Research Article
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Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum

Year 2019, , 77 - 105, 30.06.2019


This paper addresses the ancient bronze fibulae exhibited in the Bolu Museum. The aim of this research was to provide statistical data for future scientific studies on the subject, as well as to introduce previously unpublished fibulae in Bolu Museum. Bolu Museum to date has 19 bronze fibulae. With careful study, each reveals a different typological character. As a result of our research, we have identified 12 Phrygian Fibulae forming the largest set of fibulae in the Bolu Museum collection. Especially exam¬ples found in the Göynük province and Alan Village form important indicators of a relationship with Phrygia. As a matter of fact, Phrygian fibulae are the only group which shows local features in the collection. Urartu fibulae are represented by 3 examples; 2 fibulae are Roman, while the rest of the fibulae are understood to have originated from the Levant and Cypriot-Greek regions. The earliest fibulae in the collection are likely to date from about the last quarter of the VIIIth century B.C. while the latest date from the last quarter of the IVth century A.D. All of the fibulae are of bronze.


  • Abramova 1995 M. P. Abramova, "Rimskie provintsialnye fibouly IV–Vvv. na severnom Kavkaze / Les fibules romaines provinciales des IVe-Ve s. au Caucase du nord". Istorisko Arheologitscheskii Almanach 1 (1995) 140–7.
  • AJA American Journal of Archaeology.
  • Akurgal 1959 E. Akurgal, "Chronologie der Phrygische Kunst". Anatolia IV (1959) 115-121.
  • BAR British Archaeological Reports.
  • Barnett 1975 R. D. Barnett, "Phrygia And The Peoples Of Anatolia In The Iron Age". Eds. I. E. S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, N. G. L. Hammond — E. Sollberger, The Cam¬bridge Ancient History, Cambridge (1975) 417-442.
  • Behrens 1950 G. Behrens, Römische Fibeln mit Inschrift. In Reinecke Festschrift. Mainz 1950.
  • Blinkenberg 1926 C. Blinkenberg, Lindiaka v Fibules Grecques et Orientales, København 1926.
  • Boehmer 1972 R. M. Boehmer, Boğazköy-Hattuša Die Kleinfunde von Boğazköy VIII, Berlin 1972.
  • Bulgan — Feugère 2007 F. Bulgan — M. Feugère, "Les Fibules Romaines Du Musee De Gaziantep". Anatolia Antiqua XV (2007) 215-24.
  • Busuladžić 2009 A. Busuladžić, "The Fibulae Collection From Mogorjelo". Opusc.Archa. 32 (2009) 21-54.
  • Caner 1983 E. Caner, Fibeln in Anatolien I (Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIV, 8). Mün¬chen 1983.
  • Çavuşoğlu 2015 R. Çavuşoğlu, "Van-Kalecik Nekropolü'nden Urartu Takıları". Eds. M. Işıklı — B. Can, International Symposium on East Anatolia South Caucasus Cul¬tures Proceedings II. 229-241.
  • Daremberg — Saglio 1896 C. Daremberg ¬— E. Saglio, "fibula". Dictionnaire des Antiquites grecques et romaines (1896).
  • Deppert-Lippitz 2000 B. Deppert-Lippitz, "A Late Antique Crossbow Fibula in the Metropolitan Museum of Art". Metropolitan Museum Journal 35 (2000) 39-70.
  • Doğancı 2007 K. Doğancı, Roma Principatus Dönemi (M.Ö. 27-M.S. 284) Bithynia Eyaleti Valileri (Prosopografik Bir İnceleme). Unpublished doctoral dissertation, An¬kara Üniversitesi. Ankara 2007.
  • Elderkin 1928 K. M. Elderkin, "Buttons and Their Use on Greek Garments". AJA 32/3 (1928) 333-45.
  • Erdan 2018 E. Erdan, Aydın Arkeoloji Müzesi Fibulaları. Ankara 2018.
  • Feugère 1985 M. Feugère, Les fibules en Gaule méridionale, de la conquête à la fin du Ve s. ap. J.-C., Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise Supplément au tome 12. Paris 1985.
  • Fıratlı — Tuğrul 1966 N. Fıratlı, — M. Tuğrul, "Germanos Frig Kitabesi". İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri Yıllığı 13-14 (1966) 230-235.
  • Gasparro 1985 G. S. Gasparro, Soteriology and Mystic Aspects in the Cult of Cybele and Attis. Leiden 1985.
  • Giesen 2003 K. Giesen, "Zyprische Fibeln aus dem 13. bis 6. jh. v. Chr. und ihre Ver¬wandte im Mittelmeerraum". Eds. V. Karageorghis — S. Rogge, Junge zypri¬sche Archäologie. Berlin, 6 April 2002. Münster (2003) 11-28.
  • Gjerstad 1948 E. Gjerstad, Swedish Cyprus Expedition IV Pt. 2: The Cypro-Geometric, Cypro-Archaic and Cypro-Classical Periods. Stockholm 1948.
  • Gürler 2004 B. Gürler, Bronze Objects at Tire Museum. İstanbul 2004.
  • ISTROS International Institute for Intercultural Contacts. Bulgaria.
  • Ivčević 2002 S. Ivčević, "Fibule". Ed. E. Marin, Longae Salonae I–II. Split (2002) I 229-276, II 124-147.
  • JRGZM Jahrbuch des Römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseums. Mainz.
  • Keller 1971 E. Keller, Die Spätrömischen Grabfunde in Südbayern. München 1971.
  • Körte — Körte 1904 G. Körte — A. Körte, Gordion: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabung im Jahre 1900. Ber¬lin 1904.
  • Koščević 1980 R. Koščević, Antičke fibule s područja Siska. Zagreb 1980.
  • Kovrig 1937 I. Kovrig, Die Haupttypen der Kaiserzeitlichen Fibeln in Pannonien. Budapest 1937.
  • Laflı — Buora 2006 E. Laflı — M. Buora, "Fibule antiche dalla Cilicia costiera". Rivista Di Archeo¬logia XXX (2006) 37-46.
  • Laflı — Buora 2012 E. Laflı — M. Buora, "Fibulae in the Museum of Ödemiş (Western Turkey)". Oriental Archive 80/3 (2012) 417-34.
  • Lambert 1997 R. Lambert, Beloved and God: The Story of Hadrian and Antinous. Phoenix 1997.
  • Marović 1959 I. Marović, "Iskopavanja kamenih gomila oko vrela rijeke Cetine godine 1953, 1954, 1958". VAHD LXI (1959) 5-80.
  • Marović 1961 I. Marović, Fibeln mit Inschrift von Typus Aucissa in der archäeologischen Mu¬seen von Zagreb, Zadar und Split. In Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuzeums. Mainz 1961.
  • Muscarella 1964 O. W. Muscarella, "Ancient Safety Pins". Expedition Magazine 6/2 (1964) 34-40.
  • Muscarella 1965 O. W. Muscarella, "A Fibula from Hasanlu". AJA 69/3 (1965) 233-42.
  • Muscarella 1967 O. W. Muscarella, Phrygian Fibulae from Gordion. London 1967.
  • Muscarella 1988 O. W. Muscarella, Bronze and Iron Ancient Near Eastern Artifacts in the Met¬ropolitan Museum of Art. New York 1988.
  • Muscarella 2007 O. W. Muscarella, "Frig Fibulaları (Phrygian Fibulae)". Eds. H. S. - T. T. Sivas, Friglerin Gizemli Uygarlığı (The Mysterious Civilization of the Phrygians). İs¬tanbul (2007) 173-179.
  • Naumann 1983 F. Naumann, Die Ikonographie der Kybele in der Phrygischen und Griechi¬schen Kunst, (Istanbuler Mitteilungen. Beihef 28). Tübingen 1983.
  • Nutu — Chiriac 2012 G. Nutu — C. Chiriac, "Late Roman Brooches From Dobroudja". ISTROS XVIII (2012) 199-212.
  • Öğün 1979 B. Öğün, "Urartäischen Fibeln" Akden Des VII. Internationalen Kongresses Für Iranische Kunst und Archaologie. München, 7-10 September 1976. Berlin (1979) 178-188.
  • Opus.Arch. Opuscula Archaeologica
  • Patek 1942 E. V. Patek, Verbreitung und Herkunft der Römischen Fibeltypen von Pan¬nonien. Budapest 1942.
  • Peck 1898 H. T. Peck, "Fibula". Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. New York (1898).
  • Perrot 1872 G. Perrot, Exploration archéologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie, d'une par¬tie de la Mysie, de la Phrygie, de la Cappadoce et du Pont, exécutée en 1861. Paris 1872.
  • Pröttel 1988 P. M. Pröttel, "Zur Chronologie der Zwiebelknopffibeln". JRGZM 35/1 (1988) 347-72.
  • Riha 1979 E. Riha, Die römischen Fibeln aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. Augst 1979.
  • Roller 1999 L. Roller, In Search of God the Mother. London 1999.
  • Sapouna-Sakellarakis 1978 E. Sapouna-Sakellarakis, Die Fibeln der griechischen Inseln. Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIV. Beck 1978.
  • Sedlmayer 2014 H. Sedlmayer, "Le fibule del tipo Aucissa. Componente tipica dell'abbiglia¬mento femminile in un ambito di scarsa romanizzazione". Quaderni friulani di archeologia XXIV 1 (2014) 19-31.
  • Šeparović 1998 T. Šeparović, "Aucissa fibule s natpisom iz zbirke Muzeja hrvatskih arhe¬oloških spomenika". Starohrvatska prosvjeta III 25 (1998) 177-86.
  • Soupault 2003 V. Soupault, Les élements métalliques du costume masculin dans les provinces romaines de la mer Noire (IIIe–Ve s. ap. J.-C.). BAR IntSer 1167. Oxford 2003.
  • Stronach 1959 D. Stronach, "The Development of the Fibula in the Near East". Iraq 21/2 (1959) 180-206.
  • Tekocak 2012 M. Tekocak, "Akşehir Müzesi'nde Bulunan Bir Grup Bronz Fibula". Pamuk¬kale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 13 (2012) 27-41.
  • Texier 1862 C. Texier, Asie Mineure. Description géographique, historique et archéologique des provinces et des villes de la Chersonnèse d’Asie. Paris 1862.
  • Vermaseren 1977 M. J. Vermaseren, Cybele and Attis the Myth and the Cult. London 1977.
  • Young 1966 R. S. Young, "The Gordion Campaign of 1965". AJA 70/3 (1966) 267-78.
  • (21.03.2017)
  • (21.03.2017)

Bolu Müzesi Bronz Fibulaları

Year 2019, , 77 - 105, 30.06.2019


Bu makalede Bolu Müzesi’nde sergilen­mekte
olan antik bronz fibulalar konu edil­mektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Bolu
Müzesi’nde korunan ve daha önce yayın­lanmamış fibula’ları tanıtmak dışında
konu ile ilgili ile­ri­de yapılacak bilimsel çalışmalara istatiksel veri sağ­la­maktır.
Günümüzde Bolu Müzesi’nde 19 adet bronz fibula bulunmaktadır. Bu fibulalar
dikkatli ince­len­­dik­lerinde, her birinin farklı tipolojik özelliğe sahip
olduğu göze çarpmaktadır. Yaptığımız incelemeler, Bolu Mü­ze­si koleksiyonunda,
12 örnek ile temsil edilen Phryg fib­ulalarının en ka­labalık grubu
oluşturduğunu göster­miştir. Özel­lik­le Göynük ilçesi, Alan Köyü’nde bulun­muş
örnekler Phryg ilişkisinin en önemli gösterge­sidir. Bu nedenle Phryg
fibulaları, aynı zamanda koleksiyon içinde yerel özellik gösteren tek gruptur.
Urartu fibula­ları ise 3 örnek ile temsil edilmektedir. Bu grubu, 2 ör­nek ile
Roma Dö­nemi’ne ait fibulalar izlemektedir. Geri kalan, birer örneğin ise köken
bakımından Levant ve Kıbrıs-Hellas Bölgeleri ile ilişkili oldukları anla­şılmıştır.
Ayrıca incelenen fibulaların en erken tarihli olanının MÖ VIII. yüzyılın son
çeyreğine, en geç tarih­li olanının ise MS IV. yüzyıla ait olduğu tespit edil­miştir.
Bahsi geçen eserlerin tamamı bronzdan üre­tilmiştir.


  • Abramova 1995 M. P. Abramova, "Rimskie provintsialnye fibouly IV–Vvv. na severnom Kavkaze / Les fibules romaines provinciales des IVe-Ve s. au Caucase du nord". Istorisko Arheologitscheskii Almanach 1 (1995) 140–7.
  • AJA American Journal of Archaeology.
  • Akurgal 1959 E. Akurgal, "Chronologie der Phrygische Kunst". Anatolia IV (1959) 115-121.
  • BAR British Archaeological Reports.
  • Barnett 1975 R. D. Barnett, "Phrygia And The Peoples Of Anatolia In The Iron Age". Eds. I. E. S. Edwards, C. J. Gadd, N. G. L. Hammond — E. Sollberger, The Cam¬bridge Ancient History, Cambridge (1975) 417-442.
  • Behrens 1950 G. Behrens, Römische Fibeln mit Inschrift. In Reinecke Festschrift. Mainz 1950.
  • Blinkenberg 1926 C. Blinkenberg, Lindiaka v Fibules Grecques et Orientales, København 1926.
  • Boehmer 1972 R. M. Boehmer, Boğazköy-Hattuša Die Kleinfunde von Boğazköy VIII, Berlin 1972.
  • Bulgan — Feugère 2007 F. Bulgan — M. Feugère, "Les Fibules Romaines Du Musee De Gaziantep". Anatolia Antiqua XV (2007) 215-24.
  • Busuladžić 2009 A. Busuladžić, "The Fibulae Collection From Mogorjelo". Opusc.Archa. 32 (2009) 21-54.
  • Caner 1983 E. Caner, Fibeln in Anatolien I (Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIV, 8). Mün¬chen 1983.
  • Çavuşoğlu 2015 R. Çavuşoğlu, "Van-Kalecik Nekropolü'nden Urartu Takıları". Eds. M. Işıklı — B. Can, International Symposium on East Anatolia South Caucasus Cul¬tures Proceedings II. 229-241.
  • Daremberg — Saglio 1896 C. Daremberg ¬— E. Saglio, "fibula". Dictionnaire des Antiquites grecques et romaines (1896).
  • Deppert-Lippitz 2000 B. Deppert-Lippitz, "A Late Antique Crossbow Fibula in the Metropolitan Museum of Art". Metropolitan Museum Journal 35 (2000) 39-70.
  • Doğancı 2007 K. Doğancı, Roma Principatus Dönemi (M.Ö. 27-M.S. 284) Bithynia Eyaleti Valileri (Prosopografik Bir İnceleme). Unpublished doctoral dissertation, An¬kara Üniversitesi. Ankara 2007.
  • Elderkin 1928 K. M. Elderkin, "Buttons and Their Use on Greek Garments". AJA 32/3 (1928) 333-45.
  • Erdan 2018 E. Erdan, Aydın Arkeoloji Müzesi Fibulaları. Ankara 2018.
  • Feugère 1985 M. Feugère, Les fibules en Gaule méridionale, de la conquête à la fin du Ve s. ap. J.-C., Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise Supplément au tome 12. Paris 1985.
  • Fıratlı — Tuğrul 1966 N. Fıratlı, — M. Tuğrul, "Germanos Frig Kitabesi". İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri Yıllığı 13-14 (1966) 230-235.
  • Gasparro 1985 G. S. Gasparro, Soteriology and Mystic Aspects in the Cult of Cybele and Attis. Leiden 1985.
  • Giesen 2003 K. Giesen, "Zyprische Fibeln aus dem 13. bis 6. jh. v. Chr. und ihre Ver¬wandte im Mittelmeerraum". Eds. V. Karageorghis — S. Rogge, Junge zypri¬sche Archäologie. Berlin, 6 April 2002. Münster (2003) 11-28.
  • Gjerstad 1948 E. Gjerstad, Swedish Cyprus Expedition IV Pt. 2: The Cypro-Geometric, Cypro-Archaic and Cypro-Classical Periods. Stockholm 1948.
  • Gürler 2004 B. Gürler, Bronze Objects at Tire Museum. İstanbul 2004.
  • ISTROS International Institute for Intercultural Contacts. Bulgaria.
  • Ivčević 2002 S. Ivčević, "Fibule". Ed. E. Marin, Longae Salonae I–II. Split (2002) I 229-276, II 124-147.
  • JRGZM Jahrbuch des Römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseums. Mainz.
  • Keller 1971 E. Keller, Die Spätrömischen Grabfunde in Südbayern. München 1971.
  • Körte — Körte 1904 G. Körte — A. Körte, Gordion: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabung im Jahre 1900. Ber¬lin 1904.
  • Koščević 1980 R. Koščević, Antičke fibule s područja Siska. Zagreb 1980.
  • Kovrig 1937 I. Kovrig, Die Haupttypen der Kaiserzeitlichen Fibeln in Pannonien. Budapest 1937.
  • Laflı — Buora 2006 E. Laflı — M. Buora, "Fibule antiche dalla Cilicia costiera". Rivista Di Archeo¬logia XXX (2006) 37-46.
  • Laflı — Buora 2012 E. Laflı — M. Buora, "Fibulae in the Museum of Ödemiş (Western Turkey)". Oriental Archive 80/3 (2012) 417-34.
  • Lambert 1997 R. Lambert, Beloved and God: The Story of Hadrian and Antinous. Phoenix 1997.
  • Marović 1959 I. Marović, "Iskopavanja kamenih gomila oko vrela rijeke Cetine godine 1953, 1954, 1958". VAHD LXI (1959) 5-80.
  • Marović 1961 I. Marović, Fibeln mit Inschrift von Typus Aucissa in der archäeologischen Mu¬seen von Zagreb, Zadar und Split. In Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuzeums. Mainz 1961.
  • Muscarella 1964 O. W. Muscarella, "Ancient Safety Pins". Expedition Magazine 6/2 (1964) 34-40.
  • Muscarella 1965 O. W. Muscarella, "A Fibula from Hasanlu". AJA 69/3 (1965) 233-42.
  • Muscarella 1967 O. W. Muscarella, Phrygian Fibulae from Gordion. London 1967.
  • Muscarella 1988 O. W. Muscarella, Bronze and Iron Ancient Near Eastern Artifacts in the Met¬ropolitan Museum of Art. New York 1988.
  • Muscarella 2007 O. W. Muscarella, "Frig Fibulaları (Phrygian Fibulae)". Eds. H. S. - T. T. Sivas, Friglerin Gizemli Uygarlığı (The Mysterious Civilization of the Phrygians). İs¬tanbul (2007) 173-179.
  • Naumann 1983 F. Naumann, Die Ikonographie der Kybele in der Phrygischen und Griechi¬schen Kunst, (Istanbuler Mitteilungen. Beihef 28). Tübingen 1983.
  • Nutu — Chiriac 2012 G. Nutu — C. Chiriac, "Late Roman Brooches From Dobroudja". ISTROS XVIII (2012) 199-212.
  • Öğün 1979 B. Öğün, "Urartäischen Fibeln" Akden Des VII. Internationalen Kongresses Für Iranische Kunst und Archaologie. München, 7-10 September 1976. Berlin (1979) 178-188.
  • Opus.Arch. Opuscula Archaeologica
  • Patek 1942 E. V. Patek, Verbreitung und Herkunft der Römischen Fibeltypen von Pan¬nonien. Budapest 1942.
  • Peck 1898 H. T. Peck, "Fibula". Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. New York (1898).
  • Perrot 1872 G. Perrot, Exploration archéologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie, d'une par¬tie de la Mysie, de la Phrygie, de la Cappadoce et du Pont, exécutée en 1861. Paris 1872.
  • Pröttel 1988 P. M. Pröttel, "Zur Chronologie der Zwiebelknopffibeln". JRGZM 35/1 (1988) 347-72.
  • Riha 1979 E. Riha, Die römischen Fibeln aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. Augst 1979.
  • Roller 1999 L. Roller, In Search of God the Mother. London 1999.
  • Sapouna-Sakellarakis 1978 E. Sapouna-Sakellarakis, Die Fibeln der griechischen Inseln. Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIV. Beck 1978.
  • Sedlmayer 2014 H. Sedlmayer, "Le fibule del tipo Aucissa. Componente tipica dell'abbiglia¬mento femminile in un ambito di scarsa romanizzazione". Quaderni friulani di archeologia XXIV 1 (2014) 19-31.
  • Šeparović 1998 T. Šeparović, "Aucissa fibule s natpisom iz zbirke Muzeja hrvatskih arhe¬oloških spomenika". Starohrvatska prosvjeta III 25 (1998) 177-86.
  • Soupault 2003 V. Soupault, Les élements métalliques du costume masculin dans les provinces romaines de la mer Noire (IIIe–Ve s. ap. J.-C.). BAR IntSer 1167. Oxford 2003.
  • Stronach 1959 D. Stronach, "The Development of the Fibula in the Near East". Iraq 21/2 (1959) 180-206.
  • Tekocak 2012 M. Tekocak, "Akşehir Müzesi'nde Bulunan Bir Grup Bronz Fibula". Pamuk¬kale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 13 (2012) 27-41.
  • Texier 1862 C. Texier, Asie Mineure. Description géographique, historique et archéologique des provinces et des villes de la Chersonnèse d’Asie. Paris 1862.
  • Vermaseren 1977 M. J. Vermaseren, Cybele and Attis the Myth and the Cult. London 1977.
  • Young 1966 R. S. Young, "The Gordion Campaign of 1965". AJA 70/3 (1966) 267-78.
  • (21.03.2017)
  • (21.03.2017)
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Bilir 0000-0001-7493-383X

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Submission Date March 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Bilir, A. (2019). Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum. Cedrus, 7, 77-105.
AMA Bilir A. Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum. Cedrus. June 2019;7:77-105. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201904
Chicago Bilir, Ahmet. “Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum”. Cedrus 7, June (June 2019): 77-105.
EndNote Bilir A (June 1, 2019) Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum. Cedrus 7 77–105.
IEEE A. Bilir, “Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum”, Cedrus, vol. 7, pp. 77–105, 2019, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201904.
ISNAD Bilir, Ahmet. “Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum”. Cedrus 7 (June 2019), 77-105.
JAMA Bilir A. Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum. Cedrus. 2019;7:77–105.
MLA Bilir, Ahmet. “Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum”. Cedrus, vol. 7, 2019, pp. 77-105, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201904.
Vancouver Bilir A. Bronze Fibulae of the Bolu Museum. Cedrus. 2019;7:77-105.

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