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Altıncı Grup Bitki Hormonu: Brassinosteroidler

Year 2012, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 27 - 46, 01.03.2012




  • Rao, S.S.R., Vardhini, B.V., Sujatha, E., Anuradha, S., ‘‘Brassinosteroids- a new class of phytohormones’’, Current Science, 82 (10): 1239- (2002).
  • Savaldi-Goldstein, S., and Chory, J., ‘‘Brassinosteroids’’, Editors: Taiz, L., and Zeiger, E., ‘‘Plant Physiology, Fourth Edition’’, ISBN: , Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts, 617-634 (2006).
  • Grove, M.D., Spencer, G.F., Rohwedder, W.K., Mandava, N., Worley, J.F., Warthen, J.D., Steffens, G.L., Flippenanderson, J.L., Cook, J.K., ‘‘Brassinolide, a plant growth-promoting steroid isolated from Brassica napus polen’’, Nature, : 216-217 (1979).
  • Bajguz, A., ‘‘Metabolism of brassinosteroids in plants’’, Plant Phsiology and Biochemistry, 45: 107 (2007).
  • Sakurai, A., ‘‘Brassinosteroid biosynthesis’’, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 37 (5): 351- (1999).
  • Yokota, T., ‘‘The structure, biosynthesis and function of brassinosteroids’’, Trends in Plant Science, 2 (4): 137-143 (1997). Ankudo brassinosteroid function in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.)’’, Akademik Derece Tezi, Martin
  • Luther Üniversitesi, Matematik-Doğa Bilimleri- Mühendislik Almanya, 1-71 (2004). Halle-Wittenberg, ‘‘Brassinosteroid bioactivity and applications’’, Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 14 (3): 143-181 (2002). G., phytohormones-structure,
  • Clouse, S.D., ‘‘Recent advances in brassinosteroid mechanisms to practical applications’’, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 22: 273-275 (2003).
  • ‘‘Brassinosteroid: a biotechnological target for enhancing crop yield and stress tolerance’’, New Biotechnology, 26: 131-136 (2009). P.,
  • Asami, T., Nakano, T., Nakashita, H., Sekimata, K., Shimada, Y., Yoshida, S., ‘‘The influence of chemical genetics of plant science: Shedding light on functions and mechanism of action of brassinosteroids using biosynthesis inhibitors’’, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, : 336-349 (2003).
  • Hayat, S., Ali, B., Hasan, A., Ahmad A., ‘‘Brassinosteroid antioxidants under cadmium stress in Brassica juncea’’, Botany, 60: 33-41 (2007). the level of
  • Environmental and Experimental Divi, U.D., Rahman, T., Krishna, P., ‘‘Brassinosteroid-mediated stress tolerance in Arabidopsis shows interactions with abscisic acid, ethylene and salicylic acid pathways’’, BMC Plant Biology, 10: 151-165 (2010).
  • Clouse, S.D., ‘‘Molecular genetic studies confirm the role of brassinosteroids in plant growth and development’’, The Plant Journal, 10 (1): 1-8 (1996).
  • Dhaubhadel, S., Chaudhary S., Dobinson K.F., epibrassinolide, a brassinosteroid, increases the basic thermotolerance of Brassica napus and tomato seedlings’’, Plant Molecular Biology, 40: 342, (1999).
  • Krishna, P., ‘‘Brassinosteroid-mediated stress responses’’, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 22: 289-297 (2003).
  • ‘‘Brassinosteroids: essential regulators of plant growth and development’’, Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, : 427-451 (1998). and Sasse, J.M.,
  • Sasse, J.M., ‘‘Physiological actions of brassinosteroids: an update’’, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 22: 276–288 (2003).
  • Amzalling, G.N., and Vaisman, J., ‘‘Influence of brassinosteroids on initiation of the root gravitropic responce in Pisum sativum seedlings’’, Biologia Plantarum, 50 (2): 283-286 (2006).
  • Ashraf, M., Akram, N.A., Arteca, R.N., Foolad, M.R., ‘‘The physiological, biochemical and molecular roles of brassinosteroids and salicylic acid in plant processes and salt tolerance’’, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, : 162-190 (2010).
  • Nemhauser, J.L., and Chory, J., ‘‘BRing it on: new insights into the mechanism of brassinosteroid action’’, Journal of Experimental Botany, 55 (395): 265-270 (2004).
  • Bajguz, A., and Hayat, S., ‘‘Effect of brassinosteroids environmental stresses’’, Plant Phsiology and Biochemistry, 47: 1-8 (2009). responses to
  • Chung, Y., Maharjan, P.M., Lee, O., Fujioka, S., Jang, S., Kim, B., Takatsuto, S., Tsujimoto, M., Kim, H., Cho, S., Park, T., Cho, H., Hwang, I., Choe, S., ‘‘Auxin stimulates DWARF4 expression and brassinosteroid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis’’, The Plant Journal, 66: 564-578 (2011).
  • Clouse, S.D., Langford, M., McMorris, T.C., ‘‘A Arabidopsis thaliana exhibits multiple defects in growth and development’’, Plant Physiology, 111: 678 (1996). mutant in
  • Azpiroz, R., Yewen, W., LoCascio, C.J., Feldman, K.A., ‘‘An Arabidopsis brassinosteroid- dependent mutant is blocked in cell elongation’’, The Plant Cell, 10: 219-230 (1998).
  • Ephritikhine, G., Fellner, M., Vannini, C., Lapous, D., Barbier-Brygoo, H., ‘‘The sax1 dwarf mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana shows altered sensitivity of growth responses to abscisic acid, auxin, gibberellins and ethylene and is partially rescued by exogenous brassinosteroid’’, The Plant Journal, 18 (3): 303-314 (1999).
  • Goda, H., Shimada, Y., Asami, T., Fujioka, S., Yoshida, S., ‘‘Microarray analysis of brassinosteroid-regulated genes in Arabidopsis’’, Plant Physiology, 130: 1319-1334 (2002).
  • Müssig, C., Fischer, S., Altman, T., ‘‘Brassinosteroid-regulated gene expression”, Plant Physiology, 129: 1241-1251 (2002).
  • Belkhadir, Y., Chory, J., ‘‘Brassinosteroid signaling: a paradigm for steroid hormone signaling from the cell surface’’, Science, 314: 1411 (2006).
  • Liu, T., Zhang, J., Wang, M., Li, G., Qu, L., Wang, G., ‘‘Expression and functional analysis of ZmDWF4, an ortholog of Arabidopsis DWF4 from maize (Zea mays L.)’’, Plant Cell Reports, : 2091-2099 (2007).
  • Deng, Z., Zhang, X., Tang, W., Oses-Prietos, J.A., Suzuki, N., Gendron, J.M., Chen, H., Guan, S., Chalkley, N., Peterman, T.K., Burlingame, A.L., Wang, Z., ‘‘A proteomics study of brassinosteroid Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 6 (12): 2058- (2007). in Arabidopsis’’,
  • Clouse, S.D., ‘‘The molecular intersection of brassinosteroid-regulated growth and flowering in Arabidopsis’’, PNAS, 105 (21): 7345-7346 (2008).
  • Shahbaz, M., Ashraf, M., ‘‘Influence of exogenous application of brassinosteroid on growth and mineral nutrients of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under saline conditions’’, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 39 (2): 513-522 (2007).
  • Behnamnia, M., Kalantari, K. M., Ziaie, J., ‘‘The effects of brassinosteroid on the induction of esculentum under drought stress’’, Turkish Journal of Botany, 33: 417-428 (2009).
  • Fariduddin, Q., Yusuf, M., Chalkoo, S., Hayat, S., Ahmad, A., ‘‘28-homobrassinolide improves growth and photosynthesis in Cucumis sativus L. through an enhanced antioxidant system in the presence of chilling stress’’, Photosynthetıca, 49 (1): 55-64 (2011).
  • Kagale, S., Divi, U.K., Krochko, J.E., Keller, W.A., Krishna, P., ‘‘Brassinosteroid confers tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus to a range of abiotic stresses’’, Planta, 225: 364 (2007).
  • Xia, X-J., Wang, Y-J., Zhou, Y-H., Tao, Y., Mao, W-H., Shi, K., Asami, T., Chen, Z., Yu, J-Q., ‘‘Reactive oxygen species are involved in brassinosteroid-induced cucumber’’, Plant Physiology, 150: 801-814 (2009). stress tolerance in Vardhini, ‘‘Amelioration brassinosteroids on seed germination and seedling growth of three varieties of sorghum’’, Plant
  • Growth Regulation, 41: 25-31 (2003). S.S.R., stress by
  • Bajguz, A., ‘‘Blockade of heavy metals accumulation in Chlorella vulgaris cells by 24- epibrassinolide’’, Biochemistry, 38: 797-80 (2000). Phsiology and Ali, B., Hasan, S.A., Hayat, S., Hayat, Q.,
  • Yadav, S., Fariduddin, Q., Ahmad, A., ‘‘A role for brassinosteroids in the amelioration of aliminium stress through antioxidant system in mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)’’, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 62: 153-159 (2008).
  • Anuradha, S., and Rao, S.S.R., ‘‘Effect of 24- Epibrassinolide on the photosynthetic activity of radish Photosynthetica, 47 (2): 317-320 (2009). cadmium stress’’,
  • Bajguz, A., ‘‘An enhancing effect of exogenous brassinolide on the growth and antioxidant activity in Chlorella vulgaris cultures under heavy metals stress’’, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 68: 175-179 (2010).
  • Rady, M.M., ‘‘Effect of 24-epibrassinolide on growth, yield, antioxidant system and cadmium content of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants under salinity and cadmium stress’’, Scientia Horticulturae, 129: 232-237 (2011).
  • Hasan, S.A., Hayat, S., Ahmad, A., ‘‘Brassinosteroids machinery against the cadmium induced oxidative stres in two tomato cultivars’’, Chemosphere, 84: 1451 (2011). photosynthetic
  • Yusuf, M., Fariduddin, Q., Ahmad, A., ‘‘28- Homobrassinolide toxicity through enhanced antioxidant system in Vigna radiata plants’’, Chemosphere, 85 (10): 84 (2011). boron induced
  • Geliş Tarihi: 16.04.2012 Kabul Tarihi: 18.06.2012


Year 2012, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 27 - 46, 01.03.2012



Bitki steroidleri, böcek, hayvan ve insan steroid hormonları ile yapısal benzerlik gösteren 70’ten fazla bileşiği kapsamaktadır. Yeni bir bitki hormon sınıfı olan brassinosteroidler (BR’ler), bitkilerde sıklıkla rastlanan bitki steroidlerinin spesifik bir grubudur. BR’lerin çok düşük konsantrasyonlarda, hücre bölünmesi, uzaması ve genişlemesi, fotomorfogenezis, reproduktif organlarda gelişim, yaprak senesensi, toplam biyokütle ve verim artışı gibi bitki büyüme ve gelişmesinde düzenleyici görevlerinin yanı sıra çevresel streslere adaptasyonda da etkili oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Bu derlemede, özellikle son yıllarda yapılmış olan, brassinosteroidlerin fizyolojik fonksiyonları, BR sinyal iletim modeli, BR biyosentezi, BR’ler tarafından uyarılan genler ve BR mutantları ile ilgili araştırma bulguları hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir.


Plant steroids include more than 70 compounds structurally similar to insect, animal and human steroid hormones. Brassinosteroids (BRs), a new class of plant hormones are frequently encountered in the plants and belong to a specific group of steroids. It has been found that BRs at very low concentrations are effective in cell division, elongation and expansion, photo-morphogenesis, development of reproductive organs, leaf senescence, the increase in total biomass and yield as well as regulatory functions such as growth and development of plant adaptation to environmental stresses. In this review, especially covering the recent years, the results obtained from the studies regarding the physiological functions of BRs, BR transduction pathway, BR biosynthesis, the genes induced by BRs and BR mutants are presented.


  • Rao, S.S.R., Vardhini, B.V., Sujatha, E., Anuradha, S., ‘‘Brassinosteroids- a new class of phytohormones’’, Current Science, 82 (10): 1239- (2002).
  • Savaldi-Goldstein, S., and Chory, J., ‘‘Brassinosteroids’’, Editors: Taiz, L., and Zeiger, E., ‘‘Plant Physiology, Fourth Edition’’, ISBN: , Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts, 617-634 (2006).
  • Grove, M.D., Spencer, G.F., Rohwedder, W.K., Mandava, N., Worley, J.F., Warthen, J.D., Steffens, G.L., Flippenanderson, J.L., Cook, J.K., ‘‘Brassinolide, a plant growth-promoting steroid isolated from Brassica napus polen’’, Nature, : 216-217 (1979).
  • Bajguz, A., ‘‘Metabolism of brassinosteroids in plants’’, Plant Phsiology and Biochemistry, 45: 107 (2007).
  • Sakurai, A., ‘‘Brassinosteroid biosynthesis’’, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 37 (5): 351- (1999).
  • Yokota, T., ‘‘The structure, biosynthesis and function of brassinosteroids’’, Trends in Plant Science, 2 (4): 137-143 (1997). Ankudo brassinosteroid function in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.)’’, Akademik Derece Tezi, Martin
  • Luther Üniversitesi, Matematik-Doğa Bilimleri- Mühendislik Almanya, 1-71 (2004). Halle-Wittenberg, ‘‘Brassinosteroid bioactivity and applications’’, Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology, 14 (3): 143-181 (2002). G., phytohormones-structure,
  • Clouse, S.D., ‘‘Recent advances in brassinosteroid mechanisms to practical applications’’, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 22: 273-275 (2003).
  • ‘‘Brassinosteroid: a biotechnological target for enhancing crop yield and stress tolerance’’, New Biotechnology, 26: 131-136 (2009). P.,
  • Asami, T., Nakano, T., Nakashita, H., Sekimata, K., Shimada, Y., Yoshida, S., ‘‘The influence of chemical genetics of plant science: Shedding light on functions and mechanism of action of brassinosteroids using biosynthesis inhibitors’’, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, : 336-349 (2003).
  • Hayat, S., Ali, B., Hasan, A., Ahmad A., ‘‘Brassinosteroid antioxidants under cadmium stress in Brassica juncea’’, Botany, 60: 33-41 (2007). the level of
  • Environmental and Experimental Divi, U.D., Rahman, T., Krishna, P., ‘‘Brassinosteroid-mediated stress tolerance in Arabidopsis shows interactions with abscisic acid, ethylene and salicylic acid pathways’’, BMC Plant Biology, 10: 151-165 (2010).
  • Clouse, S.D., ‘‘Molecular genetic studies confirm the role of brassinosteroids in plant growth and development’’, The Plant Journal, 10 (1): 1-8 (1996).
  • Dhaubhadel, S., Chaudhary S., Dobinson K.F., epibrassinolide, a brassinosteroid, increases the basic thermotolerance of Brassica napus and tomato seedlings’’, Plant Molecular Biology, 40: 342, (1999).
  • Krishna, P., ‘‘Brassinosteroid-mediated stress responses’’, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 22: 289-297 (2003).
  • ‘‘Brassinosteroids: essential regulators of plant growth and development’’, Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, : 427-451 (1998). and Sasse, J.M.,
  • Sasse, J.M., ‘‘Physiological actions of brassinosteroids: an update’’, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 22: 276–288 (2003).
  • Amzalling, G.N., and Vaisman, J., ‘‘Influence of brassinosteroids on initiation of the root gravitropic responce in Pisum sativum seedlings’’, Biologia Plantarum, 50 (2): 283-286 (2006).
  • Ashraf, M., Akram, N.A., Arteca, R.N., Foolad, M.R., ‘‘The physiological, biochemical and molecular roles of brassinosteroids and salicylic acid in plant processes and salt tolerance’’, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, : 162-190 (2010).
  • Nemhauser, J.L., and Chory, J., ‘‘BRing it on: new insights into the mechanism of brassinosteroid action’’, Journal of Experimental Botany, 55 (395): 265-270 (2004).
  • Bajguz, A., and Hayat, S., ‘‘Effect of brassinosteroids environmental stresses’’, Plant Phsiology and Biochemistry, 47: 1-8 (2009). responses to
  • Chung, Y., Maharjan, P.M., Lee, O., Fujioka, S., Jang, S., Kim, B., Takatsuto, S., Tsujimoto, M., Kim, H., Cho, S., Park, T., Cho, H., Hwang, I., Choe, S., ‘‘Auxin stimulates DWARF4 expression and brassinosteroid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis’’, The Plant Journal, 66: 564-578 (2011).
  • Clouse, S.D., Langford, M., McMorris, T.C., ‘‘A Arabidopsis thaliana exhibits multiple defects in growth and development’’, Plant Physiology, 111: 678 (1996). mutant in
  • Azpiroz, R., Yewen, W., LoCascio, C.J., Feldman, K.A., ‘‘An Arabidopsis brassinosteroid- dependent mutant is blocked in cell elongation’’, The Plant Cell, 10: 219-230 (1998).
  • Ephritikhine, G., Fellner, M., Vannini, C., Lapous, D., Barbier-Brygoo, H., ‘‘The sax1 dwarf mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana shows altered sensitivity of growth responses to abscisic acid, auxin, gibberellins and ethylene and is partially rescued by exogenous brassinosteroid’’, The Plant Journal, 18 (3): 303-314 (1999).
  • Goda, H., Shimada, Y., Asami, T., Fujioka, S., Yoshida, S., ‘‘Microarray analysis of brassinosteroid-regulated genes in Arabidopsis’’, Plant Physiology, 130: 1319-1334 (2002).
  • Müssig, C., Fischer, S., Altman, T., ‘‘Brassinosteroid-regulated gene expression”, Plant Physiology, 129: 1241-1251 (2002).
  • Belkhadir, Y., Chory, J., ‘‘Brassinosteroid signaling: a paradigm for steroid hormone signaling from the cell surface’’, Science, 314: 1411 (2006).
  • Liu, T., Zhang, J., Wang, M., Li, G., Qu, L., Wang, G., ‘‘Expression and functional analysis of ZmDWF4, an ortholog of Arabidopsis DWF4 from maize (Zea mays L.)’’, Plant Cell Reports, : 2091-2099 (2007).
  • Deng, Z., Zhang, X., Tang, W., Oses-Prietos, J.A., Suzuki, N., Gendron, J.M., Chen, H., Guan, S., Chalkley, N., Peterman, T.K., Burlingame, A.L., Wang, Z., ‘‘A proteomics study of brassinosteroid Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 6 (12): 2058- (2007). in Arabidopsis’’,
  • Clouse, S.D., ‘‘The molecular intersection of brassinosteroid-regulated growth and flowering in Arabidopsis’’, PNAS, 105 (21): 7345-7346 (2008).
  • Shahbaz, M., Ashraf, M., ‘‘Influence of exogenous application of brassinosteroid on growth and mineral nutrients of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under saline conditions’’, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 39 (2): 513-522 (2007).
  • Behnamnia, M., Kalantari, K. M., Ziaie, J., ‘‘The effects of brassinosteroid on the induction of esculentum under drought stress’’, Turkish Journal of Botany, 33: 417-428 (2009).
  • Fariduddin, Q., Yusuf, M., Chalkoo, S., Hayat, S., Ahmad, A., ‘‘28-homobrassinolide improves growth and photosynthesis in Cucumis sativus L. through an enhanced antioxidant system in the presence of chilling stress’’, Photosynthetıca, 49 (1): 55-64 (2011).
  • Kagale, S., Divi, U.K., Krochko, J.E., Keller, W.A., Krishna, P., ‘‘Brassinosteroid confers tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus to a range of abiotic stresses’’, Planta, 225: 364 (2007).
  • Xia, X-J., Wang, Y-J., Zhou, Y-H., Tao, Y., Mao, W-H., Shi, K., Asami, T., Chen, Z., Yu, J-Q., ‘‘Reactive oxygen species are involved in brassinosteroid-induced cucumber’’, Plant Physiology, 150: 801-814 (2009). stress tolerance in Vardhini, ‘‘Amelioration brassinosteroids on seed germination and seedling growth of three varieties of sorghum’’, Plant
  • Growth Regulation, 41: 25-31 (2003). S.S.R., stress by
  • Bajguz, A., ‘‘Blockade of heavy metals accumulation in Chlorella vulgaris cells by 24- epibrassinolide’’, Biochemistry, 38: 797-80 (2000). Phsiology and Ali, B., Hasan, S.A., Hayat, S., Hayat, Q.,
  • Yadav, S., Fariduddin, Q., Ahmad, A., ‘‘A role for brassinosteroids in the amelioration of aliminium stress through antioxidant system in mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)’’, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 62: 153-159 (2008).
  • Anuradha, S., and Rao, S.S.R., ‘‘Effect of 24- Epibrassinolide on the photosynthetic activity of radish Photosynthetica, 47 (2): 317-320 (2009). cadmium stress’’,
  • Bajguz, A., ‘‘An enhancing effect of exogenous brassinolide on the growth and antioxidant activity in Chlorella vulgaris cultures under heavy metals stress’’, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 68: 175-179 (2010).
  • Rady, M.M., ‘‘Effect of 24-epibrassinolide on growth, yield, antioxidant system and cadmium content of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants under salinity and cadmium stress’’, Scientia Horticulturae, 129: 232-237 (2011).
  • Hasan, S.A., Hayat, S., Ahmad, A., ‘‘Brassinosteroids machinery against the cadmium induced oxidative stres in two tomato cultivars’’, Chemosphere, 84: 1451 (2011). photosynthetic
  • Yusuf, M., Fariduddin, Q., Ahmad, A., ‘‘28- Homobrassinolide toxicity through enhanced antioxidant system in Vigna radiata plants’’, Chemosphere, 85 (10): 84 (2011). boron induced
  • Geliş Tarihi: 16.04.2012 Kabul Tarihi: 18.06.2012
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yonca Surgun This is me

Emel Yılmaz This is me

Bekir Çöl This is me

Betül Bürün

Publication Date March 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Surgun, Y., Yılmaz, E., Çöl, B., Bürün, B. (2012). ALTINCI GRUP BİTKİ HORMONU: BRASSİNOSTEROİDLER - SIXTH CLASS OF PLANT HORMONES: BRASSINOSTEROIDS. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(1), 27-46.
Chicago Surgun, Yonca, Emel Yılmaz, Bekir Çöl, and Betül Bürün. “ALTINCI GRUP BİTKİ HORMONU: BRASSİNOSTEROİDLER - SIXTH CLASS OF PLANT HORMONES: BRASSINOSTEROIDS”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 8, no. 1 (March 2012): 27-46.
EndNote Surgun Y, Yılmaz E, Çöl B, Bürün B (March 1, 2012) ALTINCI GRUP BİTKİ HORMONU: BRASSİNOSTEROİDLER - SIXTH CLASS OF PLANT HORMONES: BRASSINOSTEROIDS. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 8 1 27–46.
ISNAD Surgun, Yonca et al. “ALTINCI GRUP BİTKİ HORMONU: BRASSİNOSTEROİDLER - SIXTH CLASS OF PLANT HORMONES: BRASSINOSTEROIDS”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 8/1 (March 2012), 27-46.
MLA Surgun, Yonca et al. “ALTINCI GRUP BİTKİ HORMONU: BRASSİNOSTEROİDLER - SIXTH CLASS OF PLANT HORMONES: BRASSINOSTEROIDS”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, 2012, pp. 27-46.