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Güneş Panelleri İle Elektrik Üretiminin Teknik Ve Ekonomik Analizi: Bursa Örneği

Year 2022, Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 59 - 73, 01.06.2022


Günümüzde teknoloji hızla gelişiyor. Fosil yakıtların aşırı kullanımı ve olumsuz etkileri de yenilenebilir enerji alanındaki çalışmaları hızlandırmıştır. Güneşin sonsuz bir enerji kaynağı olduğu düşünüldüğünde, temiz ve sürdürülebilir enerji üretmek kaçınılmazdır. Bu durumda, fotovoltaik tesislerin küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler tarafından kullanılması da ekonomik olarak etkilidir. Bu amaçla dünya devletleri çeşitli teşvik mekanizmaları oluşturmaktadır. Monokristalin ve polikristalin paneller, fotovoltaik tesislerde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, çeşitli teşvik mekanizmaları göz önünde bulundurularak Türkiye'deki bir fotovoltaik tesis örnekleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca fotovoltaik güneş enerjisi santralinden elektrik enerjisi üretiminin teknik ve ekonomik analizi yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Bursa ilinde küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerde kurulacak olan 23 kW'lık bir fotovoltaik santralin ülke pazarından temin edilerek teknik ve ekonomik analizi incelenmiştir. Teknik açıdan bakıldığında monokristal panellerden oluşan tesisten elde edilen yıllık enerji üretimi 28081 kWhyıl-1 ile 32239 kWhyıl-1 arasında, ekonomik ömür boyunca elde edilen toplam enerji üretimi ise 617838 kWhxyıl-1 ile 709250 kWhxyıl-1 arasında değişmektedir. Polikristal panellerden oluşan tesisten yıllık enerji üretimi 26209 kWhyıl-1 ile 31886 kWhyıl-1 arasında, toplam enerji üretimi ise 524179 kWhxyıl-1 ile 637720 kWhyıl-1 arasında ve monokristal santrale göre daha az olmuştur.


  • Anonymous 2005.Electricity generation of renewable energy sources law on the use of purpose, 2005. Retrieved from: 2005, date of access: 25.05.2017
  • Anonymous 2018. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natura Resources, “The development of renewable energy board power”. Retrieved from:, date of access: 05.03.2019
  • Anonymous 2018a. According to Turkey's electricity system installed capacity of organizations and resources. Retrieved from:, date of access: 20.04.2019
  • Anonymous 2018b. Power generation and installed power according to our country's primary sources by the end of November 2018. Retrieved from: ElektrikEnerjisiUretimiKuruluGuc.pdf, date of access: 20.08.2019
  • Ayhan Arslan, A., Biçen, T. and Vardar, A,.(2021). Changes in Climate Parameters and Their Effects on Renewable Energy Resources Potential: Bursa Sample, Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 35(1), 33-44.
  • Bilgili, ME. 2018. A Research to Meet Energy Demand of Modern Dairy Cattle Enterprise by Photovoltaic Solar Panels. PhD Thesis, KSU Institute of Natural and Applied Science, Department of Biosystems Engineering, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Blue Book, 2016. Republic Of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ankara 2016. Retrieved from:, date of access: 21.05.2017
  • Büyükzeren, R., Altıntaş, HB., Martin, K., and Kahraman, A. 2015. Technical, Environmental and Financial Review of Photovoltaic Applications for Buildings: Meram Medical Faculty Hospital. EMO The Journal of Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, 10(5), 41-46
  • Çapik, M., Yılmaz, A.O.,and Çavuşoğlu İ. 2012. Present situation and potential role of renewable energy in Turkey. Renewable Energy, 46, 1-13
  • Çifci, A., Kırbaş, İ., and İşyarlar, B. 2014. Solar Cell Usage in a House in Burdur for Meeting Average Electricity Deman. Publication of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Institute of Natural and Applied Science, 5(1), 14-17
  • Dinçer, F. 2011. Potential of Electricity Production of Solar Energy in Turkey and Economical Analysis with Comparative Evaluation According to the Europen Union Countrie. Journal of Engineering Sciences, 14(1), 8-17
  • Gençoğlu, MT. 2002. Importance of Renewable Energy Resources for Turkey. Publication of Fırat University Science and Engineering Sciences, 14(2), 57-64. Retrieved from: Onemi.005039.pdf
  • Han, Y., Sun, Y., and Wu, J. 2021. A low-cost and efficient solar/coal hybrid power generation mode: Integration of non-concentrating solar energy and air preheating process. Energy, 235, 121367
  • Hua, Y., Oliphant M., and Hu EJ. 2016. Development of renewable energy in Australia and China: A comparison of policies and status. Renewable Energy, 85, 1044-1051
  • Jeong, K., Hong, T., Kim, J. 2018. Development of a CO2 emission benchmark for achieving the national CO2 emission reduction target by 2030. Energy and Buildings, 158, 86-94
  • Magazzino, C., Mele, M., and Schmeider, N. 2021. A machine learning approach on the relationship among solar and wind energy production, coal consumption, GDP, and CO2 emissions. Renewable Energy, 167, 99-115
  • Mertens, K. 2011. Photovoltaic, 1st edition. München, Carl Hanser Verlag
  • Nacer, T., Hamidat, A., and Nadjemi, O. 2014. Feasibility study and electric power flow of grid-connected photovoltaic dairy farm in Mitidja (Algeria). Energy Procedia, 50, 581-588
  • Okka, O. 2006. Introduction to Engineering Economics, No: 468, Ankara, Nobel Publications
  • REN 2016. Renewables Global Status Report 2016. Retrieved from: 2016/05/GSR_2016_Full_Report_lowres.pdf
  • REN 2018. Renewables Global Status Report,2018. Retrieved from: 2018/06/17
  • Taşkın, O., and Vardar, A,.2018. Estimating Solar Electricity Potential of Uludag University Agricultural Faculty Lecture Theater Rooftop, 31. National Congress on Agricultural Machinery and Energy, 5-7 September, Bursa.
  • Taşkın, O., and Vardar, A,.2019. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Amfi Çatısının Güneş Elektriği Potansiyelinin Tahminlenmesi, Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 33(1), 45-51.
  • UNECE 2017. Renewable Energy Status Report,2017. Retrieved from: energy/se/pp/renew/Renewable_energy_report_2017_web.pdf
  • Üçgül, İ., Tüysüzoğlu, E., and Yakut, MZ. 2014. Energy Calculation and Economic Analysis for the Implementation of the PV Roof. Publication of Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Natural and Applied Science, 18(2), 1-6

Technical and Economic Analysis of Electricity Production with Solar Panels: Bursa Example

Year 2022, Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 59 - 73, 01.06.2022


Nowadays, technology is rapidly evolving. The overuse and adverse effects of fossil fuels have also accelerated the work in the field of renewable energy. Considering that the sun is an endless source of energy, it is inevitable to produce clean and sustainable power. In this case, the use of photovoltaic facilities by small and medium-sized enterprises is also economically effective. To this end, world states constitute various incentive mechanisms. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels are commonly used in photovoltaic plants. In this study, considering various incentive mechanisms samples were examined a photovoltaic plant in Turkey. In addition, the technical and economic analysis of electrical energy production from the photovoltaic solar power plant was conducted. In this study, technical and economic analysis of a 23 kW photovoltaic plant to be installed in small and medium enterprises in Bursa province, which is obtained from our country market, has been examined. From the technical point of view, the annual energy production obtained from the plant consisting of monocrystalline panels varied between 28081 kWhyear-1 and 32239 kWhyear-1 and the total energy production obtained during the economic life varied between 617838 kWhxyear-1 and 709250 kWhxyear-1. Annual energy generation from the plant consisting of polycrystalline panels was between 26209 kWhyear-1 and 31886 kWhyear-1 and the total energy production was between 524179 kWhxyear-1 and 637720 kWhyear-1 and less than the monocrystalline plant.


  • Anonymous 2005.Electricity generation of renewable energy sources law on the use of purpose, 2005. Retrieved from: 2005, date of access: 25.05.2017
  • Anonymous 2018. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natura Resources, “The development of renewable energy board power”. Retrieved from:, date of access: 05.03.2019
  • Anonymous 2018a. According to Turkey's electricity system installed capacity of organizations and resources. Retrieved from:, date of access: 20.04.2019
  • Anonymous 2018b. Power generation and installed power according to our country's primary sources by the end of November 2018. Retrieved from: ElektrikEnerjisiUretimiKuruluGuc.pdf, date of access: 20.08.2019
  • Ayhan Arslan, A., Biçen, T. and Vardar, A,.(2021). Changes in Climate Parameters and Their Effects on Renewable Energy Resources Potential: Bursa Sample, Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 35(1), 33-44.
  • Bilgili, ME. 2018. A Research to Meet Energy Demand of Modern Dairy Cattle Enterprise by Photovoltaic Solar Panels. PhD Thesis, KSU Institute of Natural and Applied Science, Department of Biosystems Engineering, Kahramanmaraş.
  • Blue Book, 2016. Republic Of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ankara 2016. Retrieved from:, date of access: 21.05.2017
  • Büyükzeren, R., Altıntaş, HB., Martin, K., and Kahraman, A. 2015. Technical, Environmental and Financial Review of Photovoltaic Applications for Buildings: Meram Medical Faculty Hospital. EMO The Journal of Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, 10(5), 41-46
  • Çapik, M., Yılmaz, A.O.,and Çavuşoğlu İ. 2012. Present situation and potential role of renewable energy in Turkey. Renewable Energy, 46, 1-13
  • Çifci, A., Kırbaş, İ., and İşyarlar, B. 2014. Solar Cell Usage in a House in Burdur for Meeting Average Electricity Deman. Publication of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Institute of Natural and Applied Science, 5(1), 14-17
  • Dinçer, F. 2011. Potential of Electricity Production of Solar Energy in Turkey and Economical Analysis with Comparative Evaluation According to the Europen Union Countrie. Journal of Engineering Sciences, 14(1), 8-17
  • Gençoğlu, MT. 2002. Importance of Renewable Energy Resources for Turkey. Publication of Fırat University Science and Engineering Sciences, 14(2), 57-64. Retrieved from: Onemi.005039.pdf
  • Han, Y., Sun, Y., and Wu, J. 2021. A low-cost and efficient solar/coal hybrid power generation mode: Integration of non-concentrating solar energy and air preheating process. Energy, 235, 121367
  • Hua, Y., Oliphant M., and Hu EJ. 2016. Development of renewable energy in Australia and China: A comparison of policies and status. Renewable Energy, 85, 1044-1051
  • Jeong, K., Hong, T., Kim, J. 2018. Development of a CO2 emission benchmark for achieving the national CO2 emission reduction target by 2030. Energy and Buildings, 158, 86-94
  • Magazzino, C., Mele, M., and Schmeider, N. 2021. A machine learning approach on the relationship among solar and wind energy production, coal consumption, GDP, and CO2 emissions. Renewable Energy, 167, 99-115
  • Mertens, K. 2011. Photovoltaic, 1st edition. München, Carl Hanser Verlag
  • Nacer, T., Hamidat, A., and Nadjemi, O. 2014. Feasibility study and electric power flow of grid-connected photovoltaic dairy farm in Mitidja (Algeria). Energy Procedia, 50, 581-588
  • Okka, O. 2006. Introduction to Engineering Economics, No: 468, Ankara, Nobel Publications
  • REN 2016. Renewables Global Status Report 2016. Retrieved from: 2016/05/GSR_2016_Full_Report_lowres.pdf
  • REN 2018. Renewables Global Status Report,2018. Retrieved from: 2018/06/17
  • Taşkın, O., and Vardar, A,.2018. Estimating Solar Electricity Potential of Uludag University Agricultural Faculty Lecture Theater Rooftop, 31. National Congress on Agricultural Machinery and Energy, 5-7 September, Bursa.
  • Taşkın, O., and Vardar, A,.2019. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Amfi Çatısının Güneş Elektriği Potansiyelinin Tahminlenmesi, Bursa Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 33(1), 45-51.
  • UNECE 2017. Renewable Energy Status Report,2017. Retrieved from: energy/se/pp/renew/Renewable_energy_report_2017_web.pdf
  • Üçgül, İ., Tüysüzoğlu, E., and Yakut, MZ. 2014. Energy Calculation and Economic Analysis for the Implementation of the PV Roof. Publication of Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Natural and Applied Science, 18(2), 1-6
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Tuğba Biçen 0000-0001-6826-2494

Ali Vardar 0000-0001-6349-9687

Early Pub Date May 31, 2022
Publication Date June 1, 2022
Submission Date August 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 36 Issue: 1


APA Biçen, T., & Vardar, A. (2022). Technical and Economic Analysis of Electricity Production with Solar Panels: Bursa Example. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(1), 59-73.


Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Bursa Uludag University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.