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The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum

Year 2020, , 97 - 115, 30.06.2020


Six examples of Mycenaean pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum collection, were produced for transportation and seven of them for service purposes. Sim-ilar to the stirrup jar no.1 and no. 2 in which olive oil was preserved, were commercially marketed over a wide geographic area in the LH IIIA2-IIIB periods. While the examples of the feeding bottle left in children’s graves of two types are included in the collection, the feeding bottle no. 3 and no. 4 must have been produced in local workshops during the LH IIIC period. Similarly, the kylix no. 5 is the product of the same period. The piriform jars in the collec-tion show elements characteristic of its LH IIIA2 period counterparts. The squat alabastrons after the pattern of FS 85 in the LH IIIA2-IIIB periods. The small jugs, which were employed intensively in the Mycenaean pottery repertoire, are represented in the collection by the FS 114 form. The body of this pottery expanding towards the belly and the rising base can be observed in other jug forms as a distinctive feature. The juglet no. 13, the origin of which can be traced back to the Minoan pottery tradition, is one of the rare examples with its short beak part.


  • Benson 1972 J. L. Benson, Bamboula at Kourion: The Necropolis and the Finds, Philadelphia. 1972.
  • Benter 2010 M. Benter, “Milas’taki Pilavtepe Miken Oda Mezarı”. Belleten 270 (2010) 343-354.
  • Benzi 1988 M. Benzi, “Mycenaean Rhodes: A Summary”. Eds. S. Dietz, and I. Papachris-todoulou, Archaeology in the Dodecanese. Copenhagen (1988) 59-72.
  • Boysal 1969 Y. Boysal, Katalog Der Vasen im Museum in Bodrum I, Mykenisch-Protogeometrisch. Ankara 1969.
  • Cavanagh – M ee 1998 W. Cavanagh – C. Mee, A Private Death in Prehistoric Greece. Jonsered 1998.
  • Crouwel 2006 J. Crouwel, “Late Mycenaean Pictorial Pottery”. Eds. E. Rystedt and B. Wells, Pictorial pursuits, Figurative painting on Mycenaean and Geometric pottery, papers from two seminars at the Swedish Institute at Athens in 1999 and 2001. Stockholm (2006) 15-22.
  • Erkanal-Öktü 2018 A. Erkanal-Öktü, Panaztepe I: Die Friedhöfe von Panaztepe Text-Tafeln. Ankara 2018.
  • Fischer – Bürge 2015 P. M. Fischer – T. Bürge, “The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2014. Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke. Preliminary results”. Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome (OpAthRom) 8. Stockholm (2015) 27-79.
  • French 1964 E. French, “Late Helladic IIIA 1 Pottery From Mycenae”. The Annual of the British School at Athens 59 (1964) 241-261.
  • French 1965 E. French, Late Helladic IIIA 2 Pottery from Mycenae”. The Annual of the British School at Athens 60 (1965) 159-202.
  • Furumark 1972 A. Furumark, Mycenaean Pottery: Analysis and Classification. Stockholm. 1972.
  • Gallou-Minopetrou 2015 C. Gallou-Minopetrou, “What Would the World be to Us if the Children Were No More?: The Archaeology of Children and Death in LH IIIC Greece”. Eds. Z. Theodoropoulou Polychroniadis, D. Evely, AEGIS: Essays in Mediterranean Archaeology: Presented to Matti Egon by the scholars of the Greek Archaeological Committee UK. Oxford (2015) 57-67.
  • Günel 1999 S. Günel, Panaztepe II: M.Ö. 2. Bine Tarihlendirilen Panaztepe Seramiğinin Batı Anadolu ve Ege Arkeolojisindeki Yeri ve Önemi. Ankara 1999.
  • Günel 2010 S. Günel, “Mycenaean cultural impact on the Çine (Marsyas) plain, southwest Anatolia: the evidence from Çine-Tepecik”, Anatolian Studies 60 (2010) 25-49.
  • Gür 2016 B. Gür, “An Overview of the Late Helladic IIIC Period”, Talanta, Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society XLVI-XLVII (2014-2015) (2016) 7-26.
  • Hallager 2007 B. P. Hallager, “Problems with LM/LH III B/C Synchronisms” Eds. S. De-ger—Jalkotzy, M. Zavadil, LH IIIC Chronology and Synchronisms II LH IIIC Middle. Wien (2007) 189-202.
  • Hankey 1967 V. Hankey, “Mycenaean Pottery in the Middle East: Notes on Finds since 1951”. The Annual of the British School at Athens 62 (1967) 104-147.
  • Hankey 1974 V. Hankey, “A Late Bronze Age Temple at Amman: I. The Aegean Pottery”. Levant 6/1 (1974) 131-159.
  • Haskell 1985 H. Haskell, “The Origin of the Aegean Stirrup Jar and its Earliest Evolution and Distribution (MB III-LB I)”. American Journal of Archaeology 89 (1985) 221-229.
  • Hirschfeld 2000 N. Hirschfeld, “The Catalogue”. Eds. M. Yon, V. Karageorghis, N. Hirschfeld, Céramiques Mycéniennes: Ras Shamra-Ougarit XIII. Paris (2000) 75-162.
  • Hood 2005 S. Hood, “Dating the Knossos frescoes”. British School at Athens Studies 13 (Aegean Wall Painting: A Tribute to Mark Cameron) (2005) 45-81.
  • Hruby 2010 J. Hruby, “Mycenaean Pottery from Pylos: An Indigenous Typology”. American Journal of Archaeology 114 (2010) 195-216.
  • Immerwahr 1971 S.A. Immerwahr, The Athenian Agora: Volume XIII The Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Princeton 1971.
  • Immerwahr 1973 S. A. Immerwahr, Early Burials From The Agora Cemeteries. Princeton 1973.
  • Janeway 2017 B. Janeway, Sea Peoples of Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat. Indiana 2017.
  • Judson 2013 A. P. Judson, “The Linear B Inscribed Stirrup Jars”. Kadmos 52/1 (2013) 69-110.
  • Koehl 2005 R. B. Koehl, “Preliminary Observations on the Unpublished Mycenaean Pottery from Woolley's Dig-House at Tell Atchana (Ancient Alalakh)”. Eds. R. Laffineur, E. Greco, Emporia. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean (Aegaeum 25). Austin and Liège (2005) 415-422.
  • Koehl 2008 R. B. Koehl, “Aegean Interactions with the Near East and Egypt During the Late Bronze Age”. Eds. J. Aruz, K. Benzel, J.M. Evans, Beyond Babylon: Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium B.C. New Haven and London (2008) 270-273.
  • Koehl in press R. B. Koehl, Koukounaries I: Mycenaean Pottery from Selected Contexts. in press.
  • Koh - Birney 2017 A. J. Koh – K. J. Birney, “Organic Compounds and Cultural Continuity: the Penn Museum Late Minoan IIIC Stirrup Jar From Tourloti” Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 17/2 (2017) 19-33.
  • Leonard 1994 A. Jr. Leonard, An Index to the Late Bronze Age Aegean Pottery from Syria-Palestine. Jonsered 1994.
  • Malafouris 2016 L Malafouris, “How did the Mycenaeans Remember? Death, Matter and Memory in the Early Mycenaean World”. Eds. C. Renfrew, M. J. Boyd, I. Morley, Death Rituals and Social Order in the Ancient World: Death Shall Have No Dominion. Cambridge (2016) 303-314.
  • Maran 2007 J. Maran, “Emulation of Aeginetan Pottery in the Mıddle Bronze Age of Coastal Thessaly: Regıonal Context and Socıal Meanıng”. Eds. F. Felten, W. Gauss and R. Smetana, Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronism Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Salzburg October 31st – November 2nd, 2004. Wien (2007) 167-182.
  • Michaelides 1990 D. Michaelides, Catalogue of Finds, Tombs at Palaepaphos. Nicosia 1990.
  • Morricone 1967 L. Morricone, “Eleona e Langada: Sepolcreti della tarda Eta del Bronzo a Coo”. Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente 43-44, 1965-66 (1967) 5-311.
  • Mountjoy 1983 P. A. Mountjoy, Orchomenos V Mycenaean Pottery from Orchomenos, Eutresis and other Boeotian Sites. München 1983.
  • Mountjoy 1993 P. A. Mountjoy, Mycenaean Pottery: An Introduction. Oxford 1993.
  • Mountjoy 1999 P. A. Mountjoy, Regional Mycenaean Decorated Pottery Vol. I-II. Rahden/Westf 1999.
  • Mountjoy 2018 P. A. Mountjoy, Decorated Pottery in Cyprus and Philistia in the 12th Century B.C.: Cypriot IIIC and Philistine IIIC. Wien 2018.
  • Overbeck 2007 J. C. Overbeck, “The Middle Bronze Age Sequences of Kea and Aegina”. Eds. F. Felten, W. Gauss and R. Smetana, Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchro-nism Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Salzburg October 31st – November 2nd, 2004. Wien (2007) 339-346.
  • Özgünel 1996 C. Özgünel, Mykenische Keramik in Anatolien, Asia Minor Studien Band 23, Bonn 1996.
  • Paschalidis – McGeorge 2009 K. Paschalidis – P. J. P. McGeorge, “Life and Death in the Periphery of the Mycenaean World at the End of the Late Bronze Age: The Case of the Achaea Klauss Cemetery”. Eds. E. Borgna, P. C. Guida, From the Aegean to the Adriatic, Social Organizations modes of Exchange and Interaction in the Postpalatial Times (12th-11th BC). Quasar (2009) 79-113.
  • Paschalidis 2018 K. Paschalidis, The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras: People, material remains and culture in context. Oxford 2018.
  • Ρουγγου 2006 K. Ρουγγου, “Μυκηναϊκη κεραμικη”, Ψαρά: ένας σταθμός στην περιφέρεια του μυκηναϊκού κόσμου. Ψαρά (2006) 60-95.
  • Rutter 1992 J. Rutter, “Cultural Novelties in the Post-Palatial Aegean World: Indices of Vitality or Decline?”. Eds. W.A. Ward and M.S. Joukowsky. The 12th Century B.C.: the Crisis Years. From Beyond the Danube to the Tigris. Dubuque (1992) 61-78.
  • Rutter 2003 J. Rutter, “The Nature and Potential Significance of Minoan Features in the Earliest Late Helladic III C Ceramic Assemblages on the Central and Southern Greek Mainland”. Eds. S. Deger-Jalkotzy and M. Zavadil, LH IIIC Chronology and Synchronisms. Wien (2003) 193-216.
  • Schaeffer 1978 C. F. A. Schaeffer, Ugaritica VII Tome XVIII. Paris. 1978.
  • Schliemann 1880 H. Schliemann, Mycenae: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. New York. 1880.
  • Schofield 2007 L. Schofield, The Mycenaeans. Oxford. 2007.
  • Shelmerdine 1997 C. W. Shelmerdine, “Review of Aegean Prehistory VI: The Palatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland”. American Journal of Ar-chaeology 101/3 (1997) 537-585.
  • Smith – Dabney 2012 R. A. K. Smith – M. Dabney, “Children and Adornment in Mycenaean Funerary Ritual at Ayia Sotira, Nemea”. Eds. M. L. Nosch and R. Laffineur, KOSMOS Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age, 13th International Aegean Conference, Copenhagen 21-26 April 2010, Aegaeum 33. Leuven.(2012) 441-446.
  • S.-Haywood 1999 C. Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, The Ionian Islands in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, 3000-800 BC, Liverpool. 1999.
  • Spagnoli 2016 F. Spagnoli, “Two Mycenaean stirrup jars from the Levant”. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 16/1 (2016) 185-192.
  • Stubbings 1947 F. H. Stubbings, “The Mycenaean Pottery of Attica”. The Annual of the British School at Athens 42 (1947) 1-75.
  • Stubbings 1951 F. H. Stubbings, Mycenaean Pottery from the Levant. Cambridge 1951.
  • Taylour 1958 W. Taylour, Mycenean Pottery in Italy. Cambridge 1958.
  • Thanasis – K.Papadopoulou 1984 J. P. Thanasis – L. Kontorli-Papadopoulou, “Notes from Achaea”, Annual of the British School at Athens 79 (1984) 221-227.
  • Thomas 2011 P. A. Thomas, “Deposit of Late Helladic IIIA2 Pottery from Tsoungiza”. Hesperia 80 (2011) 171-228.
  • Tournavitou 1992 I. Tournavitou, “Practical Use and Social Function: A Neglected Aspect of Mycenaean Pottery”. Annual of the British School of Athens 87 (1992) 181-210.
  • Üstün Türkteki – Hürmüzlü 2007 S. Üstün Türkteki – B. Hürmüzlü, Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Koleksiyonu: Eski Çağ'da İçki ve Sunu Kapları, İstanbul 2007.
  • Uygun – Özden Gerçeker 2013 D. Uygun – S. Özden Gerçeker, Kadim Çağlardan İzler / Traces of Ancient Ages, Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Koleksiyonu / Sadberk Hanım Museum Collection, İstanbul 2013.
  • Vermeule – Wolsky 1978 E. Vermeule, – F. Wolsky, “New Aegean Relations with Cyprus: The Minoan and Mycenaean Pottery from Toumba Tou Skourou, Morphou”. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 122/5 (1978) 294-317.
  • Vitale 2011 S. Vitale, “The Late Helladic IIIA2 Pottery from Mitrou and its Implications for the Chronology of the Mycenaean Mainland”. Eds. W. Gauß, M. Lindblom, R. Angus, K. Smith, J. C. Wright, Our Cups Are Full:Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age: Papers presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Oxford (2011) 331-344.
  • Yasur-Landau 2010 A. Yasur-Landau, The Philistines and Aegean Migration at the End of the Bronze Age. Cambridge-New York 2010.
  • Yon et al. 2000 M. Yon, V. Karageorghis – N. Hirschfeld, Céramiques mycéniennes: Ras Shamra-Ougarit XIII. Paris 2000.

Sadberk Hanım Müzesi’ndeki Miken Seramikleri

Year 2020, , 97 - 115, 30.06.2020


Sadberk Hanım Müzesi koleksiyonu içerisinde yer alan Miken seramiklerinden altısı taşıma amaçlı, yedisi ise servis amaçlı üretilmiştir. İçerisinde zeytinyağı muhafaza edilen 1 ve 2 no’lu üzengi kulplu testilerin benzerleri GH IIIA2-IIIB dönemleri içerisinde geniş bir coğrafyada ticari olarak pazarlanmıştır. Çocuk mezarlarına bırakılan emzikli kapların iki ayrı forma ait olan örnekleri koleksi-yonda yer alırken, 3 ve 4 no’lu emzikli kaplar GH IIIC döneminde yerel atölyelerde üretilmiş olmalıdırlar. Ben-zer biçimde 5 no’lu kylix de aynı dönemin ürünü olmalıdır. Koleksiyondaki piriform kaplar, GH IIIA2 dönemi benzerleri ile tipik unsurlara sahiptir. FS 85 formundaki bodur alabastronlar ise GH IIIA2-IIIB dönemleri içerisinde üretilirken, içerisine kıvamlı kokuların saklanması için kullanılıyor olmalıydı. Miken seramik repertuarı içerisinde yoğun bir kullanımı bulunan tek kulplu küçük tes-tiler ise koleksiyonda FS 114 formu ile temsil edilirken bu formun karna doğru genişleyen gövdesi ve yükselen kaidesi ayırıcı bir özellik olarak diğer testi formları arasında izlenebilmektedir. Bununla birlikte kökeni Minos seramik repertuvarına kadar geriye giden formlar içerisinde yer alan 13 no’lu testicik, kısa gaga kısmıyla ender ele geçen örneklerden biridir.


  • Benson 1972 J. L. Benson, Bamboula at Kourion: The Necropolis and the Finds, Philadelphia. 1972.
  • Benter 2010 M. Benter, “Milas’taki Pilavtepe Miken Oda Mezarı”. Belleten 270 (2010) 343-354.
  • Benzi 1988 M. Benzi, “Mycenaean Rhodes: A Summary”. Eds. S. Dietz, and I. Papachris-todoulou, Archaeology in the Dodecanese. Copenhagen (1988) 59-72.
  • Boysal 1969 Y. Boysal, Katalog Der Vasen im Museum in Bodrum I, Mykenisch-Protogeometrisch. Ankara 1969.
  • Cavanagh – M ee 1998 W. Cavanagh – C. Mee, A Private Death in Prehistoric Greece. Jonsered 1998.
  • Crouwel 2006 J. Crouwel, “Late Mycenaean Pictorial Pottery”. Eds. E. Rystedt and B. Wells, Pictorial pursuits, Figurative painting on Mycenaean and Geometric pottery, papers from two seminars at the Swedish Institute at Athens in 1999 and 2001. Stockholm (2006) 15-22.
  • Erkanal-Öktü 2018 A. Erkanal-Öktü, Panaztepe I: Die Friedhöfe von Panaztepe Text-Tafeln. Ankara 2018.
  • Fischer – Bürge 2015 P. M. Fischer – T. Bürge, “The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition 2014. Excavations at Hala Sultan Tekke. Preliminary results”. Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome (OpAthRom) 8. Stockholm (2015) 27-79.
  • French 1964 E. French, “Late Helladic IIIA 1 Pottery From Mycenae”. The Annual of the British School at Athens 59 (1964) 241-261.
  • French 1965 E. French, Late Helladic IIIA 2 Pottery from Mycenae”. The Annual of the British School at Athens 60 (1965) 159-202.
  • Furumark 1972 A. Furumark, Mycenaean Pottery: Analysis and Classification. Stockholm. 1972.
  • Gallou-Minopetrou 2015 C. Gallou-Minopetrou, “What Would the World be to Us if the Children Were No More?: The Archaeology of Children and Death in LH IIIC Greece”. Eds. Z. Theodoropoulou Polychroniadis, D. Evely, AEGIS: Essays in Mediterranean Archaeology: Presented to Matti Egon by the scholars of the Greek Archaeological Committee UK. Oxford (2015) 57-67.
  • Günel 1999 S. Günel, Panaztepe II: M.Ö. 2. Bine Tarihlendirilen Panaztepe Seramiğinin Batı Anadolu ve Ege Arkeolojisindeki Yeri ve Önemi. Ankara 1999.
  • Günel 2010 S. Günel, “Mycenaean cultural impact on the Çine (Marsyas) plain, southwest Anatolia: the evidence from Çine-Tepecik”, Anatolian Studies 60 (2010) 25-49.
  • Gür 2016 B. Gür, “An Overview of the Late Helladic IIIC Period”, Talanta, Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society XLVI-XLVII (2014-2015) (2016) 7-26.
  • Hallager 2007 B. P. Hallager, “Problems with LM/LH III B/C Synchronisms” Eds. S. De-ger—Jalkotzy, M. Zavadil, LH IIIC Chronology and Synchronisms II LH IIIC Middle. Wien (2007) 189-202.
  • Hankey 1967 V. Hankey, “Mycenaean Pottery in the Middle East: Notes on Finds since 1951”. The Annual of the British School at Athens 62 (1967) 104-147.
  • Hankey 1974 V. Hankey, “A Late Bronze Age Temple at Amman: I. The Aegean Pottery”. Levant 6/1 (1974) 131-159.
  • Haskell 1985 H. Haskell, “The Origin of the Aegean Stirrup Jar and its Earliest Evolution and Distribution (MB III-LB I)”. American Journal of Archaeology 89 (1985) 221-229.
  • Hirschfeld 2000 N. Hirschfeld, “The Catalogue”. Eds. M. Yon, V. Karageorghis, N. Hirschfeld, Céramiques Mycéniennes: Ras Shamra-Ougarit XIII. Paris (2000) 75-162.
  • Hood 2005 S. Hood, “Dating the Knossos frescoes”. British School at Athens Studies 13 (Aegean Wall Painting: A Tribute to Mark Cameron) (2005) 45-81.
  • Hruby 2010 J. Hruby, “Mycenaean Pottery from Pylos: An Indigenous Typology”. American Journal of Archaeology 114 (2010) 195-216.
  • Immerwahr 1971 S.A. Immerwahr, The Athenian Agora: Volume XIII The Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Princeton 1971.
  • Immerwahr 1973 S. A. Immerwahr, Early Burials From The Agora Cemeteries. Princeton 1973.
  • Janeway 2017 B. Janeway, Sea Peoples of Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat. Indiana 2017.
  • Judson 2013 A. P. Judson, “The Linear B Inscribed Stirrup Jars”. Kadmos 52/1 (2013) 69-110.
  • Koehl 2005 R. B. Koehl, “Preliminary Observations on the Unpublished Mycenaean Pottery from Woolley's Dig-House at Tell Atchana (Ancient Alalakh)”. Eds. R. Laffineur, E. Greco, Emporia. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean (Aegaeum 25). Austin and Liège (2005) 415-422.
  • Koehl 2008 R. B. Koehl, “Aegean Interactions with the Near East and Egypt During the Late Bronze Age”. Eds. J. Aruz, K. Benzel, J.M. Evans, Beyond Babylon: Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium B.C. New Haven and London (2008) 270-273.
  • Koehl in press R. B. Koehl, Koukounaries I: Mycenaean Pottery from Selected Contexts. in press.
  • Koh - Birney 2017 A. J. Koh – K. J. Birney, “Organic Compounds and Cultural Continuity: the Penn Museum Late Minoan IIIC Stirrup Jar From Tourloti” Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 17/2 (2017) 19-33.
  • Leonard 1994 A. Jr. Leonard, An Index to the Late Bronze Age Aegean Pottery from Syria-Palestine. Jonsered 1994.
  • Malafouris 2016 L Malafouris, “How did the Mycenaeans Remember? Death, Matter and Memory in the Early Mycenaean World”. Eds. C. Renfrew, M. J. Boyd, I. Morley, Death Rituals and Social Order in the Ancient World: Death Shall Have No Dominion. Cambridge (2016) 303-314.
  • Maran 2007 J. Maran, “Emulation of Aeginetan Pottery in the Mıddle Bronze Age of Coastal Thessaly: Regıonal Context and Socıal Meanıng”. Eds. F. Felten, W. Gauss and R. Smetana, Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronism Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Salzburg October 31st – November 2nd, 2004. Wien (2007) 167-182.
  • Michaelides 1990 D. Michaelides, Catalogue of Finds, Tombs at Palaepaphos. Nicosia 1990.
  • Morricone 1967 L. Morricone, “Eleona e Langada: Sepolcreti della tarda Eta del Bronzo a Coo”. Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente 43-44, 1965-66 (1967) 5-311.
  • Mountjoy 1983 P. A. Mountjoy, Orchomenos V Mycenaean Pottery from Orchomenos, Eutresis and other Boeotian Sites. München 1983.
  • Mountjoy 1993 P. A. Mountjoy, Mycenaean Pottery: An Introduction. Oxford 1993.
  • Mountjoy 1999 P. A. Mountjoy, Regional Mycenaean Decorated Pottery Vol. I-II. Rahden/Westf 1999.
  • Mountjoy 2018 P. A. Mountjoy, Decorated Pottery in Cyprus and Philistia in the 12th Century B.C.: Cypriot IIIC and Philistine IIIC. Wien 2018.
  • Overbeck 2007 J. C. Overbeck, “The Middle Bronze Age Sequences of Kea and Aegina”. Eds. F. Felten, W. Gauss and R. Smetana, Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchro-nism Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Salzburg October 31st – November 2nd, 2004. Wien (2007) 339-346.
  • Özgünel 1996 C. Özgünel, Mykenische Keramik in Anatolien, Asia Minor Studien Band 23, Bonn 1996.
  • Paschalidis – McGeorge 2009 K. Paschalidis – P. J. P. McGeorge, “Life and Death in the Periphery of the Mycenaean World at the End of the Late Bronze Age: The Case of the Achaea Klauss Cemetery”. Eds. E. Borgna, P. C. Guida, From the Aegean to the Adriatic, Social Organizations modes of Exchange and Interaction in the Postpalatial Times (12th-11th BC). Quasar (2009) 79-113.
  • Paschalidis 2018 K. Paschalidis, The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras: People, material remains and culture in context. Oxford 2018.
  • Ρουγγου 2006 K. Ρουγγου, “Μυκηναϊκη κεραμικη”, Ψαρά: ένας σταθμός στην περιφέρεια του μυκηναϊκού κόσμου. Ψαρά (2006) 60-95.
  • Rutter 1992 J. Rutter, “Cultural Novelties in the Post-Palatial Aegean World: Indices of Vitality or Decline?”. Eds. W.A. Ward and M.S. Joukowsky. The 12th Century B.C.: the Crisis Years. From Beyond the Danube to the Tigris. Dubuque (1992) 61-78.
  • Rutter 2003 J. Rutter, “The Nature and Potential Significance of Minoan Features in the Earliest Late Helladic III C Ceramic Assemblages on the Central and Southern Greek Mainland”. Eds. S. Deger-Jalkotzy and M. Zavadil, LH IIIC Chronology and Synchronisms. Wien (2003) 193-216.
  • Schaeffer 1978 C. F. A. Schaeffer, Ugaritica VII Tome XVIII. Paris. 1978.
  • Schliemann 1880 H. Schliemann, Mycenae: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. New York. 1880.
  • Schofield 2007 L. Schofield, The Mycenaeans. Oxford. 2007.
  • Shelmerdine 1997 C. W. Shelmerdine, “Review of Aegean Prehistory VI: The Palatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland”. American Journal of Ar-chaeology 101/3 (1997) 537-585.
  • Smith – Dabney 2012 R. A. K. Smith – M. Dabney, “Children and Adornment in Mycenaean Funerary Ritual at Ayia Sotira, Nemea”. Eds. M. L. Nosch and R. Laffineur, KOSMOS Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age, 13th International Aegean Conference, Copenhagen 21-26 April 2010, Aegaeum 33. Leuven.(2012) 441-446.
  • S.-Haywood 1999 C. Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, The Ionian Islands in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, 3000-800 BC, Liverpool. 1999.
  • Spagnoli 2016 F. Spagnoli, “Two Mycenaean stirrup jars from the Levant”. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 16/1 (2016) 185-192.
  • Stubbings 1947 F. H. Stubbings, “The Mycenaean Pottery of Attica”. The Annual of the British School at Athens 42 (1947) 1-75.
  • Stubbings 1951 F. H. Stubbings, Mycenaean Pottery from the Levant. Cambridge 1951.
  • Taylour 1958 W. Taylour, Mycenean Pottery in Italy. Cambridge 1958.
  • Thanasis – K.Papadopoulou 1984 J. P. Thanasis – L. Kontorli-Papadopoulou, “Notes from Achaea”, Annual of the British School at Athens 79 (1984) 221-227.
  • Thomas 2011 P. A. Thomas, “Deposit of Late Helladic IIIA2 Pottery from Tsoungiza”. Hesperia 80 (2011) 171-228.
  • Tournavitou 1992 I. Tournavitou, “Practical Use and Social Function: A Neglected Aspect of Mycenaean Pottery”. Annual of the British School of Athens 87 (1992) 181-210.
  • Üstün Türkteki – Hürmüzlü 2007 S. Üstün Türkteki – B. Hürmüzlü, Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Koleksiyonu: Eski Çağ'da İçki ve Sunu Kapları, İstanbul 2007.
  • Uygun – Özden Gerçeker 2013 D. Uygun – S. Özden Gerçeker, Kadim Çağlardan İzler / Traces of Ancient Ages, Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Koleksiyonu / Sadberk Hanım Museum Collection, İstanbul 2013.
  • Vermeule – Wolsky 1978 E. Vermeule, – F. Wolsky, “New Aegean Relations with Cyprus: The Minoan and Mycenaean Pottery from Toumba Tou Skourou, Morphou”. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 122/5 (1978) 294-317.
  • Vitale 2011 S. Vitale, “The Late Helladic IIIA2 Pottery from Mitrou and its Implications for the Chronology of the Mycenaean Mainland”. Eds. W. Gauß, M. Lindblom, R. Angus, K. Smith, J. C. Wright, Our Cups Are Full:Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age: Papers presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Oxford (2011) 331-344.
  • Yasur-Landau 2010 A. Yasur-Landau, The Philistines and Aegean Migration at the End of the Bronze Age. Cambridge-New York 2010.
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Barış Gür This is me 0000-0002-9031-9159

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date February 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Gür, B. (2020). The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum. Cedrus, 8, 97-115.
AMA Gür B. The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum. Cedrus. June 2020;8:97-115. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202004
Chicago Gür, Barış. “The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum”. Cedrus 8, June (June 2020): 97-115.
EndNote Gür B (June 1, 2020) The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum. Cedrus 8 97–115.
IEEE B. Gür, “The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum”, Cedrus, vol. 8, pp. 97–115, 2020, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.202004.
ISNAD Gür, Barış. “The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum”. Cedrus 8 (June 2020), 97-115.
JAMA Gür B. The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum. Cedrus. 2020;8:97–115.
MLA Gür, Barış. “The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum”. Cedrus, vol. 8, 2020, pp. 97-115, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202004.
Vancouver Gür B. The Mycenaean Pottery in the Sadberk Hanım Museum. Cedrus. 2020;8:97-115.

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