The conquest and rule of India by Muslim Turks
has led to significant changes not only in the political and social spheres
but also in the fields of science, culture and education. The most obvious and rapid
period of this change was the period of Turkish dynasties in the Sultanate of
Delhi (1206-1414). One of the most important factors that make the Muslim
administration established after the conquests in India is the educational
institutions established by the Delhi Turkish Sultans. Since they were Muslim
conquerors and administrators, their aim was to conquer new countries and to
spread Islam in these areas. The Turkish sultans of Delhi brought the
education system in the Islamic world to India. In this respect, the main educational
institutions of the period were maktabs and madrasas. The elementary
curriculum of the period included literacy and basic arithmetic knowledge.
Among the courses taught in the madrasas of higher education institutions were
İslamic sciences such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh, and theology, as well as Arabic
grammar, logic, philosophy, mathematics, medicine, good-writing and
calligraphy. The palace also served as a school, in particular to educate
statesmen or to provide vocational training. In this article, we will try to
examine the educational institutions of Delhi Turkish Sultanate in the light of
the information provided by the sources.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 30, 2019 |
Submission Date | February 2, 2019 |
Published in Issue | Year 2019 |
İlgili yılın sayısında en fazla 15 makale yayımlanır ve makale kabul tarihleri 15 Ekim ile 1 Mayıs arasındadır. 2024 yılı Ekim ayı itibariyle Cedrus sadece yabancı dilde makale kabul edecektir.