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Criticisms of Slavery and Empathy for Slaves in Roman Society

Year 2014, Volume: 2, 355 - 376, 01.06.2014


The hard life and harsh treatment of slaves in the Roman Empire is a well-known fact. Some Roman and Christian sources, however, approach the matter partially objective, empathising with slaves and vaguely criticising their horrible conditions. Here I set out to present a general review of these texts including those of Roman jurisprudence, which, one way or another, try to understand slaves’ tough life, and point to their unfair treatment by their Roman masters. Although, unfortunately, they do not propose radical changes, they nevertheless include themes such as heavy working conditions, cruelty of the masters, physical violence etc. Among them the works of Poseidonius and his followers, Seneca, and satirical novels come to the front. Christian writers, on the other hand, adopted the Roman view of slavery in general, but extended their discourses to include slaves and other lower classes. Yet, in both the Bible and the Church Fathers, promising words and teachings tend to reserve a free life until after death.


  • Ach. Tat. (=Achilleus Tatius) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Leucippe and Clitophon. Translated by S. Gaselee. Cambridge, Mass. - London 1969 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Apul. (=Apuleius, Metamorphoses) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Başkalaşımlar. Çev.: Ç. Dürüşken. İstanbul 2006.
  • Arist. Pol. (=Aristoteles, Politika) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Politics. Translated by H. Rackham, Cambridge, Mass. - London 1932 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Arist. Rhet (=Aristoteles, Rhetorika) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Art of Rhetoric. Translated by J. H. Freese, Cambridge, Mass. - London 1926. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • August. CD (=Augustinus, de civitate Rei) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: City of God Volume III: Books 8-11. Translated by D. S. Wiesen, Cambridge, Mass. - London 1968 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • August. Ep. (=Augustinus, Epistulae) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Select Letters. Translated by J. H. Baxter. Cambridge, Mass. - London 1930 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Cato, Agr. Orig. (=Cato, de Agricultura) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On Agriculture. Translated by W. D. Hooper. Cambridge, Mass. London 1934 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Cic. Rep. (=Cicero, De Re Publica) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On the Republic. Translated by C. W. Keyes, Cambridge, Mass. London 1928 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Clem. Paed. (=Clementius, Paedagogus) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: The Instructor (Ante-Nicene Fathers II). Ed. P. Schaff. Edinburgh 1885.
  • CT (=Codex Theodosianus) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Codex Theodosianus. Eds. T. Mommsen – P. Meyer. Berlin 1905.
  • Colum. Rust. (=Columella, De re rustica) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On Agriculture Vol.I-III. Translated by H. B. Ash, E. S. Forster – E. H. Heffner. Cambridge, Mass. London 1941-1955 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Cyp. Demetr. (=Cyprianus, Ad Demetrianum) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Cyprian, An Address to Demetrianus, (AnteNicene Fathers V). Ed. P. Schaff. Edinburgh 1885.
  • Dig. (=Digesta) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Digesta. Ed. T. Mommsen. Berlin 1892.
  • Diod. Sic. (=Diodorus Sicilus, Bibliotheca Historica) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: The Library of History. Translated by C. H. Oldfather. Cambridge, Mass. London 1933 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Dio Chrys. (=Dion Khrysostomos) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Discourses 12-30.Translated by H. L. Crosby, Cambridge, Mass. London 1939 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Eur. Ion (=Euripides, Ion) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Volume IV. Trojan Women. Iphigenia among the Taurians. Ion. Translated by D. Kovacs. Cambridge, Mass. London 1999 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • FGrHist (=Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker II A) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, ed. F. Jacoby. Leiden 1940.
  • Epict. En (=Epiktetos, Enkheiridion) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Discourses 3-4, Fragments, The Encheiridion translated by W. A. Oldfather. Cambridge, Mass. London 1928. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Hipp. Haer. (=Hippolytus, Refutatio omnium haeresium) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Refutation of All Heresies. Translated by J. H. MacMahon, (Ante-Nicene Fathers V). New York 1886.
  • Inst. (=Institutiones Iustiniani) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Institutiones Iustiniani. Ed. E. Huschke, Berlin 1914. Juv. (=Iuvenalis, Saturae) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Yergiler-Saturae. Çev.: Ç. Dürüşken – E. Alova. İstanbul 2006.
  • NT (=New Testament) Kutsal Kitap. İstanbul 2011.
  • Lactant. ID (=Lactantius, Re Ira Dei) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On the Anger of God, (Ante-Nicene Fathers VII). Ed. P. Schaff. Edinburgh 1885.
  • Nep. Att. (=Cornelius Nepos, Atticus) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On Great Generals. On Historians. Translated by J. C. Rolfe, Cambridge, Mass. London 1929 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Sen. Ep (=Seneca, Epistulae) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Epistles Volume I. Translated by R. M. Gummere, Cambridge, Mass. London 1917 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Sen. Ben. (=Seneca, de Beneficiis) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Seneca, Moral Essays Volume III: De Beneficiis. Translated by. W. Basore, London 1935 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Strab. (=Strabon, Geographika) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Geography. Translated by H. L. Jones, Cambridge, Mass. London 1917. (The Loeb Classical Library)
  • Suet. Claud (=Suetonius, Claudius) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Lives of the Twelve Caesars Vol. II. Translated by J. C. Rolfe, Cambridge, Mass. London 1914. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Plut. Crass. (=Plutarkhos, Crassus) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Lives, Volume III: Pericles and Fabius Maximus. Nicias and Crassus.Translated by B. Perrin, Cambridge, Mass. London 1916. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Tact. Ann. (=Tacitus, Annales) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Annals. Tanslated by J. Jackson, Cambridge, Mass. London 1937. (The Loeb Classical Library) .
  • Tertul. De Res. (=Tertullianus, De Resurrectione Carnis) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On the Resurrection of the Body, (Ante-Nicene Fathers III). Ed. P. Schaff, Edinburgh 1885.
  • Var. R. (= Marcus Terentius Varro, De Re Rustica) Varro, On Agriculture. Translated by W. D. Hooper, London, 1934. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Balsdon 20043 J. P. V. D. Balsdon, Life and Leisure in Anceint Rome. London 20043
  • Bradley 1999 K. Bradley, Slavery and Society at Rome. Cambridge 1999.
  • Buckland 1908 W. W. Buckland, The Roman Law of Slavery. The Condition of the Slave in Private Law from Augustus to Justinian. Cambridge 1908.
  • Canetti 2006 E. Canetti, Kitle ve İktidar. İstanbul, 2006.
  • Chantraine 1967 H. Chantraine, Freigelassene und Sklaven im Dienst der römischen Kaiser: Studien zu ihrer Nomenklatur. Wiesbaden-Steiner 1967.
  • de Ste. Croix 1981 G. E. M. de Ste. Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World. New York 1981.
  • Dixon 1991 E. Dixon, The Roman Family. Baltimore & London 1991
  • Duff 1958 A. M. Duff, Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire. Cambridge 1958.
  • Garnsey 19992 P. Garnsey, Ideas of Slavery from Aristotle to Augustine. Cambridge 19992.
  • Gregory 2002 J. Gregory, “Euripides as Social Critic”. Greece & Rome 49/2 (2002), 145- 162.
  • Harper 2011 K. Harper, Slavery in the Late Roman World AD 275-425. Cambridge 2011.
  • Honore 19963 T. Honore, “Justinian’s Codification”. Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford (19963 ) 803-804.
  • Hope 1997 V. M. Hope, “Constructing Roman Identity: Funerary Monuments and Social Structure in the Roman World”. Mortality 2/2 (1997) 102-121.
  • Katsari – Lago 2008 C. Katsari – E. D. Lago, “Ideal Models of Slave Management in the Roman World and in the ante-bellum American South”. Eds. E. D. Lago – C. Katsari, Slave System: Ancient and Modern, Cambridge (2008) 187- 214.
  • Malay 1990 H. Malay, Çağlar Boyu Kölelik. Ankara 1990.
  • Millar 19932 F. Millar, The Emperor in the Roman World. London 1993
  • Modzelewski 2011 L. Modzelewski, Barbarların Avrupası. Roma’nın Mirasçıları Karşısında Germenler ve Slavlar. Çev.: N. Demirtaş. İstanbul 2011.
  • Mouritsen 2011 H. Mouritsen, “The Families of Roman Slaves and Freedmen”. Ed. B. Rawson, A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds, London (2011) 129-145.
  • Reinhardt 1953 K. Reinhardt, “Poseidonios”. RE 43 (1953) 562-826.
  • Rüfner 2006 T. Rüfner, “Die Rezeption des Römischen Sklavenrechts im Gelehrten Recht des Mittelalters”. Sklaverei un Freilassung im römischen Recht. Symposium für Hans Josef Wieling zum 70. Geburstag, Springer Berlin (2006) 201-223.
  • Schlaifer 1936 R. Schlaifer, “Greek Theories of Slavery from Homer to Aristotle”. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 47 (1936) 165-204.
  • Şahin – Şahin 2013 H. Şahin – F. Şahin, “Cato, Varro, Vitruvius ve Columella’da Villa Rustica: Mimari, İşleyiş, Ürünler”. Ed. O. Tekin, M. H. Sayar – E. Konyar, Taner Tarhan Armağanı. Essays in Honour of M. Taner Tarhan. İstanbul (2013) 313-329.
  • Strasburger 1965 H. Strasburger, “Poseidonios on the Problems of the Roman Empire”. JRS 55 (1965) 40-53.
  • Tellegen-Couperus 1993 O. Tellegen-Couperus, A Short History of Roman Law. London 1993.
  • Treggiari 1969 S. Treggiari, Roman Freedmen During the Late Republic. Oxford, 1969.
  • Ward-Perkins 2006 B. Ward-Perkins, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization. Oxford, 2006.
  • Wills 1998 L. W. Wills, “Depiction of Slavery in the Ancient Novel”. Semeia 83/84 (1998) 113-133. .

Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi ve Kölelere Empati

Year 2014, Volume: 2, 355 - 376, 01.06.2014


Roma İmparatorluğu’nda kölelerin durumu ge­nel­likle ve haklı olarak olumsuz yanlarıyla hafızalarda yer etmiştir. Buna rağmen kötü muameleye maruz kalan kölelere çeşitli kaynaklarda belli ölçülerde empa­tiyle yaklaşıldığı, ağır şartların eleştirildiğini görmek müm­kündür. Burada, Roma toplumunda kölelik kuru­muna ve kölelerin yaşadığı hayata dair dolaylı ya da doğrudan eleştiri yapan ve durumlarını anlamaya çalışan Roma Dönemi pagan ve Hıristiyan kaynak­larıyla Roma hu­kuku ışığında genel bir değerlendirme yapılacaktır. Ne var ki Roma’nın köklü kölelik gelenek­lerini yansıtan bu kaynaklar, radikal reformlar öner­memektedir. Yine de ağır çalışma şartları, köle sahip­ler­i­nin zalimliği, fiziksel şiddet gibi konular kendilerine yer bulmuştur. Bunlar arasında özellikle Poseidonios ve onu izleyen yazarlar, Seneca ve hiciv tazında çeşitli romanlar öne çıkar. Hıristiyan ya­zarlar Roma’nın bakış açısını almış, fakat söylemini köleleri de kapsayacak şekilde genişletmiştir. Ne var ki hem İncil’de hem de söz konu­su yazarlarda umut­landırıcı sözler ve telkinler özgür bir yaşamı sonraki hayata ertelemeye yöneliktir.


  • Ach. Tat. (=Achilleus Tatius) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Leucippe and Clitophon. Translated by S. Gaselee. Cambridge, Mass. - London 1969 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Apul. (=Apuleius, Metamorphoses) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Başkalaşımlar. Çev.: Ç. Dürüşken. İstanbul 2006.
  • Arist. Pol. (=Aristoteles, Politika) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Politics. Translated by H. Rackham, Cambridge, Mass. - London 1932 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Arist. Rhet (=Aristoteles, Rhetorika) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Art of Rhetoric. Translated by J. H. Freese, Cambridge, Mass. - London 1926. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • August. CD (=Augustinus, de civitate Rei) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: City of God Volume III: Books 8-11. Translated by D. S. Wiesen, Cambridge, Mass. - London 1968 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • August. Ep. (=Augustinus, Epistulae) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Select Letters. Translated by J. H. Baxter. Cambridge, Mass. - London 1930 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Cato, Agr. Orig. (=Cato, de Agricultura) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On Agriculture. Translated by W. D. Hooper. Cambridge, Mass. London 1934 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Cic. Rep. (=Cicero, De Re Publica) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On the Republic. Translated by C. W. Keyes, Cambridge, Mass. London 1928 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Clem. Paed. (=Clementius, Paedagogus) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: The Instructor (Ante-Nicene Fathers II). Ed. P. Schaff. Edinburgh 1885.
  • CT (=Codex Theodosianus) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Codex Theodosianus. Eds. T. Mommsen – P. Meyer. Berlin 1905.
  • Colum. Rust. (=Columella, De re rustica) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On Agriculture Vol.I-III. Translated by H. B. Ash, E. S. Forster – E. H. Heffner. Cambridge, Mass. London 1941-1955 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Cyp. Demetr. (=Cyprianus, Ad Demetrianum) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Cyprian, An Address to Demetrianus, (AnteNicene Fathers V). Ed. P. Schaff. Edinburgh 1885.
  • Dig. (=Digesta) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Digesta. Ed. T. Mommsen. Berlin 1892.
  • Diod. Sic. (=Diodorus Sicilus, Bibliotheca Historica) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: The Library of History. Translated by C. H. Oldfather. Cambridge, Mass. London 1933 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Dio Chrys. (=Dion Khrysostomos) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Discourses 12-30.Translated by H. L. Crosby, Cambridge, Mass. London 1939 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Eur. Ion (=Euripides, Ion) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Volume IV. Trojan Women. Iphigenia among the Taurians. Ion. Translated by D. Kovacs. Cambridge, Mass. London 1999 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • FGrHist (=Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker II A) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, ed. F. Jacoby. Leiden 1940.
  • Epict. En (=Epiktetos, Enkheiridion) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Discourses 3-4, Fragments, The Encheiridion translated by W. A. Oldfather. Cambridge, Mass. London 1928. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Hipp. Haer. (=Hippolytus, Refutatio omnium haeresium) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Refutation of All Heresies. Translated by J. H. MacMahon, (Ante-Nicene Fathers V). New York 1886.
  • Inst. (=Institutiones Iustiniani) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Institutiones Iustiniani. Ed. E. Huschke, Berlin 1914. Juv. (=Iuvenalis, Saturae) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Yergiler-Saturae. Çev.: Ç. Dürüşken – E. Alova. İstanbul 2006.
  • NT (=New Testament) Kutsal Kitap. İstanbul 2011.
  • Lactant. ID (=Lactantius, Re Ira Dei) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On the Anger of God, (Ante-Nicene Fathers VII). Ed. P. Schaff. Edinburgh 1885.
  • Nep. Att. (=Cornelius Nepos, Atticus) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On Great Generals. On Historians. Translated by J. C. Rolfe, Cambridge, Mass. London 1929 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Sen. Ep (=Seneca, Epistulae) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Epistles Volume I. Translated by R. M. Gummere, Cambridge, Mass. London 1917 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Sen. Ben. (=Seneca, de Beneficiis) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Seneca, Moral Essays Volume III: De Beneficiis. Translated by. W. Basore, London 1935 (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Strab. (=Strabon, Geographika) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Geography. Translated by H. L. Jones, Cambridge, Mass. London 1917. (The Loeb Classical Library)
  • Suet. Claud (=Suetonius, Claudius) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Lives of the Twelve Caesars Vol. II. Translated by J. C. Rolfe, Cambridge, Mass. London 1914. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Plut. Crass. (=Plutarkhos, Crassus) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Lives, Volume III: Pericles and Fabius Maximus. Nicias and Crassus.Translated by B. Perrin, Cambridge, Mass. London 1916. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Tact. Ann. (=Tacitus, Annales) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Annals. Tanslated by J. Jackson, Cambridge, Mass. London 1937. (The Loeb Classical Library) .
  • Tertul. De Res. (=Tertullianus, De Resurrectione Carnis) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: On the Resurrection of the Body, (Ante-Nicene Fathers III). Ed. P. Schaff, Edinburgh 1885.
  • Var. R. (= Marcus Terentius Varro, De Re Rustica) Varro, On Agriculture. Translated by W. D. Hooper, London, 1934. (The Loeb Classical Library).
  • Balsdon 20043 J. P. V. D. Balsdon, Life and Leisure in Anceint Rome. London 20043
  • Bradley 1999 K. Bradley, Slavery and Society at Rome. Cambridge 1999.
  • Buckland 1908 W. W. Buckland, The Roman Law of Slavery. The Condition of the Slave in Private Law from Augustus to Justinian. Cambridge 1908.
  • Canetti 2006 E. Canetti, Kitle ve İktidar. İstanbul, 2006.
  • Chantraine 1967 H. Chantraine, Freigelassene und Sklaven im Dienst der römischen Kaiser: Studien zu ihrer Nomenklatur. Wiesbaden-Steiner 1967.
  • de Ste. Croix 1981 G. E. M. de Ste. Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World. New York 1981.
  • Dixon 1991 E. Dixon, The Roman Family. Baltimore & London 1991
  • Duff 1958 A. M. Duff, Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire. Cambridge 1958.
  • Garnsey 19992 P. Garnsey, Ideas of Slavery from Aristotle to Augustine. Cambridge 19992.
  • Gregory 2002 J. Gregory, “Euripides as Social Critic”. Greece & Rome 49/2 (2002), 145- 162.
  • Harper 2011 K. Harper, Slavery in the Late Roman World AD 275-425. Cambridge 2011.
  • Honore 19963 T. Honore, “Justinian’s Codification”. Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford (19963 ) 803-804.
  • Hope 1997 V. M. Hope, “Constructing Roman Identity: Funerary Monuments and Social Structure in the Roman World”. Mortality 2/2 (1997) 102-121.
  • Katsari – Lago 2008 C. Katsari – E. D. Lago, “Ideal Models of Slave Management in the Roman World and in the ante-bellum American South”. Eds. E. D. Lago – C. Katsari, Slave System: Ancient and Modern, Cambridge (2008) 187- 214.
  • Malay 1990 H. Malay, Çağlar Boyu Kölelik. Ankara 1990.
  • Millar 19932 F. Millar, The Emperor in the Roman World. London 1993
  • Modzelewski 2011 L. Modzelewski, Barbarların Avrupası. Roma’nın Mirasçıları Karşısında Germenler ve Slavlar. Çev.: N. Demirtaş. İstanbul 2011.
  • Mouritsen 2011 H. Mouritsen, “The Families of Roman Slaves and Freedmen”. Ed. B. Rawson, A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds, London (2011) 129-145.
  • Reinhardt 1953 K. Reinhardt, “Poseidonios”. RE 43 (1953) 562-826.
  • Rüfner 2006 T. Rüfner, “Die Rezeption des Römischen Sklavenrechts im Gelehrten Recht des Mittelalters”. Sklaverei un Freilassung im römischen Recht. Symposium für Hans Josef Wieling zum 70. Geburstag, Springer Berlin (2006) 201-223.
  • Schlaifer 1936 R. Schlaifer, “Greek Theories of Slavery from Homer to Aristotle”. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 47 (1936) 165-204.
  • Şahin – Şahin 2013 H. Şahin – F. Şahin, “Cato, Varro, Vitruvius ve Columella’da Villa Rustica: Mimari, İşleyiş, Ürünler”. Ed. O. Tekin, M. H. Sayar – E. Konyar, Taner Tarhan Armağanı. Essays in Honour of M. Taner Tarhan. İstanbul (2013) 313-329.
  • Strasburger 1965 H. Strasburger, “Poseidonios on the Problems of the Roman Empire”. JRS 55 (1965) 40-53.
  • Tellegen-Couperus 1993 O. Tellegen-Couperus, A Short History of Roman Law. London 1993.
  • Treggiari 1969 S. Treggiari, Roman Freedmen During the Late Republic. Oxford, 1969.
  • Ward-Perkins 2006 B. Ward-Perkins, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization. Oxford, 2006.
  • Wills 1998 L. W. Wills, “Depiction of Slavery in the Ancient Novel”. Semeia 83/84 (1998) 113-133. .
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Gürkan Ergin

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 2


APA Ergin, G. (2014). Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi ve Kölelere Empati. Cedrus, 2, 355-376.
AMA Ergin G. Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi ve Kölelere Empati. Cedrus. June 2014;2:355-376. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201406468
Chicago Ergin, Gürkan. “Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi Ve Kölelere Empati”. Cedrus 2, June (June 2014): 355-76.
EndNote Ergin G (June 1, 2014) Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi ve Kölelere Empati. Cedrus 2 355–376.
IEEE G. Ergin, “Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi ve Kölelere Empati”, Cedrus, vol. 2, pp. 355–376, 2014, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.201406468.
ISNAD Ergin, Gürkan. “Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi Ve Kölelere Empati”. Cedrus 2 (June 2014), 355-376.
JAMA Ergin G. Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi ve Kölelere Empati. Cedrus. 2014;2:355–376.
MLA Ergin, Gürkan. “Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi Ve Kölelere Empati”. Cedrus, vol. 2, 2014, pp. 355-76, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.201406468.
Vancouver Ergin G. Roma Toplumunda Kölelik Eleştirisi ve Kölelere Empati. Cedrus. 2014;2:355-76.

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