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A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison

Year 2020, , 201 - 209, 30.06.2020


The main aim of this article is to share some observations concerning a black figure cup-skyphos, which can be seen in the “Black and Red Figure Section” of the current Antalya Archaeology Museum Exhibition. The cup is catalogued by the number 27.25. 72 and is identified as a Pergamon find. It was donated to Antalya Archaeology Museum, by the Ankara Archaeology Museum, in 1974. Since then, no further study has been conducted. It is catalogued as a kylix, and dated to IVth century B.C. After a detailed description in the first part of the paper, in the Comparison and Dating section, from the related examples in different museums enables the Antalya skyphos to be attached to ain a group, as well as to differentiate it from other contemporary vases. Having revised the date and defined the shape of the Antalya example in these two sections, leads to the Interpretation section. In this section the connections, similarities and differentiations identified in the previous chapter have been used to draw a conclusion that includes three more vases (two from the Louvre and one from Adria) together with the Antalya skyphos. The stylistic comparison and the analysis of the painter’s artistic characteristics indicates that these four vases, are very closely related to the Runners Painter, if they are not painted by him. In conclusion, this article updates the information on an exhibited vase, and adds this and three other vases to the catalogue associated with the Runners Painter.


  • Adriani 1950 A. Adriani, CVA, Napoli Museo Nazionale No: 1 (Italy No: 20). Rome 1950.
  • Alexandrescu – Dimitriu 1968 P. Alexandrescu – S. Dimitriu, CVA, Bucharest No: 2 (Rumania No: 2). Bucharest 1968.
  • Aström – Holmberg 1985 P. Aström – E.J. Holmberg, CVA, Goteborg (Sweden No: 3). Stockholm 1985.
  • Beazley 1932 J. D. Beazley, “Little-Master Cups”. JHS 52/2 (1932) 167-204.
  • Beazley 1956 J. D. Beazley, Attic Black Figure Vase Painters. London-New York 1956.
  • Beazley 1971 J. D. Beazley, Paralipomena. London-New York 1971.
  • Bernhard 1960 M. L. Bernhard, CVA, Warsaw Musée National No: 1 (Poland No: 4). Warsaw 1960.
  • Bonomi 1991 S. Bonomi, CVA, Adria Museo Archeologico Nazionale No: 2 (Italy No: 65). Rome 1991.
  • Brijder 1975 H. A. G. Brijder, “Attic Black Figure Cups in Amsterdam and an Exchange with Heidelberg”. BaBesch 50 (1975) 157-177.
  • Brijder 1996 H. A. G. Brijder, CVA, Amsterdam No: 2 (The Netherlands No: 8). Amsterdam 1996.
  • Brommer 1956 F. Brommer, CVA, Schloss Fasanerie No: 1 (Germany No: 11). Munich 1956.
  • Burow 1980 J. Burow, CVA, Tübingen No: 3 (Germany No: 47). Munich 1980.
  • Calderone 1985 A. Calderone, CVA, Agrigento Museo Archeologico Regionale No: 1 (Italy No: 61). Rome 1985.
  • Callipolitis-Feytmans 1986 D. Callipolitis-Feytmans, CVA, Athens National Museum No: 3 (Greece No: 3). Athens 1986.
  • Carpenter 1989 T. H. Carpenter, Beazley Addenda: Additional References to ABV, ARV² and Paralipomena. London 19892.
  • de la Geniere 1960 J. de la Geniere, CVA, Laon No: 1 (France No: 20). Paris 1960.
  • Deppert 1968 K. Deppert, CVA, Frankfurt am Main No: 2 (Germany No: 30). Munich 1968.
  • Drago 1940 C. Drago, CVA, Taranto Museo Nazionale No: 1 (Italy No: 15). Rome 1940.
  • Dunant – Kahil 1980 C. Dunant – L. Kahil, CVA, Geneva No: 2 (Switzerland No:3). Bern 1980.
  • Fellman 1989 B. Fellmann, CVA, Munich No: 11 (Germany No: 57). Munich 1989.
  • Gjerstad – Calvet 1977 E. Gjerstad – Y. Calvet, Greek Geometric and Archaic Pottery found in Cyprus. Swedish Institute in Athens, Acta, Series 4°. Stockholm 1977.
  • Hampe – Simon 1959 R. Hampe – E. Simon, CVA, Mainz No: 1 (Germany No: 15). Munich 1959.
  • Hayes 1981 J. W. Hayes, CVA, Toronto No: 1 (Canada No: 1). London 1981.
  • Johansen 1964 F. K. Johansen, CVA, Copenhague Musée National No: 8 (Denmark No: 8). Copenhagen 1964.
  • Kenner 1942 H. Kenner, CVA, Wien No: 1 (Germany No: 5). Munich 1942.
  • Kunisch 1972 N. Kunisch, Antiken der Sammlung Julius C. Und Margot Funcke. Bochum 1972.
  • Kunisch 2005 N. Kunisch, CVA, Bochum No: 1 (Germany No: 79). Münich 2005.
  • Lamb 1930 W. Lamb, CVA, Cambridge No: 1 (Great Britain No: 6). London 1930.
  • Merlin 1938 A. Merlin, CVA, Musée du Louvre No: 9 (France No: 14). Paris 1938.
  • Mizuta 1991 A. Mizuta, CVA, Schwarzfigurig und Rotfigurig No: 2 (Japan No: 2). Tokyo 1991.
  • Pipili 1993 M. Pipili, CVA, Athens National Museum No: 4 (Greece No:4). Athens 1993.
  • Robinson 1934 D. M. Robinson, CVA, The Robinson Collection Baltimore No: 1 (USA No: 4). Cambridge 1934.
  • Sipsie-Eschbach 1998 M. Sipsie-Eschbach, CVA, Giessen No: 1 (Germany No: 70). Munich 1998.
  • Smith – Pryce 1926 H. A. Smith – F.N. Pryce, CVA, British Museum No: 2 (Great Britain No: 2). London 1926.
  • Stansbury-O’Donell 2006 M. D. Stansbury-O’Donell, Vase Painting, Gender, and Social Identity in Archaic Athens. New York 2006.
  • Steiner 1993 A. Steiner, “The Meaning of Repetition. Visual Redundancy on Archaic Athenian Vases”. JDI 108 (1993) 197-219.
  • Thomsen 2011 A. Thomsen, Die Wirkung der Gotter, Bilder mit Flugelfiguren auf griechischen Vasen des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. Berlin 2011.
  • Tuna-Nörling 1995 Y. Tuna-Nörling, Die attisch-schwarzfigure Keramik und der attische Keramikexport nach Kleinasien: Die Ausgrabungen von Alt-Smyrna und Pitane. IstForsch. Band 41. Tübingen 1995.

Antalya Müzesi’nden Siyah Figür Bir Skyphos: Ressam Analizi ve Stilistik Karşılaştırma

Year 2020, , 201 - 209, 30.06.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Antalya Arkeoloji Müzesi “Siyah ve Kırmızı Figür Seksiyonunda” sergilenmekte olan 27.25.72 envanter numaralı eser üzerine gerçekleştirilmiş olan birtakım gözlemler ve bunların ortaya koyduğu ilginç sonuçların bilim dünyasıyla paylaşılmasıdır. Antalya Arkeoloji Müzesi’ne 1974 yılında, Ankara Arkeoloji Müzesi’nden, bağış yoluyla gelmiş olan eser, müze envanterinde “Pergamon buluntusu, M.Ö. IV. yüzyıla ait bir kylix” olarak kayıtlıdır. Müze envanterine kaydedilmesini takiben herhangi bir çalışmaya konu olmamıştır. Vazonun ilk bölümde detaylı olarak tanımlanmasının ardından, Karşılaştırma ve Tarihleme bölümünde, farklı müzelerdeki ilişkili örneklere yer verilmiştir. Bu örnekler, Antalya vazosunun belirli bir grup içine yerleştirmesine olduğu kadar, çağdaşı diğer gruplardan da ayrıştırılmasına yardımcı olmaktadır. İlk iki bölümde vazonun form ve tarih bilgilerinin güncellenmesiyle, üçüncü bölüm olan Yorumlama kısmına geçilmektedir. Bir önceki bölümde tanımlanan benzerlik ve farklılıklardan yola çıkarak, sadece Antalya örneğini değil, ikisi Louvre, biri de Adria kataloglarında bulunan üç diğer vazoyu da kapsayan bir sonuca ulaşılmaktadır: Stilistik karşılaştırma ve ressamın üslup özelliklerinin tahlilinden yola çıkarak bu dört vazonun “Koşucular Ressamı” ile yakın bağlantılı olduğu söylenebilir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma, sergilenmekte olan bir eser üzerine bilgileri güncellemenin ötesinde, Antalya Müzesi vazosu ile birlikte üç diğer vazoyu daha “Koşucular Ressamı” envanterine eklemektedir.


  • Adriani 1950 A. Adriani, CVA, Napoli Museo Nazionale No: 1 (Italy No: 20). Rome 1950.
  • Alexandrescu – Dimitriu 1968 P. Alexandrescu – S. Dimitriu, CVA, Bucharest No: 2 (Rumania No: 2). Bucharest 1968.
  • Aström – Holmberg 1985 P. Aström – E.J. Holmberg, CVA, Goteborg (Sweden No: 3). Stockholm 1985.
  • Beazley 1932 J. D. Beazley, “Little-Master Cups”. JHS 52/2 (1932) 167-204.
  • Beazley 1956 J. D. Beazley, Attic Black Figure Vase Painters. London-New York 1956.
  • Beazley 1971 J. D. Beazley, Paralipomena. London-New York 1971.
  • Bernhard 1960 M. L. Bernhard, CVA, Warsaw Musée National No: 1 (Poland No: 4). Warsaw 1960.
  • Bonomi 1991 S. Bonomi, CVA, Adria Museo Archeologico Nazionale No: 2 (Italy No: 65). Rome 1991.
  • Brijder 1975 H. A. G. Brijder, “Attic Black Figure Cups in Amsterdam and an Exchange with Heidelberg”. BaBesch 50 (1975) 157-177.
  • Brijder 1996 H. A. G. Brijder, CVA, Amsterdam No: 2 (The Netherlands No: 8). Amsterdam 1996.
  • Brommer 1956 F. Brommer, CVA, Schloss Fasanerie No: 1 (Germany No: 11). Munich 1956.
  • Burow 1980 J. Burow, CVA, Tübingen No: 3 (Germany No: 47). Munich 1980.
  • Calderone 1985 A. Calderone, CVA, Agrigento Museo Archeologico Regionale No: 1 (Italy No: 61). Rome 1985.
  • Callipolitis-Feytmans 1986 D. Callipolitis-Feytmans, CVA, Athens National Museum No: 3 (Greece No: 3). Athens 1986.
  • Carpenter 1989 T. H. Carpenter, Beazley Addenda: Additional References to ABV, ARV² and Paralipomena. London 19892.
  • de la Geniere 1960 J. de la Geniere, CVA, Laon No: 1 (France No: 20). Paris 1960.
  • Deppert 1968 K. Deppert, CVA, Frankfurt am Main No: 2 (Germany No: 30). Munich 1968.
  • Drago 1940 C. Drago, CVA, Taranto Museo Nazionale No: 1 (Italy No: 15). Rome 1940.
  • Dunant – Kahil 1980 C. Dunant – L. Kahil, CVA, Geneva No: 2 (Switzerland No:3). Bern 1980.
  • Fellman 1989 B. Fellmann, CVA, Munich No: 11 (Germany No: 57). Munich 1989.
  • Gjerstad – Calvet 1977 E. Gjerstad – Y. Calvet, Greek Geometric and Archaic Pottery found in Cyprus. Swedish Institute in Athens, Acta, Series 4°. Stockholm 1977.
  • Hampe – Simon 1959 R. Hampe – E. Simon, CVA, Mainz No: 1 (Germany No: 15). Munich 1959.
  • Hayes 1981 J. W. Hayes, CVA, Toronto No: 1 (Canada No: 1). London 1981.
  • Johansen 1964 F. K. Johansen, CVA, Copenhague Musée National No: 8 (Denmark No: 8). Copenhagen 1964.
  • Kenner 1942 H. Kenner, CVA, Wien No: 1 (Germany No: 5). Munich 1942.
  • Kunisch 1972 N. Kunisch, Antiken der Sammlung Julius C. Und Margot Funcke. Bochum 1972.
  • Kunisch 2005 N. Kunisch, CVA, Bochum No: 1 (Germany No: 79). Münich 2005.
  • Lamb 1930 W. Lamb, CVA, Cambridge No: 1 (Great Britain No: 6). London 1930.
  • Merlin 1938 A. Merlin, CVA, Musée du Louvre No: 9 (France No: 14). Paris 1938.
  • Mizuta 1991 A. Mizuta, CVA, Schwarzfigurig und Rotfigurig No: 2 (Japan No: 2). Tokyo 1991.
  • Pipili 1993 M. Pipili, CVA, Athens National Museum No: 4 (Greece No:4). Athens 1993.
  • Robinson 1934 D. M. Robinson, CVA, The Robinson Collection Baltimore No: 1 (USA No: 4). Cambridge 1934.
  • Sipsie-Eschbach 1998 M. Sipsie-Eschbach, CVA, Giessen No: 1 (Germany No: 70). Munich 1998.
  • Smith – Pryce 1926 H. A. Smith – F.N. Pryce, CVA, British Museum No: 2 (Great Britain No: 2). London 1926.
  • Stansbury-O’Donell 2006 M. D. Stansbury-O’Donell, Vase Painting, Gender, and Social Identity in Archaic Athens. New York 2006.
  • Steiner 1993 A. Steiner, “The Meaning of Repetition. Visual Redundancy on Archaic Athenian Vases”. JDI 108 (1993) 197-219.
  • Thomsen 2011 A. Thomsen, Die Wirkung der Gotter, Bilder mit Flugelfiguren auf griechischen Vasen des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v.Chr. Berlin 2011.
  • Tuna-Nörling 1995 Y. Tuna-Nörling, Die attisch-schwarzfigure Keramik und der attische Keramikexport nach Kleinasien: Die Ausgrabungen von Alt-Smyrna und Pitane. IstForsch. Band 41. Tübingen 1995.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

M. Hamdi Kan This is me 0000-0001-7947-7140

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date April 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kan, M. H. (2020). A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison. Cedrus, 8, 201-209.
AMA Kan MH. A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison. Cedrus. June 2020;8:201-209. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202009
Chicago Kan, M. Hamdi. “A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison”. Cedrus 8, June (June 2020): 201-9.
EndNote Kan MH (June 1, 2020) A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison. Cedrus 8 201–209.
IEEE M. H. Kan, “A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison”, Cedrus, vol. 8, pp. 201–209, 2020, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.202009.
ISNAD Kan, M. Hamdi. “A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison”. Cedrus 8 (June 2020), 201-209.
JAMA Kan MH. A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison. Cedrus. 2020;8:201–209.
MLA Kan, M. Hamdi. “A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison”. Cedrus, vol. 8, 2020, pp. 201-9, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202009.
Vancouver Kan MH. A Black Figure Cup-Skyphos from Antalya Archaeology Museum: Painter Analysis and Stylistic Comparison. Cedrus. 2020;8:201-9.

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