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Fonksiyonel Beslenmede Bademin Önemi

Year 2020, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 427 - 441, 01.12.2020


Fonksiyonel beslenme, hastalıkların önlenme ve tedavisinin yanısıra insanlarda sağlığın korunmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Badem (Prunus amygdalus), fonksiyonel özellikleri üzerine en fazla çalışılan sert kabuklu ağaç meyvesidir. Günlük diyette oleik asit, diyet lifi, magnezyum, α‐tokoferol, riboflavin, fosfor ve bakırın önemli bir kaynağı olması nedeni ile “yoğun besin içerikli gıda” olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Ayrıca, fonksiyonel bileşen olarak kullanılabilen proteinler, polifenoller, flavonoidler, flavanoller ve flavonol glikozidleri gibi birçok biyoaktif bileşeni de içermektedir. Birçok çalışma badem tüketiminin sağlık üzerine kardiyo-koruyucu, kanseri önleyici, antioksidatif, antiinflamasyon, antialerjik, antidiyabetik özellikler gibi olumlu etkilerinin olduğunu belirtmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı, bademin besin bileşenleri ve insan sağlığı üzerine fonksiyonel özellikleri hakkında bilgi vermektir.


  • Airesa, A., Pascual-Sevad, N. and Barrosa, A. 2019. Irrigation deficit turns almond by products into a valuable source of antimicrobial (poly)phenols. Industrial Crops and Products, 132:186–196.
  • Anonim 2019. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Ankara., Erişim tarihi: Mart 2020.
  • Arena, A. and Bisignano, C. 2010. The immunomodulatory and the antiviral activities of almonds. J.I m let, 132 (1-2): 18-23.
  • Batool, Z., Sadir, S., Liaquat, L., Tabassum, S., Madiha, S., Rafiq, S., Tariq, S., Batool, T.S., Saleem, S., Naqvi, F., Perveen, T. and Haider, S. 2016. Repeated administration of almonds increases brain acetylcholine levels andenhances memory function in healthy rats while attenuates memorydeficits in animal model of amnesia. Brain Res. Bull., 120: 63–74.
  • Batool, Z., Tabassum, S., Siddiqui, R.A. and Haider, S. 2018. Dietary Supplementation of Almond Prevents Oxidative Stress by Advocating Antioxidants and Attenuates Impaired Aversive Memory in Male Rats. Plant Foods Hum Nutr.,73(1):7-12.
  • Bayrak, S. and Yılmaz, Ö. 2009. Ceviz- Badem yetiştiriciliği. Rekmay Reklam ve Tanıtım Ltd. Şti., 321s Ankara.
  • Berryman, C.E., Preston, A.G., Karmally, W., Deckelbaum, R.J. and Kris-Etherton, P.M. 2011. Effects of almond consumption on the reduction of LDL-cholesterol: a discussion of potential mechanisms and future research directions. Nutr Rev., 69(4):171-85.
  • Bes-Rastrollo, M., Wedick, N.M., Martinez-Gonzalez, M.A., Li, T.Y., Sampson, L. and Hu, F.B. 2009. Prospective study of nut consumption, long-term weight change, and obesity risk in women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89(6): 1913-1919.
  • Cassady, B.A., Hollis, J.H., Fulford, A.D., Considine, R.V. and Mattes, R.D. 2009. Mastication of almonds: effects of lipid bioaccessibility, appetite, and hormone response. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89(3): 794–800.
  • Chen, C.M., Liu, J.F., Li, S.C., Huang, C.L., Hsirh, A.T., Weng, S.F., Chang, M.L., Li, H.T., Mohn, E. and Chen, O. 2017. Almonds ameliorate glycemic control in Chinese patients with better controlled type 2 diabetes: a randomized, crossover, controlled feeding trial. Nutrition & Metabolism, 14(51):1-12.
  • Chen, C.Y., Lapsley, K. and Blumberg, J. 2006. A nutrition and health perspective on almonds. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86(14): 2245-2250.
  • Choudhury, K., Clark, J. and Griffiths, H.R. 2014. An almond-enriched diet increases plasma α-tocopherol and improves vascular function but does not affect oxidative stress markers or lipid levels. Free Radic Res., 48(5):599–606.
  • Davis PA and Iwahashi CK. 2001. Whole almonds and almond fractions reduce aberrant crypt foci in a rat model of colon carcinogenesis. Cancer Lett 165:27–33.
  • Del Castillo, M.D., Iriondo-DeHond, A. and Martirosyan, D.M. 2018. Are functional foods essential for sustainable health? Annals of Nutrition & Food Science, 2(1): 1015.
  • Esfahlan, A.J. and Jamei, R. 2012. Properties of biological activity of ten wild almond (Prunus amygdalus L.) species. Turk J Biol., 36(2):201-209.
  • FAO 2015., Erişim Tarihi:22.07.2018
  • Franklin, L.M. and Mitchell, A.E. 2019. Review of the sensory and chemical characteristics of almond (Prunus dulcis) flavor. J. Agric. Food Chem., 67(10): 2743−2753.
  • Gopumadhavan, S., Rafiz, M., Venkataranganna, M.V., Kulkarni. K. and Mitra, S.K. 2003. Assessment of “Tentex royal” for sexual activity in an experimental model. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 13(10) : 23-26.
  • Gorji, N., Moeini, R. and Memariani, Z. 2018. Almond, hazelnut and walnut, three nuts for neuroprotection in Alzheimer’s disease: A neuropharmacological review of their bioactive constituents. Pharmacological Research, 129:115–127.
  • Gradziel, T.M., Kodad, O. and Alonso, J.M. 2008. Almond quality: A breeding perspective. Hort. Rev., 34:197-238.
  • Granato, D., Branco, G.F., Nazzaro, F., Cruz, A.G. and Faria, J.A.F. 2010. Functional Foods and Nondairy Probiotic Food Development: Trends, Concepts, and Products. Compr Rev Food Sci F., 9: 292-302.
  • Grosso, G. and Estruch, R. 2016. Nut consumption and age-related disease. Maturitas, 84: 11–16.
  • Grundy, M.M.L., Wilde, P.J., Butterworth, P.J., Gray, R. and Ellis, P.R. 2015. Impact of cell wall encapsulation of almonds on in vitro duodenal lipolysis. Food Chem., 185: 405–412.
  • Haider, S., Batool, Z. and Haleem, D.J. 2012. Nootropic and Hypophagic Effects following long term Intake of Almonds (Prunus amygdalus) in Rats. Nutr Hosp. 27(6):2109-2115.
  • Hou, Y.Y., Ojo, O., Wang, L.L., Jiang, O., Shao, X.Y. and Wang, X.H. 2018. A Randomized controlled trial to compare the effect of peanuts and almonds on the cardio-metabolic and inflammatory parameters in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nutrients, 10(11):1-16.
  • Hull, S., Re, R., Chambers, L., Echaniz, A. and Wickham, M.S. 2015. A mid-morning snack of almonds generates satiety and appropriate adjustment of subsequent food intake in healthy women. Eur J Nutr., 54(5):803-10.
  • Jia, X., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Yuan, J., Wang, H. and Zhao, D. 2011. Hepatoprotective Effects of Almond oil against carbon tetrachloride induced Liver injury in rats. Food Chemistry, 125(2):673-676.
  • Kalita, S., Khandelwal, S., Madan, J., Pandya, H., Sesikeran, B. and Krishnaswamy, K. 2018. Almonds and cardiovascular health: A Review. Nutrients, 10(468):1-10.
  • Kamil, A. and Chen, C.Y.O. 2012. health benefits of almonds beyond cholesterol reduction. J. Agric. Food Chem., 60(27):6694−6702.
  • Kaur, N. and Singh, D.P. 2017. Deciphering the consumer behaviour facets of functional foods: A literature review. Appetite, 112: 167-187.
  • Kendall, C.W.C., Josse, A.R., Esfahani, A. and Jenkins, D.J.A., 2010. Nuts, metabolicsyndrome and diabetes. British Journal of Nutrition, 104(4): 465–473.
  • Khalid, A.M. and Hussain, M. K. 2017. Badam (Prunus amygdalus Bail.): A Fruit with Medicinal Properties. International Journal of Herbal Medicine, 5(5): 114-117.
  • Lamuel-Raventosa, R.M. and St. Onge, M.P. 2017. Prebiotic nut compounds and human microbiota. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57(14): 3154-3163.
  • Liu, Z., Lin, X., Huang, G., Zhang, W., Rao, P. and Ni, L. 2014. Prebiotic effects of almonds and almond skins on intestinal microbiota in healthy adult humans. Anaerobe, 26:1-6.
  • Liu, Z., Wang, W., Huang, G., Zhanga, W. and Ni, L. 2016. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the prebiotic effect of raw and roasted almonds (Prunus amygdalus). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96: 1836–1843.
  • Mandalari, G. 2012. Potential health benefits of almond skin. Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques, 2(5):1000e110.
  • Mandalari, G., Nueno-Palop, C., Bisignano, G., Wickham, M.S.J. and Narbad, A. 2008. Potential prebiotic properties of almond (Amygdalus communis L.) seeds. Appl Environ Microbiol., 74:4264–4270.
  • Martínez-Gómez, P., Sánchez-Pérez, R., Dicenta, F., Howad, W., Arús, P. and Gradziel, T.M., 2007. Almond. In: Kole, C. (Ed.), Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants: Fruits & Nuts, 4. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 229–242.
  • Martins, I. M., Chen, Q. and Chen, C.Y.O. 2017. Emerging Functional Foods Derived from Almonds. In: Wild Plants, Mushrooms and Nuts: Functional Food Properties and Applications, First Edition. Ed: Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Morales, P., Barros, L. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp 445-469.
  • Martirosyan, D.M. and Pisarski, K. 2017. Bioactive Compounds: Their Role in Functional Food and Human Health, Classifications, and Definitions. In: Functional Foods and Cancer: Bioactive Compounds and Cancer Ed: Martirosyan, D.M., Zhou, J.R., eds.. Food Science Publisher. USA. pp 238-77.
  • Mericli, F., Becer, E., Kabadayı, H., Hanoglu, A., Yigit Hanoglu, D., Ozkum Yavuz, D., Ozek, T. and Vatansever, S. 2017. Fatty acid composition and anticancer activity in colon carcinoma cell lines of Prunus dulcis seed oil. Pharmaceutical Biology, 55(1): 239-1248.
  • Mexis, S.F., Badeka, A.V., Chouliara, E., Riganakos, K.A. and Kontominas, M.G., 2009. Effect of γ-irradiation on the physicochemical and sensory properties of raw unpeeled almond kernels (Prunus dulcis). Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 10(1):87-92.
  • Mirrahimi, A., Srichaikul, K., Esfahani, A., Banach S.M., Sievenpiper, L.J., Cyril W.C. Kendall, C.W.C. and Jenkins, D.J.A. 2011. Almond (Prunus dulcis) Seeds and Oxidative Stress: Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention, Ed: Preedy V.R., Watson, R.R., Patel, V.B., Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, USA, pp: 161-166.
  • Mori, A.M., Considine, R.V. and Mattes, R.D. 2011. Acute and second-meal effects of almond form in impaired glucose tolerant adults: a randomized crossover trial. Nutr Metab (Lond), 8(6):1-8.
  • Pasqualone, A., Laddomada, B., Spina, A., Todaro, A., Guzmàn, C., Summo, C., Mita, G. and Giannone, V. 2018. Almond by-products: Extraction and characterization of phenolic compounds and evaluation of their potential use in composite dough with wheat flour. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 89: 299–306.
  • Prgomet, I., Gonçalves, B., Domínguez-Perles, R., Pascual-Seva, N. and Barros, A. I.R.N.A. 2017. Valorization Challenges to Almond Residues: Phytochemical Composition and Functional Application Molecules, 22(10): 2-27.
  • Richardson, D.P., Astrup, A., Cocaul, A. and Ellis, P. 2009. The nutritional and health benefits of almonds: a healthy food choice. Food Science and Technology Bulletin: Functional Foods, 6 (4):41–50.
  • Sachdeva, M.K. and Katyal, T. 2011. Abatement of detrimental effects of photoaging by Prunus amygdalus skin extract. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 1(3):57-59.
  • Sahib, Z.H. 2014. Assessment of anxiolytic activity of nuts of Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Almond) in Mice. Medical Journal of Babylon, 11(4):817-824.
  • Schlörmanna, W., Fischera, S., Saupea, C., Dinca, T., Lorkowskib, S. and Gleia, M. 2018. Influence of roasting on the chemopreventive potential of in vitro fermented almonds in LT97 colon adenoma cells. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 69(1): 52–63.
  • Srinivasan, C., Isabel, M.G. and Scorza, R. 2005. Prunus spp. almond, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach and plum: Biotechnology of fruit and nut crops. Ed: Litz, E.R., Biotechnology in Agriculture No: 29, New York, 512-542.
  • Sweazea, K.L., Johnston, C.S., Ricklefs, K.D. and Petersen, K.N. 2014. Almond supplementation in the absence of dietary advice significantly reduces C-reactive protein in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Journal Funct Foods, 10: 252–259.
  • Tsai, C.J., Leitzmann, M.F., Hu, F.B., Willett, W.C. and Giovannucci, E.L. 2004. A prospective cohort study of nut consumption and the risk of gallstone disease in men. Am J Epidemiol.,160(10): 961-968.
  • Williams, P.T., Bergeron, N., Chiu, S. and Krauss, R.M., 2019. A randomized, controlled trial on the effects of almonds on lipoprotein response to a higher carbohydrate, lower fat diet in men and women with abdominal adiposity. Lipids in Health and Disease, 18(83): 1-19.
  • Yılmaz Ersan, L., Özcan, T., Akpınar-Bayizit, A. and Delikanlı, B. 2016. Bifidojenik Faktör Olarak Laktoz Türevlerinin Önemi. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 30 (2): 79-90.
  • Yılmaz Ersan, L. and Topçuoğlu, E. 2019. Badem Sütü ile Zenginleştirilmiş Probiyotik Yoğurtların Mikrobiyolojik ve Bazı Fiziko-Kimyasal Özellikleri. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 33 (2): 321-339.

The Importance of Almond in Functional Nutrition

Year 2020, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 427 - 441, 01.12.2020


Functional nutrition has played an important role in prevention and treatment of diseases as well as the human well-being. Almond, Prunus amygdalus, is the most studied tree nut on its functional properties. It has been defined as nutrient-dense nut because of an excellent source of oleic acid, fiber, magnesium, α‐tocopherol, riboflavin, phosphorus and copper in daily diet. However, it has contained many other bioactive compounds like proteins, polyphenols, flavonoids, flavanols and flavonol glycosides which can be used as a functional ingredient. Many studies have mentioned that consumption of almond has provided beneficial effects on health such as a cardio-protective, cancer-preventive, antioxidative, antiinflammation, antiallergic and antidiabetic properties. The objective of this review is to give information about the nutritional components and functional properties of almond on human health.


  • Airesa, A., Pascual-Sevad, N. and Barrosa, A. 2019. Irrigation deficit turns almond by products into a valuable source of antimicrobial (poly)phenols. Industrial Crops and Products, 132:186–196.
  • Anonim 2019. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Ankara., Erişim tarihi: Mart 2020.
  • Arena, A. and Bisignano, C. 2010. The immunomodulatory and the antiviral activities of almonds. J.I m let, 132 (1-2): 18-23.
  • Batool, Z., Sadir, S., Liaquat, L., Tabassum, S., Madiha, S., Rafiq, S., Tariq, S., Batool, T.S., Saleem, S., Naqvi, F., Perveen, T. and Haider, S. 2016. Repeated administration of almonds increases brain acetylcholine levels andenhances memory function in healthy rats while attenuates memorydeficits in animal model of amnesia. Brain Res. Bull., 120: 63–74.
  • Batool, Z., Tabassum, S., Siddiqui, R.A. and Haider, S. 2018. Dietary Supplementation of Almond Prevents Oxidative Stress by Advocating Antioxidants and Attenuates Impaired Aversive Memory in Male Rats. Plant Foods Hum Nutr.,73(1):7-12.
  • Bayrak, S. and Yılmaz, Ö. 2009. Ceviz- Badem yetiştiriciliği. Rekmay Reklam ve Tanıtım Ltd. Şti., 321s Ankara.
  • Berryman, C.E., Preston, A.G., Karmally, W., Deckelbaum, R.J. and Kris-Etherton, P.M. 2011. Effects of almond consumption on the reduction of LDL-cholesterol: a discussion of potential mechanisms and future research directions. Nutr Rev., 69(4):171-85.
  • Bes-Rastrollo, M., Wedick, N.M., Martinez-Gonzalez, M.A., Li, T.Y., Sampson, L. and Hu, F.B. 2009. Prospective study of nut consumption, long-term weight change, and obesity risk in women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89(6): 1913-1919.
  • Cassady, B.A., Hollis, J.H., Fulford, A.D., Considine, R.V. and Mattes, R.D. 2009. Mastication of almonds: effects of lipid bioaccessibility, appetite, and hormone response. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89(3): 794–800.
  • Chen, C.M., Liu, J.F., Li, S.C., Huang, C.L., Hsirh, A.T., Weng, S.F., Chang, M.L., Li, H.T., Mohn, E. and Chen, O. 2017. Almonds ameliorate glycemic control in Chinese patients with better controlled type 2 diabetes: a randomized, crossover, controlled feeding trial. Nutrition & Metabolism, 14(51):1-12.
  • Chen, C.Y., Lapsley, K. and Blumberg, J. 2006. A nutrition and health perspective on almonds. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86(14): 2245-2250.
  • Choudhury, K., Clark, J. and Griffiths, H.R. 2014. An almond-enriched diet increases plasma α-tocopherol and improves vascular function but does not affect oxidative stress markers or lipid levels. Free Radic Res., 48(5):599–606.
  • Davis PA and Iwahashi CK. 2001. Whole almonds and almond fractions reduce aberrant crypt foci in a rat model of colon carcinogenesis. Cancer Lett 165:27–33.
  • Del Castillo, M.D., Iriondo-DeHond, A. and Martirosyan, D.M. 2018. Are functional foods essential for sustainable health? Annals of Nutrition & Food Science, 2(1): 1015.
  • Esfahlan, A.J. and Jamei, R. 2012. Properties of biological activity of ten wild almond (Prunus amygdalus L.) species. Turk J Biol., 36(2):201-209.
  • FAO 2015., Erişim Tarihi:22.07.2018
  • Franklin, L.M. and Mitchell, A.E. 2019. Review of the sensory and chemical characteristics of almond (Prunus dulcis) flavor. J. Agric. Food Chem., 67(10): 2743−2753.
  • Gopumadhavan, S., Rafiz, M., Venkataranganna, M.V., Kulkarni. K. and Mitra, S.K. 2003. Assessment of “Tentex royal” for sexual activity in an experimental model. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 13(10) : 23-26.
  • Gorji, N., Moeini, R. and Memariani, Z. 2018. Almond, hazelnut and walnut, three nuts for neuroprotection in Alzheimer’s disease: A neuropharmacological review of their bioactive constituents. Pharmacological Research, 129:115–127.
  • Gradziel, T.M., Kodad, O. and Alonso, J.M. 2008. Almond quality: A breeding perspective. Hort. Rev., 34:197-238.
  • Granato, D., Branco, G.F., Nazzaro, F., Cruz, A.G. and Faria, J.A.F. 2010. Functional Foods and Nondairy Probiotic Food Development: Trends, Concepts, and Products. Compr Rev Food Sci F., 9: 292-302.
  • Grosso, G. and Estruch, R. 2016. Nut consumption and age-related disease. Maturitas, 84: 11–16.
  • Grundy, M.M.L., Wilde, P.J., Butterworth, P.J., Gray, R. and Ellis, P.R. 2015. Impact of cell wall encapsulation of almonds on in vitro duodenal lipolysis. Food Chem., 185: 405–412.
  • Haider, S., Batool, Z. and Haleem, D.J. 2012. Nootropic and Hypophagic Effects following long term Intake of Almonds (Prunus amygdalus) in Rats. Nutr Hosp. 27(6):2109-2115.
  • Hou, Y.Y., Ojo, O., Wang, L.L., Jiang, O., Shao, X.Y. and Wang, X.H. 2018. A Randomized controlled trial to compare the effect of peanuts and almonds on the cardio-metabolic and inflammatory parameters in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nutrients, 10(11):1-16.
  • Hull, S., Re, R., Chambers, L., Echaniz, A. and Wickham, M.S. 2015. A mid-morning snack of almonds generates satiety and appropriate adjustment of subsequent food intake in healthy women. Eur J Nutr., 54(5):803-10.
  • Jia, X., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Yuan, J., Wang, H. and Zhao, D. 2011. Hepatoprotective Effects of Almond oil against carbon tetrachloride induced Liver injury in rats. Food Chemistry, 125(2):673-676.
  • Kalita, S., Khandelwal, S., Madan, J., Pandya, H., Sesikeran, B. and Krishnaswamy, K. 2018. Almonds and cardiovascular health: A Review. Nutrients, 10(468):1-10.
  • Kamil, A. and Chen, C.Y.O. 2012. health benefits of almonds beyond cholesterol reduction. J. Agric. Food Chem., 60(27):6694−6702.
  • Kaur, N. and Singh, D.P. 2017. Deciphering the consumer behaviour facets of functional foods: A literature review. Appetite, 112: 167-187.
  • Kendall, C.W.C., Josse, A.R., Esfahani, A. and Jenkins, D.J.A., 2010. Nuts, metabolicsyndrome and diabetes. British Journal of Nutrition, 104(4): 465–473.
  • Khalid, A.M. and Hussain, M. K. 2017. Badam (Prunus amygdalus Bail.): A Fruit with Medicinal Properties. International Journal of Herbal Medicine, 5(5): 114-117.
  • Lamuel-Raventosa, R.M. and St. Onge, M.P. 2017. Prebiotic nut compounds and human microbiota. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57(14): 3154-3163.
  • Liu, Z., Lin, X., Huang, G., Zhang, W., Rao, P. and Ni, L. 2014. Prebiotic effects of almonds and almond skins on intestinal microbiota in healthy adult humans. Anaerobe, 26:1-6.
  • Liu, Z., Wang, W., Huang, G., Zhanga, W. and Ni, L. 2016. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the prebiotic effect of raw and roasted almonds (Prunus amygdalus). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96: 1836–1843.
  • Mandalari, G. 2012. Potential health benefits of almond skin. Journal of Bioprocessing & Biotechniques, 2(5):1000e110.
  • Mandalari, G., Nueno-Palop, C., Bisignano, G., Wickham, M.S.J. and Narbad, A. 2008. Potential prebiotic properties of almond (Amygdalus communis L.) seeds. Appl Environ Microbiol., 74:4264–4270.
  • Martínez-Gómez, P., Sánchez-Pérez, R., Dicenta, F., Howad, W., Arús, P. and Gradziel, T.M., 2007. Almond. In: Kole, C. (Ed.), Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants: Fruits & Nuts, 4. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 229–242.
  • Martins, I. M., Chen, Q. and Chen, C.Y.O. 2017. Emerging Functional Foods Derived from Almonds. In: Wild Plants, Mushrooms and Nuts: Functional Food Properties and Applications, First Edition. Ed: Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Morales, P., Barros, L. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp 445-469.
  • Martirosyan, D.M. and Pisarski, K. 2017. Bioactive Compounds: Their Role in Functional Food and Human Health, Classifications, and Definitions. In: Functional Foods and Cancer: Bioactive Compounds and Cancer Ed: Martirosyan, D.M., Zhou, J.R., eds.. Food Science Publisher. USA. pp 238-77.
  • Mericli, F., Becer, E., Kabadayı, H., Hanoglu, A., Yigit Hanoglu, D., Ozkum Yavuz, D., Ozek, T. and Vatansever, S. 2017. Fatty acid composition and anticancer activity in colon carcinoma cell lines of Prunus dulcis seed oil. Pharmaceutical Biology, 55(1): 239-1248.
  • Mexis, S.F., Badeka, A.V., Chouliara, E., Riganakos, K.A. and Kontominas, M.G., 2009. Effect of γ-irradiation on the physicochemical and sensory properties of raw unpeeled almond kernels (Prunus dulcis). Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 10(1):87-92.
  • Mirrahimi, A., Srichaikul, K., Esfahani, A., Banach S.M., Sievenpiper, L.J., Cyril W.C. Kendall, C.W.C. and Jenkins, D.J.A. 2011. Almond (Prunus dulcis) Seeds and Oxidative Stress: Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention, Ed: Preedy V.R., Watson, R.R., Patel, V.B., Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, USA, pp: 161-166.
  • Mori, A.M., Considine, R.V. and Mattes, R.D. 2011. Acute and second-meal effects of almond form in impaired glucose tolerant adults: a randomized crossover trial. Nutr Metab (Lond), 8(6):1-8.
  • Pasqualone, A., Laddomada, B., Spina, A., Todaro, A., Guzmàn, C., Summo, C., Mita, G. and Giannone, V. 2018. Almond by-products: Extraction and characterization of phenolic compounds and evaluation of their potential use in composite dough with wheat flour. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 89: 299–306.
  • Prgomet, I., Gonçalves, B., Domínguez-Perles, R., Pascual-Seva, N. and Barros, A. I.R.N.A. 2017. Valorization Challenges to Almond Residues: Phytochemical Composition and Functional Application Molecules, 22(10): 2-27.
  • Richardson, D.P., Astrup, A., Cocaul, A. and Ellis, P. 2009. The nutritional and health benefits of almonds: a healthy food choice. Food Science and Technology Bulletin: Functional Foods, 6 (4):41–50.
  • Sachdeva, M.K. and Katyal, T. 2011. Abatement of detrimental effects of photoaging by Prunus amygdalus skin extract. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 1(3):57-59.
  • Sahib, Z.H. 2014. Assessment of anxiolytic activity of nuts of Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Almond) in Mice. Medical Journal of Babylon, 11(4):817-824.
  • Schlörmanna, W., Fischera, S., Saupea, C., Dinca, T., Lorkowskib, S. and Gleia, M. 2018. Influence of roasting on the chemopreventive potential of in vitro fermented almonds in LT97 colon adenoma cells. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 69(1): 52–63.
  • Srinivasan, C., Isabel, M.G. and Scorza, R. 2005. Prunus spp. almond, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach and plum: Biotechnology of fruit and nut crops. Ed: Litz, E.R., Biotechnology in Agriculture No: 29, New York, 512-542.
  • Sweazea, K.L., Johnston, C.S., Ricklefs, K.D. and Petersen, K.N. 2014. Almond supplementation in the absence of dietary advice significantly reduces C-reactive protein in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Journal Funct Foods, 10: 252–259.
  • Tsai, C.J., Leitzmann, M.F., Hu, F.B., Willett, W.C. and Giovannucci, E.L. 2004. A prospective cohort study of nut consumption and the risk of gallstone disease in men. Am J Epidemiol.,160(10): 961-968.
  • Williams, P.T., Bergeron, N., Chiu, S. and Krauss, R.M., 2019. A randomized, controlled trial on the effects of almonds on lipoprotein response to a higher carbohydrate, lower fat diet in men and women with abdominal adiposity. Lipids in Health and Disease, 18(83): 1-19.
  • Yılmaz Ersan, L., Özcan, T., Akpınar-Bayizit, A. and Delikanlı, B. 2016. Bifidojenik Faktör Olarak Laktoz Türevlerinin Önemi. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 30 (2): 79-90.
  • Yılmaz Ersan, L. and Topçuoğlu, E. 2019. Badem Sütü ile Zenginleştirilmiş Probiyotik Yoğurtların Mikrobiyolojik ve Bazı Fiziko-Kimyasal Özellikleri. Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 33 (2): 321-339.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Review

Esra Topçuoğlu This is me 0000-0002-7964-1008

Lütfiye Yılmaz Ersan 0000-0001-9588-6200

Publication Date December 1, 2020
Submission Date March 10, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 34 Issue: 2


APA Topçuoğlu, E., & Yılmaz Ersan, L. (2020). Fonksiyonel Beslenmede Bademin Önemi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(2), 427-441.


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