Broiler Damızlık Sürüsünde Yumurta Ağırlığının Yumurta Kabuk Kalınlığı, Por Yoğunluğu ve Civciv Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi
Year 2018,
Volume: 32 Issue: 2, 123 - 130, 01.12.2018
Saliha Sabah
Ümran Şahan
Bu araştırmada broiler damızlık sürüsünde yumurta ağırlığının kabuk kalınlığı, por yoğunluğu ve civciv kalitesi üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, incelenen özellikler arasında korelasyonlar hesaplanmıştır. Yumurtalar 40 haftalık yaştaki Ross 308 broiler damızlık sürüsünden elde edilmiştir. Yumurtalar tartılarak hafif ağırlık (54.71-58.88 g) ve orta ağırlık (58.24-60.62g) grubu olarak ayrılmış ve bireysel olarak numaralandırılmıştır. Yumurtalar 37.5°C sıcaklık ve 55% nispi nemde 18. gün süresince kuluçkalandırılmıştır. Yumurta ağırlık kaybını hesaplamak için kuluçkanın 18. gününde bireysel olarak tartılmıştır. Daha sonra yumurtalar çıkışa kadar 37.0°C sıcaklık ve 60% nispi nemde çıkım makinasında kuluçkalandırılmıştır. Çıkışta civcivler bireysel olarak tartılmış ve civciv uzunlukları ölçülmüştür. Buna ilave olarak kabuk kalınlığı ve por sayısı belirlenmiştir. Her iki grup arasındaki yumurta ağırlık kaybı önemli bulunmamıştır (P>0.05). Yumurta ağırlığının kabuk kalınlığı üzerine etkisi önemlidir (P<0.05). Hafif ağırlıktaki yumurtalarda kabuk kalınlığı orta ağırlıktaki yumurtalardan daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P<0.01) bununla birlikte, por yoğunluğu orta ağırlıktaki yumurtalarda daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir (P<0.01). Çıkışta yumurta ağırlığı arttıkça civciv ağırlığıda artmıştır (P<0.05), diğer yandan civciv uzunluğu yumurta ağırlığından etkilenmemiştir. Orta ağırlıktaki yumurtalarda başlangıç yumurta ağırlığı ile ortalama yumurta kabuk kalınlığı (r =0.551), civciv ağırlığı (r=0.615) ve ayrıca ortalama yumurta kabuk kalınlığı ile civciv ağırlığı (r=0.484) arasında pozitif korelasyonlar saptanmıştır (P<0.05).
- Abiola, S.S., O.O. Meshioye, B.O. Oyerinde and M.A Bamgbose. 2008. Effect of egg size on hatchability of broiler chicks. Arch. Zootec. 57(217): 83-86.
- Ahmad, H.A. and R.J. Balander. 2003. Alternative feeding regimen of calcium source and phosphorus level for better eggshell quality in commercial layers. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 12: 509-514.
- Alabi, O.J., J.W. Ng’ambi, D.Norris and M.Mabelebele. 2012. Effect of egg weight on hatchability and subsequent performance of Potchefstroom Koekoek chicks. Asian. J. Anim. Vet. Adv. 7: 718–725.
- Alkan, S., K.Karabag , A.Galic and M.S. Balcioglu. 2008. Effects of genotype and egg weight on hatchability traits and hatching weight in Japanese quail. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci. 38 (3):231-237.
- Ar, A. and H. Rahn. 1985. Pores in avian eggshells: gas conductance, gas exchange and embryonic growth rate. Respir. Physiol. 61: 1-20.
- Araujo, I.C.S., N.S.M. Leandro, M.A. Meaquita, M.A. Cafe, H.H.C. Mello and E. Gonzales. 2017. Water vapor conductance: a technique using eggshell fragments and relations with other parameters of eggshell. R. Bras. Zootec. 46(12):896-902.
- Bamelis, F.R. 2003. Non-invasive assessment of eggshell conductance at different developmental stages during incubation of eggs. PhD thesis, Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium.
- Board, R.G. and N.A. Halls. 1973. The cuticle: a barrier to liquid and particle penetration of the shell of the hen’s egg. Br. Poult. Sci. 14: 69–79.
- Butcher, G.D. and R. Miles. 2009. Concepts of Eggshell Quality. University of Florida, Gainesville. Florida.
- Cherian, G., T. B. Holsonbake and M. P. Goeger. 2002. Fatty acid composition and egg components of speciality eggs. Poult. Sci. 81: 30–33.
- Coutts, J. A and G.C. Wilson. 2007. Optimum Egg Quality: A Practical Approach. Revised Version. 5M Publishing, Sheffield, UK. Florida.
- Çaglayan, T., G. Mustafa, K. Kemal and G. Aytekin. 2009. Effect of egg weight on chick weight, egg weight loss and hatchability in rock partridges. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 8: 567-574.
- Decuypere, E., K. Tona, F. Bamelis., C. Careghi, B. Kemps, B. De-Ketelaere, J. De-Baerdemaker and V. Bruggeman. 2002. Broiler breeders and egg factors interacting with incubation conditions for optimal hatchability and chick quality. Arch. Geflügelk. 66: 56- 57.
- Farooq, M., K. Aneela, F.R. Durrani, A.K Muqarrab, C. Chand and A. Khurshid. 2001. Egg and shell weight, hatching and production performance of Japanese broiler quails. Sarhad. J. Agric. 17 (3): 289-293.
- Gahri, H., N. Gader and D. Farzam. 2015. Effect of egg weight of broiler breeder on egg characteristics and hatchery performance. Int. J. Biosci. Vol. 6: 42-48.
- Gonzalez, A., D.G. Satterlee, F. Moharer and G.G Cadd. 1999. Factors affecting ostrich (Struthio camelus) eggs hatchability. Poult. Sci.78: 1257-1262.
- Hill, D. 2001. Chick length uniformity profiles as a field measurement of chick quality. Poult. Avian. Biol. Rev. 12:188.
- Iqbal, J., S. H. Khan, N. Mukhtar, T. Ahmed and R.A. Pasha. 2016. Effects of egg size (weight) and age on hatching performance and chick quality of broiler breeder. J. Appl. Anim. Res. Vol. 44: 54–64.
- İpek, A. and U. Şahan. 2001. Effect of specific gravity and flock age on hatching traits in broiler breeders. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 25: 817-821.
- Meijerhof, R. 2006. Chick size matters. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 22: 30–31.
- Minitab, Inc. 2013. MINITAB release 17.1.0 statistical software for windows. Minitab Inc, USA.
- Ng’ambi, J.W., M.W. Thamaga, D. Norris, M. Mabelebele and O.J Alabi. 2013. Effects of egg weight on hatchability, chick hatch-weight and subsequent productivity of indigenous Venda chickens in Polokwane, South Africa. South Afr. J. Anim. Sci. 43: 69–S74.
- Olutunmogun, A. K., A. U. Umar, E.O.Adejoh-Ubani, B. I .Nwagu, I. A. Adeyinka and S. M. Muhammad. 2018. Effect of egg size and lines on hatching performance of chicks from broiler breeders. Nig. J. Anim. Prod. 45 (1):18-25.
- Peebles, E. D., C. W. Gardner, J. Brake, C. E. Benton, J. J. Bruzual and P. D. Gerard. 2000. Albumen height and yolk and embryo compositions in broiler hatching eggs during incubation. Poult. Sci. 79:1373–1377.
- Rahn, H., V. L. Christensen and F. W. Edens. 1981. Changes in shell conductance, pores, and physical dimensions of egg and shell during the first breeding cycle of turkey hens. Poult. Sci. 60: 2536-2541.
- Rajkumar, U., R.P. Sharma. K.S. Rajaravindra, M. Niranjan, B.L.N. Reddy. T.K. Bhattacharya and R.N. Chatterjee. 2009. Effect of genotype and age on egg quality traits in Naked neck chicken under tropical climate of India. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 8: 1151-55.
- Ramaphala, N.O and C.A. Mbajiorgu.2013. Effect of Egg Weight on Hatchability and Chick Hatch-weight of COBB 500 Broiler Chickens. Asian J Anim Vet Adv. 8 (7): 885-892.
- Rashid A., S.H. Khan, G. Abbas, M. Y. Amer, M. J. Khan and N. Iftikhar. 2013. Effect of egg weight on hatchability and hatchling weight in Fayoumi, Desi and crossbred (Rhode Island Red × Fayoumi) chickens. Vet. World. 6: 592–595.
- Roland, D. A. 1988. Eggshell breakage: Incidence and economic impact. Poult. Sci. 67:1801–1803.
- Roque, L. and M.C. Soares. 1994. Effects of eggshell quality and broiler breeder age on hatchability. Poult. Sci. 73: 1838–1845.
- Senapati, P.K., K.G. Dask-Madal and A.K. Chatterjee. 1996. Relationship between egg weight, shape index, fertility and hatchability of Japanese quail eggs. Environ. Ecol. Stat. 14: 574- 577.
- Sergeyeva, A. 1986. Egg quality and egg hatchability. Ptitsevodstvo, Moscow, Russia (3): 24-25.
- Tona, K., F. Bamelis, W. Coucke, V. Bruggeman and E. Decuypere. 2001. Relationship between broiler breeder’s age and egg weight loss and embryonic mortality during incubation in large-scale conditions. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 10: 221–227.
- Tullett, S.G. and R.G. Board. 1977. Determinants of avian eggshell porosity. J. Zool. 183: 203–211.
- Tullett, S.G. and D.C. Deeming. 1982. The relationship between eggshell porosity and oxygen consumption of the embryo in the domestic fowl. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 72: 529-533.
- Ulmer-Franco, A.M, G.M. Fasenko and E.E. O’Dea Christopher. 2010. Hatching egg characteristics, chick quality, and broiler performance at 2 breeder flock ages and from 3 egg weights Poult. Sci. 89:2735–2742.
- Venglovska, K., L. Gresakova, I. Placha, M. Ryzner and K. Cobanova. 2014. Effects of feed supplementation with manganese from its different sources on performance and egg parameters of laying hens. Czech. J. Anim. Sci. 59: 147–155.
- Vieira, S.L., J.G. Almeida, A.R. Lima, O.R.A. Conde and A.R. Olmos. 2005. Hatching distribution of eggs varying in weight and breeder age. Braz. J. Poult. Sci. 7: 73–78.
- Willemsen, H., N. Everaert, A. Witters, L. De-Smit, M. Debonne, F. Verschuere, P. Garain, D. Berckmans, E. Decuypere and V. Bruggeman. 2008. Critical assessment of chick quality measurements as an indicator of post-hatch performance. Poult. Sci. 87: 2358–2366.
- Witt-de, F. and L.M.J. Schwalbach. 2004 The effect of egg weight on the hatchability and growth performance of new hampshire and rhode ısland red chicks. S. Afr. J. Ani Sci. 34(2):62-64.
Effect of Egg Weight on Eggshell Thickness, Pore Density and Chick Quality in Broiler Breeder Flock
Year 2018,
Volume: 32 Issue: 2, 123 - 130, 01.12.2018
Saliha Sabah
Ümran Şahan
The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of egg weight on eggshell thickness, pore density and chick quality in broiler breeder flock. Additionally the correlations between the studied characteristics were calculated. Hatching eggs were collected from 40 wk old Ross 308 broiler breeder flock. The eggs were selected, weighed and numbered individually in light (54.71-58.88 g) and medium (58.24-60.62g) weighed egg groups. Eggs were incubated at 37.5°C and 55% RH in an incubator for 18 days. On 18th day eggs were individually weighed to calculate the egg mass loss. Then eggs were incubated at 37.0°C and 60% RH in a hatcher until hatch. At hatch chicks were weighed individually and chick length was measured. Additionally egg shell thickness and pore density was determined. Egg weight loss was found non-significant in both light and medium weighed egg groups (P>0.05). Egg weight had significant effect on eggshell thickness (P<0.05). Eggshell thickness was found higher in light weighed eggs than in medium weighed eggs (P <0.05) whereas, pore density was determined higher in medium weighed eggs (P<0.01). At hatch chick weight increased with the increased egg weight (P <0.05) while as chick length was not affected by egg weight. A significant correlations was observed between initial egg weight and average eggshell thickness (r= 0.551), chick weight (r=0.615), and also between average eggshell thickness and chick weight (r=0.484) in medium weighed eggs (P<0.05).
- Abiola, S.S., O.O. Meshioye, B.O. Oyerinde and M.A Bamgbose. 2008. Effect of egg size on hatchability of broiler chicks. Arch. Zootec. 57(217): 83-86.
- Ahmad, H.A. and R.J. Balander. 2003. Alternative feeding regimen of calcium source and phosphorus level for better eggshell quality in commercial layers. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 12: 509-514.
- Alabi, O.J., J.W. Ng’ambi, D.Norris and M.Mabelebele. 2012. Effect of egg weight on hatchability and subsequent performance of Potchefstroom Koekoek chicks. Asian. J. Anim. Vet. Adv. 7: 718–725.
- Alkan, S., K.Karabag , A.Galic and M.S. Balcioglu. 2008. Effects of genotype and egg weight on hatchability traits and hatching weight in Japanese quail. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci. 38 (3):231-237.
- Ar, A. and H. Rahn. 1985. Pores in avian eggshells: gas conductance, gas exchange and embryonic growth rate. Respir. Physiol. 61: 1-20.
- Araujo, I.C.S., N.S.M. Leandro, M.A. Meaquita, M.A. Cafe, H.H.C. Mello and E. Gonzales. 2017. Water vapor conductance: a technique using eggshell fragments and relations with other parameters of eggshell. R. Bras. Zootec. 46(12):896-902.
- Bamelis, F.R. 2003. Non-invasive assessment of eggshell conductance at different developmental stages during incubation of eggs. PhD thesis, Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium.
- Board, R.G. and N.A. Halls. 1973. The cuticle: a barrier to liquid and particle penetration of the shell of the hen’s egg. Br. Poult. Sci. 14: 69–79.
- Butcher, G.D. and R. Miles. 2009. Concepts of Eggshell Quality. University of Florida, Gainesville. Florida.
- Cherian, G., T. B. Holsonbake and M. P. Goeger. 2002. Fatty acid composition and egg components of speciality eggs. Poult. Sci. 81: 30–33.
- Coutts, J. A and G.C. Wilson. 2007. Optimum Egg Quality: A Practical Approach. Revised Version. 5M Publishing, Sheffield, UK. Florida.
- Çaglayan, T., G. Mustafa, K. Kemal and G. Aytekin. 2009. Effect of egg weight on chick weight, egg weight loss and hatchability in rock partridges. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 8: 567-574.
- Decuypere, E., K. Tona, F. Bamelis., C. Careghi, B. Kemps, B. De-Ketelaere, J. De-Baerdemaker and V. Bruggeman. 2002. Broiler breeders and egg factors interacting with incubation conditions for optimal hatchability and chick quality. Arch. Geflügelk. 66: 56- 57.
- Farooq, M., K. Aneela, F.R. Durrani, A.K Muqarrab, C. Chand and A. Khurshid. 2001. Egg and shell weight, hatching and production performance of Japanese broiler quails. Sarhad. J. Agric. 17 (3): 289-293.
- Gahri, H., N. Gader and D. Farzam. 2015. Effect of egg weight of broiler breeder on egg characteristics and hatchery performance. Int. J. Biosci. Vol. 6: 42-48.
- Gonzalez, A., D.G. Satterlee, F. Moharer and G.G Cadd. 1999. Factors affecting ostrich (Struthio camelus) eggs hatchability. Poult. Sci.78: 1257-1262.
- Hill, D. 2001. Chick length uniformity profiles as a field measurement of chick quality. Poult. Avian. Biol. Rev. 12:188.
- Iqbal, J., S. H. Khan, N. Mukhtar, T. Ahmed and R.A. Pasha. 2016. Effects of egg size (weight) and age on hatching performance and chick quality of broiler breeder. J. Appl. Anim. Res. Vol. 44: 54–64.
- İpek, A. and U. Şahan. 2001. Effect of specific gravity and flock age on hatching traits in broiler breeders. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 25: 817-821.
- Meijerhof, R. 2006. Chick size matters. World’s Poult. Sci. J. 22: 30–31.
- Minitab, Inc. 2013. MINITAB release 17.1.0 statistical software for windows. Minitab Inc, USA.
- Ng’ambi, J.W., M.W. Thamaga, D. Norris, M. Mabelebele and O.J Alabi. 2013. Effects of egg weight on hatchability, chick hatch-weight and subsequent productivity of indigenous Venda chickens in Polokwane, South Africa. South Afr. J. Anim. Sci. 43: 69–S74.
- Olutunmogun, A. K., A. U. Umar, E.O.Adejoh-Ubani, B. I .Nwagu, I. A. Adeyinka and S. M. Muhammad. 2018. Effect of egg size and lines on hatching performance of chicks from broiler breeders. Nig. J. Anim. Prod. 45 (1):18-25.
- Peebles, E. D., C. W. Gardner, J. Brake, C. E. Benton, J. J. Bruzual and P. D. Gerard. 2000. Albumen height and yolk and embryo compositions in broiler hatching eggs during incubation. Poult. Sci. 79:1373–1377.
- Rahn, H., V. L. Christensen and F. W. Edens. 1981. Changes in shell conductance, pores, and physical dimensions of egg and shell during the first breeding cycle of turkey hens. Poult. Sci. 60: 2536-2541.
- Rajkumar, U., R.P. Sharma. K.S. Rajaravindra, M. Niranjan, B.L.N. Reddy. T.K. Bhattacharya and R.N. Chatterjee. 2009. Effect of genotype and age on egg quality traits in Naked neck chicken under tropical climate of India. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 8: 1151-55.
- Ramaphala, N.O and C.A. Mbajiorgu.2013. Effect of Egg Weight on Hatchability and Chick Hatch-weight of COBB 500 Broiler Chickens. Asian J Anim Vet Adv. 8 (7): 885-892.
- Rashid A., S.H. Khan, G. Abbas, M. Y. Amer, M. J. Khan and N. Iftikhar. 2013. Effect of egg weight on hatchability and hatchling weight in Fayoumi, Desi and crossbred (Rhode Island Red × Fayoumi) chickens. Vet. World. 6: 592–595.
- Roland, D. A. 1988. Eggshell breakage: Incidence and economic impact. Poult. Sci. 67:1801–1803.
- Roque, L. and M.C. Soares. 1994. Effects of eggshell quality and broiler breeder age on hatchability. Poult. Sci. 73: 1838–1845.
- Senapati, P.K., K.G. Dask-Madal and A.K. Chatterjee. 1996. Relationship between egg weight, shape index, fertility and hatchability of Japanese quail eggs. Environ. Ecol. Stat. 14: 574- 577.
- Sergeyeva, A. 1986. Egg quality and egg hatchability. Ptitsevodstvo, Moscow, Russia (3): 24-25.
- Tona, K., F. Bamelis, W. Coucke, V. Bruggeman and E. Decuypere. 2001. Relationship between broiler breeder’s age and egg weight loss and embryonic mortality during incubation in large-scale conditions. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 10: 221–227.
- Tullett, S.G. and R.G. Board. 1977. Determinants of avian eggshell porosity. J. Zool. 183: 203–211.
- Tullett, S.G. and D.C. Deeming. 1982. The relationship between eggshell porosity and oxygen consumption of the embryo in the domestic fowl. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 72: 529-533.
- Ulmer-Franco, A.M, G.M. Fasenko and E.E. O’Dea Christopher. 2010. Hatching egg characteristics, chick quality, and broiler performance at 2 breeder flock ages and from 3 egg weights Poult. Sci. 89:2735–2742.
- Venglovska, K., L. Gresakova, I. Placha, M. Ryzner and K. Cobanova. 2014. Effects of feed supplementation with manganese from its different sources on performance and egg parameters of laying hens. Czech. J. Anim. Sci. 59: 147–155.
- Vieira, S.L., J.G. Almeida, A.R. Lima, O.R.A. Conde and A.R. Olmos. 2005. Hatching distribution of eggs varying in weight and breeder age. Braz. J. Poult. Sci. 7: 73–78.
- Willemsen, H., N. Everaert, A. Witters, L. De-Smit, M. Debonne, F. Verschuere, P. Garain, D. Berckmans, E. Decuypere and V. Bruggeman. 2008. Critical assessment of chick quality measurements as an indicator of post-hatch performance. Poult. Sci. 87: 2358–2366.
- Witt-de, F. and L.M.J. Schwalbach. 2004 The effect of egg weight on the hatchability and growth performance of new hampshire and rhode ısland red chicks. S. Afr. J. Ani Sci. 34(2):62-64.