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Jean Rhys’in Karanlıkta Yolculuk ve Günaydın, Gece Yarısı Romanlarında Benliği Biçimlendirmek

Year 2024, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 66 - 77, 30.06.2024


Jean Rhys modaya ve modaya uygun giysilere tutkuyla bağlıydı. Rhys’in modayı “ikinci bir tene” bürünmenin aracı olarak görmesi, eserlerinde yinelenen bir motif olan benliği biçimlendirme kaygısında karşılığını bulur. Rhys’in kendi hayatından otobiyografik izler taşıyan kadın karakterlerinin modaya uygun kıyafetler edinmekte yaşadıkları fiziksel zorluklar, 1900’lerin başında Paris ve Londra gibi kentsel mekânların fiziksel ve metaforik karanlığındaki yolculuklarında ataerkil ve sömürgeci bakışın nesneleri olarak yaşadıkları daha geniş çaplı mücadeleleri temsil etmektedir. Bu çalışma, ötekileştirildikleri toplumda varlıklarını sürdürebilmelerinin yegâne yolunun modaya uygun giysiler olduğunu düşünen kadın karakterlerden ikisi olan Karanlıkta Yolculuk’un Anna’sına ve Günaydın, Gece Yarısı’nın Sasha’sına odaklanarak, bu romanlarda Rhys’in modayı çok yönlü ele alışını karakterlerin iç ve dış benliklerini biçimlendirmekte yaşadıkları güçlüklerin bir yansıması olmaları bakımından, bütüncül bir benlik duygusuna ulaşmanın neredeyse imkânsızlığının bir ifadesi olarak incelemektedir.


  • Athill, D. (1981). Jean Rhys and her autobiography: A foreword. In J. Rhys, Smile please: An unfinished autobiography (pp. 3-9). Penguin Books.
  • Bender, T. K. (1990). Jean Rhys and the genius of impressionism. In P. M. Frickey (Ed.), Critical Perspectives on Jean Rhys (pp. 75-84). Three Continents.
  • Butler, J. (1986). Sex and gender in Simone De Beauvoir’s Second Sex. Yale French Studies, 72, 35-49.
  • Carr, H. (1996). Jean Rhys. Northcote House.
  • Emery, M. L. (1990). Jean Rhys at ‘World's End’: Novels of colonial and sexual exile. University of Texas Press.
  • Entwistle, J. (2000a). Fashion and the fleshy body: Dress as embodied practice. Fashion theory, 4(3), 323-347.
  • Entwistle, J. (2000b). The fashioned body: Fashion, dress and modern social theory. Polity Press.
  • Frickey, Pierre M. (1990). Critical perspectives on Jean Rhys. Three Continents Press.
  • Fu, Q. (2019, May 24). Consumerism in Jean Rhys.
  • Gardiner, J. K. (1982). Good Morning, Midnight; Good Night, Modernism. Boundary 2, 11(1/2), 233.
  • Gregg, V. M. (1987). Jean Rhys and modernism: A different voice. Jean Rhys Review, 1(2), 30-46.
  • Jenss, H. & Hofmann, V. (2020). Introduction: Fashion and materiality. Fashion and Materiality: Cultural Practices in Global Contexts (pp. 1-11), Bloomsbury.
  • Joannou, M. (2012). ‘All right, I’ll do anything for good clothes’: Jean Rhys and fashion. Women: A Cultural Review, 23(4), 463-489.
  • Joannou, M. (2015). ‘From black to red’: Jean Rhys’s use of dress in Wide Sargasso Sea'. In Jean Rhys: Twenty-first-century approaches (pp. 123-145). Edinburgh University Press.
  • King, I. (2015). ‘What to wear?’: Clothing as an example of expression and intentionality. Argument, 5(1), 59-78.
  • Moran, P. (2007). Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys, and the aesthetics of trauma. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Oliver, S. (2016a). Fashion in Jean Rhys/Jean Rhys in Fashion. Modernist Cultures, 11(3), 312-330.
  • Oliver, S. (2016b, October 10). 'Rhys-cycled’. English and Drama Blog.
  • Parkin, M. (1973, February 25). Look! Fashion. The Sunday Times, 33.
  • Prabhu, G. (2014). All dressed up and everywhere to go: Fashion and clothing in the modernist novels Passing by Nella Larsen and Jean Rhys’s Voyage in The Dark. Ecloga: Journal of Literature and the Arts, 29-48.
  • Rhys, J. (1981). Smile Please. Penguin Books.
  • Rhys, J. (1985). Jean Rhys: The complete novels. (D. Athill, Ed.). W.W. Norton & Company.
  • Simpson, A. (2016). Territories of the psyche: The fiction of Jean Rhys. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Tiffin, H. (1978). Mirror and Mask: Colonial motifs in the novels of Jean Rhys. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 17(1), 328-341.
  • Zimring, R. (2000). The make-up of Jean Rhys’s fiction. NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, 33(2), 212-234.
  • Woolf, V. (1928). Orlando: A biography. Wordsworth Classics.
  • Woolf, V. (2009). Character in fiction. In D. Bradshaw (Ed.), Selected essays (pp. 37-54). Oxford University Press.

Fashioning the Self in Jean Rhys’s Voyage in the Dark and Good Morning, Midnight

Year 2024, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 66 - 77, 30.06.2024


Jean Rhys held a deep passion for fashion and stylish attire. Her perspective on fashion, as an instrument of adopting “a second skin” finds expression in her focus on fashioning the self, a recurring motif in Rhys’s oeuvre. The physical difficulty Rhys’s female characters, whose lives bear strong similarities to her own, have in obtaining fashionable clothes represents the broader struggles they go through as the objects of the patriarchal and colonial gaze, in their voyages through the physical and metaphorical darkness of urban spaces like Paris and London in the early 1900s. Focusing on two of these women, Anna of Voyage in the Dark and Sasha in Good Morning, Midnight, for whom fashionable clothing appears to be the only way of navigating the modern society which marginalizes them, this study explores Rhys’s multi-layered portrayal of fashion as a reflection of the near impossibility of attaining a cohesive sense of self, mirroring the characters’ struggles in fashioning their inner and outer selves.


  • Athill, D. (1981). Jean Rhys and her autobiography: A foreword. In J. Rhys, Smile please: An unfinished autobiography (pp. 3-9). Penguin Books.
  • Bender, T. K. (1990). Jean Rhys and the genius of impressionism. In P. M. Frickey (Ed.), Critical Perspectives on Jean Rhys (pp. 75-84). Three Continents.
  • Butler, J. (1986). Sex and gender in Simone De Beauvoir’s Second Sex. Yale French Studies, 72, 35-49.
  • Carr, H. (1996). Jean Rhys. Northcote House.
  • Emery, M. L. (1990). Jean Rhys at ‘World's End’: Novels of colonial and sexual exile. University of Texas Press.
  • Entwistle, J. (2000a). Fashion and the fleshy body: Dress as embodied practice. Fashion theory, 4(3), 323-347.
  • Entwistle, J. (2000b). The fashioned body: Fashion, dress and modern social theory. Polity Press.
  • Frickey, Pierre M. (1990). Critical perspectives on Jean Rhys. Three Continents Press.
  • Fu, Q. (2019, May 24). Consumerism in Jean Rhys.
  • Gardiner, J. K. (1982). Good Morning, Midnight; Good Night, Modernism. Boundary 2, 11(1/2), 233.
  • Gregg, V. M. (1987). Jean Rhys and modernism: A different voice. Jean Rhys Review, 1(2), 30-46.
  • Jenss, H. & Hofmann, V. (2020). Introduction: Fashion and materiality. Fashion and Materiality: Cultural Practices in Global Contexts (pp. 1-11), Bloomsbury.
  • Joannou, M. (2012). ‘All right, I’ll do anything for good clothes’: Jean Rhys and fashion. Women: A Cultural Review, 23(4), 463-489.
  • Joannou, M. (2015). ‘From black to red’: Jean Rhys’s use of dress in Wide Sargasso Sea'. In Jean Rhys: Twenty-first-century approaches (pp. 123-145). Edinburgh University Press.
  • King, I. (2015). ‘What to wear?’: Clothing as an example of expression and intentionality. Argument, 5(1), 59-78.
  • Moran, P. (2007). Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys, and the aesthetics of trauma. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Oliver, S. (2016a). Fashion in Jean Rhys/Jean Rhys in Fashion. Modernist Cultures, 11(3), 312-330.
  • Oliver, S. (2016b, October 10). 'Rhys-cycled’. English and Drama Blog.
  • Parkin, M. (1973, February 25). Look! Fashion. The Sunday Times, 33.
  • Prabhu, G. (2014). All dressed up and everywhere to go: Fashion and clothing in the modernist novels Passing by Nella Larsen and Jean Rhys’s Voyage in The Dark. Ecloga: Journal of Literature and the Arts, 29-48.
  • Rhys, J. (1981). Smile Please. Penguin Books.
  • Rhys, J. (1985). Jean Rhys: The complete novels. (D. Athill, Ed.). W.W. Norton & Company.
  • Simpson, A. (2016). Territories of the psyche: The fiction of Jean Rhys. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Tiffin, H. (1978). Mirror and Mask: Colonial motifs in the novels of Jean Rhys. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 17(1), 328-341.
  • Zimring, R. (2000). The make-up of Jean Rhys’s fiction. NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, 33(2), 212-234.
  • Woolf, V. (1928). Orlando: A biography. Wordsworth Classics.
  • Woolf, V. (2009). Character in fiction. In D. Bradshaw (Ed.), Selected essays (pp. 37-54). Oxford University Press.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture
Journal Section Articles

Nesrin Koç 0000-0001-6906-4641

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date February 4, 2024
Acceptance Date April 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA Koç, N. (2024). Fashioning the Self in Jean Rhys’s Voyage in the Dark and Good Morning, Midnight. Cankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18(1), 66-77.

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