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Design and Arrangements in the Ancient Greek Sanctuary

Year 2016, , 61 - 74, 01.06.2016


In addition to cult identity, the Greek sanctu­ary could be defined as an institution, sculptores were rep­resented by their works there and these hon­ored them, increasing the social prestige of donors and intro­ducing the social sections of life through objects, İt was possible to see unreachable objects there and be able to approach them The concept of a common cul­ture. When we in­terpret the Greek sanctuary through the functions associ­ated with its internal arrangements, It is to be seen in its representative, instructive and, me­mo­rialising aspects. In order to see objects more ef­fec­tive­ly different ar­rangements were made, such as the use of benches, of niches in the wall and in the rock, ob­jects hug on the walls, the use of the columns and pedes­tals for statues and statuettes obtained in all periods.


  • Hdt. (= Herodotos, Historiai) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Herodotos, Tarih. Çev. M. Ökmen. İstanbul 2006.
  • Her. (= Herodas) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Herodes, Cercidas and the Greek Choliambic Poets. Trans. A. D. Knox. London 1967.
  • Paus. (= Pausanias) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Description of Greece, vols I-II. Trans. W. H. S. Jones – H. A. Omerod. London 1918-1926 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Plat. Rep. (= Platon, Res Publica) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Platon, Devlet. Çev. S. Eyüboğlu – M. A. Cimcoz. İstanbul 2006.
  • Strab. (= Strabon, Geographika) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Strabon, Geographika. Çev. A. Pekman. İstanbul 2009.
  • Alcock 2002 S. E. Alcock, Archaeologies of the Greek Past: Landscape, Monuments, and Memories. Cambridge 2002.
  • Alroth 1988 B. Alroth, “The Positioning of Greek Votive Figurines”. Eds. R. Hagg, N. Marinates – G. C. Nordquist, Early Greek Cult Practice. Stockholm (1988) 195-203.
  • Andrianou 2006 D. Andrianou, “Late Classical and Hellenistic Furniture and Furnishings in the Epigraphical Record”. Hesperia 75/4 (2006) 561-584.
  • Baumbach 2004 J. D. Baumbach, The Significance of Votive Offerings in Selected Hera Sanctuaries in the Peloponnese, Ionia and Western Greece. Oxford 2004.
  • Bookidis 1993 N. Bookidis, “Ritual Dining at Corinth”. Eds. N. Marinatos – R. Hägg, Greek Sanctuaries: New Approaches. London (1993) 45-61.
  • Cole 2001 S. G. Cole, “Demeter in the Ancient Greek City and its Countryside”. Eds. S. E. Alcock – R. Osborne, Placing the Gods: Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece. Oxford (2001) 199-216.
  • Dinsmoor 1975 W. B. Dinsmoor, The Architecture of Ancient Greece. London 1975.
  • Duplouy 2002 A. Duplouy, “L'aristocratie et la circulation des richesses: Apport de l'histoire économique à la définition des élites grecques”, Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire Année. Vol. 80/1 (2002) 5-24
  • Erickson 2010 B. Erickson, “Roussa Ekklesia, Part 2: Lamps, Drinking Vessels, and Kernoi”. AJA 114/2 (2010) 217-252.
  • Gebhard 1998 E. R. Gebhard, “Small Dedications in the Archaic Temple of Poseidon at Isthmia”. Ed. R. Hagg, Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence. Stockholm (1998) 91-115.
  • Gür 2014 B. Gür, “Miken Tapınaklarında Sergi Kaygısı”. Ed. D. M. Canko, Müzeer, Oyunlar, Oyuncaklar ve Çocuklar. İzmir(2014) 75-86.
  • Haggis et al. 2007 C. Donald, S. Margaret, S. Mook, D. Rodney, C. Fitzsimons, Margaret C. Scarry – L. M. Snyder, “Excavations at Azoria, 2003–2004. Part 1: The Archaic Civic Complex”. Hesperia 76 (2007) 243-332.
  • Hedrick 1988 C. W. Hedrick, “The Temple and Cult of Apollo Patroos in Athens”. AJA 92 (1988) 185-210.
  • Hurwit 1999 J. M. Hurwit, The Athenian Acropolis: History, Mythology and Archaeology from the Neolithic Era to the Present. Cambridge 1999.
  • Jackson 1992 A. Jackson, “Arms and Armour at the Panhellenic Sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia”. Eds. W. Coulson – H. Kyrieleis, Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Olympic Games, 5-9 September 1988. Athens (1992) 141-144.
  • Keesling 2003 C. M. Keesling, The Votive Statues of the Athenian Acropolis. Cambridge 2003.
  • Kourou 2003 N. Kourou, “Rhodes: the Phoenician Issue Revisited Phoenicians at Vroulia?”. Eds. N. C. Stampolidis – V. Karageorghis, Ploes, Sea routes: Interconnections in the Mediterranean 16th-6th BC. Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Rethymnon, Crete September 29thOctober 2nd 2002. Athens (2003) 249-260.
  • Kyrieleis 1988 H. Kyrieleis, “Offerings of ‘the Common Man’ in the Heraion at Samos”. Eds. R. Hagg, N. Marinates – G. C. Nordquist, Early Greek Cult Practice. Stockholm (1988) 215-221.
  • Kyrieleis 1993 H. Kyrieleis “The Heraion at Samos”. Eds. N. Marinatos – R. Hagg, Greek Sanctuaries: New Approaches. London (1993) 125-153.
  • Lapatin 2005 K. Lapatin, “The Statue of Athena and Other Treasures in the Parthenon”. Ed. J. Neils, The Parthenon: From Antiquity to the Present. Cambridge (2005) 261-292.
  • Lewis 1997 D. M. Lewis, “Temple Inventories in Ancient Greece”. Ed. D. M. Lewis, Selected Papers in Greek and Near Eastern History. Cambridge (1997) 40- 50.
  • Lupu 2005 E. Lupu, Greek Sacred Law: A Collection of New Documents, Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 152. Leiden 2005.
  • Marangou 1998 L. Marangou, “The Acropolis Sanctuary of Minoa on Amorgos: Cult Practice from the 8th century BC to the 3rd century AD”. Ed. R. Hägg, Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence. Stockholm (1998) 9-26.
  • Marinatos 1936 S. Marinatos, “Le temple géométrique de Dréros”. BCH 60 (1936) 214-285.
  • Mazarakis-Ainian 1997 A. Mazarakis-Ainian, From Rulers' Dwellings to Temples: Architecture, Religion and Society in Early Iron Age Greece (1100-700 B.C.). Jonsered 1997.
  • Miles 1998 M. M. Miles, “The Propylon to the Sanctuary of. Demeter Malophoros at Selinous”. AJA 102/1 (1998) 35-57.
  • Morgan 2002 C. Morgan, “The Corinthian Aristocracy and Corinthian Cult”. Ed. R. Hägg, Peloponnesian Sanctuaries and Cults. Stockholm (2002) 45-51.
  • Niemeier 2014 W. D. Niemeier, “The Heraion at Samos”. Eds. J. Aruz – S. B. Graff – Y. Rakic, Assyria to Iberia at the Dawn of the Classical Age. New York. (2014) 295-312.
  • Pedley 2005 J. Pedley, Sanctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Greek World. Cambridge 2005.
  • Raubitschek 1949 A. E. Raubitschek, Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis. A Catalogue of the Inscriptions of the Sixth and Fifth Centuries B.C. Ed. L. H. Jeffery. Cambridge 1949.
  • Rosenzweig 2004 R. Rosenzweig, Worshipping Aphrodite: Art and Cult in Classical Athens. Michigan 2004.
  • Salapata 2002 G. Salapata, “Greek Votive Plaques: Manufacture, Display, Disposal”. Bulletin Antieke Beschaving: Annual Papers on Classical Archaeology 77 (2002) 19-42.
  • Salapata forth. G. Salapata, “Terracotta Votive Offerings in Sets or Groups, Figurines en Contexte: Iconographie et Function(s)”. Archaiologia [forthcoming].
  • Sapouna-Sakellaraki 1998 E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, “Geometric Kyme, the Excavation at Viglatouri, Kyme, on Euboea”. Eds. B. D'Agostino – M. Bats, EUBOICA: L'Eubea e la presenza Euboica in Calcidica e in Occidente. Naples (1998) 59-104 [Kaynak:].
  • Schilardi 1988 D. U. Schilardi, “The Temple of Athena at Koukounaries”. Eds. R. Hagg, N. Marinates – G. C. Nordquist, Early Greek Cult Practice: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 26- 29, June, 1986. Stockholm (1988) 41-48.
  • Shaya 2005 J. Shaya, “The Greek Temple as Museum: The Case of the Legendary Treasure of Athena from Lindos”. AJA 109/3 (2005) 423-442.
  • Smith 1997 J. S. Smith, “Preliminary Comments on a Rural Cypro-Archaic Sanctuary in Polis-Peristeries”. Basor 308 (1997) 77-98.
  • Stopponi 2011 S. Stopponi, “Campo della Fiera at Orvieto: New Discoveries”. Eds. N. T. de Grummond – I. Edlund-Berry, The Archaeology of Sanctuaries and Ritual in Etruria. Portsmouth (2011) 16-43.
  • Valavanis 2004 P. Valavanis, Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece: Olympia, Delphi, Isthmia, Nemea, Athens. Trans. D. Hardy. Los Angeles 2004.
  • Van Straten 1992 F. Van Straten, “Votives and Votaries in Greek Sanctuaries”. Ed. A. Schachter, Le sanctuaire grec: Huit exposés suivis de discussions. Geneva (1992) 247-284.
  • Wescoat 2012 B. D. Wescoat, “Coming and Going in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace”. Eds. B. D. Wescoat – R. G. Ousterhout, Architecture of the Sacred: Space, Ritual, and Experience from Classical Greece to Byzantium. Cambridge (2012) 66-113.
  • Wycherley 1982 R. E. Wycherley, “Pausanias and Praxiteles”. Hesperia Supplements XX (1982) 182-19.

Antik Hellen Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım ve Düzenlemeler

Year 2016, , 61 - 74, 01.06.2016


Tapınağı ile birlikte Hellen kutsal alanları, kült kim­liğinin yanı sıra, heykel­tıraşların eserleriyle temsil edildiği onları onurlandıran, bağışçının saygınlığını artı­ran; an­cak bu temelden hare­ketle yaşamdan sosyal kesit­leri nesneler üzerinden sunabi­len bir kurum olarak ta­nımla­nabilmektedir. Ulaşılması zor bazı nesneler orada görü­le­bilmekteydi. Hellen kutsal alanlarını ve özelde tapınağı iç düzenleme­leri ile bağ­lantılı işlevleri üzerinden yorum­la­dığımızda temsil edici, öğretici, hatırlatıcı yönlerinin bu­lunduğu gö­rül­mektedir. nesnelerin daha etkili bir biçim­de görüle­bilmesi için sekilerin, heykel ve heykelcik­ler için sütunla­rın ve kaidelerin kullanılması, duvarlara, kayaya açılan nişler, nesnelerin duvarlara asılması gibi farklı dü­zen­leme­ler dö­nem fark etmeksizin gerçekleş­tirilmiştir.


  • Hdt. (= Herodotos, Historiai) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Herodotos, Tarih. Çev. M. Ökmen. İstanbul 2006.
  • Her. (= Herodas) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Herodes, Cercidas and the Greek Choliambic Poets. Trans. A. D. Knox. London 1967.
  • Paus. (= Pausanias) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Description of Greece, vols I-II. Trans. W. H. S. Jones – H. A. Omerod. London 1918-1926 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Plat. Rep. (= Platon, Res Publica) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Platon, Devlet. Çev. S. Eyüboğlu – M. A. Cimcoz. İstanbul 2006.
  • Strab. (= Strabon, Geographika) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Strabon, Geographika. Çev. A. Pekman. İstanbul 2009.
  • Alcock 2002 S. E. Alcock, Archaeologies of the Greek Past: Landscape, Monuments, and Memories. Cambridge 2002.
  • Alroth 1988 B. Alroth, “The Positioning of Greek Votive Figurines”. Eds. R. Hagg, N. Marinates – G. C. Nordquist, Early Greek Cult Practice. Stockholm (1988) 195-203.
  • Andrianou 2006 D. Andrianou, “Late Classical and Hellenistic Furniture and Furnishings in the Epigraphical Record”. Hesperia 75/4 (2006) 561-584.
  • Baumbach 2004 J. D. Baumbach, The Significance of Votive Offerings in Selected Hera Sanctuaries in the Peloponnese, Ionia and Western Greece. Oxford 2004.
  • Bookidis 1993 N. Bookidis, “Ritual Dining at Corinth”. Eds. N. Marinatos – R. Hägg, Greek Sanctuaries: New Approaches. London (1993) 45-61.
  • Cole 2001 S. G. Cole, “Demeter in the Ancient Greek City and its Countryside”. Eds. S. E. Alcock – R. Osborne, Placing the Gods: Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece. Oxford (2001) 199-216.
  • Dinsmoor 1975 W. B. Dinsmoor, The Architecture of Ancient Greece. London 1975.
  • Duplouy 2002 A. Duplouy, “L'aristocratie et la circulation des richesses: Apport de l'histoire économique à la définition des élites grecques”, Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire Année. Vol. 80/1 (2002) 5-24
  • Erickson 2010 B. Erickson, “Roussa Ekklesia, Part 2: Lamps, Drinking Vessels, and Kernoi”. AJA 114/2 (2010) 217-252.
  • Gebhard 1998 E. R. Gebhard, “Small Dedications in the Archaic Temple of Poseidon at Isthmia”. Ed. R. Hagg, Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence. Stockholm (1998) 91-115.
  • Gür 2014 B. Gür, “Miken Tapınaklarında Sergi Kaygısı”. Ed. D. M. Canko, Müzeer, Oyunlar, Oyuncaklar ve Çocuklar. İzmir(2014) 75-86.
  • Haggis et al. 2007 C. Donald, S. Margaret, S. Mook, D. Rodney, C. Fitzsimons, Margaret C. Scarry – L. M. Snyder, “Excavations at Azoria, 2003–2004. Part 1: The Archaic Civic Complex”. Hesperia 76 (2007) 243-332.
  • Hedrick 1988 C. W. Hedrick, “The Temple and Cult of Apollo Patroos in Athens”. AJA 92 (1988) 185-210.
  • Hurwit 1999 J. M. Hurwit, The Athenian Acropolis: History, Mythology and Archaeology from the Neolithic Era to the Present. Cambridge 1999.
  • Jackson 1992 A. Jackson, “Arms and Armour at the Panhellenic Sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia”. Eds. W. Coulson – H. Kyrieleis, Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Olympic Games, 5-9 September 1988. Athens (1992) 141-144.
  • Keesling 2003 C. M. Keesling, The Votive Statues of the Athenian Acropolis. Cambridge 2003.
  • Kourou 2003 N. Kourou, “Rhodes: the Phoenician Issue Revisited Phoenicians at Vroulia?”. Eds. N. C. Stampolidis – V. Karageorghis, Ploes, Sea routes: Interconnections in the Mediterranean 16th-6th BC. Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Rethymnon, Crete September 29thOctober 2nd 2002. Athens (2003) 249-260.
  • Kyrieleis 1988 H. Kyrieleis, “Offerings of ‘the Common Man’ in the Heraion at Samos”. Eds. R. Hagg, N. Marinates – G. C. Nordquist, Early Greek Cult Practice. Stockholm (1988) 215-221.
  • Kyrieleis 1993 H. Kyrieleis “The Heraion at Samos”. Eds. N. Marinatos – R. Hagg, Greek Sanctuaries: New Approaches. London (1993) 125-153.
  • Lapatin 2005 K. Lapatin, “The Statue of Athena and Other Treasures in the Parthenon”. Ed. J. Neils, The Parthenon: From Antiquity to the Present. Cambridge (2005) 261-292.
  • Lewis 1997 D. M. Lewis, “Temple Inventories in Ancient Greece”. Ed. D. M. Lewis, Selected Papers in Greek and Near Eastern History. Cambridge (1997) 40- 50.
  • Lupu 2005 E. Lupu, Greek Sacred Law: A Collection of New Documents, Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 152. Leiden 2005.
  • Marangou 1998 L. Marangou, “The Acropolis Sanctuary of Minoa on Amorgos: Cult Practice from the 8th century BC to the 3rd century AD”. Ed. R. Hägg, Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence. Stockholm (1998) 9-26.
  • Marinatos 1936 S. Marinatos, “Le temple géométrique de Dréros”. BCH 60 (1936) 214-285.
  • Mazarakis-Ainian 1997 A. Mazarakis-Ainian, From Rulers' Dwellings to Temples: Architecture, Religion and Society in Early Iron Age Greece (1100-700 B.C.). Jonsered 1997.
  • Miles 1998 M. M. Miles, “The Propylon to the Sanctuary of. Demeter Malophoros at Selinous”. AJA 102/1 (1998) 35-57.
  • Morgan 2002 C. Morgan, “The Corinthian Aristocracy and Corinthian Cult”. Ed. R. Hägg, Peloponnesian Sanctuaries and Cults. Stockholm (2002) 45-51.
  • Niemeier 2014 W. D. Niemeier, “The Heraion at Samos”. Eds. J. Aruz – S. B. Graff – Y. Rakic, Assyria to Iberia at the Dawn of the Classical Age. New York. (2014) 295-312.
  • Pedley 2005 J. Pedley, Sanctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Greek World. Cambridge 2005.
  • Raubitschek 1949 A. E. Raubitschek, Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis. A Catalogue of the Inscriptions of the Sixth and Fifth Centuries B.C. Ed. L. H. Jeffery. Cambridge 1949.
  • Rosenzweig 2004 R. Rosenzweig, Worshipping Aphrodite: Art and Cult in Classical Athens. Michigan 2004.
  • Salapata 2002 G. Salapata, “Greek Votive Plaques: Manufacture, Display, Disposal”. Bulletin Antieke Beschaving: Annual Papers on Classical Archaeology 77 (2002) 19-42.
  • Salapata forth. G. Salapata, “Terracotta Votive Offerings in Sets or Groups, Figurines en Contexte: Iconographie et Function(s)”. Archaiologia [forthcoming].
  • Sapouna-Sakellaraki 1998 E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, “Geometric Kyme, the Excavation at Viglatouri, Kyme, on Euboea”. Eds. B. D'Agostino – M. Bats, EUBOICA: L'Eubea e la presenza Euboica in Calcidica e in Occidente. Naples (1998) 59-104 [Kaynak:].
  • Schilardi 1988 D. U. Schilardi, “The Temple of Athena at Koukounaries”. Eds. R. Hagg, N. Marinates – G. C. Nordquist, Early Greek Cult Practice: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 26- 29, June, 1986. Stockholm (1988) 41-48.
  • Shaya 2005 J. Shaya, “The Greek Temple as Museum: The Case of the Legendary Treasure of Athena from Lindos”. AJA 109/3 (2005) 423-442.
  • Smith 1997 J. S. Smith, “Preliminary Comments on a Rural Cypro-Archaic Sanctuary in Polis-Peristeries”. Basor 308 (1997) 77-98.
  • Stopponi 2011 S. Stopponi, “Campo della Fiera at Orvieto: New Discoveries”. Eds. N. T. de Grummond – I. Edlund-Berry, The Archaeology of Sanctuaries and Ritual in Etruria. Portsmouth (2011) 16-43.
  • Valavanis 2004 P. Valavanis, Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece: Olympia, Delphi, Isthmia, Nemea, Athens. Trans. D. Hardy. Los Angeles 2004.
  • Van Straten 1992 F. Van Straten, “Votives and Votaries in Greek Sanctuaries”. Ed. A. Schachter, Le sanctuaire grec: Huit exposés suivis de discussions. Geneva (1992) 247-284.
  • Wescoat 2012 B. D. Wescoat, “Coming and Going in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace”. Eds. B. D. Wescoat – R. G. Ousterhout, Architecture of the Sacred: Space, Ritual, and Experience from Classical Greece to Byzantium. Cambridge (2012) 66-113.
  • Wycherley 1982 R. E. Wycherley, “Pausanias and Praxiteles”. Hesperia Supplements XX (1982) 182-19.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Barış Gür

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Gür, B. (2016). Antik Hellen Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım ve Düzenlemeler. Cedrus, 4, 61-74.
AMA Gür B. Antik Hellen Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım ve Düzenlemeler. Cedrus. June 2016;4:61-74. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS/201605
Chicago Gür, Barış. “Antik Hellen Tapınağı Ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım Ve Düzenlemeler”. Cedrus 4, June (June 2016): 61-74.
EndNote Gür B (June 1, 2016) Antik Hellen Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım ve Düzenlemeler. Cedrus 4 61–74.
IEEE B. Gür, “Antik Hellen Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım ve Düzenlemeler”, Cedrus, vol. 4, pp. 61–74, 2016, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS/201605.
ISNAD Gür, Barış. “Antik Hellen Tapınağı Ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım Ve Düzenlemeler”. Cedrus 4 (June 2016), 61-74.
JAMA Gür B. Antik Hellen Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım ve Düzenlemeler. Cedrus. 2016;4:61–74.
MLA Gür, Barış. “Antik Hellen Tapınağı Ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım Ve Düzenlemeler”. Cedrus, vol. 4, 2016, pp. 61-74, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS/201605.
Vancouver Gür B. Antik Hellen Tapınağı ve Kutsal Alanlarında Tasarım ve Düzenlemeler. Cedrus. 2016;4:61-74.

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