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The Year 395 in Late Roman Historiography and Imperial Ideology of Unity

Year 2020, , 563 - 579, 30.06.2020


The year 395 that Theodosius I died, in late Roman historiography, is generally regarded as the time of the final division of the empire. According to this common notion, the conflict that emerged between east and west during the reigns of Arcadius and Honorius, who succeeded Theodosius I, led to estrangement and hostility between the two parts of the empire. From the same perspective, it is often cited that the Eastern Roman administration remained unconcerned with the situation of Western Rome, which was suffered by "barbarian" invasions. However, in the contemporary sources of the period, there is no indication of a permanent division of the empire in 395 or later. Furthermore, even after 395, it is seen that the Eastern Roman administration continued to emphasize the unity of the empire. In this study, the principles of the division between east and west are discussed based on the main characteristics of the administrative and political structure of the Roman Empire before and after 395. This contribution, besides, aims to reassess this turning point which directs both the historical narrative of the Late Roman Empire and the general perspective of historians, within the framework of the imperial ideology of unity.


  • Bagnall et al. 1987 R. S. Bagnall, A. Cameron, S. R. Schwartz – K. A Worp, Consuls of the Later Roman Empire. Atlanta 1987.
  • Blanchet 1908 A. Blanchet, “Le Monnayage de l’empire romain après la mort de Théodose Ier”. CRAI (1908) 77-82.
  • Boeft et al. 2008 J. Den Boeft, J. W. Drijvers, D. Den Hengst – H. C. Teitler, A Historical and Philological Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus Book XXVI. Leiden 2008.
  • Bowman 2008 A. K. Bowman, “Diocletian and the First Tetrarchy, A.D. 284-305”. Eds. A. K. Bowman, P. Garnsey – A. Cameron, The Cambridge Ancient History vol. XII. The Crisis of Empire A.D. 193-337. Cambridge-New York-Melbourne (2008) 67-89.
  • Brown 1971 P. Brown, The World of Late Antiquity: AD. 150-750. London 1971.
  • Brown 2017 P. Brown, Geç Antikçağ Dünyası. Çev. T. Kaçar. İstanbul 2017.
  • Burns 1994 T. S. Burns, Barbarians Within the Gates of Rome. A Study of Roman Military Policy and the Barbarians ca. 375-425 AD. Bloomington 1994.
  • Cameron – Long 1993 A. Cameron – J. Long, Barbarians and Politics at the Court of Arcadius. Oxford.
  • Cameron 1969 A. Cameron, “Theodosius the Great and the Regency of Stilicho”. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 73 (1969) 247-280.
  • Cameron 1993 Averil Cameron, The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity A. D. 395–600. London 1993.
  • Cameron 2012 Averil Cameron, The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity A. D. 395–700. London 2012.
  • Carlà 2014 F. Carlà, “Batı Roma İmparatorluğu’nun Çöküşünden Şarlman’a: Roma İmparatorluğu’nun Parçalanması”. Ed. U. Eco, Ortaçağ: Barbarlar, Hıristiyanlar, Müslümanlar. Çev.: L. Tonguç Basmacı. İstanbul (2014) 50-59.
  • Christiansen 1970 P. G. Christiansen, “Claudian and the East”. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 19/ 1 (1970) 113-120.
  • CIG Corpus Inscriptionum Graecorum. 4. vols. Berlin 1828-1877.
  • CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. 36 vols. Berlin 1862-93.
  • Corcoran 2000 S. Corcoran, The Empire of Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government A.D. 284-324 (Revised Edition). Oxford 2000.
  • Croke 1983 B. Croke, “A.D. 476: The Manufacure of a Turning Point”. Chiron 13 (1983) 81-119.
  • Demandt 20072 A. Demandt, Die Spätantike. Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian 284-565 n. Chr. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft 3. 6. Munich 2007.
  • Demougeot 1951 E. Demougeot, De l'unité à la division de l'Empire romain 395-410. Essai sur le gouvernement impérial. Paris 1951.
  • Drijvers 2015 J. W. Drijvers, “The Divisio Regni of 364: The End of Unity?”. Eds. R. Dijkstra, S. van Poppel – D. Slotjes, East and West in the Roman Empire of the Fourth Century: An End to Unity?. Leiden (2015) 82-96.
  • Drinkwater 1987 J. F. Drinkwater, The Gallic Empire: Separatism and Continuity in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire a.d. 260-274. Historia Einzelschriften 52. Stuttgart 1987.
  • Drinkwater 2007 J. F. Drinkwater, The Alamanni and Rome 213-496. Caracalla to Clovis. Oxford-New York 2007.
  • Drinkwater 2008 J. F. Drinkwater, “Maximinus to Diocletian and the ‘crisis’”. Eds. A. K. Bowman – P. Garnsey – A. Cameron, The Cambridge Ancient History vol. XII. The Crisis of Empire A.D. 193-337. Cambridge-New York-Melbourne (2008) 28-66.
  • Errington 1996a R. M. Errington, “Accession of Theodosius I”. Klio 78/2(1996) 438-453.
  • Errington 1996b R. M. Errington, “Theodosius and the Goths”. Chiron 26 (1996) 1-27.
  • Errington 2006 R. M. Errington, Roman Imperial Policy from Julian to Theodosius. Chapel Hill 2006.
  • Friell – Williams 1999 G. Friell – S. Williams, The Rome That Did Not Fall. New York 1999.
  • Gibbon 1995 E. Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire. Edited by David Womersley. London 1995.
  • Gillett 1993 A. Gillett, “The Date and Circumstances of Olympiodorus of Thebes”. Traditio 48 (1993) 1-29.
  • Goffart 1981 W. Goffart, “Rome, Constantinople and the Barbarians in Late Antiquity”. American Historical Review 76 (1981) 275-306.
  • Grant 2000 M. Grant, Roma’dan Bizans’a: İ.S. 5. Yüzyıl. Çev.: Z. Z. İlkgelen. İstanbul 2000.
  • Gregory 2008 T. E. Gregory, Bizans Tarihi. Çev.: E. Ermert. İstanbul 2008.
  • Grierson – Mays 1992 P. Grierson – M. Mays, Catalogue of Late Roman Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection. Washington 1992.
  • Harries – Wood 1993 J. Harries – I. Wood (eds.), The Theodosian Code: Studies in the Imperial Law of Late Antiquity. London 1993.
  • Harries 1999 J. Harries, Law and Empire in Late Antiquity. Cambridge 1999.
  • Heather 1991 P. Heather, Goths and Romans, 332-489. Oxford 1991.
  • Heather 1996 P. Heather, The Goths. Oxford 1996.
  • Heather 2005 P. Heather, The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History. London 2005.
  • Honoré 1998 T. Honore, Law in the Crisis of the Empire 379-455 AD: The Theodosian Dynasty and its Quaestors. Oxford 1998.
  • Hughes 2013 I. Hughes, Imperial Brothers: Valentinian, Valens and the Disaster at Adrianople. Barnsley 2013.
  • I. Eph. D. F. McCabe, Ephesos Inscriptions Texts and List. Princeton 1991. Web Erişimi:
  • I. RT J. M. Reynolds – J. B. Ward-Perkins, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania. Web erişimi: G. Bodard – C. Roueché (2009) Kaynak:
  • ILS H. Dessau (ed.), Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae. Berlin 1892–1916.
  • Innes 2007 M. Innes, Introduction to Early Medieval Western Europe 300-900: The Sword, The Plough and the Book. London 2007.
  • James 1988 E. James, The Franks. (The Peoples of Europe). Oxford 1988.
  • Johnson 1983 S. Johnson, Late Roman Fortifications. London 1983.
  • Jones 1962 A. H. M. Jones, “The Constitutional Position of Odoacer and Theoderic”. Journal of Roman Studies 52 (1962) 126-130.
  • Jones 1964 A. H. M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire 284-602: A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey. 3 vols. Oxford 1964.
  • Kaegi 1968 W. E. Kaegi, Byzantium and the Decline of Rome. Princeton 1968.
  • Kent 1994 J. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage Volume X: The Divided Empire and the Fall of the Western Parts AD 395-491. London 1994.
  • Kulikowski 2007 M. Kulikowski, Rome’s Gothic Wars: From the Third Century to Alaric. New York 2007.
  • Lemerle 2004 P. Lemerle, Bizans Tarihi. Çev.: G. Üstün. İstanbul 2004.
  • Lenski 1997 N. Lenski, “Initium Mali Romano Imperio: Contemporary Reactions to the Battle of Adrianople”. TAPA 127 (1997) 129-168.
  • Lenski 1999 N. Lenski, “Assimilation and Revolt in the Territory of Isauria from the 1st Century BC to the 6th Century AD”. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 42/4 (1999) 413-465.
  • Lenski 2002 N. Lenski, Failure of Empire: Valens and the Roman State in the Fourth Century AD. Berkeley-Los Angeles-London 2002.
  • Levick 1965 B. Levick, “Two Inscriptions from Pisidian Antioch”. Anatolian Stıdies 15 (1965) 53-62.
  • Levtchenko 2007 M. V. Levtchenko, Bizans Tarihi. Çev.: M. Selen. İstanbul 2007.
  • Liebeschuetz 1990 J. H. W. G. Liebeschuetz, Barbarians and Bishops: Army, Church and State in the Age of Arcadius and Chrysostom. Oxford 1990.
  • Lot 1961 F. Lot, The End of the Ancient World and the Beginnings of the Middle Ages. New York 1961.
  • Matthews 1975 J. Matthews, Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court AD. 364-425. Oxford-New York 1975.
  • Matthews 1989 J. Matthews, The Roman Empire of Ammianus. London 1989.
  • Matthews 2000 J. F. Matthews, Laying Down the Law: A Study of the Theodosian Code. New Haven-London 2000.
  • McEvoy 2013 M. McEvoy, Child Emperor Rule in the Late Roman West AD. 367-455. Oxford 2013.
  • Millar 1993 F. Millar, The Roman Near East, 31 bc–ad 337. Cambridge- MA-London 1993.
  • Millar 2006 F. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire: Power and Belief Under Theodosius II 408-450. London 2006.
  • Mitchell 20202 S. Mitchell, Geç Roma İmparatorluk Tarihi MS. 284 – 641. Çev.: T. Kaçar. Ankara 2020.
  • Oost 1968 S. I. Oost, Galla Placidia Augusta: A Biographical Essay. Chicago 1968.
  • Ostrogorsky 1991 G. Ostrogorsky, Bizans Devleti Tarihi. Çev.: F. Işıltan. Ankara 1991.
  • Pabst 1986 A. Pabst, Divisio Regni. Der Zerfall des Imperium Romanum in der Sicht der Zeitgenossen. Bonn 1986.
  • Pearce 1951 J. W. E. Pearce, The Roman Imperial Coinage Volume IX: Valentinian I-Theodosius I. London 1951.
  • Piganiol 1972 A. Piganiol, L’empire chrétien (325-395). Paris 1972.
  • PLRE A. H. M Jones, J. R. Martindale – J. Morris (eds.), The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, 3 vols. Cambridge1971-1992.
  • Potter 2004 D. S. Potter, The Roman Empire at Bay 180-395. London 2004.
  • Rollason 2012 D. Rollason, Early Medieval Europe 300-1050. Harlow 2012.
  • Seager 1999 R. Seager, “Roman Policy on the Rhine and Danube in Ammianus”. CQ 49 (1999) 579-605.
  • Stanfill – Schneider 2017 J. P. Stanfill – A. W. Schneider, “Gothia Submerged: The Impacts of Severe Flooding on Valens's First Gothic War”. Journal of Late Antiquity 10/ 2 (2017) 351-371.
  • Stoneman 1992 R. Stoneman, Palmyra and Its Empire. Ann Arbor 1992.
  • Toynbee 1951 J. M.C. Toynbee, “Roma and Constantinopolis in Late Antique Art From 365-578”. Ed. B. E. Mylonas, Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson II. St. Louis (1951) 261-277.
  • Van Nuffelen 2013 P. Van Nuffelen, “ Olympiodorus of Thebes and the Eastern Trıumphalism”. Ed. C. Kelly, Theodosius II: Rethinking the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity. Cambridge (2013) 130-152.
  • Whittow 1996 M. Whittow, The Making of Byzantium 600-1025. Berkeley-Los Angeles 1996.
  • Wijnendaele 2018 J. W. P. Wijnendaele, “‘Dagli altari alla polvere’ Alaric, Constantine III and the Downfall of Stilicho”. Journal of Ancient History 6/2 (2018) 260-277.
  • Williams – Friell1994 S. Williams – G. Friell, Theodosius: The Empire at Bay. New Haven 1994.
  • Wise-Bauer 2014 S. Wise-Bauer, Ortaçağ Dünyası: Roma İmparatoru Büyük Constantinus’un Hıristiyanlığı Kabul Etmesinden I. Haçlı Seferi’ne. Çev.: M. Moralı. İstanbul 2014.
  • Wolfram 1988 H. Wolfram, History of the Goths. Trans. by T. J. Dunlap. Berkeley 1988.

Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi

Year 2020, , 563 - 579, 30.06.2020


Geç Roma tarih yazımında I. Theodosius’un öldüğü 395 yılı genellikle, imparatorluğun nihai biçimde ikiye bölündüğü yıl olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu genel kabule göre, I. Theodosius’tan sonra yönetimi devralan oğulları Arcadius ve Honorius döneminde imparatorluğun doğusu ile batısı arasında ortaya çıkan çatışma, idari amaçlarla bölünen imparatorluğun iki yarısı arasında uzaklaşmaya ve düşmanlığa sebep olmuştur. Aynı bağlam içerisinde, “barbar” istilaları ile parçalanan Batı Roma’nın içinde bulunduğu duruma Doğu Roma yönetiminin kayıtsız kaldığı da sıklıkla ifade edilmektedir. Oysa dönemin çağdaş kaynaklarında 395 yılı veya sonrasında imparatorlukta kalıcı bir bölünme yaşandığına dair herhangi bir iz yer almamaktadır. Üstelik 395 yılından sonra da bilhassa Doğu Roma yönetiminin, imparatorluğun birliği fikri ve ideolojisini, her fırsatta vurgulamaya devam ettiği görülmektedir. Bu makalede 395 yılı öncesi ve sonrasında imparatorluğun idari ve siyasi yapısının temel karakteristiklerinden hareketle, doğu-batı eksenindeki bölünmenin esasları tartışılmakta; hem Geç Roma İmparatorluğu’nun tarihi anlatısını hem de tarihçilerin genel perspektifini yönlendirmekte olan bu “dönüm noktası”, imparatorluğun birliği ideolojisi çerçevesinde yeniden değerlendirilmektedir.


  • Bagnall et al. 1987 R. S. Bagnall, A. Cameron, S. R. Schwartz – K. A Worp, Consuls of the Later Roman Empire. Atlanta 1987.
  • Blanchet 1908 A. Blanchet, “Le Monnayage de l’empire romain après la mort de Théodose Ier”. CRAI (1908) 77-82.
  • Boeft et al. 2008 J. Den Boeft, J. W. Drijvers, D. Den Hengst – H. C. Teitler, A Historical and Philological Commentary on Ammianus Marcellinus Book XXVI. Leiden 2008.
  • Bowman 2008 A. K. Bowman, “Diocletian and the First Tetrarchy, A.D. 284-305”. Eds. A. K. Bowman, P. Garnsey – A. Cameron, The Cambridge Ancient History vol. XII. The Crisis of Empire A.D. 193-337. Cambridge-New York-Melbourne (2008) 67-89.
  • Brown 1971 P. Brown, The World of Late Antiquity: AD. 150-750. London 1971.
  • Brown 2017 P. Brown, Geç Antikçağ Dünyası. Çev. T. Kaçar. İstanbul 2017.
  • Burns 1994 T. S. Burns, Barbarians Within the Gates of Rome. A Study of Roman Military Policy and the Barbarians ca. 375-425 AD. Bloomington 1994.
  • Cameron – Long 1993 A. Cameron – J. Long, Barbarians and Politics at the Court of Arcadius. Oxford.
  • Cameron 1969 A. Cameron, “Theodosius the Great and the Regency of Stilicho”. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 73 (1969) 247-280.
  • Cameron 1993 Averil Cameron, The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity A. D. 395–600. London 1993.
  • Cameron 2012 Averil Cameron, The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity A. D. 395–700. London 2012.
  • Carlà 2014 F. Carlà, “Batı Roma İmparatorluğu’nun Çöküşünden Şarlman’a: Roma İmparatorluğu’nun Parçalanması”. Ed. U. Eco, Ortaçağ: Barbarlar, Hıristiyanlar, Müslümanlar. Çev.: L. Tonguç Basmacı. İstanbul (2014) 50-59.
  • Christiansen 1970 P. G. Christiansen, “Claudian and the East”. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 19/ 1 (1970) 113-120.
  • CIG Corpus Inscriptionum Graecorum. 4. vols. Berlin 1828-1877.
  • CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. 36 vols. Berlin 1862-93.
  • Corcoran 2000 S. Corcoran, The Empire of Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government A.D. 284-324 (Revised Edition). Oxford 2000.
  • Croke 1983 B. Croke, “A.D. 476: The Manufacure of a Turning Point”. Chiron 13 (1983) 81-119.
  • Demandt 20072 A. Demandt, Die Spätantike. Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian 284-565 n. Chr. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft 3. 6. Munich 2007.
  • Demougeot 1951 E. Demougeot, De l'unité à la division de l'Empire romain 395-410. Essai sur le gouvernement impérial. Paris 1951.
  • Drijvers 2015 J. W. Drijvers, “The Divisio Regni of 364: The End of Unity?”. Eds. R. Dijkstra, S. van Poppel – D. Slotjes, East and West in the Roman Empire of the Fourth Century: An End to Unity?. Leiden (2015) 82-96.
  • Drinkwater 1987 J. F. Drinkwater, The Gallic Empire: Separatism and Continuity in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire a.d. 260-274. Historia Einzelschriften 52. Stuttgart 1987.
  • Drinkwater 2007 J. F. Drinkwater, The Alamanni and Rome 213-496. Caracalla to Clovis. Oxford-New York 2007.
  • Drinkwater 2008 J. F. Drinkwater, “Maximinus to Diocletian and the ‘crisis’”. Eds. A. K. Bowman – P. Garnsey – A. Cameron, The Cambridge Ancient History vol. XII. The Crisis of Empire A.D. 193-337. Cambridge-New York-Melbourne (2008) 28-66.
  • Errington 1996a R. M. Errington, “Accession of Theodosius I”. Klio 78/2(1996) 438-453.
  • Errington 1996b R. M. Errington, “Theodosius and the Goths”. Chiron 26 (1996) 1-27.
  • Errington 2006 R. M. Errington, Roman Imperial Policy from Julian to Theodosius. Chapel Hill 2006.
  • Friell – Williams 1999 G. Friell – S. Williams, The Rome That Did Not Fall. New York 1999.
  • Gibbon 1995 E. Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire. Edited by David Womersley. London 1995.
  • Gillett 1993 A. Gillett, “The Date and Circumstances of Olympiodorus of Thebes”. Traditio 48 (1993) 1-29.
  • Goffart 1981 W. Goffart, “Rome, Constantinople and the Barbarians in Late Antiquity”. American Historical Review 76 (1981) 275-306.
  • Grant 2000 M. Grant, Roma’dan Bizans’a: İ.S. 5. Yüzyıl. Çev.: Z. Z. İlkgelen. İstanbul 2000.
  • Gregory 2008 T. E. Gregory, Bizans Tarihi. Çev.: E. Ermert. İstanbul 2008.
  • Grierson – Mays 1992 P. Grierson – M. Mays, Catalogue of Late Roman Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection. Washington 1992.
  • Harries – Wood 1993 J. Harries – I. Wood (eds.), The Theodosian Code: Studies in the Imperial Law of Late Antiquity. London 1993.
  • Harries 1999 J. Harries, Law and Empire in Late Antiquity. Cambridge 1999.
  • Heather 1991 P. Heather, Goths and Romans, 332-489. Oxford 1991.
  • Heather 1996 P. Heather, The Goths. Oxford 1996.
  • Heather 2005 P. Heather, The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History. London 2005.
  • Honoré 1998 T. Honore, Law in the Crisis of the Empire 379-455 AD: The Theodosian Dynasty and its Quaestors. Oxford 1998.
  • Hughes 2013 I. Hughes, Imperial Brothers: Valentinian, Valens and the Disaster at Adrianople. Barnsley 2013.
  • I. Eph. D. F. McCabe, Ephesos Inscriptions Texts and List. Princeton 1991. Web Erişimi:
  • I. RT J. M. Reynolds – J. B. Ward-Perkins, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania. Web erişimi: G. Bodard – C. Roueché (2009) Kaynak:
  • ILS H. Dessau (ed.), Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae. Berlin 1892–1916.
  • Innes 2007 M. Innes, Introduction to Early Medieval Western Europe 300-900: The Sword, The Plough and the Book. London 2007.
  • James 1988 E. James, The Franks. (The Peoples of Europe). Oxford 1988.
  • Johnson 1983 S. Johnson, Late Roman Fortifications. London 1983.
  • Jones 1962 A. H. M. Jones, “The Constitutional Position of Odoacer and Theoderic”. Journal of Roman Studies 52 (1962) 126-130.
  • Jones 1964 A. H. M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire 284-602: A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey. 3 vols. Oxford 1964.
  • Kaegi 1968 W. E. Kaegi, Byzantium and the Decline of Rome. Princeton 1968.
  • Kent 1994 J. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage Volume X: The Divided Empire and the Fall of the Western Parts AD 395-491. London 1994.
  • Kulikowski 2007 M. Kulikowski, Rome’s Gothic Wars: From the Third Century to Alaric. New York 2007.
  • Lemerle 2004 P. Lemerle, Bizans Tarihi. Çev.: G. Üstün. İstanbul 2004.
  • Lenski 1997 N. Lenski, “Initium Mali Romano Imperio: Contemporary Reactions to the Battle of Adrianople”. TAPA 127 (1997) 129-168.
  • Lenski 1999 N. Lenski, “Assimilation and Revolt in the Territory of Isauria from the 1st Century BC to the 6th Century AD”. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 42/4 (1999) 413-465.
  • Lenski 2002 N. Lenski, Failure of Empire: Valens and the Roman State in the Fourth Century AD. Berkeley-Los Angeles-London 2002.
  • Levick 1965 B. Levick, “Two Inscriptions from Pisidian Antioch”. Anatolian Stıdies 15 (1965) 53-62.
  • Levtchenko 2007 M. V. Levtchenko, Bizans Tarihi. Çev.: M. Selen. İstanbul 2007.
  • Liebeschuetz 1990 J. H. W. G. Liebeschuetz, Barbarians and Bishops: Army, Church and State in the Age of Arcadius and Chrysostom. Oxford 1990.
  • Lot 1961 F. Lot, The End of the Ancient World and the Beginnings of the Middle Ages. New York 1961.
  • Matthews 1975 J. Matthews, Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court AD. 364-425. Oxford-New York 1975.
  • Matthews 1989 J. Matthews, The Roman Empire of Ammianus. London 1989.
  • Matthews 2000 J. F. Matthews, Laying Down the Law: A Study of the Theodosian Code. New Haven-London 2000.
  • McEvoy 2013 M. McEvoy, Child Emperor Rule in the Late Roman West AD. 367-455. Oxford 2013.
  • Millar 1993 F. Millar, The Roman Near East, 31 bc–ad 337. Cambridge- MA-London 1993.
  • Millar 2006 F. Millar, A Greek Roman Empire: Power and Belief Under Theodosius II 408-450. London 2006.
  • Mitchell 20202 S. Mitchell, Geç Roma İmparatorluk Tarihi MS. 284 – 641. Çev.: T. Kaçar. Ankara 2020.
  • Oost 1968 S. I. Oost, Galla Placidia Augusta: A Biographical Essay. Chicago 1968.
  • Ostrogorsky 1991 G. Ostrogorsky, Bizans Devleti Tarihi. Çev.: F. Işıltan. Ankara 1991.
  • Pabst 1986 A. Pabst, Divisio Regni. Der Zerfall des Imperium Romanum in der Sicht der Zeitgenossen. Bonn 1986.
  • Pearce 1951 J. W. E. Pearce, The Roman Imperial Coinage Volume IX: Valentinian I-Theodosius I. London 1951.
  • Piganiol 1972 A. Piganiol, L’empire chrétien (325-395). Paris 1972.
  • PLRE A. H. M Jones, J. R. Martindale – J. Morris (eds.), The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, 3 vols. Cambridge1971-1992.
  • Potter 2004 D. S. Potter, The Roman Empire at Bay 180-395. London 2004.
  • Rollason 2012 D. Rollason, Early Medieval Europe 300-1050. Harlow 2012.
  • Seager 1999 R. Seager, “Roman Policy on the Rhine and Danube in Ammianus”. CQ 49 (1999) 579-605.
  • Stanfill – Schneider 2017 J. P. Stanfill – A. W. Schneider, “Gothia Submerged: The Impacts of Severe Flooding on Valens's First Gothic War”. Journal of Late Antiquity 10/ 2 (2017) 351-371.
  • Stoneman 1992 R. Stoneman, Palmyra and Its Empire. Ann Arbor 1992.
  • Toynbee 1951 J. M.C. Toynbee, “Roma and Constantinopolis in Late Antique Art From 365-578”. Ed. B. E. Mylonas, Studies Presented to David Moore Robinson II. St. Louis (1951) 261-277.
  • Van Nuffelen 2013 P. Van Nuffelen, “ Olympiodorus of Thebes and the Eastern Trıumphalism”. Ed. C. Kelly, Theodosius II: Rethinking the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity. Cambridge (2013) 130-152.
  • Whittow 1996 M. Whittow, The Making of Byzantium 600-1025. Berkeley-Los Angeles 1996.
  • Wijnendaele 2018 J. W. P. Wijnendaele, “‘Dagli altari alla polvere’ Alaric, Constantine III and the Downfall of Stilicho”. Journal of Ancient History 6/2 (2018) 260-277.
  • Williams – Friell1994 S. Williams – G. Friell, Theodosius: The Empire at Bay. New Haven 1994.
  • Wise-Bauer 2014 S. Wise-Bauer, Ortaçağ Dünyası: Roma İmparatoru Büyük Constantinus’un Hıristiyanlığı Kabul Etmesinden I. Haçlı Seferi’ne. Çev.: M. Moralı. İstanbul 2014.
  • Wolfram 1988 H. Wolfram, History of the Goths. Trans. by T. J. Dunlap. Berkeley 1988.
There are 84 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Ceren Pilevneli This is me 0000-0001-7725-3346

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date February 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Pilevneli, C. (2020). Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi. Cedrus, 8, 563-579.
AMA Pilevneli C. Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi. Cedrus. June 2020;8:563-579. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202028
Chicago Pilevneli, Ceren. “Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı Ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi”. Cedrus 8, June (June 2020): 563-79.
EndNote Pilevneli C (June 1, 2020) Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi. Cedrus 8 563–579.
IEEE C. Pilevneli, “Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi”, Cedrus, vol. 8, pp. 563–579, 2020, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.202028.
ISNAD Pilevneli, Ceren. “Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı Ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi”. Cedrus 8 (June 2020), 563-579.
JAMA Pilevneli C. Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi. Cedrus. 2020;8:563–579.
MLA Pilevneli, Ceren. “Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı Ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi”. Cedrus, vol. 8, 2020, pp. 563-79, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.202028.
Vancouver Pilevneli C. Geç Roma Tarih Yazımında 395 Yılı ve İmparatorluğun Birliği İdeolojisi. Cedrus. 2020;8:563-79.

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