karaca, G., Cameselle, C., Karaca, İ. 2022. Removal of the pesticides from soil using electrokinetic method. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 33(3), 623-629.
- Karaca, O., Cameselle, C., Çalık, A., Ulugergerli, E. U. 2023. Designing of self-sustain electrokinetic experiment for saline soil treatment. International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable Engineering, 15-17. September 2002, İzmir, 41-50. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Kim, G. N., Shon, D. B., Park, H. M., Lee, K. W., Chung, U. S. 2011. Development of pilot-scale electrokinetic remediation technology for uranium removal. Separation and Purification Technology 8, 67-72.
- Kühn, J., Brenning, A., Wehrhan, M., Koszinski, S., Sommer, M. 2009. Interpretation of electrical conductivity patterns by soil properties and geological maps for precision agriculture. Precision Agriculture 10, 490-507.
Lech, M., Fronczyk, J., Radziemska, M., Sieczka, A., Garbulewski, K., Koda, E., Lechowicz, Z. 2016. Monitoring of total dissolved solids on agricultural lands using electrical conductivity measurements. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 14(4), 285-295.
- Lesch, S. M., Strauss, D. J., Rhoades, J. D. 1995. Spatial prediction of soil salinity using electromagnetic induction techniques: 2. An efficient spatial sampling algorithm suitable for multiple linear regression model identification and estimation. Water resources research 31(2), 387-398.
- Luo, J., Qi, A. S., Gu, X. S., Wang J., Xie, X. 2016. Evaluation of the phytoremediation effect and environmental risk in remediation processes under different cultivation systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 119, 25-31.
- McNeill, J. D. 1992. Rapid, accurate mapping of soil salinity by electromagnetic ground conductivity meters. Topp, G.C., Reynolds, W.D., Green, R.E. (Ed.). Advances in Measurement of Soil Physical Properties: Bringing Theory into Pratice, Soil Science Society of America, Special Publication 30, 209-229.
- Meju, M. A. 1994. Geophysical data analysis: understanding inverse problem theory and practice. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, 6, 295.
- Menke, W. 1989. Geophysical data analysis: discrete inverse theory. Academic press. 289.
- Osinowo, O. O., Falufosi, M. O., Omiyale, E. O. 2018. Integrated electromagnetic (EM) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) geophysical studies of environmental impact of Awotan dumpsite in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences 140, 42-51.
- Okay A. I., Satır, M. 2000. Upper Cretaceous Eclogite – Facies Metamorphic Rocks from the Biga Peninsula, Northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 9, 47-56.
- Özentürk, B., Karaca, O., Ulugergerli, E. U. 2021. Comparison of Removal Efficiency and Destruction Level in Electrodes Used in Electrokinetic Method. 3rd International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, 15-17 December, Ankara, 33.
- Özentürk, B. 2022. Tuzlu toprakların arıtımında elektrokinetik yöntem yaklaşımı. Msc Thesis. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, School of Graduate Studies, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 53.
- Özentürk, B., Karaca, O., Ulugergerli, E. U. 2024. Saltwater Intrusion and an Approach to Soil Remediation: Electrokinetics. 2nd International Conference and the 4th National Conference on Marine Sustainable Development Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology 30 - 31 January, 2024, Iran, 39-42.
- Pulido-Leboeuf, P. 2004. Seawater intrusion and associated processes in a small coastal complex aquifer (castell de Ferro, Spain). Applied Geochemistry 19(10), 1517-1527.
- Reddy, K. R., Cameselle, C. 2009. Electrochemical remediation technologies for polluted soils, sediments and groundwater. WILEY, 732.
- Sasaki, Y. 1992. Resolution of resistivity tomography inferred from numerical simulation. Geophysical prospecting, 40(4), 453-463.
- Schlumberger, C. 1920. Étude sur la prospection électrique du sous-sol. Paris: Gauthier-Villars.
- Sheoran, V., Sheoran, A. S., Poonam, P. 1989. Remediation techniques for contaminated soils. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal 7(4), 379-387.
- Swartz, J. H. 1937. Resistivity studies of some salt-water boundaries in the Hawaiian Islands. American Geophysical Union 18(2), 387-393.
- Swartz, J. H. 1939. Part II-Geophysical investigations in the Hawaiian Islands. Transactions, American Geophysical Union 20(3), 292-298.
- Taneja, S., Karaca, O., Haritash, A. K. 2023a. Combined effects of high voltage gradient and electrolyte conditioning on electrokinetic remediation for chromium (VI)-contaminated soils. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 34(13), 1-12.
- Taneja S., Karaca, O., Haritash, A. K. 2023b. Treatment of Pb-contaminated soil by electrokinetics: Enhancements by varying voltage, chelant, and electrode material. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 250, 107240.
- Taneja S., Karaca, O., Haritash, A. K., 2024. Electrokinetic remediation: Past experience and future roadmap for sustainable remediation of metal-contaminated soils. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 259, 107437.
- Telford, W. M., Geldart, L. P., Sheriff, R. E. 1990. Applied geophysics. Cambridge university press, 744.
- Ulugergerli, E. U. 2017. Marine effects on vertical electrical soundings along shorelines. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 26(1), 57-72.
- Wilkinson, P. B., Loke, M. H., Meldrum, P. I., Chambers, J. E., Kuras, O., Gunn, D. A., Ogilvy, R. D. 2012. Practical aspects of applied optimized survey design for electrical resistivity tomography. Geophysical Journal International 189(1), 428- 440.
- Zelina, J. P., Rusling, J. F. 1999. Electrochemical remediation of soils. Encyclopedia of Environmental Pollution and Cleanup 11, 532-539.
- Zhdanov, M. S. 2002. Geophysical inverse theory and regularization problems. Elsevier, 609.
Soil remediation at coastal plains with the help of DC Resistivity Method
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 176 Sayı: 176, 1 - 2
Buse Özentürk
Öznur Karaca
Emin Ulugergerli
The coastline of the Dardanos, a district of Çanakkale, Türkiye, suffers from saltwater intrusion due to excessive extraction of groundwater for domestic usage and also agricultural activities. Thus, the salinity level increased, and much of the land became unusable. The electrokinetic remediation method was employed to reduce the salinity level in the soil samples in laboratory conditions. The sample used in remediation is silty agricultural soil, with pH value and electrical conductivity (EC) of which are 8.33 and 1282 μS/cm respectively. In the lab-scale experiments, three different types of electrodes, aluminum, copper, and galvanized steel, were used in the tests. For each type of metal, electrode pairs were placed in the soil that was filled in a plastic container. Current variation was monitored while 1 VDC/cm was applied to electrodes. Average electrical conductivity reduces to 13.5%. As a side effect, all electrodes suffered from heavy corrosion which may be prevented by using anti-corrosion additives to reduce damage for future applications
Etik Beyan
This study was supported by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Research Fund (FBA-2020-3398).
Destekleyen Kurum
This study was supported by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Research Fund (FBA-2020-3398).
Proje Numarası
- Abarca Cameo, E. 2006. Seawater intrusion in complex geological environments. PhD Thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 154, Barcelona.
- Abd-Elaty, I., Kuriqi, A., Bhat, M., Zelenakov, S. A. 2022. Sustainable management of two‐directional lateral and upcoming saltwater intrusion in coastline aquifers to alleviate water scarcity. Hydrological Processes 36(9).
- Acar, Y. B., Alshawabkeh, A. N. 1993. Principles of electrokinetic remediation. Environmental science & technology 27(13), 2638-2647.
- Barker, J.E., Rogers, C.D.F., Boardman, D.I., Peterson, J., 2004. Electrokinetic stabilisation: an overview and case study. Ground Improvement, 8(2), 47-58.
- Bear, J., Cheng, A. H. D. 2010. Modeling groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Dordrecht: Springer 23, 89-103.
- Bessaim, M. M., Karaca, O., Missoum, H., Bendani, K., Laredj, N., Bekkouche, M. S. 2020. Effect of imposed electrical gradient on removal of toxic salt contaminants from alkali-saline low permeable soil during electrokinetic remediation. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13(14), 1-12.
- Brusseau, M. L., Maier, R. M. 2014. Soil and groundwater remediation in Artiola. J., Pepper, IL, & Brusseau, M.L. Environmental monitoring and characterization. Elsevier 335-356.
- Candansayar, M. E. 2008. Two-dimensional individual and joint inversion of three-and four-electrode array dc resistivity data. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 5.3, 290-300.
- Chambers, J. E., Kuras, O., Meldrum, P. I., Ogilvy, R. D., Hollands, J. 2006. Electrical resistivity tomography applied to geologic, hydrogeologic, and engineering investigations at a former waste-disposal site. Geophysics 71(6), 231-239.
- Coban, K. H., Babacan, A. E., Durmaz, E., Ceylan, S. 2017. The Use of Slingram Method to Map the Marine Water Intrusion: A Case Study from the Trabzon, Turkey. 23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 3-7 September 2017, Malmö, 1-5.
- Cohen, B. 2006. Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability. Technology in Society 28(1), 63-80.
- Corwin, D. L., Lesch, S. M. 2005. Apparent soil electrical conductivity measurements in agriculture. Computers and electronics in agriculture 46(1-3), 11-43.
- Ertekin, C., Ulugergerli, E. U. 2022. Geoelectrical survey over perched aquifers in the northern part of Upper Sakarya River Basin, Türkiye. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 0(4), 335-352.
- Fretwell, J. D., Stewart, M. T. 1981. Resistivity study of a coastal karst terrain. Florida. Ground Water, 9, 156-162.
- Jayasekera, S., Hall, S. 2007. Modification of the properties of salt affected soils using electrochemical treatments. Geotech Geology Engineering 25, 1-10.
- Karaca, O., Cameselle, C., Reddy, K. R. 2017. Acid pond sediment and mine tailings contaminated with metals: physicochemical characterization and electrokinetic remediation. Environmental Earth Sciences 76(408).
- Karaca, O., Cameselle, C., Reddy, K. R. 2018. Mine tailing disposal sites: contamination problems, remedial options and phytocaps for sustainable remediation. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 17, 205-228.
- Karaca, O., Cameselle, C., Bozcu, M. 2019. Opportunities of electrokinetics for the remediation of mining sites in Biga peninsula, Turkey. Chemosphere 27, 606-613.
- Karaca, O., Karaca, G., Cameselle, C., Karaca, İ. 2022. Removal of the pesticides from soil using electrokinetic method. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 33(3), 623-629.
- Karaca, O., Cameselle, C., Çalık, A., Ulugergerli, E. U. 2023. Designing of self-sustain electrokinetic experiment for saline soil treatment. International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable Engineering, 15-17. September 2002, İzmir, 41-50. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Kim, G. N., Shon, D. B., Park, H. M., Lee, K. W., Chung, U. S. 2011. Development of pilot-scale electrokinetic remediation technology for uranium removal. Separation and Purification Technology 8, 67-72.
- Kühn, J., Brenning, A., Wehrhan, M., Koszinski, S., Sommer, M. 2009. Interpretation of electrical conductivity patterns by soil properties and geological maps for precision agriculture. Precision Agriculture 10, 490-507.
Lech, M., Fronczyk, J., Radziemska, M., Sieczka, A., Garbulewski, K., Koda, E., Lechowicz, Z. 2016. Monitoring of total dissolved solids on agricultural lands using electrical conductivity measurements. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 14(4), 285-295.
- Lesch, S. M., Strauss, D. J., Rhoades, J. D. 1995. Spatial prediction of soil salinity using electromagnetic induction techniques: 2. An efficient spatial sampling algorithm suitable for multiple linear regression model identification and estimation. Water resources research 31(2), 387-398.
- Luo, J., Qi, A. S., Gu, X. S., Wang J., Xie, X. 2016. Evaluation of the phytoremediation effect and environmental risk in remediation processes under different cultivation systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 119, 25-31.
- McNeill, J. D. 1992. Rapid, accurate mapping of soil salinity by electromagnetic ground conductivity meters. Topp, G.C., Reynolds, W.D., Green, R.E. (Ed.). Advances in Measurement of Soil Physical Properties: Bringing Theory into Pratice, Soil Science Society of America, Special Publication 30, 209-229.
- Meju, M. A. 1994. Geophysical data analysis: understanding inverse problem theory and practice. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, 6, 295.
- Menke, W. 1989. Geophysical data analysis: discrete inverse theory. Academic press. 289.
- Osinowo, O. O., Falufosi, M. O., Omiyale, E. O. 2018. Integrated electromagnetic (EM) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) geophysical studies of environmental impact of Awotan dumpsite in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences 140, 42-51.
- Okay A. I., Satır, M. 2000. Upper Cretaceous Eclogite – Facies Metamorphic Rocks from the Biga Peninsula, Northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 9, 47-56.
- Özentürk, B., Karaca, O., Ulugergerli, E. U. 2021. Comparison of Removal Efficiency and Destruction Level in Electrodes Used in Electrokinetic Method. 3rd International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, 15-17 December, Ankara, 33.
- Özentürk, B. 2022. Tuzlu toprakların arıtımında elektrokinetik yöntem yaklaşımı. Msc Thesis. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, School of Graduate Studies, Çanakkale, Türkiye, 53.
- Özentürk, B., Karaca, O., Ulugergerli, E. U. 2024. Saltwater Intrusion and an Approach to Soil Remediation: Electrokinetics. 2nd International Conference and the 4th National Conference on Marine Sustainable Development Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology 30 - 31 January, 2024, Iran, 39-42.
- Pulido-Leboeuf, P. 2004. Seawater intrusion and associated processes in a small coastal complex aquifer (castell de Ferro, Spain). Applied Geochemistry 19(10), 1517-1527.
- Reddy, K. R., Cameselle, C. 2009. Electrochemical remediation technologies for polluted soils, sediments and groundwater. WILEY, 732.
- Sasaki, Y. 1992. Resolution of resistivity tomography inferred from numerical simulation. Geophysical prospecting, 40(4), 453-463.
- Schlumberger, C. 1920. Étude sur la prospection électrique du sous-sol. Paris: Gauthier-Villars.
- Sheoran, V., Sheoran, A. S., Poonam, P. 1989. Remediation techniques for contaminated soils. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal 7(4), 379-387.
- Swartz, J. H. 1937. Resistivity studies of some salt-water boundaries in the Hawaiian Islands. American Geophysical Union 18(2), 387-393.
- Swartz, J. H. 1939. Part II-Geophysical investigations in the Hawaiian Islands. Transactions, American Geophysical Union 20(3), 292-298.
- Taneja, S., Karaca, O., Haritash, A. K. 2023a. Combined effects of high voltage gradient and electrolyte conditioning on electrokinetic remediation for chromium (VI)-contaminated soils. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 34(13), 1-12.
- Taneja S., Karaca, O., Haritash, A. K. 2023b. Treatment of Pb-contaminated soil by electrokinetics: Enhancements by varying voltage, chelant, and electrode material. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 250, 107240.
- Taneja S., Karaca, O., Haritash, A. K., 2024. Electrokinetic remediation: Past experience and future roadmap for sustainable remediation of metal-contaminated soils. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 259, 107437.
- Telford, W. M., Geldart, L. P., Sheriff, R. E. 1990. Applied geophysics. Cambridge university press, 744.
- Ulugergerli, E. U. 2017. Marine effects on vertical electrical soundings along shorelines. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 26(1), 57-72.
- Wilkinson, P. B., Loke, M. H., Meldrum, P. I., Chambers, J. E., Kuras, O., Gunn, D. A., Ogilvy, R. D. 2012. Practical aspects of applied optimized survey design for electrical resistivity tomography. Geophysical Journal International 189(1), 428- 440.
- Zelina, J. P., Rusling, J. F. 1999. Electrochemical remediation of soils. Encyclopedia of Environmental Pollution and Cleanup 11, 532-539.
- Zhdanov, M. S. 2002. Geophysical inverse theory and regularization problems. Elsevier, 609.