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The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia

Year 2014, , 225 - 239, 01.06.2014


The meeting between Marius and Mithri­dates Eupator prevented a Pontic annexation of Cappdocia. The Roman leader warned the Pontic king and threatened him with war. Mithridates belonged to the Ariarathid house of Cappadocia because Laodice, the king’s mother, was a member of this royal family. Accordingly, Eupator tried to intervene in Cappado­cian affairs, as shown in the coincidence between his accession to the throne and the murder of Ariarathes VI ca.110 B.C. After the death of both Ariarathes VII and his brother Ariarathes VIII, Mithridates was the eldest male member in the Ariarathid line of succes­sion, and an annexation of Cappadocia would have been well justified. The setting of the young Pontic prince Ariarathes IX on the throne was a temporary solution, but both Rome and a sector of the Cappado­cian nobility did not agree, and Ariobarzanes I Philor­ho­maios was appointed king.


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Marius ve Mithridates’in Buluşması ve Kappadokia’daki Pontos Politikası

Year 2014, , 225 - 239, 01.06.2014


Marius ile Mithridates Eupator arasındaki kar­şılaşma, Kappadokia’nın Roma tarafından ilhak edil­mesini önledi. Romalı lider, Pontos kralını ikaz ederek onu savaşla tehdit etti. Kralın annesi Laodike, Ariara­thes kraliyet ailesinin bir mensubu olduğu için Mithridates de Kappadokia Ariarathes Hanedanı’na mensup­tu. Bundan dolayı Eupator, kendisinin tahta geçmesi ile VI. Ariarathes’in MÖ. yak. 110 yılında katle­dilmesi arasındaki rastlantıda görüleceği üzere Kapadokia’daki olaylara müdahil olmaya çalıştı. Gerek VII. Ariarathes, gerekse kardeşi VIII. Ariarathes’in ölümlerinden sonra Mithridates, tahta geçme husu­sun­da Ariarathes sülalesinin en büyük erkek üyesiydi, Kapadokia’nın ilhakı da pekâlâ meşrulaşmış olacaktı. Genç Pontos prensi IX. Ariarathes’in tahta çıkması geçici bir çözümdü, fakat hem Roma, hem de Kappa­dokia soylular kesimi buna razı gelmediler, I. Ari­obar­zanes Philorhomaios da kral tayin edildi.


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There are 116 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Luis Ballesteros-pastor This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Ballesteros-pastor, L. (2014). The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia. Cedrus, 2, 225-239.
AMA Ballesteros-pastor L. The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia. Cedrus. June 2014;2:225-239. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201406461
Chicago Ballesteros-pastor, Luis. “The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia”. Cedrus 2, June (June 2014): 225-39.
EndNote Ballesteros-pastor L (June 1, 2014) The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia. Cedrus 2 225–239.
IEEE L. Ballesteros-pastor, “The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia”, Cedrus, vol. 2, pp. 225–239, 2014, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201406461.
ISNAD Ballesteros-pastor, Luis. “The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia”. Cedrus 2 (June 2014), 225-239.
JAMA Ballesteros-pastor L. The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia. Cedrus. 2014;2:225–239.
MLA Ballesteros-pastor, Luis. “The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia”. Cedrus, vol. 2, 2014, pp. 225-39, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201406461.
Vancouver Ballesteros-pastor L. The Meeting Between Marius and Mithridates and the Pontic Policy in Cappadocia. Cedrus. 2014;2:225-39.

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