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Year 2015, Volume: 3, 243 - 256, 01.06.2015


This article presents 14 new inscriptions found in the territory of Nicaea and Modrena, during surveys conducted between 2012 and 2014. All of these inscriptions came from the area which in Roman imperial times formed a part of the territory of Nicaea and Modrena. The unpublished epigraphic doc­uments presented here include numerous anthropo­nyms, underlining the cultural richness of this region.


  • Adak – Akyürek-Şahin 2005 M. Adak – N. E. Akyürek-Şahin, “Katalog der Inschriften im Museum von Adapazarı”. Gephyra 2 (2005) 133-172.
  • Adak et al. 2008 M. Adak, N. E. Akyürek-Şahin – M. Y. Güneş, “Neue Inschriften im Museum von Bolu (Bithynion/Klaudiopolis)”. Gephyra 5 (2008) 73–120.
  • AnatSt Anatolian Studies.
  • ArkSan Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi. Bean – Mitford 1970 G. E. Bean – T. B. Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964–1968. Viena 1970.
  • Coulton 2005 J. J. Coulton, “Pedestals as ‘altars’ in Roman Asia Minor”. AnatSt 55 (2005) 127–157.
  • Çokbankir 2010 N. Çokbankir, “Modrena ve Nikaia Teritoryumundan Yeni Yazıtlar”. Olba 18 (2010) 323–345.
  • Detschew 1957 D. Detschew, Die Thrakischen Sprachreste. Wien 1957.
  • Drew-Bear 1978 T. Drew-Bear, Nouvelles İnscriptions de Phrygie. Zutphen 1978.
  • EA Epigraphica Anatolica. Gignac 1976 F. Gignac, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, Volume I: Phonology. Milano 1976.
  • Gignac 1981 F. Gignac, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, Volume II: Morphology. Milano 1981.
  • IG X. 2. 2 Inscriptiones Graecae, X: Inscriptiones Epiri, Macedoniae, Thraciae, Scythiae. Pars II, fasc. 2: Inscriptiones Macedoniae Septentrionalis. Sectio Prima: Inscriptiones Lyncestidis, Heracleae, Pelagoniae, Derriopi, Lychnidi. Eds. F. Papazoglu, M. Milin, M. Ricl – K. Hallof. Berlin 1999.
  • IKlaud Die Inschriften von Klaudiu Polis. Ed. F. Becker-Bertau. Bonn 1986.
  • IKomana Die Inschriften von Komana (Hierapolis) in Kappadokien. Ed. F. Baz. İstanbul 2007.
  • INikaia Katalog der Antiken Inschriften des Museums von İznik (Nikaia). IK 9-10. Ed. S. Şahin. Bonn 1979-1987.
  • Kienast 20043 D. Kienast, Römische Kaisertabelle: Gründzüge einer Römischen Kaiserchronologie. Darmstadt 2004.
  • Kubínska 1968 J. Kubínska, Les Monuments Funeraires dans les Inscriptions Grecques de l’Asie Mineure. Warszawa 1968.
  • Laminger-Pascher 1973 G. Laminger-Pascher, Index Grammaticus zu den Griechischen Inschriften Kilikiens und Isauriens I (mit 3 Textabbildungen). Wien 1973.
  • LGPN IV A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Volume IV: Macedonia, Thrace, Northern Regions of The Black Sea Pontos to Ionia. Eds. P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews. Oxford 2005.
  • LGPN VA A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Volume VA: Coastal Asia Minor: Pontos to Ionia. Ed. T. Corsten. Oxford 2010.
  • LGPN VB A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Volume VB: Coastal Asia Minor: Caria to Cilicia. Eds. J.-S. Balzat, R. W. V. Catling, É. Chiricat, F. Marchand – T. Corsten. Oxford 2013.
  • MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, Volumes I-IX. Eds. W. M. Calder et al. London 1929-1988.
  • Merkelbach – Şahin 1983 R. Merkelbach – S. Şahin, “Eine Stolze Mutter von Sieben Söhnen”. EA 1 (1983) 57–58.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor. Oxford 1993.
  • MJH Mediterranean Journal of Humanities.
  • Öztürk – Kılıç-Aslan 2012 H. S. Öztürk – S. Kılıç-Aslan, “Nikaia’dan Yeni Yazıtlar II”. Gephyra 9 (2012) 101–110.
  • Öztürk – Pilevneli 2012 H. S. Öztürk – C. Pilevneli, “Nikaia’dan Yeni Yazıtlar III”. MJH II/2 (2012) 189–203.
  • Öztürk 2011 H. S. Öztürk, “Nikaia’dan (Bithynia) Yeni Yazıtlar I”. ArkSan 137 (2011) 147–154.
  • RECAM II Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor, II: The Ankara District: The Inscriptions of North Galatia. Eds. S. Mitchell, D. French – J. Greenhalgh. Oxford 1982.
  • SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Threatte 1996 L. Threatte, The Grammar of Attic Inscriptions, Volume. II: Morphology. Berlin - New York 1996.
  • Zgusta 1964 L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Personennamen. Prag 1964.


Year 2015, Volume: 3, 243 - 256, 01.06.2015


Makalede 2012–2104 yılları arasında Nikaia ve Modrena antik kentinin teritoryumunda bulunan 14 yeni yazıt tanıtılmaktadır. Nikaia ve Modrena antik ken­tinin teritoryumundan ele geçen tüm yazıtlar Roma İmparatorluk Çağı’na tarihlenmektedir. Bu yazıtlar, böl­genin kültürel zenginliğini gösteren çok sayıda anthro­ponymos şahıs ismi içermektedir.


  • Adak – Akyürek-Şahin 2005 M. Adak – N. E. Akyürek-Şahin, “Katalog der Inschriften im Museum von Adapazarı”. Gephyra 2 (2005) 133-172.
  • Adak et al. 2008 M. Adak, N. E. Akyürek-Şahin – M. Y. Güneş, “Neue Inschriften im Museum von Bolu (Bithynion/Klaudiopolis)”. Gephyra 5 (2008) 73–120.
  • AnatSt Anatolian Studies.
  • ArkSan Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi. Bean – Mitford 1970 G. E. Bean – T. B. Mitford, Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964–1968. Viena 1970.
  • Coulton 2005 J. J. Coulton, “Pedestals as ‘altars’ in Roman Asia Minor”. AnatSt 55 (2005) 127–157.
  • Çokbankir 2010 N. Çokbankir, “Modrena ve Nikaia Teritoryumundan Yeni Yazıtlar”. Olba 18 (2010) 323–345.
  • Detschew 1957 D. Detschew, Die Thrakischen Sprachreste. Wien 1957.
  • Drew-Bear 1978 T. Drew-Bear, Nouvelles İnscriptions de Phrygie. Zutphen 1978.
  • EA Epigraphica Anatolica. Gignac 1976 F. Gignac, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, Volume I: Phonology. Milano 1976.
  • Gignac 1981 F. Gignac, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, Volume II: Morphology. Milano 1981.
  • IG X. 2. 2 Inscriptiones Graecae, X: Inscriptiones Epiri, Macedoniae, Thraciae, Scythiae. Pars II, fasc. 2: Inscriptiones Macedoniae Septentrionalis. Sectio Prima: Inscriptiones Lyncestidis, Heracleae, Pelagoniae, Derriopi, Lychnidi. Eds. F. Papazoglu, M. Milin, M. Ricl – K. Hallof. Berlin 1999.
  • IKlaud Die Inschriften von Klaudiu Polis. Ed. F. Becker-Bertau. Bonn 1986.
  • IKomana Die Inschriften von Komana (Hierapolis) in Kappadokien. Ed. F. Baz. İstanbul 2007.
  • INikaia Katalog der Antiken Inschriften des Museums von İznik (Nikaia). IK 9-10. Ed. S. Şahin. Bonn 1979-1987.
  • Kienast 20043 D. Kienast, Römische Kaisertabelle: Gründzüge einer Römischen Kaiserchronologie. Darmstadt 2004.
  • Kubínska 1968 J. Kubínska, Les Monuments Funeraires dans les Inscriptions Grecques de l’Asie Mineure. Warszawa 1968.
  • Laminger-Pascher 1973 G. Laminger-Pascher, Index Grammaticus zu den Griechischen Inschriften Kilikiens und Isauriens I (mit 3 Textabbildungen). Wien 1973.
  • LGPN IV A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Volume IV: Macedonia, Thrace, Northern Regions of The Black Sea Pontos to Ionia. Eds. P. M. Fraser – E. Matthews. Oxford 2005.
  • LGPN VA A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Volume VA: Coastal Asia Minor: Pontos to Ionia. Ed. T. Corsten. Oxford 2010.
  • LGPN VB A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Volume VB: Coastal Asia Minor: Caria to Cilicia. Eds. J.-S. Balzat, R. W. V. Catling, É. Chiricat, F. Marchand – T. Corsten. Oxford 2013.
  • MAMA Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, Volumes I-IX. Eds. W. M. Calder et al. London 1929-1988.
  • Merkelbach – Şahin 1983 R. Merkelbach – S. Şahin, “Eine Stolze Mutter von Sieben Söhnen”. EA 1 (1983) 57–58.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor. Oxford 1993.
  • MJH Mediterranean Journal of Humanities.
  • Öztürk – Kılıç-Aslan 2012 H. S. Öztürk – S. Kılıç-Aslan, “Nikaia’dan Yeni Yazıtlar II”. Gephyra 9 (2012) 101–110.
  • Öztürk – Pilevneli 2012 H. S. Öztürk – C. Pilevneli, “Nikaia’dan Yeni Yazıtlar III”. MJH II/2 (2012) 189–203.
  • Öztürk 2011 H. S. Öztürk, “Nikaia’dan (Bithynia) Yeni Yazıtlar I”. ArkSan 137 (2011) 147–154.
  • RECAM II Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor, II: The Ankara District: The Inscriptions of North Galatia. Eds. S. Mitchell, D. French – J. Greenhalgh. Oxford 1982.
  • SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Threatte 1996 L. Threatte, The Grammar of Attic Inscriptions, Volume. II: Morphology. Berlin - New York 1996.
  • Zgusta 1964 L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Personennamen. Prag 1964.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hüseyin Sami Öztürk

Filiz Dönmez-öztürk This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 3


APA Öztürk, H. S., & Dönmez-öztürk, F. (2015). GÖYNÜK VE MUDURNU’DAN YENİ YAZITLAR III. Cedrus, 3, 243-256.
AMA Öztürk HS, Dönmez-öztürk F. GÖYNÜK VE MUDURNU’DAN YENİ YAZITLAR III. Cedrus. June 2015;3:243-256. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011402
Chicago Öztürk, Hüseyin Sami, and Filiz Dönmez-öztürk. “GÖYNÜK VE MUDURNU’DAN YENİ YAZITLAR III”. Cedrus 3, June (June 2015): 243-56.
EndNote Öztürk HS, Dönmez-öztürk F (June 1, 2015) GÖYNÜK VE MUDURNU’DAN YENİ YAZITLAR III. Cedrus 3 243–256.
IEEE H. S. Öztürk and F. Dönmez-öztürk, “GÖYNÜK VE MUDURNU’DAN YENİ YAZITLAR III”, Cedrus, vol. 3, pp. 243–256, 2015, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011402.
ISNAD Öztürk, Hüseyin Sami - Dönmez-öztürk, Filiz. “GÖYNÜK VE MUDURNU’DAN YENİ YAZITLAR III”. Cedrus 3 (June 2015), 243-256.
JAMA Öztürk HS, Dönmez-öztürk F. GÖYNÜK VE MUDURNU’DAN YENİ YAZITLAR III. Cedrus. 2015;3:243–256.
MLA Öztürk, Hüseyin Sami and Filiz Dönmez-öztürk. “GÖYNÜK VE MUDURNU’DAN YENİ YAZITLAR III”. Cedrus, vol. 3, 2015, pp. 243-56, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011402.
Vancouver Öztürk HS, Dönmez-öztürk F. GÖYNÜK VE MUDURNU’DAN YENİ YAZITLAR III. Cedrus. 2015;3:243-56.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 15 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.