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Eastern Sigillata A(ESA) Ceramics from The Isaurian City of Philadelphia (KARAMAN-ERMENEK-GÖKÇESEKİ)

Year 2019, , 365 - 387, 30.06.2019


Philadelphia  is in the Cetis
region in Isauria–Ci­licia Tracheia. The ruins are suggested to  belong to the north of the Gökçeseki and
Çamlıca villages on the out­skirts of Ermenek.  Excavations in the necropolis  was ex­pos­ed some sarcophagi with a podium
on a stepped plat­form. On the west side of the sarcophagi, an area used as a
rubbish dump was uncovered. In this study Eastern Sigil­lata A Ceramics found
here are examined. A total of 19 pot­tery pieces are determined. To the
classification of Ha­yes, Form 22, 36, 50, 51, 61, 105 and types of Late A and
B are found in Philadelphia/Imsiören. Two pieces of bases belong to the Hayes
Form 3-4 or 28-30. Two other pottery pieces seem to be as new forms. The Hayes
Forms 22 and 3-4 or 28-30 are the earliest groups of ESA ceramics from
Philadelpheia. These groups date from the late IInd century BC to
the first half of the Ist century AD. Hayes Form 105 is dated to the
end of the Ist century BC and the beginning of Ist
century AD while the piece of Ha­yes Form 61, and two pieces ---new forms- can
be dated to the Early Roman Empire period. Except for these examples the other
finds are from the Ist and IInd centuries AD.
The ceramics in the area were from the Late
Hellenistic Period to the V
IInd century AD. Several containers point to the Byzantine
Period. ESA vessels show the lower chronology of the area, Late Hellenistic and
Early Roman Period.
However these finds indicate that İmsiören was inhabited from at least
the Late Hellen­is
tic period and that the economic and social activity  increased, particularly during the Ist
and IInd centuries AD.


  • Abadie-Reynal 1990 C. Abadie-Reynal, “La ceramique Romaine de Porsuk”. KST XI/1 (1990) 221-228.
  • Abadie-Reynal 2003 C. Abadie-Reynal, “La ceramique du Haut-Empire a Porsuk (Pl. LXXI)”. Eds. C. Abadie-Reynal, Les ceramiquues en Anatolie Aux epoques Hellenistique et Romaine Varia Anatolica XV. Paris (2003) 101-109.
  • Abadie-Reynal 2007 C. Abadie-Reynal, La Céramique Romaine d'Argos: fin du IIe siècle avant J.-C.-fin du IVe siècle après J.-C. Athènes 2007.
  • Adak 1997 I. Adak, Zeugma Sigillataları. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi. Ankara 1997.
  • Adamsheck 1979 B. Adamssheck, Kenchreai Eastern Port of Corinth The Pottery. Leiden 1979.
  • Akyürek 1992 N. Eda Akyürek, “Terra Sigillata aus dem Heiligtum des Apollon Smintheios”. Studien zum antiken Kleinasien II. Asia Minor Studien 8 (1992) 125-167.
  • Alkan – Kurt 2017 M. Alkan- M. Kurt, Aşağı Akın Isauria Bölgesi’nde Bir Kale Yerleşimi Akron 15. İstanbul 2017.
  • Anderson-Stojanovic 1992 V. R. Anderson-Stajanovic, Stobi: The Hellenistic and Roman pottery. Stobi Results of the joint American-Yugoslav arc. Investigations 1970-1981 Vol. I. Princeton-New Jersey 1992.
  • Aşkın – Yıldız et al. 2016 E. Aşkın – A. Yıldız – H. E. Ergürer – H. Körsulu – M. Kurt – M. Alkan “Philadelphia (Ermenek/Gökçeseki) Kazısı 2015”. Anmed Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri 14 (2016) 357-361.
  • Ateş 2003 G. Ateş, Die rote Feinkeramik von Aizanoi als lokaler Kültür-treager (untersuchungen zum Verhaeltnis von lokaler roter Glanztonware und importierter Sigillata). Inaugural-Disserta-tion zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophischen-Fakultaet, Rubrecht-Karls-Üniversitaet. Heidelberg 2003.
  • Atik 1995 N. Atik, Die Keramik aus den Südtermen von Perge IstMitt Beiheft 40. Tübingen 1995.
  • Baly 1962 T. J. C. Baly, “The Pottery”. Ed. H. I. Dunsconbe, Excavations at Nessana I. London (1962) 270-311.
  • Beyll 1993 D. Beyll, “Terra Sigillata aus der Marienkirche in Ephesos Erste Zwischenbilanz”. Österreichisches Archeaologisches Institüt, Berichte und Materialien, Heft 5 (1993) 1-45.
  • Christensen – Johansen 1971 P. Christensen C. F. Johansen, Les Potteries Hellenistiques et les Terres Sigillees Orientales. Hama: Fouilles et Recherches 1931-1938 III/2. Copenhague 1971.
  • Cox 1949 D. H. Cox, The Greek and Roman pottery. The Excavations at Dura-Europos Final Report IV Part I. Fascile 2. New Haven 1949.
  • Crowfoot – Crowfoot – Kenyon 1957
  • J. W. Crowfoot – G. M. Crowfoot – M. Kenyon, The Objects from Samaria Samaria-Sebaste III-Reports of the Work of the joint Expedition in 1931–1933 and of the British Expedition in 1935. London 1957.
  • Diederichs 1980 C. Diederichs, Ceramıques Hellenistiques, Romaines et Byzan-tines Salamine De Chypre IX. Paris 1980.
  • Doğanay 2005 O. Doğanay, Ermenek ve Yakın Çevresindeki Antik Yerleşim Bi-rimleri. Konya 2005.
  • Dothan 1971 D. Dothan, The Second and Third Seasons of the Excavations. 1963, 1965, Soundings in 1967 Ashdod II-III Atigot English series 9–10. Jeruselam 1971.
  • Fulford – Timby 1994 M. Fulford – J. Timby, “The Fine Ware”. Eds. M. G. Fulford-D.P.S. Peacock, Excavation at Carthage, The British Mission vol. II. 2, The Circular Harbour, Nort Side The Pottery (1994) 1-23.
  • Gassner 1997 V. Gassner, Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora. Keramik und Kleinfunde FiE XIII/1/1. Wien 1997.
  • Gunneweg – Perlman – Yellin 1983
  • J. Gunneweg – I. Perlman – J. Yellin, The provenience, typology and chronology of eastern Terra Sigillata Qedem 17. Jerusalem 1983.
  • Hayes 1971 J.W. Hayes, “Four early Roman Groups from Knossos”. BSA 66 (1971) 249-275.
  • Hayes 1973 J. W. Hayes, “Roman Pottery from the South stoa at Corinth”. Hesperia 42/4 (1973) 416-470.
  • Hayes 1985a J. W. Hayes, “Sigillate Orientali”. Ed. Anonymous, Atlante delle forme ceramiche II. Ceramice Fine Romana nel Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo İmpero). Roma (1985) 1-96.
  • Hayes 1985b J. W. Hayes, “Hellenistic to Byzantine Fine Wares and Derivateives in Jerusalem”. Ed. A. D. Tushingam, Excavations in Jerusalem 1961-1967 Vol. 1. Toronto (1985) 179-194.
  • Hayes 1991 J. W. Hayes, The Hellenistic and Roman pottery Paphos III. Nicosia 1991.
  • Hayes 2008 J. W. Hayes, Roman pottery: Fine-Ware Imports The Athenian Agora XXXII. Princeton, New Jersey 2008.
  • Hellström 1965 P. Hellström, Pottery of Classical and Later Date. Terracotta Lamps and Glass Labraunda II 1. Lund 1965.
  • Hild – Hellenkemper 1990 F. Hild – H. Hellenkemper, Tabula Imperi Byzantine 5: Kilikien und Isaurien. Viyana 1990.
  • Johns 1971 C. Johns, Arretine and Samian Pottery. London 1971.
  • Johnson 2008 B. L. Johnson, Askhelon 2: Imported Pottery of the Roman and Late Roman Periods. Winona Lake 2008.
  • Jones 1950 F. F. Jones, “The Pottery”. Ed. H. Goldman, Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I. Princeton, New Jersey (1950)149-296.
  • Kenrick 1985 P. M. Kenrick, The Fine Pottery. Excavations at Sidi Khrebish Benghazi (Berenice) Vol III/1. Tripoli 1985.
  • Körsulu – Ergürer H. Körsulu – H. E. Ergürer, “Philadelphia (Ermenek/Gökçeseki) Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemi Seramikleri: Ön Rapor”. Eds. H. Muşmal-Ü. E. Yüksel – M. A. Kapar, Ermenek Araştırmaları I, Arkeoloji- Sanat Tarihi- Tarih, Konya (2018) 53-66.
  • Kramer 2004 N. Kramer, Gindaros: Geschichte und Archaeologie einer Siedliung im nordwestlichen Syrien von hellenistischer bis in frühbyzantinische Zeit Internationale Archeaologie Band 14, München 2004.
  • Lapp 1961 P. Lapp, Palestinian Ceramic Chronology 200 B. C.-70 A.D. New Haven 1961.
  • Lloyd 1954 S. Lloyd, “Post-Assyrian pottery and small objects found by the anglo Turkish joint expedition in 1952”. AS 4 (1954) 101-110.
  • Mathers 1978 J. Matthers, “Tell Rifa’at 1977: Priliminary Report of an Archaeological Survey”. Iraq XL/2 (1978) 119-162.
  • Mitchell 1980 S. Mitchell, Aşvan Kale: Keban Rescure Excavations, Eastern Anatolia Bar International Series 80. Ankara 1980.
  • Mitsopoulos-Leon 1972/75 V. Mitsopoulos-Leon, “Keramik aus Basilika und Prytaneion- ein Überblick”. ÖJhBeibl 50 cols (1972-75) 495-524.
  • Moevs 1973 M. T. M. Moevs, The Roman Thin Walled Pottery: From Cosa (1948- 1954) MAAR 32. Michigan 1973. Negev 1986 A. Negev, The late Hellenistic and Early Roman Pottery of Nabataean Oboda. Final Report Qedem 22. Jerusalem 1986. Outschar 1996 U. Outschar, Dokümentation Exemplarisch Ausgewhlter Keramik Fundkomplexe, Hanghaus I in Ephesos, der Baubefunf FiE VII/3. Wien 1996. Özdemir 2009 B. Ş. Özdemir, Patara Roma Dönemi Günlük Kullanım Seramikler. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi. Antalya 2009.
  • Özdilek 2017 B. Özdilek, “Andriake Sinagogu’ndan Ele Geçen DSA Grubu Seramikler”. Cedrus V (2017) 337-395.
  • Reisner – Fisher – Lyon 1924 G. A. Reisner – C. S. Fisher – D. G. Lyon, Harward Excavations at Samaria 1908-1910 Vol. I-II. Cambridge 1924.
  • Riley 1975 J. A. Riley, “The Pottery from the First Session of Excavation in the Caesarea Hippodrome”. Basor 218 (1975) 25–63.
  • Robinson 1959 H. S. Robinson, Pottery of The Roman Period The Athenian Agora V. Princeton, New Jersey 1959.
  • Ruge 1938 W. Ruge, “Phladelphia (2)”. RE XIX/2 (1938) 2093-2094.
  • Slane 1986 K. W. Slane, “Two Deposit from the Early Roman Cellar Building, Corinth”. Hesperia 55 (1986) 271-318.
  • Slane 1997 K. W. Slane, “The Fine Ware”. Ed. S. C. Herbert, The Hellenistic and Roman pottery Tel Anafa II/1. Ann Arbor (1997) 247-406.
  • Technau 1929 W. Technau, “Griechische Keramik im Samischen Heraion”. AM 54 (1929) 6-64.
  • Tekkök-Biçken 1996 B. Tekkök-Biçken, The Hellenistic and Roman pottery from Troia: second century b.c. to sixth century A.D. A Dissertation Presented to the Fakulty of Graduate School University of Missouri-Colombia in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor 1996.
  • Tekocak 2006 M. Tekocak, Kelenderis Roma Çağı Seramiği. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi. Konya 2006.
  • Unterkirchner 1983 E. Unterkircher, “Terra Sigillata aus dem Heraion von Samos”. AM 98 (1983) 173-214.
  • Vessberg – Westholm 1956 O. Vessberg – A. Westholm, The Hellenistic and Roman Period in Cybrus The Swedish Cybrus Expedition Vol. IV/3. Stockholm 1956.
  • Waage 1948 F. O. Waage, “Hellenistic and Roman Tableware of Nort Syria”. Ed. F. O. Waage, Ceramics and Islamic Coins Antioch IV/I. Princeton (1948) 1–60.
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Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri

Year 2019, , 365 - 387, 30.06.2019


Philadelphia, Isauria-Kilikia Trakheia’daki Ketis Böl­gesi’nde
gösterilmektedir. Bugün Karaman İli Ermenek İlçesi’ne bağlı Gökçeseki
(İmsiören) ve Çamlıca (Muallar) köylerinin hemen kuzeyindeki kalıntıların
Philadelphia kentine ait olduğu önerilmektedir. Kentin
Nekropolis’in-de­ki kazılarda, basamaklı alt yapıya sahip podyumlu
lahit mezarlar ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Lahitlerin hemen batı tara­fında antik bir
atık alan tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada atık alandan ele geçen Doğu Sigillata
A seramikleri ele alınmış­tır.
19 adet DSA kabı tespit edilmiştir. Hayes’in sınıf­landır­masına göre bunlar
arasında Form 22, 36, 50, 51, 61, 105, Geç A ve B tipleri vardır. İki kaide
parçası, Hayes Form 3-4 veya 28-30 aittir. İki parça ise yeni birer formdur.
Hayes Form 22 ile Form 3-4 veya 28-30, Phila­delphia DSA kaplarının en erken
gruplarıdır. Bunlar MÖ geç II. yüzyıl ile MS I. yüzyılın ilk yarısına aittir.
Hayes Form 105, MÖ I. yüzyıl sonları-MS I. yüzyıl başlarını ta­rih­lenmektedir.
Hayes Form 61 ile yeni birer form olan iki parça, Erken Roma Dönemi’ne
verilmiştir. Bunların dışın­daki kaplar, MS I.-II. yüzyıla girmektedir.
 İlk incelemelere göre söz konusu alanda
seramikler, Geç Hellenistik Dö­nem’den, MS VII. yüzyıla kadar uzan­mak­tadır.
Birkaç par­ça ise Bizans Dönemi’ni işaret etmektedir. DSA kapları ise alanın
alt kronolojisini, Geç Hellenistik ve Erken Roma Dö­nemi’ni göstermektedir.
Bununla birlikte DSA kapları, Philadelphia’da en az Geç Hellenistik Dö­nem’den
itibaren bir yerleşim olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Özellikle MS I-II.
yüzyıllarda ise kentin etkinliğinin arttı­ğını göstermektedir. 


  • Abadie-Reynal 1990 C. Abadie-Reynal, “La ceramique Romaine de Porsuk”. KST XI/1 (1990) 221-228.
  • Abadie-Reynal 2003 C. Abadie-Reynal, “La ceramique du Haut-Empire a Porsuk (Pl. LXXI)”. Eds. C. Abadie-Reynal, Les ceramiquues en Anatolie Aux epoques Hellenistique et Romaine Varia Anatolica XV. Paris (2003) 101-109.
  • Abadie-Reynal 2007 C. Abadie-Reynal, La Céramique Romaine d'Argos: fin du IIe siècle avant J.-C.-fin du IVe siècle après J.-C. Athènes 2007.
  • Adak 1997 I. Adak, Zeugma Sigillataları. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi. Ankara 1997.
  • Adamsheck 1979 B. Adamssheck, Kenchreai Eastern Port of Corinth The Pottery. Leiden 1979.
  • Akyürek 1992 N. Eda Akyürek, “Terra Sigillata aus dem Heiligtum des Apollon Smintheios”. Studien zum antiken Kleinasien II. Asia Minor Studien 8 (1992) 125-167.
  • Alkan – Kurt 2017 M. Alkan- M. Kurt, Aşağı Akın Isauria Bölgesi’nde Bir Kale Yerleşimi Akron 15. İstanbul 2017.
  • Anderson-Stojanovic 1992 V. R. Anderson-Stajanovic, Stobi: The Hellenistic and Roman pottery. Stobi Results of the joint American-Yugoslav arc. Investigations 1970-1981 Vol. I. Princeton-New Jersey 1992.
  • Aşkın – Yıldız et al. 2016 E. Aşkın – A. Yıldız – H. E. Ergürer – H. Körsulu – M. Kurt – M. Alkan “Philadelphia (Ermenek/Gökçeseki) Kazısı 2015”. Anmed Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri 14 (2016) 357-361.
  • Ateş 2003 G. Ateş, Die rote Feinkeramik von Aizanoi als lokaler Kültür-treager (untersuchungen zum Verhaeltnis von lokaler roter Glanztonware und importierter Sigillata). Inaugural-Disserta-tion zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophischen-Fakultaet, Rubrecht-Karls-Üniversitaet. Heidelberg 2003.
  • Atik 1995 N. Atik, Die Keramik aus den Südtermen von Perge IstMitt Beiheft 40. Tübingen 1995.
  • Baly 1962 T. J. C. Baly, “The Pottery”. Ed. H. I. Dunsconbe, Excavations at Nessana I. London (1962) 270-311.
  • Beyll 1993 D. Beyll, “Terra Sigillata aus der Marienkirche in Ephesos Erste Zwischenbilanz”. Österreichisches Archeaologisches Institüt, Berichte und Materialien, Heft 5 (1993) 1-45.
  • Christensen – Johansen 1971 P. Christensen C. F. Johansen, Les Potteries Hellenistiques et les Terres Sigillees Orientales. Hama: Fouilles et Recherches 1931-1938 III/2. Copenhague 1971.
  • Cox 1949 D. H. Cox, The Greek and Roman pottery. The Excavations at Dura-Europos Final Report IV Part I. Fascile 2. New Haven 1949.
  • Crowfoot – Crowfoot – Kenyon 1957
  • J. W. Crowfoot – G. M. Crowfoot – M. Kenyon, The Objects from Samaria Samaria-Sebaste III-Reports of the Work of the joint Expedition in 1931–1933 and of the British Expedition in 1935. London 1957.
  • Diederichs 1980 C. Diederichs, Ceramıques Hellenistiques, Romaines et Byzan-tines Salamine De Chypre IX. Paris 1980.
  • Doğanay 2005 O. Doğanay, Ermenek ve Yakın Çevresindeki Antik Yerleşim Bi-rimleri. Konya 2005.
  • Dothan 1971 D. Dothan, The Second and Third Seasons of the Excavations. 1963, 1965, Soundings in 1967 Ashdod II-III Atigot English series 9–10. Jeruselam 1971.
  • Fulford – Timby 1994 M. Fulford – J. Timby, “The Fine Ware”. Eds. M. G. Fulford-D.P.S. Peacock, Excavation at Carthage, The British Mission vol. II. 2, The Circular Harbour, Nort Side The Pottery (1994) 1-23.
  • Gassner 1997 V. Gassner, Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora. Keramik und Kleinfunde FiE XIII/1/1. Wien 1997.
  • Gunneweg – Perlman – Yellin 1983
  • J. Gunneweg – I. Perlman – J. Yellin, The provenience, typology and chronology of eastern Terra Sigillata Qedem 17. Jerusalem 1983.
  • Hayes 1971 J.W. Hayes, “Four early Roman Groups from Knossos”. BSA 66 (1971) 249-275.
  • Hayes 1973 J. W. Hayes, “Roman Pottery from the South stoa at Corinth”. Hesperia 42/4 (1973) 416-470.
  • Hayes 1985a J. W. Hayes, “Sigillate Orientali”. Ed. Anonymous, Atlante delle forme ceramiche II. Ceramice Fine Romana nel Bacino Mediterraneo (Tardo Ellenismo e Primo İmpero). Roma (1985) 1-96.
  • Hayes 1985b J. W. Hayes, “Hellenistic to Byzantine Fine Wares and Derivateives in Jerusalem”. Ed. A. D. Tushingam, Excavations in Jerusalem 1961-1967 Vol. 1. Toronto (1985) 179-194.
  • Hayes 1991 J. W. Hayes, The Hellenistic and Roman pottery Paphos III. Nicosia 1991.
  • Hayes 2008 J. W. Hayes, Roman pottery: Fine-Ware Imports The Athenian Agora XXXII. Princeton, New Jersey 2008.
  • Hellström 1965 P. Hellström, Pottery of Classical and Later Date. Terracotta Lamps and Glass Labraunda II 1. Lund 1965.
  • Hild – Hellenkemper 1990 F. Hild – H. Hellenkemper, Tabula Imperi Byzantine 5: Kilikien und Isaurien. Viyana 1990.
  • Johns 1971 C. Johns, Arretine and Samian Pottery. London 1971.
  • Johnson 2008 B. L. Johnson, Askhelon 2: Imported Pottery of the Roman and Late Roman Periods. Winona Lake 2008.
  • Jones 1950 F. F. Jones, “The Pottery”. Ed. H. Goldman, Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I. Princeton, New Jersey (1950)149-296.
  • Kenrick 1985 P. M. Kenrick, The Fine Pottery. Excavations at Sidi Khrebish Benghazi (Berenice) Vol III/1. Tripoli 1985.
  • Körsulu – Ergürer H. Körsulu – H. E. Ergürer, “Philadelphia (Ermenek/Gökçeseki) Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemi Seramikleri: Ön Rapor”. Eds. H. Muşmal-Ü. E. Yüksel – M. A. Kapar, Ermenek Araştırmaları I, Arkeoloji- Sanat Tarihi- Tarih, Konya (2018) 53-66.
  • Kramer 2004 N. Kramer, Gindaros: Geschichte und Archaeologie einer Siedliung im nordwestlichen Syrien von hellenistischer bis in frühbyzantinische Zeit Internationale Archeaologie Band 14, München 2004.
  • Lapp 1961 P. Lapp, Palestinian Ceramic Chronology 200 B. C.-70 A.D. New Haven 1961.
  • Lloyd 1954 S. Lloyd, “Post-Assyrian pottery and small objects found by the anglo Turkish joint expedition in 1952”. AS 4 (1954) 101-110.
  • Mathers 1978 J. Matthers, “Tell Rifa’at 1977: Priliminary Report of an Archaeological Survey”. Iraq XL/2 (1978) 119-162.
  • Mitchell 1980 S. Mitchell, Aşvan Kale: Keban Rescure Excavations, Eastern Anatolia Bar International Series 80. Ankara 1980.
  • Mitsopoulos-Leon 1972/75 V. Mitsopoulos-Leon, “Keramik aus Basilika und Prytaneion- ein Überblick”. ÖJhBeibl 50 cols (1972-75) 495-524.
  • Moevs 1973 M. T. M. Moevs, The Roman Thin Walled Pottery: From Cosa (1948- 1954) MAAR 32. Michigan 1973. Negev 1986 A. Negev, The late Hellenistic and Early Roman Pottery of Nabataean Oboda. Final Report Qedem 22. Jerusalem 1986. Outschar 1996 U. Outschar, Dokümentation Exemplarisch Ausgewhlter Keramik Fundkomplexe, Hanghaus I in Ephesos, der Baubefunf FiE VII/3. Wien 1996. Özdemir 2009 B. Ş. Özdemir, Patara Roma Dönemi Günlük Kullanım Seramikler. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi. Antalya 2009.
  • Özdilek 2017 B. Özdilek, “Andriake Sinagogu’ndan Ele Geçen DSA Grubu Seramikler”. Cedrus V (2017) 337-395.
  • Reisner – Fisher – Lyon 1924 G. A. Reisner – C. S. Fisher – D. G. Lyon, Harward Excavations at Samaria 1908-1910 Vol. I-II. Cambridge 1924.
  • Riley 1975 J. A. Riley, “The Pottery from the First Session of Excavation in the Caesarea Hippodrome”. Basor 218 (1975) 25–63.
  • Robinson 1959 H. S. Robinson, Pottery of The Roman Period The Athenian Agora V. Princeton, New Jersey 1959.
  • Ruge 1938 W. Ruge, “Phladelphia (2)”. RE XIX/2 (1938) 2093-2094.
  • Slane 1986 K. W. Slane, “Two Deposit from the Early Roman Cellar Building, Corinth”. Hesperia 55 (1986) 271-318.
  • Slane 1997 K. W. Slane, “The Fine Ware”. Ed. S. C. Herbert, The Hellenistic and Roman pottery Tel Anafa II/1. Ann Arbor (1997) 247-406.
  • Technau 1929 W. Technau, “Griechische Keramik im Samischen Heraion”. AM 54 (1929) 6-64.
  • Tekkök-Biçken 1996 B. Tekkök-Biçken, The Hellenistic and Roman pottery from Troia: second century b.c. to sixth century A.D. A Dissertation Presented to the Fakulty of Graduate School University of Missouri-Colombia in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor 1996.
  • Tekocak 2006 M. Tekocak, Kelenderis Roma Çağı Seramiği. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi. Konya 2006.
  • Unterkirchner 1983 E. Unterkircher, “Terra Sigillata aus dem Heraion von Samos”. AM 98 (1983) 173-214.
  • Vessberg – Westholm 1956 O. Vessberg – A. Westholm, The Hellenistic and Roman Period in Cybrus The Swedish Cybrus Expedition Vol. IV/3. Stockholm 1956.
  • Waage 1948 F. O. Waage, “Hellenistic and Roman Tableware of Nort Syria”. Ed. F. O. Waage, Ceramics and Islamic Coins Antioch IV/I. Princeton (1948) 1–60.
  • Waage1934 F. O. Waage, “Lamp, Pottery, Metal and Glas Ware”. Ed. G. W. Elderkin, The Excavations of 1932 Antioch on-the-Orontes. Princeton (1934) 58-75.
  • Wannagat 2006 D. Wannagat, “Neue Forschungen in Uzuncaburç 2001-2004”. AA 2005/1. (2006) 117-165.
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Hatice Körsulu This is me 0000-0002-0896-3210

H. Ertuğ Ergürer 0000-0002-8953-1662

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Submission Date April 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Körsulu, H., & Ergürer, H. E. (2019). Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri. Cedrus, 7, 365-387.
AMA Körsulu H, Ergürer HE. Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri. Cedrus. June 2019;7:365-387. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201915
Chicago Körsulu, Hatice, and H. Ertuğ Ergürer. “Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri”. Cedrus 7, June (June 2019): 365-87.
EndNote Körsulu H, Ergürer HE (June 1, 2019) Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri. Cedrus 7 365–387.
IEEE H. Körsulu and H. E. Ergürer, “Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri”, Cedrus, vol. 7, pp. 365–387, 2019, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201915.
ISNAD Körsulu, Hatice - Ergürer, H. Ertuğ. “Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri”. Cedrus 7 (June 2019), 365-387.
JAMA Körsulu H, Ergürer HE. Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri. Cedrus. 2019;7:365–387.
MLA Körsulu, Hatice and H. Ertuğ Ergürer. “Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri”. Cedrus, vol. 7, 2019, pp. 365-87, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201915.
Vancouver Körsulu H, Ergürer HE. Isauria Kenti Philadelphia’dan (Karaman-Ermenek-Gökçeseki) Doğu Sigillata A(DSA) Seramikleri. Cedrus. 2019;7:365-87.

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