Research Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 25, 29 - 46, 30.04.2023


Kökü Latince ‘imperator’ kelimesine dayanan emperyalizm ifadesi, daha ziyade baskıcı idarelerin keyfi metotları ile alakalandırılmıştır. Yönetimsel açıdan bakıldığında ise temelde başkalarına ait kaynakların haksız kullanımı üzerinde durulmaktadır. Gerçekten de Ortaçağ’ın Avrupa adına karanlık geçen sürecinin sonuna doğru yaklaşılmışken, keşfedilen yeni topraklardan her bakımdan yararlanılıyordu. Yeryüzü belki -çok daha evvelce-, Antik Çağ’da kolonicilikle tanışmıştı ama tarihsel seyir içinde artık imparatorlukların sistem değiştirdiği kabul edilen bu süreçte, ele geçirilen topraklarda emperyal kuvvetler sadece bu toprakların sakinleriyle değil, kendi aralarında da mücadele etmişlerdi. Ancak bu mücadelede başarı kalıcı olmaya bağlıydı ve Avrupalı güçlerin her biri kendi adına ayrıntıda birbirinden ayrılan yöntemler izlemekteydi. Sömürgeciliğin coğrafî keşiflerle farklı bir boyut kazanıp okyanusların ötesine taşındığı süreçte Portekiz ve İspanya’nın yanında İngiltere, Fransa ve Hollanda adeta bir yer kapmaca yarışına girişmişti. Ancak tüm bu Avrupalı güçlerin içinde İngiltere’nin emperyal yayılmacılığı ayrı bir yere sahiptir. Elbette diğer rakipleri gibi kendi içinde belli bir düzene sahip göç politikaları ile kalıcı olmaya çalışmışlardır, ancak onları rakiplerinden ayıran çeşitli siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel hamleleri olmuştur. Bu çalışmada özellikle 19’uncu yüzyılda altın çağını yaşayan İngiliz emperyalizmi tarihsel bağlamda ele alınacak, çağdaşı olan emperyal kuvvetlerden ayrılma nedenleri üzerinde durulacaktır.

Supporting Institution


Project Number

2214-A Yurt dışı doktora sırası araştırma bursu


Dr. Farız Yıldırım


  • Addo, H. (1986). Imperialism: The Permanent Stage of Capitalism, The United Nations University, Japan.
  • Appleby, J. C. (1998). War, Politics and Colonization, 1558-1625, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s.55-78) New York.
  • Ashley, Mike. (2022). A Brief History of British Kings and Queens, London.
  • Aylmer, G. E. (1998) Navy, State, Trade, and Empire, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s. 467-480), New York.
  • Bayly, C.A. (edt.), (1989). Atlas of the British Empire, New York-Oxford.
  • Belsham, W. (1805), History of Great Britain, from the Revolution, 1688, to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Amiens, 1802. Richard Phillips, London.
  • Braddick, M. J. (1998). The English Government, War, Trade, and Settlement, 1625-1688, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s. 286-308), New York.
  • Burke, E. (1889). The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke, Volume 10, Boston.
  • Burton, J. H. (1880). A History of the Reign of Queen Anne, Edinburgh and London.
  • Cabral, A. (2000 ). Imperialism, Colonialism, and Neocolonialism, Ronald H. Chilcote (Ed.), Key Concepts in Critical Theory: Imperialism, Theoretical Directions içinde (s.247-252), New York.
  • Cain, P. J. (2002). Hobson and Imperialism: Radicalism, New Liberalism, and Finance 1887-1938, Oxford.
  • Cain, P. J. & A. G. Hopkins (1993). British Imperialism: Innovation and Expansion (1688-1914), New York.
  • Canny, N. (1998). The Origins of Empire: An Introduction, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s. 1-33), Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Claeys, G. (2000). The “Survival of the Fittest” and the Origins of Social Darwinism, Journal of the History of Ideas, Apr., 2000, Vol. 61, No.2 (Apr., 2000), s.223-240.
  • Claeys, G. (2010). Imperial Sceptics: British Critics of Empire 1850-1920, Cambridge.
  • Cohen, B. J. (1974). The Question of Imperialism, London.
  • Darwin, J. (1997), Imperialism and the Victorians: The Dynamics of Territorial Expansion, The English Historical Review, Vol.112, No.447 (Jun.,) s. 614-642.
  • Darwin, J. (2012). Unfinished Empire-Global Expansion of Britain, New York.
  • Doyle, M. W. (1986). Empires, New York.
  • Eldridge, C.C. (1978). Victorian Emperialism, Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands N.J.
  • Eldridge, C.C. (1996), The Imperial Experience From Carlyle to Forster, Macmillian Press, London.
  • Erskine, A. (2010). Roman Imperialism, Edinburgh.
  • Ferguson, N. (2004). Empire, The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power, Basic Books, New York.
  • Gencer, M. (2006). Imperialismus und die Orientalische Frage, TTK, Ankara.
  • Go, J. (2014). Capital, Containment, and Competition: The Dynamics of British Imperialism, 1730-1939, Social Science History 38, No.1-2 (Spring-Summer),Cambridge, s. 43-69.
  • Graham, G. S. ( 1970). A Concise History of the British Empire, The Viking Press, New York.
  • Hardt, M. & A. Negri. (2000). Empire, Cambridge MA.
  • Harlow, V. T. (1952). The Founding of The Second British Empire 1763-1793, Volume I, London-New York-Toronto.
  • Hayta, N. (1994). Rodos ve 12 Ada’nın İtalyanlar Tarafından İşgali ve İşgalden Sonra Adaların Durumu (1912-1918), OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, Cilt 5, Sayı 5, s.131-144.
  • Hilliam, Paul. (2005). Elizabeth I-Queen of England’s Golden Age, New York.
  • Hobsbawm, E. (1987). The Age of Empire 1875-1914, Vintage Books, New York.
  • Hobson, J. A. (1902). Imperialism-A Study, New York.
  • İplikçi, A. (2017). Kolonyalizm ve Emperyalizm Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Aralık 2017 (4): s.1527-1540.
  • Israel, J. J. (1998) The Emerging Empire: The Continental Perspective, 1650-1713, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s.423-444), New York.
  • Johnson, R. (2003). British Imperialism, New York.
  • Kavas, A. (2009 ). Sömürgecilik, TDVİA, C.39, s. 394-397.
  • Knight, I. & R. Scollin. (1990). Queen Victoria’s Enemies (4): Asia, Australasia and the Americas, Osprey Publishing, London.
  • Koebner, R. & H. D. Schmidt. (1965). Imperialism: The Story and Significance of A Political Word, Cambridge.
  • Lee, Chung Eu (2015). The Justification of English National Imperialism in John Dryden’s Poems, 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소, Vol. 34, s.209-228.
  • Lenman, B. P. (1998). Colonial Wars and Imperial Instability (1688-1793), P. J. Marshall (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Eighteenth Century içinde (s. 151-168), New York.
  • Luraghi, R. (2015). Sömürgecilik Tarihi, E Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Magdoff, H. (1965). The Age of Imperialism, New York.
  • Mahajan, S. (2003). British Foreign Policy 1874-1914: The Role of India, Routledge, London/New York.
  • Marshall, P. J. (1998). Indtroduction, P. J. Marshall (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Eighteenth Century içinde (s. 1-25), New York.
  • Marshall, P. J. (1999). The First British Empire, Robin W. Winks (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – Historiography içinde (s.43-72), Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Marshall, P. J.(1998), The English in Asia to 1700, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s.264-285), New York.
  • Martin, G. (1999). Canada from 1815, Andrew Porter (Ed.), The Oxford History of the British Empire Volume III-The Nineteenth Century içinde (s.522-545), Oxford-New York.
  • Oldfiel, J. R. (1998). Popular Politics and British Anti-Slavery, The Mobilisation of Public Opinion against the Slave Trade, 1787-1807. Routledge, London-New York.
  • Özcan, A. (2000a). İngiliz Sömürgeciliği, TDVİA, C.22, s.299-302.
  • Özcan, A (2000b). İngiltere, TDVİA, C. 22, s.296-299.
  • Pagden, A. (1998). The Struggle for Legitimacy and the Image of Empire in the Atlantic to c.1700, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s. 34-54), New York.
  • Porter, B. (1968). Critics of Empire: British Radical attitudes to colonialism in Africa, 1895-1914, Macmillian, London-Melbourne-Toronto, New York.
  • Porter, B. (2004). The Lion’s Share, London.
  • Robins, N. (2012). The Corporation That Changed the World, Pluto Press, London.
  • Roger, N. A. M. (1998). Guns and Sails in the First Phase of English Colonization, (1500-1650), Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s.79-98), New York.
  • Saunders, Ch. & I. R. Smith, (1999). Southern Africa, 1795-1910, Andrew Porter (Ed.), The Oxford History of the British Empire Volume III-The Nineteenth Century içinde (s.597-623), Oxford-New York.
  • Schumpeter, J. (2007). Imperialism and Social Classes: Two Essays by Joseph Schumpeter, Auburn-Alabama. Sergeev, E.. (2013). The Great Game 1856-1907, Washington-Baltimore.
  • Shy, J. (1998). The American Colonies in War and Revolution 1748-1783, P. J. Marshall (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Eighteenth Century içinde (s. 300-324), New York.
  • Smith, Sir T. (1583). De Republica Anglorum, London.
  • Snowden, C. E. (1905) A Brief Survey of British History, London.
  • Walker, E. A. (1948) The Great Trek, London.
  • Welsh, F. (2002). The Four Nations: A History of the United Kingdom, Harper Collins.
  • Winks, Robin W. (Ed.) (1999). The Oxford History of The British Empire – Historiography, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Young, C. (1970). Decolonization in Africa, L. H. Gann & Peter Duignan (Ed.), Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960 Volume 2 içinde (s. 450-502), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Year 2023, Issue: 25, 29 - 46, 30.04.2023


As a term the word imperialism originated from the Latin word ‘imperator’ and was rather linked with authoritarian rulings and their arbitrary treatments. In administrative statements it is basically dwelled on the misapplication of resources of others. As a matter of fact close to the end of the middle ages, when Europe was on the eve of enlightenment, the explorers took advantage of the new lands in every aspect. Although the World became acquainted with colonialism in long ago ancient times, empires changed their regulations in historical process. In this new era, the imperial powers not just combated against the indigenous people, but they had also among each other a serious long lasting competition. Yet being permanent in the new land was the essential success and to achieve this goal, each one was following methods differing in details. Within this period, colonialism was expanded across the oceans with geographical discoveries and showed an alteration. Portuguese and the Spanish, pursued by the British, French and Dutch, were seizing every piece of soil, but among all these European powers, Britain’s expansionism gained supremacy in progress of time. No doubt that the Britons followed a systematic settlement policy for the new colonies to be there to stay, as their competitors did, but various political, economical and cultural practices towered Britain over her rivals and oriented the new position. In this study, British Imperialism that was living its golden age during 19th century, will be examined in historical context, and analyzed within the scope of its separateness from the other imperial powers.

Project Number

2214-A Yurt dışı doktora sırası araştırma bursu


  • Addo, H. (1986). Imperialism: The Permanent Stage of Capitalism, The United Nations University, Japan.
  • Appleby, J. C. (1998). War, Politics and Colonization, 1558-1625, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s.55-78) New York.
  • Ashley, Mike. (2022). A Brief History of British Kings and Queens, London.
  • Aylmer, G. E. (1998) Navy, State, Trade, and Empire, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s. 467-480), New York.
  • Bayly, C.A. (edt.), (1989). Atlas of the British Empire, New York-Oxford.
  • Belsham, W. (1805), History of Great Britain, from the Revolution, 1688, to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Amiens, 1802. Richard Phillips, London.
  • Braddick, M. J. (1998). The English Government, War, Trade, and Settlement, 1625-1688, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s. 286-308), New York.
  • Burke, E. (1889). The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke, Volume 10, Boston.
  • Burton, J. H. (1880). A History of the Reign of Queen Anne, Edinburgh and London.
  • Cabral, A. (2000 ). Imperialism, Colonialism, and Neocolonialism, Ronald H. Chilcote (Ed.), Key Concepts in Critical Theory: Imperialism, Theoretical Directions içinde (s.247-252), New York.
  • Cain, P. J. (2002). Hobson and Imperialism: Radicalism, New Liberalism, and Finance 1887-1938, Oxford.
  • Cain, P. J. & A. G. Hopkins (1993). British Imperialism: Innovation and Expansion (1688-1914), New York.
  • Canny, N. (1998). The Origins of Empire: An Introduction, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s. 1-33), Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Claeys, G. (2000). The “Survival of the Fittest” and the Origins of Social Darwinism, Journal of the History of Ideas, Apr., 2000, Vol. 61, No.2 (Apr., 2000), s.223-240.
  • Claeys, G. (2010). Imperial Sceptics: British Critics of Empire 1850-1920, Cambridge.
  • Cohen, B. J. (1974). The Question of Imperialism, London.
  • Darwin, J. (1997), Imperialism and the Victorians: The Dynamics of Territorial Expansion, The English Historical Review, Vol.112, No.447 (Jun.,) s. 614-642.
  • Darwin, J. (2012). Unfinished Empire-Global Expansion of Britain, New York.
  • Doyle, M. W. (1986). Empires, New York.
  • Eldridge, C.C. (1978). Victorian Emperialism, Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands N.J.
  • Eldridge, C.C. (1996), The Imperial Experience From Carlyle to Forster, Macmillian Press, London.
  • Erskine, A. (2010). Roman Imperialism, Edinburgh.
  • Ferguson, N. (2004). Empire, The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power, Basic Books, New York.
  • Gencer, M. (2006). Imperialismus und die Orientalische Frage, TTK, Ankara.
  • Go, J. (2014). Capital, Containment, and Competition: The Dynamics of British Imperialism, 1730-1939, Social Science History 38, No.1-2 (Spring-Summer),Cambridge, s. 43-69.
  • Graham, G. S. ( 1970). A Concise History of the British Empire, The Viking Press, New York.
  • Hardt, M. & A. Negri. (2000). Empire, Cambridge MA.
  • Harlow, V. T. (1952). The Founding of The Second British Empire 1763-1793, Volume I, London-New York-Toronto.
  • Hayta, N. (1994). Rodos ve 12 Ada’nın İtalyanlar Tarafından İşgali ve İşgalden Sonra Adaların Durumu (1912-1918), OTAM Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, Cilt 5, Sayı 5, s.131-144.
  • Hilliam, Paul. (2005). Elizabeth I-Queen of England’s Golden Age, New York.
  • Hobsbawm, E. (1987). The Age of Empire 1875-1914, Vintage Books, New York.
  • Hobson, J. A. (1902). Imperialism-A Study, New York.
  • İplikçi, A. (2017). Kolonyalizm ve Emperyalizm Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Aralık 2017 (4): s.1527-1540.
  • Israel, J. J. (1998) The Emerging Empire: The Continental Perspective, 1650-1713, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s.423-444), New York.
  • Johnson, R. (2003). British Imperialism, New York.
  • Kavas, A. (2009 ). Sömürgecilik, TDVİA, C.39, s. 394-397.
  • Knight, I. & R. Scollin. (1990). Queen Victoria’s Enemies (4): Asia, Australasia and the Americas, Osprey Publishing, London.
  • Koebner, R. & H. D. Schmidt. (1965). Imperialism: The Story and Significance of A Political Word, Cambridge.
  • Lee, Chung Eu (2015). The Justification of English National Imperialism in John Dryden’s Poems, 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소, Vol. 34, s.209-228.
  • Lenman, B. P. (1998). Colonial Wars and Imperial Instability (1688-1793), P. J. Marshall (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Eighteenth Century içinde (s. 151-168), New York.
  • Luraghi, R. (2015). Sömürgecilik Tarihi, E Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Magdoff, H. (1965). The Age of Imperialism, New York.
  • Mahajan, S. (2003). British Foreign Policy 1874-1914: The Role of India, Routledge, London/New York.
  • Marshall, P. J. (1998). Indtroduction, P. J. Marshall (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Eighteenth Century içinde (s. 1-25), New York.
  • Marshall, P. J. (1999). The First British Empire, Robin W. Winks (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – Historiography içinde (s.43-72), Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Marshall, P. J.(1998), The English in Asia to 1700, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s.264-285), New York.
  • Martin, G. (1999). Canada from 1815, Andrew Porter (Ed.), The Oxford History of the British Empire Volume III-The Nineteenth Century içinde (s.522-545), Oxford-New York.
  • Oldfiel, J. R. (1998). Popular Politics and British Anti-Slavery, The Mobilisation of Public Opinion against the Slave Trade, 1787-1807. Routledge, London-New York.
  • Özcan, A. (2000a). İngiliz Sömürgeciliği, TDVİA, C.22, s.299-302.
  • Özcan, A (2000b). İngiltere, TDVİA, C. 22, s.296-299.
  • Pagden, A. (1998). The Struggle for Legitimacy and the Image of Empire in the Atlantic to c.1700, Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s. 34-54), New York.
  • Porter, B. (1968). Critics of Empire: British Radical attitudes to colonialism in Africa, 1895-1914, Macmillian, London-Melbourne-Toronto, New York.
  • Porter, B. (2004). The Lion’s Share, London.
  • Robins, N. (2012). The Corporation That Changed the World, Pluto Press, London.
  • Roger, N. A. M. (1998). Guns and Sails in the First Phase of English Colonization, (1500-1650), Nicholas Canny (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Origins of Empire içinde (s.79-98), New York.
  • Saunders, Ch. & I. R. Smith, (1999). Southern Africa, 1795-1910, Andrew Porter (Ed.), The Oxford History of the British Empire Volume III-The Nineteenth Century içinde (s.597-623), Oxford-New York.
  • Schumpeter, J. (2007). Imperialism and Social Classes: Two Essays by Joseph Schumpeter, Auburn-Alabama. Sergeev, E.. (2013). The Great Game 1856-1907, Washington-Baltimore.
  • Shy, J. (1998). The American Colonies in War and Revolution 1748-1783, P. J. Marshall (Ed.), The Oxford History of The British Empire – The Eighteenth Century içinde (s. 300-324), New York.
  • Smith, Sir T. (1583). De Republica Anglorum, London.
  • Snowden, C. E. (1905) A Brief Survey of British History, London.
  • Walker, E. A. (1948) The Great Trek, London.
  • Welsh, F. (2002). The Four Nations: A History of the United Kingdom, Harper Collins.
  • Winks, Robin W. (Ed.) (1999). The Oxford History of The British Empire – Historiography, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Young, C. (1970). Decolonization in Africa, L. H. Gann & Peter Duignan (Ed.), Colonialism in Africa 1870-1960 Volume 2 içinde (s. 450-502), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Habibe Temizsu 0000-0003-1132-6033

Project Number 2214-A Yurt dışı doktora sırası araştırma bursu
Early Pub Date April 29, 2023
Publication Date April 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 25


APA Temizsu, H. (2023). İNGİLİZ EMPERYALİZMİNİ TARİHSEL BAĞLAMDA YENİDEN DÜŞÜNMEK. Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(25), 29-46.