Research Article
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The Anti-Mimetic Function of Paratext in Wilkie Collins’s Framed Narrative After Dark

Year 2023, , 287 - 296, 29.12.2023


The use of mimetic and diegetic modes of storytelling has significant implications for the meaning and interpretation of Wilkie Collins’s (1824-1889) short story collection After Dark (1856). By using a framed narrative structure, Collins highlights the mimetic features of the stories in his collection. He creates a semi-factual atmosphere through dividing the story universe into two levels. On the first level, the discourse of the primary narrator and his wife emphasizes the mimetic nature of the six realistic stories recounted on the second level. Through following such a structure, the author seeks to create the illusion that the stories in the collection are biographical accounts. Verisimilitude, or lifelikeness, is therefore presented as the primary narrative property in After Dark. However, as this article mainly argues, the authorial discourse presented in Collins’s general preface to the collection—which, to use Gerard Genette’s term, is a paratext or threshold—dismantles the characters’ realistic pretentions on the two levels of the storyworld. More precisely, by calling the six narrated stories in the collection the offspring of his own imagination, Collins’s paratextual preface destroys the highlighted mimetic claims on the two levels in the storyworld.


  • Baker, W. (2013). Wilkie Collins: Scholarship and criticism: Past, present, and future. Wilkie Collins Journal, 12.
  • Collins, W. (2019). After Dark. Global Grey.
  • Eliot, T. S. (1919). Tradition and the individual talent. The Egoist, 6(4), 54-55.
  • Duyfhuizen, B. (2005). Framed narrative. In D. Herman, M. Jahn, & M.L. Ryan (Eds.), Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory (pp. 186-188). Routledge.
  • Genette, G. (1991). Introduction to the paratext (M. Maclean, Trans.). New Literary History 22(2), 261-272.
  • Genette, G. (1997). Paratexts: Thresholds of interpretation (J. Lewin, Trans.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Herman, D. (2013). Storytelling and the sciences of mind. The MIT Press.
  • Jacobsen, L.B. (2022). Paratext. In L.R. Gammelgaard, S. Iversen, L.B. Jacobsen, Phelan, J., Walsh, R., Zetterberg-Nielsen, H., & Zetterberg-Nielsen, S. (Eds.), Fictionality and literature: Core concepts revisited (pp. 141-160). The Ohio State University Press.
  • McHale, B. (2005). Verisimilitude. In D. Herman, M. Jahn, & M.L. Ryan, (Eds.), Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory (pp. 186-188). Routledge.
  • Potolsky, M. (2006). Mimesis. Routledge.
  • Prince, Gerald. 2003). A dictionary of narratology. Revised Edition. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Pykett, L. (2005). Oxford world’s classics: Wilkie Collins. Oxford University Press.
  • Shen, Dan. (2005). “Diegesis.” In D. Herman, M. Jahn, and M. L. Ryan (Eds.), Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory (pp. 107-108). Routledge.
  • Swinburne, A.C. (2005). In defence of Collins’ artistry. In N. Page (Ed.), Wilkie Collins: the critical heritage (pp. 265-270). Routledge.
  • Taylor, J. B. (2006). Introduction. In J.B. Taylor, (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Wilkie Collins (pp. 1-6). Cambridge University Press.
  • Trodd, A. (2006). The early writing. In J.B. Taylor (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Wilkie Collins (pp. 23-36). Cambridge University Press.
  • Zetterberg Gjerlevsen, S. (2016). A novel History of fictionality. Narrative, 24(2), 174-189.

Wilkie Collins’in After Dark Adlı Çerçeveli Anlatısında Yanmetnin Anti-Mimetik İşlevi

Year 2023, , 287 - 296, 29.12.2023


Mimetik ve diegetik hikaye anlatımı modlarının kullanılması, Wilkie Collins’in (1824-1889) kısa öykü koleksiyonu After Dark’ın (1856) anlamı ve yorumu için önemli çıkarımlara sahiptir. Çerçeveli bir anlatı yapısı kullanarak, Collins derlemesindeki mimetik özelliği vurgulamaktadır.
Collins hikaye evrenini iki seviyeye bölerek yarı gerçekçi bir atmosfer yaratmaktadır. Birinci düzeyde, birincil anlatıcı ve eşinin söylemi, ikinci düzeyde anlatılan altı gerçekçi hikâyenin mimetik doğasını vurgulamaktadır. Böyle bir yapıyı ygyluyarak, yazar koleksiyondaki öykülerin biyografik anlatımlar olduğu yanılsamasını yaratmaya çalışıyor. Bu nedenle gerçeğe benzerlik veya gerçekçilik, After Dark’ta birincil anlatı özelliği olarak sunulur. Ancak, bu makalede esas olarak tartışıldığı üzere, Collins’in ana metine eşlik eden ve Gerard Genette’in tabiriyle yanmetin olarak adlandırılan derlemenin genel önsözünde sunduğu yazar söylemi, karakterlerin hikâye dünyasının iki düzeyine ilişkin gerçekçi iddialarını ortadan kaldırmaktadır.
Daha doğrusu, Collins’in yan metinsel önsözü, koleksiyonda anlatılan altı öyküyü kendi hayal gücünün ürünü olarak adlandırarak, öykü dünyasının iki düzeyine ilişkin vurgulanan mimetik iddiaları yok ediyor.


  • Baker, W. (2013). Wilkie Collins: Scholarship and criticism: Past, present, and future. Wilkie Collins Journal, 12.
  • Collins, W. (2019). After Dark. Global Grey.
  • Eliot, T. S. (1919). Tradition and the individual talent. The Egoist, 6(4), 54-55.
  • Duyfhuizen, B. (2005). Framed narrative. In D. Herman, M. Jahn, & M.L. Ryan (Eds.), Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory (pp. 186-188). Routledge.
  • Genette, G. (1991). Introduction to the paratext (M. Maclean, Trans.). New Literary History 22(2), 261-272.
  • Genette, G. (1997). Paratexts: Thresholds of interpretation (J. Lewin, Trans.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Herman, D. (2013). Storytelling and the sciences of mind. The MIT Press.
  • Jacobsen, L.B. (2022). Paratext. In L.R. Gammelgaard, S. Iversen, L.B. Jacobsen, Phelan, J., Walsh, R., Zetterberg-Nielsen, H., & Zetterberg-Nielsen, S. (Eds.), Fictionality and literature: Core concepts revisited (pp. 141-160). The Ohio State University Press.
  • McHale, B. (2005). Verisimilitude. In D. Herman, M. Jahn, & M.L. Ryan, (Eds.), Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory (pp. 186-188). Routledge.
  • Potolsky, M. (2006). Mimesis. Routledge.
  • Prince, Gerald. 2003). A dictionary of narratology. Revised Edition. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Pykett, L. (2005). Oxford world’s classics: Wilkie Collins. Oxford University Press.
  • Shen, Dan. (2005). “Diegesis.” In D. Herman, M. Jahn, and M. L. Ryan (Eds.), Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory (pp. 107-108). Routledge.
  • Swinburne, A.C. (2005). In defence of Collins’ artistry. In N. Page (Ed.), Wilkie Collins: the critical heritage (pp. 265-270). Routledge.
  • Taylor, J. B. (2006). Introduction. In J.B. Taylor, (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Wilkie Collins (pp. 1-6). Cambridge University Press.
  • Trodd, A. (2006). The early writing. In J.B. Taylor (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Wilkie Collins (pp. 23-36). Cambridge University Press.
  • Zetterberg Gjerlevsen, S. (2016). A novel History of fictionality. Narrative, 24(2), 174-189.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Literary Theory, Literary Studies (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Karam Nayebpour 0000-0001-8533-6555

Naghmeh Varghaiyan 0000-0002-6838-7876

Early Pub Date December 28, 2023
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Nayebpour, K., & Varghaiyan, N. (2023). The Anti-Mimetic Function of Paratext in Wilkie Collins’s Framed Narrative After Dark. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17(2), 287-296.

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