Research Article
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Determination of Some Toxic Element (Cr, Cd, Cu and Pb) Levels in Cumin and Cinnamon Aromatic Plants Frequently Used as Foodstuff

Year 2020, Volume: 34 Issue: Özel Sayı, 1 - 8, 30.09.2020


Aromatic plants are repositories of various elements in a wide concentration range with significant
negative or positive health effects. It is known that there are more than twenty elements with physiological
activity in mammals and humans. Elements like copper, nickel, cobalt and chromium are necessary ingredients
of biological structures. Such elements may be toxic at concentrations above the limit values required for their
function. In many biochemical reactions, elements such as lead, cadmium and arsenic have toxic effects. In this
study, the amounts of some toxic elements in cumin and cinnamon samples were determined. Elemental amounts
of Cr, Cd, Cu and Pb in 8 samples were analyzed with flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) method.
According to the results, Cr element was found to be higher in the studied samples. Cu, Pb and Cd elements
were found to be normal. In addition, the analytic method was confirmed by detection limits, accuracy, linearity
and recovery experiments, sufficient values were obtained in each case.


  • Basgel. S. and Erdemoglu. S.B. 2006. Determination of mineral and trace elements in some medicinal herbs and their infusions consumed in Turkey. Science of the total environment. 359(1-3), 82-89.
  • Bilal, S., Junaid, N. and Ayub, R. 2019. Determination of selected heavy metals concentration in farmed and fresh water fish consumed in peshawar. Journal Of Medical Sciences, 27(4), 322-328.
  • de Araujo Nogueira, A.R., Mockiuti, F., de Souza, G.B. and Primavesi, O. 1998. Flow injection spectrophotometric catalytic determination of iodine in milk. Analytical sciences. 14(3). 559-564.
  • Dorak, S., Aşık, B.B. ve Özsoy, G. 2019. Tarımda Su Kalitesi ve Su Kirliliğinin Önemi: Bursa Nilüfer Çayı Örneği. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 33 (1), 155-166.
  • Fraga, C.G. 2005. Relevance. essentiality and toxicity of trace elements in human health. Molecular aspects of medicine. 26(4-5). 235-244.
  • Gondim, T.A., Guedes, J.A., Ribeiro, L.P., Lopes, G.S. and Matos, W.O. 2017. Optimization of a cloud point extraction procedure with response surface methodology for the quantification of dissolved iron in produced water from the petroleum industry using FAAS. Marine pollution bulletin. 114(2). 786-791.
  • Karadas, C. and Kara, D. 2012. Chemometric approach to evaluate trace metal concentrations in some spices and herbs. Food Chemistry. 130(1). 196-202.
  • Katz, D.L., Doughty. K.and Ali, A. 2011. Cocoa and chocolate in human health and disease. Antioxidants & redox signaling. 15(10). 2779-2811.
  • Khan, N.A., Hasan, Z. and Jhung, S.H. 2013. Adsorptive removal of hazardous materials using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): a review. Journal of hazardous materials. 244. 444-456.
  • Khan, N., Choi, J.Y., Nho, E.Y., Jamila, N., Habte, G., Hong, J.H., ... and Kim, K.S. 2014. Determination of minor and trace elements in aromatic spices by micro-wave assisted digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Food chemistry. 158. 200-206.
  • Kira, C.S. and Maihara, V.A. 2007. Determination of major and minor elements in dairy products through inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry after wet partial digestion and neutron activation analysis. Food chemistry. 100(1). 390-395.
  • Kondyli, E., Katsiari, M.C. and Voutsinas, L.P. 2007. Variations of vitamin and mineral contents in raw goat milk of the indigenous Greek breed during lactation. Food Chemistry. 100(1). 226-230.
  • Krejpcio, Z. 2001. Essentiality of chromium for human nutrition and health. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 10(6), 399-404.
  • Llorent-Martínez, E.J., Fernández-de Córdova, M.L., Ruiz-Medina, A. and Ortega-Barrales, P. 2012. Fluorimetric determination of thiabendazole residues in mushrooms using sequential injection analysis. Talanta. 96. 190-194.
  • Mengel, K. and Kirkby, E.A. 2004. Principles of plant nutrition, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • Muñoz, E. and Palmero, S. 2004. Determination of heavy metals in milk by potentiometric stripping analysis using a home-made flow cell. Food Control. 15(8). 635-641.
  • Pferschy-Wenzig, E.M. and Bauer, R. 2015. The relevance of pharmacognosy in pharmacological research on herbal medicinal products. Epilepsy & Behavior. 52. 344-362.
  • Subramanian, R., Gayathri, S., Rathnavel, C. and Raj, V. 2012. Analysis of mineral and heavy metals in some medicinal plants collected from local market. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2(1). S74-S78.
  • Thomsen, V., Schatzlein, D. and Mercuro, D. 2003. Limits of detection in spectroscopy. Spectroscopy. 18(12). 112-114.
  • US Food and Drug Administration, 2006. Supporting document for recommended maximum level for lead in candy likely to be consumed frequently by small children. US Food and Drug Administration: Silver Spring, MD, USA.
  • World Health Organization, 1996. Trace elements in human nutrition and health.
  • World Health Organization (WHO), 2011. Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants. World Health Organization technical report series, (966), 1.
  • Zhang, H. and Li, Z. 2018. Terahertz spectroscopy applied to quantitative determination of harmful additives in medicinal herbs. Optik. 156. 834-840.

Gıda Maddesi Olarak Sıkça Kullanılan Kimyon ve Tarçın Aromatik Bitkilerindeki Bazı Toksik Element (Cr, Cd, Cu ve Pb) Seviyelerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 34 Issue: Özel Sayı, 1 - 8, 30.09.2020


Aromatik bitkiler önemli olumlu veya olumsuz sağlık etkileri olan geniş bir konsantrasyon aralığında çeşitli
elementlerin depolarıdır. Yirmiden fazla element insanlarda ve diğer memelilerde bilinen fizyolojik aktivitelere
sahiptir. Kobalt, bakır, krom ve nikel gibi elementler biyolojik yapıların temel bileşenleridir, ancak işlevleri için
gerekli sınırların üstündeki konsantrasyonlarda toksik olabilmektedirler. Arsenik, kurşun ve kadmiyum gibi
diğer elementlerin çeşitli biyokimyasal reaksiyonlarda iyi bilinen toksik rolleri vardır. Eser elementlerin tayini
için kullanılan birçok metod bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kimyon ve tarçın örneklerindeki bazı toksik
elementlerin miktarları belirlenmiştir. Toplam 8 örnekte Cr, Cd, Cu ve Pb element miktarları alevli atomik
absorpsiyon spektrometresi (FAAS) metodu ile belirlenmiştir. Bulunan sonuçlara göre çalışılan örneklerde Cr
elementi yapılan çalışmalara göre yüksek bulunmuştur. Cu, Pb ve Cd elementlerinin normal seviyelerde olduğu
tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca analitik yöntem doğrusallık, tespit limitleri, doğruluk ve geri kazanım deneyleri ile
doğrulanmış, her durumda tatmin edici değerler elde edilmiştir.


  • Basgel. S. and Erdemoglu. S.B. 2006. Determination of mineral and trace elements in some medicinal herbs and their infusions consumed in Turkey. Science of the total environment. 359(1-3), 82-89.
  • Bilal, S., Junaid, N. and Ayub, R. 2019. Determination of selected heavy metals concentration in farmed and fresh water fish consumed in peshawar. Journal Of Medical Sciences, 27(4), 322-328.
  • de Araujo Nogueira, A.R., Mockiuti, F., de Souza, G.B. and Primavesi, O. 1998. Flow injection spectrophotometric catalytic determination of iodine in milk. Analytical sciences. 14(3). 559-564.
  • Dorak, S., Aşık, B.B. ve Özsoy, G. 2019. Tarımda Su Kalitesi ve Su Kirliliğinin Önemi: Bursa Nilüfer Çayı Örneği. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 33 (1), 155-166.
  • Fraga, C.G. 2005. Relevance. essentiality and toxicity of trace elements in human health. Molecular aspects of medicine. 26(4-5). 235-244.
  • Gondim, T.A., Guedes, J.A., Ribeiro, L.P., Lopes, G.S. and Matos, W.O. 2017. Optimization of a cloud point extraction procedure with response surface methodology for the quantification of dissolved iron in produced water from the petroleum industry using FAAS. Marine pollution bulletin. 114(2). 786-791.
  • Karadas, C. and Kara, D. 2012. Chemometric approach to evaluate trace metal concentrations in some spices and herbs. Food Chemistry. 130(1). 196-202.
  • Katz, D.L., Doughty. K.and Ali, A. 2011. Cocoa and chocolate in human health and disease. Antioxidants & redox signaling. 15(10). 2779-2811.
  • Khan, N.A., Hasan, Z. and Jhung, S.H. 2013. Adsorptive removal of hazardous materials using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): a review. Journal of hazardous materials. 244. 444-456.
  • Khan, N., Choi, J.Y., Nho, E.Y., Jamila, N., Habte, G., Hong, J.H., ... and Kim, K.S. 2014. Determination of minor and trace elements in aromatic spices by micro-wave assisted digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Food chemistry. 158. 200-206.
  • Kira, C.S. and Maihara, V.A. 2007. Determination of major and minor elements in dairy products through inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry after wet partial digestion and neutron activation analysis. Food chemistry. 100(1). 390-395.
  • Kondyli, E., Katsiari, M.C. and Voutsinas, L.P. 2007. Variations of vitamin and mineral contents in raw goat milk of the indigenous Greek breed during lactation. Food Chemistry. 100(1). 226-230.
  • Krejpcio, Z. 2001. Essentiality of chromium for human nutrition and health. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 10(6), 399-404.
  • Llorent-Martínez, E.J., Fernández-de Córdova, M.L., Ruiz-Medina, A. and Ortega-Barrales, P. 2012. Fluorimetric determination of thiabendazole residues in mushrooms using sequential injection analysis. Talanta. 96. 190-194.
  • Mengel, K. and Kirkby, E.A. 2004. Principles of plant nutrition, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • Muñoz, E. and Palmero, S. 2004. Determination of heavy metals in milk by potentiometric stripping analysis using a home-made flow cell. Food Control. 15(8). 635-641.
  • Pferschy-Wenzig, E.M. and Bauer, R. 2015. The relevance of pharmacognosy in pharmacological research on herbal medicinal products. Epilepsy & Behavior. 52. 344-362.
  • Subramanian, R., Gayathri, S., Rathnavel, C. and Raj, V. 2012. Analysis of mineral and heavy metals in some medicinal plants collected from local market. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2(1). S74-S78.
  • Thomsen, V., Schatzlein, D. and Mercuro, D. 2003. Limits of detection in spectroscopy. Spectroscopy. 18(12). 112-114.
  • US Food and Drug Administration, 2006. Supporting document for recommended maximum level for lead in candy likely to be consumed frequently by small children. US Food and Drug Administration: Silver Spring, MD, USA.
  • World Health Organization, 1996. Trace elements in human nutrition and health.
  • World Health Organization (WHO), 2011. Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants. World Health Organization technical report series, (966), 1.
  • Zhang, H. and Li, Z. 2018. Terahertz spectroscopy applied to quantitative determination of harmful additives in medicinal herbs. Optik. 156. 834-840.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ecology
Journal Section Research Articles

Hacer Sibel Karapınar 0000-0002-0123-3901

Fevzi Kılıçel 0000-0002-5454-5597

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date October 16, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 34 Issue: Özel Sayı


APA Karapınar, H. S., & Kılıçel, F. (2020). Determination of Some Toxic Element (Cr, Cd, Cu and Pb) Levels in Cumin and Cinnamon Aromatic Plants Frequently Used as Foodstuff. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(Özel Sayı), 1-8.


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