Research Article
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Urusalimum And Its Place in the International Relations According to Amarna Letters

Year 2020, , 75 - 95, 30.06.2020


The city of Amarna, founded by Amenhotep IV, is very important in that it is both a religious center and a diplomatic base in which Egypt's relati-ons with the Asian states are carried out. The name of the city was also given by the researchers as a special period in the form of "Amarna Age". Akkadian cuneiform letters from the archive in the city show us how Egypt dominated Syria. Amarna diplomacy was formed by the correspondence between Egypt and the states such as Hittite, Mitanni, Assyria, Babylon, Alašia, Arzava and the city states in the Syrian-Palestinian region. These letters reveal a continuing situation from past to present: endless struggles in the Syrian-Palestinian region. URUSALİMUM, which is understood to be a city state, also got its share. The ruler of this city is 'Abdi-Ḫeba', which was put to the throne by the Egyptian king. The main subject of his letters is the struggles between the local kings in the region as a result of the weakening of the Egyptian military power in the Eastern Mediterranean and the problem of "Apiru". The aim of this study is to reveal the perspective of URUSALİMUM and its political life and its relations with its neighbors in the light of the information provided by the Amarna Letters and reflect a historical perspective on the historical continuity of the struggle in the region.


  • Ay-Arçın 2016 Ş. Ay-Arçın, İsrail ve Yahuda Krallıkları Tarihi Atalar Devrinden Asur ve Babil Hâkimiyetine Kadar. İstanbul 2016. Ay-Arçın 2016 Ş. Ay-Arçın, İsrail ve Yahuda Krallıkları Tarihi Atalar Devrinden Asur ve Babil Hâkimiyetine Kadar. İstanbul 2016.
  • Ay-Arçın 2017 Ş. Ay-Arçın, “Demir Çağı Yazılı ve Arkeolojik Kaynaklarında İsrail ve Yahuda Krallıkları”. Filistin Araştırmaları Dergisi Kudüs Özel Sayısı (2017) 1-31.
  • Ay-Arçın–Küçükbezci 2018 Ş. Ay-Arçın-H. Gül Küçükbezci, “Eskiçağda Selamlaşma ve Huzura Çıkma”. Haz. Emine Gürsoy-Naskali, Selamlaşma. İstanbul (2018) 17-56.
  • Bryce – Ress 2016 T. Bryce – B. Ress, Atlas of the Ancient Near East from Prehistoric Times to the Roman Imperial Period. New York -London 2016.
  • Bunimovitz 2019 S. Bunimovitz, “Canaan is your Land and Its Kings Are Your Servants-Conceptualizing the Late Bronze Age Egyptian Government in the Southern Levant”. Eds. A. Yasur-Landau – E. H. Cline – Y. M. Rowan, The Social Archaeology of The Levant from Prehistory to the Present. Cambridge (2019) 265-280.
  • CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
  • Cohen 2019 Y. Cohen, “Cuneiform Writing In Bronze Age Canaan”. Eds. A. Yasur-Landau – E. H. Cline – Y. M. Rowan, The Social Archaeology of the Levant From Prehistory to the Present. Cambridge (2019) 245-264.
  • Gammie 1955 J. G. Gammie, Melchizedek-An Exegetical Study of Genesis 14 and the Psalter. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Edinburg. Edinburg 1955.
  • Grabbe 2003 L. L. Grabbe, “Ethnic Groups in Jerusalem”. Eds. T. L. Thompson – S. K. Jayyusi, Jerusalem in Ancient History and Tradition. London (2003) 145-163.
  • Grabbe 2016 L. L. Grabbe, “Late Bronze Age Palestine: If we had only the Bible …”. Ed. Lester L. Grabbe, The Land of Canaan in the Late Bronze Age. London-Oxford (2016) 11-56.
  • Gray 1949 J. Gray, “The Desert God ʿAṮTR in the Literature and Religion of Canaan”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 8/2 (1949) 72-83.
  • Grayson – Novotny 2012 A. K. Grayson – J. Novotny, The Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib, King of Assyria (704-681 BC)RINAP 3/1. Winona Lake 2012.
  • Grayson – Novotny 2014 A. K. Grayson – J. Novotny, The Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib, King of Assyria (704-681 BC)RINAP 3/2. Winona Lake 2014.
  • Hess 1993 R. S. Hess, Amarna Personal Names. Indiana 1993.
  • Hoffmeier 2004 J. K. Hoffmeier, “Aspects Of Egyptian Foreign Policy in the 18th Dynasty in Western Asia And Nubia”. Eds. G. N. Knoppers – A. Hirsch, Egypt, Israel, and the Ancient Mediterranean World: Studies in Honor of Donald B. Redford. Leiden (2004)121-141.
  • Holland 2010 G. S. Holland, Gods in the Desert: Religions of the Ancient Near East. Plymouth 2010.
  • Izre’el 1997 S. Izre’el, The Amarna Scholarly Tablets. Groningen 1997.
  • King 1992 P. J. King, “Jerusalem”. Ed. D. N. Freedman, The Anchor Bible Dictionary. New York (1992) 4324-4345.
  • Lewis 1997 Theodore J.Lewis, “The Birth of the Gracious Gods–CAT 1-23”. Ed. Simon B. Parker, Ugaritic Narrative Poetry. Society of Biblical Literature, USA (1997) 205-2014.
  • Lewy 1940 J. Lewy “The Šulman Temple in Jerusalem”. Journal of Biblical Literature 59/4 (1940) 519-522.
  • Lipiński 2016 E. Lipiński, “Hurrians And Their Gods in Canaan”. Rocznik Orientalistyczny 69-1 (2016) 125–141.
  • Mackey 2007 D. F. Mackey, A Revised History of the Era of King Hezekiah of Judah and its Background. Unpublished Master Thesis, The University of Sydney. New South Wales 2007.
  • Memiş 2003 E. Memiş, Eskiçağ Türkiye Tarihi En Eski Devirlerden Pers İstilasına Kadar. Konya 2003.
  • Mieroop 2019a M. V. De Mieroop, Eski Mısır Tarihi. Çev. A. O. Bozkurt. İstanbul 2019.
  • Mieroop 2019b M. V. De Mieroop, Eski Yakındoğu Tarihi MÖ 3000-323. Çev. S. Gül. İstanbul 2019.
  • Moran 1992 W. L. Moran, Amarna Letters. Baltimore - London 1992.
  • Mynářová 2007 J. Mynářová, Language of Amarna- Language of Diplomacy Perspective on the Amarna Letters. Prague 2007.
  • Na’aman 2000 N. Na’aman, “The Egyptian-Canaanite Correspondence”. Eds. R. Cohen–R. Westbrook, The Amarna Diplomacy: The Beginnings of International Relations. Baltimore - London (2000) 125-138.
  • Na’aman 2011 N. Na’aman, “Jerusalem in the Amarna Period”. Eds. C. Arnould-Béhar –A. Lemaire, Jérusalem Antique Et Médiévale Mélanges En L’honneur D’ernest-Marie Laperrousaz. Paris (2011) 31-48.
  • Pfoh 2016 E. Pfoh, Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age an Anthropology of Politics and Power. New York 2016.
  • Rainey 2015 A. F. Rainey, The El- Amarna Correspondence 2 Vol. Set. A New Edition of the Cuneiform Letters from the Site of El-Amarna based on Collations of all Extant Tablets. Boston 2015.
  • RINAP The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period.
  • Sawah 2003 F. Sawah, “Jerusalem in the Age of the Kingdom of Judah”. Eds. T. L. Thompson – S. K. Jayyusi, Jerusalem in Ancient History and Tradition. London (2003) 114-144.
  • Schulman 1979 A. R. Schulman, “Diplomatic Marriage in the Egyptian New Kingdom”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 38-3 (1979) 177-193.
  • Siddall 2009 L. R. Siddall, “A Geographical Analysis of the Injunctive in the Amarna Letters from Syria-Palestine and its Relevance for Egyptian Imperialism”. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 1/4 (2009) 5–12.
  • Tor 2006 A. B. Tor, “Do The Execration Texts Reflect an Accurate Picture of the Con-temporary Settlement Map of Palestine?”. Eds. Yairah Amit–Ehud Ben Zvi–Israel Finkelstein–Oded Lipschits, Essays on Ancient Israel in its Near Eastern Context A Tirbute to Nadan Na’aman. Eisenbrauns (2006) 63-87.
  • Tryl 2007 F. Tryl, “Abdi-Hepa i jego stolica. Jerozolima w okresie późnego brązu”. Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny 60/3 (2007) 165-175.
  • Unger 2014 M. F. Unger, Israel and the Aramaeans of Damascus: A Study in Archaeological Illumination of Bible History. Eugene-Oregon 2014.
  • VAT Vorderasiatische Abteilung Tontafeln.
  • Westbrook 2003 R. Westbrook, “The Character of Ancient Near Eastern Law”. Ed. R.Westbrook, A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law Vol. 1. Leiden (2003) 1-90.
  • Wilson 1956 J. A. Wilson, The Culture of Ancient Egypt. Chicago-London 1956.
  • Wilson 1992 J. A. Wilson, “Egyptian Rituals and Incantations”. Ed. J. B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to Old Testament. Princeton (1992) 325-330.
  • Yılmaz 2020 C. Yılmaz, Amarna Mektupları Işığında Akdeniz Dünyası’nın Siyasi ve Sosyal Görünümü. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi. Denizli 2020.

Urusalimum ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri

Year 2020, , 75 - 95, 30.06.2020


IV. Amenhotep tarafından kurulan Amarna kenti hem dini bir merkez hem de Mısır’ın Ön Asya devletleri ile olan ilişkilerinin yürütüldüğü bir diplomasi üssü olması bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Kentin adı araştırmacılar tarafından “Amarna Dönemi” şeklinde özel bir döneme isim olarak da verilmiştir. Kentteki arşivden ele geçen Akkadca çivi yazılı mektuplar bizlere Mısır’ın Suriye yönünde nasıl bir hâkimiyet kurduğunu göstermektedir. Amarna diplomasisini ise Hitit, Mitanni, Asur, Babil, Alašia, Arzava gibi büyük devletler ile Suriye-Filistin bölgesinde yer alan kent devletlerinin Mısır’la olan mektuplaşmaları oluşturmuştur. Bu mektuplar geçmişten günümüze süreklilik arz eden bir durumu gözler önüne sermektedir: Suriye-Filistin bölgesinde bitmek bilmeyen mücadeleler. Bir kent devleti olduğu anlaşılan URUSALİMUM da bu mücadelelerden payını almıştır. Bu kentin yöneticisi ise Mısır kralı tara-fından tahta geçirilen ʿAbdi-Ḫeba’dır. Onun mektuplarının ana konusunu Doğu Akdeniz’deki Mısır askeri gücünün zayıflaması sonucu bölgedeki yerel krallılar arasında baş gösteren mücadeleler ve ʿApiru sorunu oluşturur. Bu çalışmanın amacı Kudüs bölgesinde yerel bir kent devleti olan URUSALİMUM ve siyasi hayattaki konumu ve onun komşuları ile olan ilişkilerini Amarna Mektupları’nın verdiği bilgiler ışığında ortaya koyup bölgedeki mücadelenin tarihi sürekliliğine, bölgenin eski-çağından bir bakış açısı yansıtmaktır.


  • Ay-Arçın 2016 Ş. Ay-Arçın, İsrail ve Yahuda Krallıkları Tarihi Atalar Devrinden Asur ve Babil Hâkimiyetine Kadar. İstanbul 2016. Ay-Arçın 2016 Ş. Ay-Arçın, İsrail ve Yahuda Krallıkları Tarihi Atalar Devrinden Asur ve Babil Hâkimiyetine Kadar. İstanbul 2016.
  • Ay-Arçın 2017 Ş. Ay-Arçın, “Demir Çağı Yazılı ve Arkeolojik Kaynaklarında İsrail ve Yahuda Krallıkları”. Filistin Araştırmaları Dergisi Kudüs Özel Sayısı (2017) 1-31.
  • Ay-Arçın–Küçükbezci 2018 Ş. Ay-Arçın-H. Gül Küçükbezci, “Eskiçağda Selamlaşma ve Huzura Çıkma”. Haz. Emine Gürsoy-Naskali, Selamlaşma. İstanbul (2018) 17-56.
  • Bryce – Ress 2016 T. Bryce – B. Ress, Atlas of the Ancient Near East from Prehistoric Times to the Roman Imperial Period. New York -London 2016.
  • Bunimovitz 2019 S. Bunimovitz, “Canaan is your Land and Its Kings Are Your Servants-Conceptualizing the Late Bronze Age Egyptian Government in the Southern Levant”. Eds. A. Yasur-Landau – E. H. Cline – Y. M. Rowan, The Social Archaeology of The Levant from Prehistory to the Present. Cambridge (2019) 265-280.
  • CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
  • Cohen 2019 Y. Cohen, “Cuneiform Writing In Bronze Age Canaan”. Eds. A. Yasur-Landau – E. H. Cline – Y. M. Rowan, The Social Archaeology of the Levant From Prehistory to the Present. Cambridge (2019) 245-264.
  • Gammie 1955 J. G. Gammie, Melchizedek-An Exegetical Study of Genesis 14 and the Psalter. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Edinburg. Edinburg 1955.
  • Grabbe 2003 L. L. Grabbe, “Ethnic Groups in Jerusalem”. Eds. T. L. Thompson – S. K. Jayyusi, Jerusalem in Ancient History and Tradition. London (2003) 145-163.
  • Grabbe 2016 L. L. Grabbe, “Late Bronze Age Palestine: If we had only the Bible …”. Ed. Lester L. Grabbe, The Land of Canaan in the Late Bronze Age. London-Oxford (2016) 11-56.
  • Gray 1949 J. Gray, “The Desert God ʿAṮTR in the Literature and Religion of Canaan”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 8/2 (1949) 72-83.
  • Grayson – Novotny 2012 A. K. Grayson – J. Novotny, The Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib, King of Assyria (704-681 BC)RINAP 3/1. Winona Lake 2012.
  • Grayson – Novotny 2014 A. K. Grayson – J. Novotny, The Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib, King of Assyria (704-681 BC)RINAP 3/2. Winona Lake 2014.
  • Hess 1993 R. S. Hess, Amarna Personal Names. Indiana 1993.
  • Hoffmeier 2004 J. K. Hoffmeier, “Aspects Of Egyptian Foreign Policy in the 18th Dynasty in Western Asia And Nubia”. Eds. G. N. Knoppers – A. Hirsch, Egypt, Israel, and the Ancient Mediterranean World: Studies in Honor of Donald B. Redford. Leiden (2004)121-141.
  • Holland 2010 G. S. Holland, Gods in the Desert: Religions of the Ancient Near East. Plymouth 2010.
  • Izre’el 1997 S. Izre’el, The Amarna Scholarly Tablets. Groningen 1997.
  • King 1992 P. J. King, “Jerusalem”. Ed. D. N. Freedman, The Anchor Bible Dictionary. New York (1992) 4324-4345.
  • Lewis 1997 Theodore J.Lewis, “The Birth of the Gracious Gods–CAT 1-23”. Ed. Simon B. Parker, Ugaritic Narrative Poetry. Society of Biblical Literature, USA (1997) 205-2014.
  • Lewy 1940 J. Lewy “The Šulman Temple in Jerusalem”. Journal of Biblical Literature 59/4 (1940) 519-522.
  • Lipiński 2016 E. Lipiński, “Hurrians And Their Gods in Canaan”. Rocznik Orientalistyczny 69-1 (2016) 125–141.
  • Mackey 2007 D. F. Mackey, A Revised History of the Era of King Hezekiah of Judah and its Background. Unpublished Master Thesis, The University of Sydney. New South Wales 2007.
  • Memiş 2003 E. Memiş, Eskiçağ Türkiye Tarihi En Eski Devirlerden Pers İstilasına Kadar. Konya 2003.
  • Mieroop 2019a M. V. De Mieroop, Eski Mısır Tarihi. Çev. A. O. Bozkurt. İstanbul 2019.
  • Mieroop 2019b M. V. De Mieroop, Eski Yakındoğu Tarihi MÖ 3000-323. Çev. S. Gül. İstanbul 2019.
  • Moran 1992 W. L. Moran, Amarna Letters. Baltimore - London 1992.
  • Mynářová 2007 J. Mynářová, Language of Amarna- Language of Diplomacy Perspective on the Amarna Letters. Prague 2007.
  • Na’aman 2000 N. Na’aman, “The Egyptian-Canaanite Correspondence”. Eds. R. Cohen–R. Westbrook, The Amarna Diplomacy: The Beginnings of International Relations. Baltimore - London (2000) 125-138.
  • Na’aman 2011 N. Na’aman, “Jerusalem in the Amarna Period”. Eds. C. Arnould-Béhar –A. Lemaire, Jérusalem Antique Et Médiévale Mélanges En L’honneur D’ernest-Marie Laperrousaz. Paris (2011) 31-48.
  • Pfoh 2016 E. Pfoh, Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age an Anthropology of Politics and Power. New York 2016.
  • Rainey 2015 A. F. Rainey, The El- Amarna Correspondence 2 Vol. Set. A New Edition of the Cuneiform Letters from the Site of El-Amarna based on Collations of all Extant Tablets. Boston 2015.
  • RINAP The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period.
  • Sawah 2003 F. Sawah, “Jerusalem in the Age of the Kingdom of Judah”. Eds. T. L. Thompson – S. K. Jayyusi, Jerusalem in Ancient History and Tradition. London (2003) 114-144.
  • Schulman 1979 A. R. Schulman, “Diplomatic Marriage in the Egyptian New Kingdom”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 38-3 (1979) 177-193.
  • Siddall 2009 L. R. Siddall, “A Geographical Analysis of the Injunctive in the Amarna Letters from Syria-Palestine and its Relevance for Egyptian Imperialism”. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 1/4 (2009) 5–12.
  • Tor 2006 A. B. Tor, “Do The Execration Texts Reflect an Accurate Picture of the Con-temporary Settlement Map of Palestine?”. Eds. Yairah Amit–Ehud Ben Zvi–Israel Finkelstein–Oded Lipschits, Essays on Ancient Israel in its Near Eastern Context A Tirbute to Nadan Na’aman. Eisenbrauns (2006) 63-87.
  • Tryl 2007 F. Tryl, “Abdi-Hepa i jego stolica. Jerozolima w okresie późnego brązu”. Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny 60/3 (2007) 165-175.
  • Unger 2014 M. F. Unger, Israel and the Aramaeans of Damascus: A Study in Archaeological Illumination of Bible History. Eugene-Oregon 2014.
  • VAT Vorderasiatische Abteilung Tontafeln.
  • Westbrook 2003 R. Westbrook, “The Character of Ancient Near Eastern Law”. Ed. R.Westbrook, A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law Vol. 1. Leiden (2003) 1-90.
  • Wilson 1956 J. A. Wilson, The Culture of Ancient Egypt. Chicago-London 1956.
  • Wilson 1992 J. A. Wilson, “Egyptian Rituals and Incantations”. Ed. J. B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to Old Testament. Princeton (1992) 325-330.
  • Yılmaz 2020 C. Yılmaz, Amarna Mektupları Işığında Akdeniz Dünyası’nın Siyasi ve Sosyal Görünümü. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi. Denizli 2020.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Cemal Yılmaz 0000-0003-3475-054X

Şeyma Ay Arçın This is me 0000-0002-1356-6180

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date February 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Yılmaz, C., & Ay Arçın, Ş. (2020). Urusalimum ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri. Cedrus, 8, 75-95.
AMA Yılmaz C, Ay Arçın Ş. Urusalimum ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri. Cedrus. June 2020;8:75-95. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202003
Chicago Yılmaz, Cemal, and Şeyma Ay Arçın. “Urusalimum Ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri”. Cedrus 8, June (June 2020): 75-95.
EndNote Yılmaz C, Ay Arçın Ş (June 1, 2020) Urusalimum ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri. Cedrus 8 75–95.
IEEE C. Yılmaz and Ş. Ay Arçın, “Urusalimum ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri”, Cedrus, vol. 8, pp. 75–95, 2020, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.202003.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Cemal - Ay Arçın, Şeyma. “Urusalimum Ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri”. Cedrus 8 (June 2020), 75-95.
JAMA Yılmaz C, Ay Arçın Ş. Urusalimum ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri. Cedrus. 2020;8:75–95.
MLA Yılmaz, Cemal and Şeyma Ay Arçın. “Urusalimum Ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri”. Cedrus, vol. 8, 2020, pp. 75-95, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202003.
Vancouver Yılmaz C, Ay Arçın Ş. Urusalimum ve Amarna Mektuplarına Göre Devletlerarası İlişkilerdeki Yeri. Cedrus. 2020;8:75-9.

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