The study is about the Late Antiquity of Cibyra located today in Gölhisar town, in Burdur pro-vince, in which the excavations have been held since 2006. The findings and archaeological remains dated to Late Antiquity will be qualified and rendered in the study. Hence, it is aimed to define late era's general characters of architectural, social, cultural, religious dimensions. It's known that 417 A.D. earthquake changed the city's architectural landscape. After the catastrophe, the city got smaller and it's boundaries remarked by Agora centered city walls. The reasons of socio cultural regression, economic shrinkage, and spatial construction are discussed in the light of former information which has been held in other contemporary Asia Minor city's excavations. On the other hand, some former knowledge about Christianity has been improved in terms of new findings and remains of ancient city. Even if findings have made city's Vth – VIth A.D. centuries clear, VIIth century A.D. and later are still ambiguous. Material of cultures findings have revealed that the demographic structure of the city was relatively dense between 417 A.D. earthquake and VIth century A.D. Even though, it is known that there was a settlement around 9th century A.D. after VIth century A.D., nevertheless, demographic density was ambigu-ous, because findings are rare and weak for scientific speculation and reflections.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 29, 2018 |
Submission Date | February 15, 2018 |
Published in Issue | Year 2018 |
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