Research Article
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Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality with Internet of Things Based e-Nose

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 4, 393 - 401, 26.12.2022


Air pollution has become a severe problem in most of the world and is among the governments' prior subjects. In the present time, urban dwellers spend most of their time in confined spaces such as home, office, school, shopping malls, and gyms. Contaminant gases (CO2, CO, NO2) and particulate matters arising from occupant activities such as exercise, sleeping, cooking, smoking, and cleaning are among the most critical factors which influence indoor air quality. Such gasses and particulate matter depend on human activities lower indoor air quality; hence, they cause many serious health problems, especially respiratory tract, cardiovascular and dermatological diseases. In this study, the indoor air quality of housing is examined depending upon occupant activities. Air quality parameters of temperature, humidity, CO2, CO, PM10, NO2, which are collected from the bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedroom of the housing, are measured using 32-bit ESP32 controller and a set of air quality sensors Obtained air quality data is saved to cloud server by the help of mobile user interface developed through Blynk IoT platform. As a result of the analysis, it is observed that occupant activities like sleeping, shower, laundry, and cooking adversely affect indoor air quality.


  • [1] Stazi, F., Naspi, F., Ulpiani, G., & Di Perna, C. (2017). Indoor air quality and thermal comfort optimization in classrooms developing an automatic system for windows opening and closing. Energy and Buildings, 139, 732-746.
  • [2] Poole, J. A., Barnes, C. S., Demain, J. G., Bernstein, J. A., Padukudru, M. A., Sheehan, W., ... & Cohn, J. R. (2019). Impact of weather and climate change with indoor and outdoor air quality in asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
  • [3] Steinemann, A., Wargocki, P., & Rismanchi, B. (2017). Ten questions concerning green buildings and indoor air quality. Building and Environment, 112, 351-358.
  • [4] Ashmore, M. R., & Dimitroulopoulou, C. (2009). Personal exposure of children to air pollution. Atmospheric Environment, 43(1), 128-141.
  • [5] Silva, L. T., Pinho, J. L., & Nurusman, H. (2014). Traffic air pollution monitoring based on an air–water pollutants deposition device. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11(8), 2307-2318.
  • [6] Bu-Olayan, A. H., & Thomas, B. V. (2016). Combined effects of particulates dispersion and elemental analysis in desert plants: a modeling tool to air pollution. International journal of environmental science and technology, 13(5), 1299-1310.
  • [7] Fazlzadeh, M., Rostami, R., & Hazrati, S. (2016). Concentrations of carbon monoxide in outdoor and Indoor air of residential buildings in Ardabil. Asrar, Journal of Sabzevar School of Medical Sciences, 23(2), 161–168.
  • [8] Marques, G., Ferreira, C. R., & Pitarma, R. (2019). Indoor Air Quality Assessment Using a CO 2 Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things. Journal of medical systems, 43(3), 67.
  • [9] Hamra, G. B., Laden, F., Cohen, A. J., Raaschou-Nielsen, O., Brauer, M., & Loomis, D. (2015). Lung cancer and exposure to nitrogen dioxide and traffic: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental health perspectives, 123(11), 1107-1112.
  • [10] Boningari, T., & Smirniotis, P. G. (2016). Impact of nitrogen oxides on the environment and human health: Mn-based materials for the NOx abatement. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 13, 133-141.
  • [11] Kang, K., Kim, H., Kim, D. D., Lee, Y. G., & Kim, T. (2019). Characteristics of cooking-generated PM10 and PM2. 5 in residential buildings with different cooking and ventilation types. Science of The Total Environment, 668, 56-66.
  • [12] Singer, B. C., Pass, R. Z., Delp, W. W., Lorenzetti, D. M., & Maddalena, R. L. (2017). Pollutant concentrations and emission rates from natural gas cooking burners without and with range hood exhaust in nine California homes. Building and Environment, 122, 215-229.
  • [13] Wangchuk, T., He, C., Knibbs, L. D., Mazaheri, M., & Morawska, L. (2017). A pilot study of traditional indoor biomass cooking and heating in rural Bhutan: gas and particle concentrations and emission rates. Indoor air, 27(1), 160-168.
  • [14] Fahmideh, M., and Didar Z. (2020). An exploration of IoT platform development. Information Systems, 87, 101409.
  • [15] Jin, J., Gubbi, J., Marusic, S., & Palaniswami, M. (2014). An information framework for creating a smart city through internet of things. IEEE Internet of Things journal, 1(2), 112-121.
  • [16] Mocrii, D., Chen, Y., & Musilek, P. (2018). IoT-based smart homes: A review of system architecture, software, communications, privacy and security. Internet of Things, 1, 81-98.
  • [17] Wang, K. H., Chen, C. M., Fang, W., & Wu, T. Y. (2018). On the security of a new ultra-lightweight authentication protocol in IoT environment for RFID tags. The Journal of Supercomputing, 74(1), 65-70.
  • [18] Aazam, M., Khan, I., Alsaffar, A. A., & Huh, E. N. (2014, January). Cloud of Things: Integrating Internet of Things and cloud computing and the issues involved. In Proceedings of 2014 11th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology (IBCAST) Islamabad, Pakistan, 14th-18th January, 2014 (pp. 414-419). IEEE.
  • [19] Zhao, X., Zhou, W., & Han, L. (2019). Human activities and urban air pollution in Chinese mega city: An insight of ozone weekend effect in Beijing. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 110, 109-116.
  • [20] Canha, N., Lage, J., Coutinho, J. T., Alves, C., & Almeida, S. M. (2019). Comparison of indoor air quality during sleep in smokers and non-smokers’ bedrooms: A preliminary study. Environmental pollution, 249, 248-256.
  • [21] Vicente, E. D., Vicente, A. M., Evtyugina, M., Oduber, F. I., Amato, F., Querol, X., & Alves, C. (2020). Impact of wood combustion on indoor air quality. Science of The Total Environment, 705, 135769.
  • [22] Jung, C. C., Hsu, N. Y., & Su, H. J. (2019). Temporal and spatial variations in IAQ and its association with building characteristics and human activities in tropical and subtropical areas. Building and Environment, 163, 106249.
  • [23] Alves, C. A., Vicente, E. D., Evtyugina, M., Vicente, A. M., Nunes, T., Lucarelli, F., ... & Oduber, F. (2020). Indoor and outdoor air quality: A university cafeteria as a case study. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11(3), 531-544.
  • [24] Branco, P. T. B. S., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Martins, F. G., & Sousa, S. I. V. (2019). Quantifying indoor air quality determinants in urban and rural nursery and primary schools. Environmental research, 176, 108534.
  • [25] Hwang, S. H., Seo, S., Yoo, Y., Kim, K. Y., Choung, J. T., & Park, W. M. (2017). Indoor air quality of daycare centers in Seoul, Korea. Building and Environment, 124, 186-193.
  • [26] Kalimeri, K. K., Saraga, D. E., Lazaridis, V. D., Legkas, N. A., Missia, D. A., Tolis, E. I., & Bartzis, J. G. (2016). Indoor air quality investigation of the school environment and estimated health risks: two-season measurements in primary schools in Kozani, Greece. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 7(6), 1128-1142.
  • [27] Sharma, R., & Balasubramanian, R. (2020). Evaluation of the effectiveness of a portable air cleaner in mitigating indoor human exposure to cooking-derived airborne particles. Environmental Research, 183, 109192.
  • [28] Militello-Hourigan, R. E., & Miller, S. L. (2018). The impacts of cooking and an assessment of indoor air quality in Colorado passive and tightly constructed homes. Building and Environment, 144, 573-582.
  • [29] Gładyszewska-Fiedoruk, K. (2019). Indoor Air Quality in the Bedroom of a Single-Family House—A Case Study. In Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings (Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 38).
  • [30] Taştan, M., & Gökozan, H. (2019). Real-time monitoring of indoor air quality with internet of things-based E-nose. Applied Sciences, 9(16), 3435.
Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 4, 393 - 401, 26.12.2022



  • [1] Stazi, F., Naspi, F., Ulpiani, G., & Di Perna, C. (2017). Indoor air quality and thermal comfort optimization in classrooms developing an automatic system for windows opening and closing. Energy and Buildings, 139, 732-746.
  • [2] Poole, J. A., Barnes, C. S., Demain, J. G., Bernstein, J. A., Padukudru, M. A., Sheehan, W., ... & Cohn, J. R. (2019). Impact of weather and climate change with indoor and outdoor air quality in asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
  • [3] Steinemann, A., Wargocki, P., & Rismanchi, B. (2017). Ten questions concerning green buildings and indoor air quality. Building and Environment, 112, 351-358.
  • [4] Ashmore, M. R., & Dimitroulopoulou, C. (2009). Personal exposure of children to air pollution. Atmospheric Environment, 43(1), 128-141.
  • [5] Silva, L. T., Pinho, J. L., & Nurusman, H. (2014). Traffic air pollution monitoring based on an air–water pollutants deposition device. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11(8), 2307-2318.
  • [6] Bu-Olayan, A. H., & Thomas, B. V. (2016). Combined effects of particulates dispersion and elemental analysis in desert plants: a modeling tool to air pollution. International journal of environmental science and technology, 13(5), 1299-1310.
  • [7] Fazlzadeh, M., Rostami, R., & Hazrati, S. (2016). Concentrations of carbon monoxide in outdoor and Indoor air of residential buildings in Ardabil. Asrar, Journal of Sabzevar School of Medical Sciences, 23(2), 161–168.
  • [8] Marques, G., Ferreira, C. R., & Pitarma, R. (2019). Indoor Air Quality Assessment Using a CO 2 Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things. Journal of medical systems, 43(3), 67.
  • [9] Hamra, G. B., Laden, F., Cohen, A. J., Raaschou-Nielsen, O., Brauer, M., & Loomis, D. (2015). Lung cancer and exposure to nitrogen dioxide and traffic: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental health perspectives, 123(11), 1107-1112.
  • [10] Boningari, T., & Smirniotis, P. G. (2016). Impact of nitrogen oxides on the environment and human health: Mn-based materials for the NOx abatement. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 13, 133-141.
  • [11] Kang, K., Kim, H., Kim, D. D., Lee, Y. G., & Kim, T. (2019). Characteristics of cooking-generated PM10 and PM2. 5 in residential buildings with different cooking and ventilation types. Science of The Total Environment, 668, 56-66.
  • [12] Singer, B. C., Pass, R. Z., Delp, W. W., Lorenzetti, D. M., & Maddalena, R. L. (2017). Pollutant concentrations and emission rates from natural gas cooking burners without and with range hood exhaust in nine California homes. Building and Environment, 122, 215-229.
  • [13] Wangchuk, T., He, C., Knibbs, L. D., Mazaheri, M., & Morawska, L. (2017). A pilot study of traditional indoor biomass cooking and heating in rural Bhutan: gas and particle concentrations and emission rates. Indoor air, 27(1), 160-168.
  • [14] Fahmideh, M., and Didar Z. (2020). An exploration of IoT platform development. Information Systems, 87, 101409.
  • [15] Jin, J., Gubbi, J., Marusic, S., & Palaniswami, M. (2014). An information framework for creating a smart city through internet of things. IEEE Internet of Things journal, 1(2), 112-121.
  • [16] Mocrii, D., Chen, Y., & Musilek, P. (2018). IoT-based smart homes: A review of system architecture, software, communications, privacy and security. Internet of Things, 1, 81-98.
  • [17] Wang, K. H., Chen, C. M., Fang, W., & Wu, T. Y. (2018). On the security of a new ultra-lightweight authentication protocol in IoT environment for RFID tags. The Journal of Supercomputing, 74(1), 65-70.
  • [18] Aazam, M., Khan, I., Alsaffar, A. A., & Huh, E. N. (2014, January). Cloud of Things: Integrating Internet of Things and cloud computing and the issues involved. In Proceedings of 2014 11th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology (IBCAST) Islamabad, Pakistan, 14th-18th January, 2014 (pp. 414-419). IEEE.
  • [19] Zhao, X., Zhou, W., & Han, L. (2019). Human activities and urban air pollution in Chinese mega city: An insight of ozone weekend effect in Beijing. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 110, 109-116.
  • [20] Canha, N., Lage, J., Coutinho, J. T., Alves, C., & Almeida, S. M. (2019). Comparison of indoor air quality during sleep in smokers and non-smokers’ bedrooms: A preliminary study. Environmental pollution, 249, 248-256.
  • [21] Vicente, E. D., Vicente, A. M., Evtyugina, M., Oduber, F. I., Amato, F., Querol, X., & Alves, C. (2020). Impact of wood combustion on indoor air quality. Science of The Total Environment, 705, 135769.
  • [22] Jung, C. C., Hsu, N. Y., & Su, H. J. (2019). Temporal and spatial variations in IAQ and its association with building characteristics and human activities in tropical and subtropical areas. Building and Environment, 163, 106249.
  • [23] Alves, C. A., Vicente, E. D., Evtyugina, M., Vicente, A. M., Nunes, T., Lucarelli, F., ... & Oduber, F. (2020). Indoor and outdoor air quality: A university cafeteria as a case study. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11(3), 531-544.
  • [24] Branco, P. T. B. S., Alvim-Ferraz, M. C. M., Martins, F. G., & Sousa, S. I. V. (2019). Quantifying indoor air quality determinants in urban and rural nursery and primary schools. Environmental research, 176, 108534.
  • [25] Hwang, S. H., Seo, S., Yoo, Y., Kim, K. Y., Choung, J. T., & Park, W. M. (2017). Indoor air quality of daycare centers in Seoul, Korea. Building and Environment, 124, 186-193.
  • [26] Kalimeri, K. K., Saraga, D. E., Lazaridis, V. D., Legkas, N. A., Missia, D. A., Tolis, E. I., & Bartzis, J. G. (2016). Indoor air quality investigation of the school environment and estimated health risks: two-season measurements in primary schools in Kozani, Greece. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 7(6), 1128-1142.
  • [27] Sharma, R., & Balasubramanian, R. (2020). Evaluation of the effectiveness of a portable air cleaner in mitigating indoor human exposure to cooking-derived airborne particles. Environmental Research, 183, 109192.
  • [28] Militello-Hourigan, R. E., & Miller, S. L. (2018). The impacts of cooking and an assessment of indoor air quality in Colorado passive and tightly constructed homes. Building and Environment, 144, 573-582.
  • [29] Gładyszewska-Fiedoruk, K. (2019). Indoor Air Quality in the Bedroom of a Single-Family House—A Case Study. In Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings (Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 38).
  • [30] Taştan, M., & Gökozan, H. (2019). Real-time monitoring of indoor air quality with internet of things-based E-nose. Applied Sciences, 9(16), 3435.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Taştan 0000-0003-3712-9433

Hayrettin Gökozan 0000-0002-8917-4001

Alper Mutlu 0000-0001-8353-9121

Publication Date December 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 18 Issue: 4


APA Taştan, M., Gökozan, H., & Mutlu, A. (2022). Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality with Internet of Things Based e-Nose. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, 18(4), 393-401.
AMA Taştan M, Gökozan H, Mutlu A. Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality with Internet of Things Based e-Nose. CBUJOS. December 2022;18(4):393-401. doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.1018796
Chicago Taştan, Mehmet, Hayrettin Gökozan, and Alper Mutlu. “Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality With Internet of Things Based E-Nose”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 18, no. 4 (December 2022): 393-401.
EndNote Taştan M, Gökozan H, Mutlu A (December 1, 2022) Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality with Internet of Things Based e-Nose. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 18 4 393–401.
IEEE M. Taştan, H. Gökozan, and A. Mutlu, “Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality with Internet of Things Based e-Nose”, CBUJOS, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 393–401, 2022, doi: 10.18466/cbayarfbe.1018796.
ISNAD Taştan, Mehmet et al. “Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality With Internet of Things Based E-Nose”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 18/4 (December 2022), 393-401.
JAMA Taştan M, Gökozan H, Mutlu A. Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality with Internet of Things Based e-Nose. CBUJOS. 2022;18:393–401.
MLA Taştan, Mehmet et al. “Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality With Internet of Things Based E-Nose”. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science, vol. 18, no. 4, 2022, pp. 393-01, doi:10.18466/cbayarfbe.1018796.
Vancouver Taştan M, Gökozan H, Mutlu A. Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Indoor Air Quality with Internet of Things Based e-Nose. CBUJOS. 2022;18(4):393-401.