Research Article
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The River Gods in Aiolis

Year 2020, , 497 - 505, 30.06.2020


It is not surprising to see rivers, the vital sources of life, as revered deities in the pantheon. Rare examples aside, the cults of river gods have generally been poorly documented as in the case of Aiolis. The cults of four river gods, respectively Hermus, Xanthus, Titnaius, and Boionites, have been attested in the region. Little is known on these deities and the available scanty information on them is mainly provided through the numismatic evidence. The rivers in Aiolis have been studied under different topics and within different contexts such as religion and historical geography. Focusing on the divine characteristics of the rivers in Aiolis, this article aims to present a depiction of the river gods in question in the region.


  • Altınoluk 2005 Z. S. Altınoluk, Sikkeler Işığında Küçük Asya’da Irmak Tanrıları. PhD Dissertation, İstanbul University. İstanbul 2005. BMC Troas A catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum: Troas-Aeolis-Lesbos. London 1894.
  • Cahn 1990 H. A. Cahn, “Hermos”. Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae V. Vol. 1. Switzerland (1990) 390-391.
  • Curbera 1997 J. B. Curbera, “The Greek Curse Tablets of Emporion”. ZPE 117 (1997) 90-94.
  • Emir-Akbulut et al. 2009 N. Emir-Akbulut – S. Bayarı – A. Akbulut – Y. Şahin, “Rivers of Turkey”. Eds. K. Tockner – U. Uehlinger – C. T. Robinson, Rivers of Europe. Amsterdam (2009) 643-672.
  • Erdan 2019a E. Erdan, “Tisna’nın Nehir Tanrısı: Titnaios”. Eds. A. Erön – E. Erdan, Doğudan Batıya: 70. Yaşında Serap Yaylalı'ya Sunulan Yazılar. Ankara (2019) 203-217.
  • Erdan 2019b E. Erdan, Tisna I: İlk Araştırmalar ve Gözlemler. İstanbul 2019.
  • Graf 2008 F. Graf, “River Gods”. Eds. H. Cancik – H. Schneider, Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Vol. 12. Leiden-Boston (2008) 615-618.
  • Heinle 2015 M. Heinle, Eine historische Landeskunde der Aiolis. Byzas 20. İstanbul 2015.
  • Herrmann – Malay 2007 P. Herrmann – H. Malay, New Document from Lydia. 2007 Wien.
  • IKyme H. Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Kyme. «Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien» 5. Bonn 1976.
  • ISmyrna G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna. Teil II.1. «Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien» 24, 1. Bonn 1987. Imhoof-Blumer 1883 F. Imhoof-Blumer, Monnaies grecques. Amsterdam 1883.
  • Imhoof-Blumer 1923 F. Imhoof-Blumer, “Fluss- und Meergötter auf griechischen und römischen Münzen (Personifikationen der Gewässer)”. RSN (SNR) 23 (1923) 173-421.
  • JS Journal des savants
  • Lagona 1984 S. Lagona, “Timbro di ansa d’anfora di Kyme Eolica”. PP 39 (1984) 453-465.
  • LIMC Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae. Switzerland
  • Masson 1985 O. Masson, “Le curieux nom d'un marseillais chez Aristote: Hermokaïkoxanthos”. JS 1-3 (1985) 17-24.
  • McLean 2002 B. H. McLean, An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods from Alexander the Great Down to the Reign of Constantine (323 B.C.-A.D. 337). Michigan 2002.
  • Nollé 2012 J. Nollé, “Boiōnē: Überlegungen zur Münzprägung, Lokalisierung und Geschichte eines Polichnion in der Umgebung von Kyme”. Chiron 42 (2012) 287-318.
  • Otrowski 1991 J. A. Otrowski, Personifications of Rivers in Greek and Roman Art. Warszawa 1991.
  • PP La parola del passato
  • Parker 2000 R. Parker, “Theophoric Names and the History of Greek Religion”. Eds. S. Hornblower – E. Matthews, Greek Personal Names: Their Value as Evidence. Oxford (2000) 53-79.
  • Ragone 2003 G. Ragone, “La progradazione costiera nella regione del delta dell'Ermo e la colonizzazione greca nell'area fra Smirne e Cuma eolica”. Territorio Storico ed Ambiente 3, Variazioni climatico-ambientali e impatto sull’uomo nell’area circum-mediterranea durante l’Olocene=Climatic-Environmental Variations and Impact on Man in the Circum-Mediterranean Area during the Holocene. Bari (2003) 273-328.
  • Robert 1968 L. Robert, “Noms de personnes et civilisation grecque”. JS 4 (1968) 197-213.
  • Schultz 1997 S. Schultz, “Titnaios”. LIMC VIII/1. Switzerland (1997) 36-37.
  • SNG Ashmolean Sylloge nummorum Graecorum: Ashmolean Museum Oxford- IX Bosporus-Aeolis. Oxford 2007.
  • SNG von Aulock Sylloge nummorum Graecorum. Sammlung von Aulock: Troas-Aeolis-Lesbos. Berlin 1959.
  • SNG Copenhagen Sylloge nummorum Graecorum: The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum IV Bosporus to Lesbos. Copenhagen 1945.
  • SNG München Sylloge nummorum Graecorum: Staatliche Münzsammlung, München, XIX Troas-Lesbos. München 1991.
  • Thonemann 2006 P. Thonemann, “Neilomandros-A contribution to the history of Greek personal names”. Chiron 36 (2006) 11-44.
  • ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Bonn.

Aiolis Bölgesi’nde Irmak Tanrıları

Year 2020, , 497 - 505, 30.06.2020


Yaşam kaynağı olarak algılanan ırmakların tanrılar olarak pantheonda yer alması şaşırtıcı değildir. Nadir örnekler dışında genel itibariyle ırmak tanrılarının kültleri hakkında fazlaca veri bulunmamaktadır. Aiolis Bölgesi’ndeki kültler de bu genellemeye istisna teşkil etmemektedir. Bölgede Hermos, Ksanthos, Titnaios ve Boionites olmak üzere dört ırmak tanrısının varlığı bilinmekedir. Bölgedeki ırmaklar farklı başlıklar altında; din, tarihi coğrafya gibi farklı bağlamlarda çalışılmıştır. Aiolis Bölgesi’ndeki ırmakların tanrısal niteliklerine odaklanan bu çalışma, bahsi geçen ırmak tanrılarının bölge temelinde incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır.


  • Altınoluk 2005 Z. S. Altınoluk, Sikkeler Işığında Küçük Asya’da Irmak Tanrıları. PhD Dissertation, İstanbul University. İstanbul 2005. BMC Troas A catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum: Troas-Aeolis-Lesbos. London 1894.
  • Cahn 1990 H. A. Cahn, “Hermos”. Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae V. Vol. 1. Switzerland (1990) 390-391.
  • Curbera 1997 J. B. Curbera, “The Greek Curse Tablets of Emporion”. ZPE 117 (1997) 90-94.
  • Emir-Akbulut et al. 2009 N. Emir-Akbulut – S. Bayarı – A. Akbulut – Y. Şahin, “Rivers of Turkey”. Eds. K. Tockner – U. Uehlinger – C. T. Robinson, Rivers of Europe. Amsterdam (2009) 643-672.
  • Erdan 2019a E. Erdan, “Tisna’nın Nehir Tanrısı: Titnaios”. Eds. A. Erön – E. Erdan, Doğudan Batıya: 70. Yaşında Serap Yaylalı'ya Sunulan Yazılar. Ankara (2019) 203-217.
  • Erdan 2019b E. Erdan, Tisna I: İlk Araştırmalar ve Gözlemler. İstanbul 2019.
  • Graf 2008 F. Graf, “River Gods”. Eds. H. Cancik – H. Schneider, Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Vol. 12. Leiden-Boston (2008) 615-618.
  • Heinle 2015 M. Heinle, Eine historische Landeskunde der Aiolis. Byzas 20. İstanbul 2015.
  • Herrmann – Malay 2007 P. Herrmann – H. Malay, New Document from Lydia. 2007 Wien.
  • IKyme H. Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Kyme. «Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien» 5. Bonn 1976.
  • ISmyrna G. Petzl, Die Inschriften von Smyrna. Teil II.1. «Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien» 24, 1. Bonn 1987. Imhoof-Blumer 1883 F. Imhoof-Blumer, Monnaies grecques. Amsterdam 1883.
  • Imhoof-Blumer 1923 F. Imhoof-Blumer, “Fluss- und Meergötter auf griechischen und römischen Münzen (Personifikationen der Gewässer)”. RSN (SNR) 23 (1923) 173-421.
  • JS Journal des savants
  • Lagona 1984 S. Lagona, “Timbro di ansa d’anfora di Kyme Eolica”. PP 39 (1984) 453-465.
  • LIMC Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae. Switzerland
  • Masson 1985 O. Masson, “Le curieux nom d'un marseillais chez Aristote: Hermokaïkoxanthos”. JS 1-3 (1985) 17-24.
  • McLean 2002 B. H. McLean, An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods from Alexander the Great Down to the Reign of Constantine (323 B.C.-A.D. 337). Michigan 2002.
  • Nollé 2012 J. Nollé, “Boiōnē: Überlegungen zur Münzprägung, Lokalisierung und Geschichte eines Polichnion in der Umgebung von Kyme”. Chiron 42 (2012) 287-318.
  • Otrowski 1991 J. A. Otrowski, Personifications of Rivers in Greek and Roman Art. Warszawa 1991.
  • PP La parola del passato
  • Parker 2000 R. Parker, “Theophoric Names and the History of Greek Religion”. Eds. S. Hornblower – E. Matthews, Greek Personal Names: Their Value as Evidence. Oxford (2000) 53-79.
  • Ragone 2003 G. Ragone, “La progradazione costiera nella regione del delta dell'Ermo e la colonizzazione greca nell'area fra Smirne e Cuma eolica”. Territorio Storico ed Ambiente 3, Variazioni climatico-ambientali e impatto sull’uomo nell’area circum-mediterranea durante l’Olocene=Climatic-Environmental Variations and Impact on Man in the Circum-Mediterranean Area during the Holocene. Bari (2003) 273-328.
  • Robert 1968 L. Robert, “Noms de personnes et civilisation grecque”. JS 4 (1968) 197-213.
  • Schultz 1997 S. Schultz, “Titnaios”. LIMC VIII/1. Switzerland (1997) 36-37.
  • SNG Ashmolean Sylloge nummorum Graecorum: Ashmolean Museum Oxford- IX Bosporus-Aeolis. Oxford 2007.
  • SNG von Aulock Sylloge nummorum Graecorum. Sammlung von Aulock: Troas-Aeolis-Lesbos. Berlin 1959.
  • SNG Copenhagen Sylloge nummorum Graecorum: The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum IV Bosporus to Lesbos. Copenhagen 1945.
  • SNG München Sylloge nummorum Graecorum: Staatliche Münzsammlung, München, XIX Troas-Lesbos. München 1991.
  • Thonemann 2006 P. Thonemann, “Neilomandros-A contribution to the history of Greek personal names”. Chiron 36 (2006) 11-44.
  • ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Bonn.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Esen Kaya This is me 0000-0001-9546-0541

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date March 26, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kaya, E. (2020). The River Gods in Aiolis. Cedrus, 8, 497-505.
AMA Kaya E. The River Gods in Aiolis. Cedrus. June 2020;8:497-505. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202022
Chicago Kaya, Esen. “The River Gods in Aiolis”. Cedrus 8, June (June 2020): 497-505.
EndNote Kaya E (June 1, 2020) The River Gods in Aiolis. Cedrus 8 497–505.
IEEE E. Kaya, “The River Gods in Aiolis”, Cedrus, vol. 8, pp. 497–505, 2020, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.202022.
ISNAD Kaya, Esen. “The River Gods in Aiolis”. Cedrus 8 (June 2020), 497-505.
JAMA Kaya E. The River Gods in Aiolis. Cedrus. 2020;8:497–505.
MLA Kaya, Esen. “The River Gods in Aiolis”. Cedrus, vol. 8, 2020, pp. 497-05, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202022.
Vancouver Kaya E. The River Gods in Aiolis. Cedrus. 2020;8:497-505.

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