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Athletes in Asia Minor in Antiquity: Social Conditions, Professionalism and Cities

Year 2013, , 151 - 162, 01.06.2013


Sports has been a part of human life since antiquity and since the appearance of national borders it has occupied a central position in the daily life together with the increase of rivalry both between societies and citizens within these societies. Being the winner of an interna-tional competition has become particularly important for all countries; that’s why countries strengthen themselves in the sports branches they fail by transferring sportsmen from underdeveloped countries . Elvan Abeylegesse, the Turkish athlete who won a silver medal in Beijing Olympics in 2008, constitutes a good example for this. Most countries which faced economic problems such as Argentina, Brazil and Italy used sports especially football as a means until they overcame their financial crisis so the way they play football has acquired a worldwide reputation. Even though some modern intellectuals despise football because of its tincture of opium, many young people who dream of becoming a professional footballer are eager to be given a chance and chase after their dreams. As for the football clubs, they want to render their teams stronger by transferring successful footballers from foreign countries. The foreign sportsmen who were thus transferred are warmly welcomed and showered with affection and love even to the extent that their statues are erected in public places. The statue of Alex de Souza, the Brazillian footballer, who was a former player in Fenerbahçe team, was erected in a park in Kadıköy by his fans and this is a fine example of the expression of gratitute. In paralel with these examples of the modern world this article focuses on the ancient sportsmen and the way they were viewed by the intellectuals of antiquity and discusses what the winnings meant both to the sportsmen and to their cities.


  • Cic. De Off. (= M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis) Scripta Quae Manserunt Omnia, Fasc. 48. Ed. C. Atzert, 1932.
  • Cod. Iust. (= Codex Iustinianus) Corpus Iuris Civilis: Codex Iustinianus, vol. II. Ed. P. Krueger. Weidmann 1959.
  • Dio Cass. (= Dio Cassius, Historiae Romana) Cassii Dionis Cocceiani historiarum Romanarum quae supersunt, vols. 1-3. Ed. U.P. Boissevain. Berlin: Weidmann 1895-1901 (repr. 1955).
  • Dio Chry. Or. (= Dio Chrysostomos, Orationes) Dionis Prusaensis quem vocant Chrysostomum quae exstant omnia, vols. 1-2. Ed. J. von Arnim. Berlin: Weidmann 19622.
  • Gal. Adhort. art. add. “Galens Protreptikos Fragment”. Ed. E. Wencebach, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und Medizin 4, 3. Berlin (1935) 90-120.
  • Hom. Il. (= Homeros, Iliada) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviriler: Homer. The Iliad. Ed. A.T. Murray. Cambridge, London 1924.
  • Homeros, İlyada. Çev. A. Erhat – A. Kadir. İstanbul 201224.
  • Hom. Od. (= Homeros, Odysseia) Homeri Odysseia. Ed. P. von der Muhll, Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn 1962.
  • Ksen. Symp. (= Xenophon, Symposium) Xenophontis opera Omnia, vol. II. Oxford Clarendon Press. 1921 (repr. 1971).
  • Paus. (= Pausanias, Periegesis). Pausaniae Graeciae descripto, vol. 3. Ed. F. Spiro, Leipzig: Teubner 1903 (2. Basım, Stuttgart 1967).
  • Phaed. Fab. App. (= Phaedrus, Fabularum Aesopiarum) Phaedri Augustu Liberti Liber Fabularum. Ed. A. Guaglianone Torino 1969.
  • Phil. Gym. (= Philostratus, De gymnastica) Flavii Philostrati opera, vol. II. Ed. C. L. Kayser, Leipzig: Teubner 1871 (repr. Hildesheim: Olms 1964), 261-293.
  • Plin. Ep. (= Plinius, Epistulae) Genç Plinius’un Anadolu Mektupları. Plinius Epistulae 10. Kitap. Çev.: Ç. Dürüşken – E. Özbayoğlu, İstanbul 2001.
  • Sen. Ep. (= Seneca, Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium) Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, vols 1-3. Ed. R. M. Gummere, Cambridge 1917-1925.
  • Suet. Aug. (= Suetonius, Augustus) De Vita Caesarum (C. Suetoni Tranquilli Opera), vol. 1. Ed. M. Ihm, 1908.
  • Modern Kaynaklar Anderson 1913 J. G. C. Anderson, “Festivals of Men Askaenos in the Roman Colonia at Antioch of Pisidia”. JRS 3 (1913) 267-300.
  • Balland 1981 A. Balland, Inscriptions d’époque Impériale du Létôon, FdX VII. Paris 1981.
  • Bean – Mitford 1962 G. E. Bean – T. B. Mitford, “Sites Old and New in Rough Cilicia”. AS 12 (1962) 185-217.
  • Blümel 1985 W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Iasos, IK 28, 1. Bonn 1985. Blümel – Malay 1993 W. Blümel – H. Malay, “Inscriptions from Aydın Museum”. EA 21 (1993) 129-140.
  • Crowther 1991 N. B. Crowther, “Euexia, eutaxia, philoponia: Three Contests of Greek Gymnasium”. ZPE 85 (1991) 301-304.
  • Crowther 2007 N. B. Crowther, Sport in Ancient Times. Westport 2007.
  • Farrington 2008 A. Farrington, “Θέμιδες and the Local Elites of Lycia, Pamphylia and Pisidia”. Eds. D. Rizakis – F. Camia, Pathways to Power. Civic Elites in the Eastern Part of the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Athens ScuolaArcheologica Italian di Athene 19 December 2005. Athene (2008) 241-249.
  • French 2004 D. French, The Inscriptions of Sinope I, IK 64. Bonn 2004.
  • Gardiner 1929 E. N. “Gardiner, Regulations for a Local Sports Meeting”. Class.Rev. 43/6 (1929) 210-212.
  • Gardiner 1987 E. N. Gardiner, Athletics of the Ancient World. Chicago 1987.
  • Golden 2004 M. Golden, Sport in the Ancient World from A to Z. London 2004.
  • Gökalp 2002 N. Gökalp, “Oinoanda’dan bir soy: Licinnii”. Eds. S. Şahin – M. Adak, Likya İncelemeleri I (2002) 91-103.
  • Hall – Milner 1994 A. Hall – N. Milner, “Education and Athletics. Documents illustrating the Festivals of Oenoanda”. Ed. D. French, Studies in the History and of Lycia and Pisidia. In memoriam A. S. Hall. British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph 19. London (1994) 9-37.
  • IGRR III R. Cagnat et al., Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes III, = Lykia et Pamphylia. Paris 1901-1927.
  • MAMA IV W. H. Buckler, W. M. Calder – W. K. C. Guthrie, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, vol. IV. Monuments and Documents from Asia and Western Galatia. Manchester 1933.
  • MAMA VI W. H. Buckler – W. M. Calder, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua Vol. VI. Monuntents and Documents from Phrygia and Caria. Manchester 1939.
  • Merkelbach – Nollé 1980 R. Merkelbach – J. Nollé, Die Inschriften von Ephesos VI, IK 16. Bonn 1980.
  • Mitchell 1990 S. Mitchell, “Festivals, Games and Civic Life in Roman Asia Minor”. JRS 80 (1990) 183-193.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor I. Oxford, New York 1993.
  • Nijf 2001 O. van Nijf, “Local Heroes: Athletics, Festivals and Elite Self Fashioning in the Roman East”. Ed. S. Goldhill, Being Greek und Rome. Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire. Cambridge (2001) 306-334.
  • Nijf 2012 O. van Nijf, “Athletes, artists and citizens in the Imperial Greek City”. Eds. A. Heller – A. V. Pont, Patrie d’origine et patries électives: les citoyennetés multiples dans le monde grec d’époque romaine. Bordeaux (2012) 175-194.
  • Petzl 1987 G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna II, 1. IK 24, 1. Bonn 1987.
  • Pleket 1975 H. W. Pleket, “Games, Prizes, Athletes and Ideology: Some Aspects of the History of Sport in the Greco – Roman World”. Arena I (1975) 49 – 89.
  • Pleket 1976 H. W. Pleket, “Olympics Benefactors”. ZPE 20 (1976) 1-18.
  • Pleket 1995 H. W. Pleket, “Mass – Sport and Local Infrastructure in the Greek Cities of Roman Asia Minor”. Stadion XXIV, 1 (1995), 151-171.
  • Pleket 1998 H. W. Pleket, “Sport and Ideology in the Graeco – Roman World”. Klio 80, 2 (1998) 315-324.
  • Poljakov 1989 F. B. Poljakov, Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa I, IK 36, 1. Bonn 1989.
  • Rehm 1958 A. Rehm, Didyma II. Die Inschriften. Berlin 1958.
  • Robert 1967 L. Robert, “Décrets d’Éphèse pour des athlètes”. RevPhil (1967) 14-32.
  • Robert 1984 L. Robert, “Discours d’ouverture”. Actes du VIIIe Congrès international d’Épigraphie grecque et latine à Athènes 1982. Atina (1984) 35-45.
  • Roueché 1993 C. Roueché, Performers and Partisans at Aphrodisias in the Roman and Late Roman Periods. JRS Monographs 6. London 1993.
  • Spawforth 1989 A. J. S. Spawforth, “Agonistic Festivals in Roman Greece”. Eds. S. Walker – A. Cameron, The Greek Renaissance in the Roman Empire. Papers from the tenth British Museum Classical Colloquium. Bulletin Suppl. 55 (1989) 193-197.
  • TAM II 1-3 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris II: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, 1: Pars Lyciae occidentalis cum Xantho oppido, 2: Regio quae ad Xanthum flumen pertinent praetor Xanthum oppidum, 3: Regiones montanae a valle Xanthi fluminis ad oram orientalem. Wien 1920-1944.
  • TAM III R. Heberdey, Tituli Asiae Minoris III. Tituli Pisidiae Linguis Graeca et Latina Conscripti I. Tituli Termessi et agri Termessensis. Vienna 1951.

Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik ve Kentler

Year 2013, , 151 - 162, 01.06.2013


Antikçağlardan itibaren insan hayatında yer alan spor, ulusal sınırların belirlenmeye başlandığı andan iti­baren gerek toplumlar arasında gerek­se toplum için­deki vatandaşlar arasında rekabetin artmasıyla gün­lük hayatın merkezine oturmuştur. Özellikle ulus­la­rarası yarışmalarda galibiyet almak tüm ülkeler için çok değer kazanmıştır; bundan dolayı ülke­le­rin başarılı olamadık­ları alanlarda az gelişmiş ülkelerden ken­di­lerine sporcu transfer ettikleri görül­mektedir; 2008 Pe­kin Olimpi­yatları’nda gümüş madal­ya kazanan atle­timiz Elvan Abeylegesse bunun için iyi bir örnek oluşturur. Arjan­tin, Brezilya ve İtalya gibi zamanında eko­nomik sorun­lar yaşayan çoğu ülke, kriz dönemle­rini aşana kadar sporu özellikle futbolu bir tür araç olarak kullan­mışlar; böylece futbolda dünya çapında yer edinmiş­lerdir. Bu afyon etkisi dolayısıyla bazı modern en­telektüeller futbolu küçümsese de fut­bolcu olma haya­lini taşıyan birçok genç bu hayali gerçekleş­tirme fırsa­tını yakalamak için çalışmaktadır. Futbol kulüpleri ise, yabancı ülkelerden iyi sporcuları transfer ederek takım­larını daha da güçlendirmeyi amaç­lar. Bu transferlerle gelen sporcular, ülkemizde de olduğu gibi, aşırı ilgi ve sevgi görmektedirler, öyle ki halkın görebi­leceği yerlere heykelleri bile dikilmektedir; tıpkı Fener­bahçe’nin eski futbolcusu Brezilyalı Alex de Souza’nın Kadıköy’de bir parka taraftarlar tarafından hey­ke­linin dikilmesi gibi. Tüm yayın organları da spo­run günlük gelişmelerine, galibiyetlere uzunca yer vermektedir. Bu makalede mo­dern dünyanın bu kı­sa örneklerine paralel olarak ya­zıtlar ışığında antikçağ sporcuları ve dönemin aydın­larının onlara ba­kış açısı ortaya konulmaya çalışıl­mış ve elde edilen galibiyetlerin kendilerine ve kent­le­rine ne ifade ettiği ile ilgili sorular tartışılmıştır.


  • Cic. De Off. (= M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis) Scripta Quae Manserunt Omnia, Fasc. 48. Ed. C. Atzert, 1932.
  • Cod. Iust. (= Codex Iustinianus) Corpus Iuris Civilis: Codex Iustinianus, vol. II. Ed. P. Krueger. Weidmann 1959.
  • Dio Cass. (= Dio Cassius, Historiae Romana) Cassii Dionis Cocceiani historiarum Romanarum quae supersunt, vols. 1-3. Ed. U.P. Boissevain. Berlin: Weidmann 1895-1901 (repr. 1955).
  • Dio Chry. Or. (= Dio Chrysostomos, Orationes) Dionis Prusaensis quem vocant Chrysostomum quae exstant omnia, vols. 1-2. Ed. J. von Arnim. Berlin: Weidmann 19622.
  • Gal. Adhort. art. add. “Galens Protreptikos Fragment”. Ed. E. Wencebach, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und Medizin 4, 3. Berlin (1935) 90-120.
  • Hom. Il. (= Homeros, Iliada) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviriler: Homer. The Iliad. Ed. A.T. Murray. Cambridge, London 1924.
  • Homeros, İlyada. Çev. A. Erhat – A. Kadir. İstanbul 201224.
  • Hom. Od. (= Homeros, Odysseia) Homeri Odysseia. Ed. P. von der Muhll, Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn 1962.
  • Ksen. Symp. (= Xenophon, Symposium) Xenophontis opera Omnia, vol. II. Oxford Clarendon Press. 1921 (repr. 1971).
  • Paus. (= Pausanias, Periegesis). Pausaniae Graeciae descripto, vol. 3. Ed. F. Spiro, Leipzig: Teubner 1903 (2. Basım, Stuttgart 1967).
  • Phaed. Fab. App. (= Phaedrus, Fabularum Aesopiarum) Phaedri Augustu Liberti Liber Fabularum. Ed. A. Guaglianone Torino 1969.
  • Phil. Gym. (= Philostratus, De gymnastica) Flavii Philostrati opera, vol. II. Ed. C. L. Kayser, Leipzig: Teubner 1871 (repr. Hildesheim: Olms 1964), 261-293.
  • Plin. Ep. (= Plinius, Epistulae) Genç Plinius’un Anadolu Mektupları. Plinius Epistulae 10. Kitap. Çev.: Ç. Dürüşken – E. Özbayoğlu, İstanbul 2001.
  • Sen. Ep. (= Seneca, Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium) Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, vols 1-3. Ed. R. M. Gummere, Cambridge 1917-1925.
  • Suet. Aug. (= Suetonius, Augustus) De Vita Caesarum (C. Suetoni Tranquilli Opera), vol. 1. Ed. M. Ihm, 1908.
  • Modern Kaynaklar Anderson 1913 J. G. C. Anderson, “Festivals of Men Askaenos in the Roman Colonia at Antioch of Pisidia”. JRS 3 (1913) 267-300.
  • Balland 1981 A. Balland, Inscriptions d’époque Impériale du Létôon, FdX VII. Paris 1981.
  • Bean – Mitford 1962 G. E. Bean – T. B. Mitford, “Sites Old and New in Rough Cilicia”. AS 12 (1962) 185-217.
  • Blümel 1985 W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Iasos, IK 28, 1. Bonn 1985. Blümel – Malay 1993 W. Blümel – H. Malay, “Inscriptions from Aydın Museum”. EA 21 (1993) 129-140.
  • Crowther 1991 N. B. Crowther, “Euexia, eutaxia, philoponia: Three Contests of Greek Gymnasium”. ZPE 85 (1991) 301-304.
  • Crowther 2007 N. B. Crowther, Sport in Ancient Times. Westport 2007.
  • Farrington 2008 A. Farrington, “Θέμιδες and the Local Elites of Lycia, Pamphylia and Pisidia”. Eds. D. Rizakis – F. Camia, Pathways to Power. Civic Elites in the Eastern Part of the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Athens ScuolaArcheologica Italian di Athene 19 December 2005. Athene (2008) 241-249.
  • French 2004 D. French, The Inscriptions of Sinope I, IK 64. Bonn 2004.
  • Gardiner 1929 E. N. “Gardiner, Regulations for a Local Sports Meeting”. Class.Rev. 43/6 (1929) 210-212.
  • Gardiner 1987 E. N. Gardiner, Athletics of the Ancient World. Chicago 1987.
  • Golden 2004 M. Golden, Sport in the Ancient World from A to Z. London 2004.
  • Gökalp 2002 N. Gökalp, “Oinoanda’dan bir soy: Licinnii”. Eds. S. Şahin – M. Adak, Likya İncelemeleri I (2002) 91-103.
  • Hall – Milner 1994 A. Hall – N. Milner, “Education and Athletics. Documents illustrating the Festivals of Oenoanda”. Ed. D. French, Studies in the History and of Lycia and Pisidia. In memoriam A. S. Hall. British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Monograph 19. London (1994) 9-37.
  • IGRR III R. Cagnat et al., Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes III, = Lykia et Pamphylia. Paris 1901-1927.
  • MAMA IV W. H. Buckler, W. M. Calder – W. K. C. Guthrie, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, vol. IV. Monuments and Documents from Asia and Western Galatia. Manchester 1933.
  • MAMA VI W. H. Buckler – W. M. Calder, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua Vol. VI. Monuntents and Documents from Phrygia and Caria. Manchester 1939.
  • Merkelbach – Nollé 1980 R. Merkelbach – J. Nollé, Die Inschriften von Ephesos VI, IK 16. Bonn 1980.
  • Mitchell 1990 S. Mitchell, “Festivals, Games and Civic Life in Roman Asia Minor”. JRS 80 (1990) 183-193.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor I. Oxford, New York 1993.
  • Nijf 2001 O. van Nijf, “Local Heroes: Athletics, Festivals and Elite Self Fashioning in the Roman East”. Ed. S. Goldhill, Being Greek und Rome. Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire. Cambridge (2001) 306-334.
  • Nijf 2012 O. van Nijf, “Athletes, artists and citizens in the Imperial Greek City”. Eds. A. Heller – A. V. Pont, Patrie d’origine et patries électives: les citoyennetés multiples dans le monde grec d’époque romaine. Bordeaux (2012) 175-194.
  • Petzl 1987 G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna II, 1. IK 24, 1. Bonn 1987.
  • Pleket 1975 H. W. Pleket, “Games, Prizes, Athletes and Ideology: Some Aspects of the History of Sport in the Greco – Roman World”. Arena I (1975) 49 – 89.
  • Pleket 1976 H. W. Pleket, “Olympics Benefactors”. ZPE 20 (1976) 1-18.
  • Pleket 1995 H. W. Pleket, “Mass – Sport and Local Infrastructure in the Greek Cities of Roman Asia Minor”. Stadion XXIV, 1 (1995), 151-171.
  • Pleket 1998 H. W. Pleket, “Sport and Ideology in the Graeco – Roman World”. Klio 80, 2 (1998) 315-324.
  • Poljakov 1989 F. B. Poljakov, Die Inschriften von Tralleis und Nysa I, IK 36, 1. Bonn 1989.
  • Rehm 1958 A. Rehm, Didyma II. Die Inschriften. Berlin 1958.
  • Robert 1967 L. Robert, “Décrets d’Éphèse pour des athlètes”. RevPhil (1967) 14-32.
  • Robert 1984 L. Robert, “Discours d’ouverture”. Actes du VIIIe Congrès international d’Épigraphie grecque et latine à Athènes 1982. Atina (1984) 35-45.
  • Roueché 1993 C. Roueché, Performers and Partisans at Aphrodisias in the Roman and Late Roman Periods. JRS Monographs 6. London 1993.
  • Spawforth 1989 A. J. S. Spawforth, “Agonistic Festivals in Roman Greece”. Eds. S. Walker – A. Cameron, The Greek Renaissance in the Roman Empire. Papers from the tenth British Museum Classical Colloquium. Bulletin Suppl. 55 (1989) 193-197.
  • TAM II 1-3 E. Kalinka, Tituli Asiae Minoris II: Tituli Lyciae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti, 1: Pars Lyciae occidentalis cum Xantho oppido, 2: Regio quae ad Xanthum flumen pertinent praetor Xanthum oppidum, 3: Regiones montanae a valle Xanthi fluminis ad oram orientalem. Wien 1920-1944.
  • TAM III R. Heberdey, Tituli Asiae Minoris III. Tituli Pisidiae Linguis Graeca et Latina Conscripti I. Tituli Termessi et agri Termessensis. Vienna 1951.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Nurşah Çokbankir Şengül This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Şengül, N. Ç. (2013). Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik ve Kentler. Cedrus, 1, 151-162.
AMA Şengül NÇ. Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik ve Kentler. Cedrus. June 2013;1:151-162. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS/20131683
Chicago Şengül, Nurşah Çokbankir. “Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik Ve Kentler”. Cedrus 1, June (June 2013): 151-62.
EndNote Şengül NÇ (June 1, 2013) Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik ve Kentler. Cedrus 1 151–162.
IEEE N. Ç. Şengül, “Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik ve Kentler”, Cedrus, vol. 1, pp. 151–162, 2013, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS/20131683.
ISNAD Şengül, Nurşah Çokbankir. “Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik Ve Kentler”. Cedrus 1 (June 2013), 151-162.
JAMA Şengül NÇ. Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik ve Kentler. Cedrus. 2013;1:151–162.
MLA Şengül, Nurşah Çokbankir. “Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik Ve Kentler”. Cedrus, vol. 1, 2013, pp. 151-62, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS/20131683.
Vancouver Şengül NÇ. Antikçağda Küçük Asya’daki Sporcular: Sosyal Durumları, Profesyonellik ve Kentler. Cedrus. 2013;1:151-62.

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