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Year 2016, Volume: 4, 243 - 259, 01.06.2016


A group of metal products which became stuck together following a fire and demolition was unearthed during the excavation and restoration works conducted in the west portico of the main street of Per­ge by the Antalya Museum Directorate in 2013. The group which consists of liturgical and artifacts of daily use such as: candle suspensions, candelabra, incense burn­ers, scales, iron stools, in front of the portico for their probable sale, were abandoned following the fire and/or earthquake, remaining under the debris. The artifacts range in date from Late Antiquity to the Early Christian period and suggest that at Perge thereould have been shops/workshops for metal goods produc­ti­on and for sale in the porticos of the main street.


  • Acara – Olcay 1998 M. Acara – B. Y. Olcay, “Bizans Döneminde Aydınlatma Düzeni ve Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi’nde Kullanılan Aydınlatma Gereçleri”. Adalya II (1998) 249-266.
  • Acara 1990 M. Acara, Türkiye Müzelerindeki Bizans Maden Eserleri. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Ankara 1990.
  • Acara 1997 M. Acara, Bizans Maden Sanatında Dini Törenler Sırasında Kullanılan (Liturjik) Eserler. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Ankara 1997.
  • Acara 1998 M. Acara, “Bizans Ortodoks Kilisesinde Liturji ve Liturjik Eserler”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi XV/1 (1998) 183-201.
  • Ambrosini 2013 L. Ambrosini, “Candelabra, Thymiateria and Kottaboi at Banquets: Greece and Etruria in Comparison”. Etruscan Studies 16 (2013) 1-38.
  • Andrianou 2006 D. Andrianou, “Chairs, Beds and Tables, Evidence for Furnished Interiors in Hellenistic Greece”. Hesperia 75 (2006) 219-266.
  • Ataman 2010 A. D. Ataman, “Dünden Bugüne Kündürün Tedavideki Yeri”. Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları XII/1 (2010) 61-66.
  • Atasoy 2005 S. Atasoy, Bronz Lamps in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. Oxford 2005.
  • Aydın 2010 A. Aydın, “Adana Müzesindeki Altıgen Gövdeli Buhurdan”. Adalya XIII (2010) 305-320.
  • Bailey 1996 D. M. Bailey, A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum IV, Lamps of Metal and Stone and Lampstands. Dorchester 1996.
  • Ballance et al. 1989 M. Ballance, J. Boardman, S. Corbett – S. Hood, Excavations in Chios 1952-1955: Byzantine Emporio. Athens 1989.
  • Bass – van Doorninck 1982 G. F. Bass – F. H. van Doorninck, Yassıada, a Seventh-Century Byzantine Shipwreck. Texas 1982.
  • Beghelli – Gil 2013 M. Beghelli – J. P. Gil, “Corredo e Arredo Liturgico nelle Chiese tra VIII e IX Secolo, Suppellettili Antiche e Moderne, Locali e Importate tra Archeologia, Fonti Scritte e Fonti Iconografiche”. RGZM 60 (2013) 697- 762.
  • Benson 1960 J. L. Benson, “Bronze Tripods from Kourion”. GRBS 3 (1960) 7-16.
  • Bouras – Parani 2008 L. Bouras – M. G. Parani, Lighting in Early Byzantium. Washington 2008.
  • Brokalakis 2005 Y. Brokalakis, “Bronze Vessels from Late Roman and Early Byzantine Eleutherna on Crete”. AntTard 13 (2005) 44-48.
  • Byzanz 2001 Byzanz, Das Licht aus dem Osten. Ed. C. Stiegemann. Paderborn 2001.
  • Byzanz 2010 Byzanz, Pracht und Alltag, 26. Februar bis 13. Juni. Ed. J. Frings. Bonn 2010.
  • Chavane 1975 M. J. Chavane, Salamine de Chypre VI, Les Petits Objects. Paris 1975.
  • Colt 1962 H. D. Colt, Excavations at Nessana. London 1962.
  • Comstock – Vermeule 1971 M. Comstock – C. Vermeule, Greek, Etruscan and Roman Bronzes in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Massachusetts 1971.
  • Cooney 1947 J. D. Cooney, “The Byzantine Exhibition in Baltimore the Coptic Section”. Journal of American Oriental Society 67/4 (1947) 323-326.
  • Crawford 1990 J. S. Crawford, The Byzantine Shops at Sardis, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis 9. Cambridge 1990.
  • Crawford 1990 J. S. Crawford, The Byzantine Shops at Sardis. Cambridge 1990.
  • Dalton 1901 O. M. Dalton, Catalogue of Early Christian Antiquities and Objects from the Christian East in the Department of British and Medieval Antiquities and Etnography of the British Museum. London 1901.
  • Dalton 1907 O. M. Dalton, “Gandhara Sculptures”. Man 7 (1907) 69-70.
  • de Ridder 1915 A. de Ridder, Les Bronzes Antiques du Louvre, Tome Second, les Instruments. Paris 1915.
  • Deonna 1938 W. Deonna, Le Mobilier Delién, Exploration Archaeologique de Délos. Paris 1938.
  • Dieudonne-Glad et al. 2013 N. Dieudonne-Glad, M. Feugere – M. Önal, Zeugma V, Les Objects. Lyon 2013.
  • Ferrazzoli 2012 A. F. Ferrazzoli, “Byzantine Small Finds from Elaiussa Sebaste”. Eds. B. Böhlendorf-Arslan – A Ricci, Byzantine Small Finds in Archaeological Contexts. İstanbul (2012) 289–307.
  • Franken 1993 N. Franken, “Zur Typologie antiker Schnellwaagen”. BJ 193 (1993) 69-120.
  • Gaitzsch 2005 W. Gaitzsch, Eisenfunde aus Pergamon, Geräte, Werkzeuge und Waffen (Pergamenische Forschungen 14). Berlin 2005.
  • Gökalp 2001 Z. D. Gökalp, Türkiye Müzelerindeki Bizans Dönemine Ait Maden Aydınlatma Araçları. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Ankara 2001.
  • Hoepfner 1999 W. Hoepfner, “Die Epoche der Griechen”. Ed. Anonymous, Geschichte des Wohnens. Band 1: 5000 vor Chr. - 500 nach Chr., Vorgeschichte, Frühgeschichte, Antike. Ludwigsburg (1999) 129-608.
  • Holth 1919 S. Holth, Greco-Roman and Arabic Bronze Instruments and Their Medico-Surgical Use. Kristiania 1919.
  • Hostetter 1986 E. Hostetter, Bronzes from Spina. Mainz am Rhein 1986.
  • Kara – Demirel 2014 O. Kara – M. Demirel, “Perge 2013 Yılı Kazıları, Excavations in Perge in 2013”. Anmed 12 (2014) 277-291.
  • Kara – Demirel 2015 O. Kara – M. Demirel, “Perge Antik Kenti 2012–2014 Yılı Kazıları”. Arkeoloji ve Sanat 149 (2015) VII-XXIV.
  • Köroğlu 2005 G. Köroğlu, “Bizans Dönemi Buhurdanları ve Haluk Perk Müzesindeki Örnekler”. Tuliya I (2005) 261-303.
  • Kuban 1993 Z. Kuban, “Eisenfunde aus Arykanda”. Eds. J. Borchardt – G. Dobesch, Akten des II. Internationalen Lykien-Symposions. Wien, 6-12 Mai 1990. Wien (1993) 131-136.
  • Künzl – Künzl 2003 E. Künzl – S. Künzl, Das römische Prunkportal von Ladenburg. Stuttgart 2003.
  • Kürkman 2003 G. Kürkman, Anadolu Ağırlık ve Ölçüleri. İstanbul 2003.
  • Linderski 1996 J. Linderski, “Q. Scipio Imperator”. Ed. J. Linderski, Imperıum Sine Fine. Stuttgart (1996) 130-174.
  • Liv. (= Livius, Ab Urbe Condita) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Roma Tarihi, Ab Urbe Condita: Şehrin Kuruluşundan İtibaren. Çev. S. Şenbark. İstanbul 2002.
  • Luik 2002 M. Luik, Die Funde aus den römischen Lagern um Numantia im römischgermanischen Zentralmuseum. Mainz 2002.
  • Menzel 1969 H. Menzel, Antike Lampen im römisch-germanischen Zentral Museum im Mainz (Katalog 15). Mainz 1969.
  • Meriçboyu – Atasoy 1983 Y. Meriçboyu – S. Atasoy, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesindeki Büst Şeklinde Kantar Ağırlıkları. İstanbul 1983.
  • Metin 2012 H. Metin, Kibyra Kandilleri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi. Erzurum 2012.
  • Militsi 2012 E. Militsi, “Small Finds from the Early Christian Settlement of Kefalos in Cos, Dodekanese”. Eds. B. Böhlendorf-Arslan – A. Ricci, Byzantine Small Finds in Archaeological Contexts. İstanbul (2012) 263-275.
  • Moorey 1972 P. R. S. Moorey, “A Small Tripod-Stand from Western Iran”. Iran 10 (1972) 143-146.
  • Najim – Frazier 1995 M. Najim – T. L. Frazier, Understanding the Orthodox Liturgy: A Guide for Participating in the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. California 1995.
  • Nees 2012 L. Nees, “A Silver ‘Stand’ with Eagles in the Freer Gallery”. Ars Orientalis 42 (2012) 221-230.
  • Oransay 2006 B. S. A. Oransay, Arykanda Antik Kentinde 1971–2002 Kazı Sezonları Ele geçen Madeni Buluntular ve Madencilik Faaliyetleri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi. Ankara 2006.
  • Oransay 2012 A. Oransay, “Side Arkeoloji Müzesi Madeni Eser Araştırmaları 2010- 2011”. Anmed X (2012) 228-229.
  • Orlin 2008 E. M. Orlin, “Octavian and Egyptian Cults: Redrawing the Boundaries of Romanness”. The American Journal of Philology 129/2 (2008) 231-253.
  • Özçatal – Olcay 2007 F. Özçatal – B. Y. Olcay, “1997 Yılı Seyitgazi İlçesi Mozaik Kurtarma Kazısı”. MKKS VIII (1998) 529-550.
  • Papalexandrou 2008 N. Papalexandrou, “Boiotian Tripods: the Tenacity of a Panhellenic Symbol in a Regional Context”. Hesperia 77/ 2 (2008) 251-282.
  • Pflaum 2007 V. Pflaum, “The Supposed Late Roman Hoard of Tools and a Steelyard from Vodice near Kalce”. Arheoloski Vestnik 58 (2007) 285-332.
  • Pitarakis 2015 B. Pitarakis, Hayat Kısa Sanat Uzun, Bizans’ta Şifa Sanatı. İstanbul 2015.
  • Ploug et al. 1969 G. Ploug, E. Oldenburg, E. Hammershaimb, R. Thomsen – F. Løkkegaard, Hama, Fouilles et Recherches 1931–1938, IV 3. Copenhague 1969.
  • Pollen 1874 J. H. Pollen, Ancient and Modern Furniture and Woodwork in the South Kensington Museum. London 1874.
  • Ricci 2010 A. Ricci, Elaiussa Sebaste III, L’Agora Romana. Ed. E. E. Schneider. İstanbul 2010.
  • Richter 1915 G. M. A. Richter, Greek, Roman and Etruscan Bronzes. New York 1915.
  • Ross 1962 M. C. Ross, Catalogue of the Byzantine and Early Mediaeval Antiquities in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, Vol. 1: Metalwork, Ceramics, Glyptics, Painting. Washington 1962.
  • Rowland 1949 B. Rowland, “The Hellenistic Tradition in Northwestern India”. The Art Bulletin 31/1 (1949) 1-10.
  • Russel 1982 J. Russel, “Byzantine Instrumenta Domestica from Anemurium: The Significance of Context”. Ed. R. L. Hohlfelder, City, Town and Countryside in the Early Byzantine Era. New York (1982) 133-163).
  • Schäfer 1989 T. Schäfer, Imperii Insignia: Sella curulis und Fasces: zur Repräsentation römischer Magistrate. Mainz am Rhein 1989.
  • Schäfer 2003 T. Schäfer, “Rezeption römischer Herrschaftsinsignien in Italien und im Imperium Romanum”. Eds. G. Weber – M. Zimmermann, Propaganda – Selbstdarstellung - Repräsentation im römischen Kaiserreich des 1. Jhs. n. Chr. Stuttgart (2003) 243-273.
  • Smith 1859 W. Smith, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. London 1859. Spieser 1998 J.–M. Spieser, “The Representation of Christ in the Apses of Early Christian Churches”. Gesta 37/1 (1998) 63-73. TDK Türk Dil Kurumu
  • Thickpenny 1985 H. I. Thickpenny, “Two Attic Grave Stelai in The J. Paul Getty Museum”. The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 13 (1985) 5-8.
  • Uzzi 2007 J. D. Uzzi, “The Power of Parenthood in Official Roman Art”. Hesperia Supplements 41 (2007) 61-81.
  • van Veen 1992 H. Th. van Veen, “Republicanism in the Visual Propaganda of Cosimo I de' Medici”. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 55 (1992) 200-209.
  • Velkovska 2001 E. Velkovska, “Funeral Rites According to the Byzantine Liturgical Sources”. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 55 (2001) 21-51.
  • Vierneisel 1978 K. Vierneisel, Römisches in Antikenmuseum. Berlin 1978.
  • Visy 1994 Z. Visy, “Römische und byzantinische Schnellwaagen aus der Türkei”. Ed. Anonymous, Akten der 10. Internationalen Tagung über antike Bronzen. Freiburg, 18-22. Juli 1988. Stuttgart (1994) 435-444.
  • Vitr. de Arch. (= Vitruvius, De Architectura) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Mimarlık Üzerine 10 Kitap, Vitruvius, The Ten Books on Architecture. Çev. S. Güven. İstanbul 2005. Waldbaum 1983 J. C. Waldbaum, Metalwork from Sardis. London 1983.
  • Walters 1914 H. B. Walters, Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Lamps in the British Museum. London 1914.
  • Wanscher 1980 O. Wanscher, Sella Curulis: the Folding Stool, an Ancient Symbol of Dignity. Copenhagen 1980.
  • Weinstock 1957 S. Weinstock, “The Image and the Chair of Germanicus”. JRS 47/1-2 (1957) 144-154.
  • Wood 1907 F. Wood, The Silk Road: Two Thousand Years in the Heart of Asia. California 2002.
  • Xanthopoulou 1998 M. Xanthopoulou, “Le Mobilier Ecclesiastique Metallique de la Basilique de Saint-Tite a Gortyne (Crete Centrale)”. CahArch 46 (1998) 103-119.
  • Xanthopoulou 2010 M. Xanthopoulou, Les Lampes en Bronze à L époque Paléochrétienne. Paris 2010.


Year 2016, Volume: 4, 243 - 259, 01.06.2016


Antalya Müzesi Müdürlüğü denetiminde Perge’de yürütülen 2013 yılı kazı ve onarım çalışmaları sırasında, anacaddenin batısındaki portikoda yangın ve çökme so­nucu bir arada kalmış bir metal eşya grubu açığa çı­ka­rılmıştır. Kandelabrum, buhurdan, kantar, kandil as­kıları ve tabure gibi liturjik ve günlük kullanım eş­ya­larından oluşan grup, olasılıkla satış için portikodaki bir dükkan önündeyken, çıkan yangınla veya depremle ol­du­ğu gibi bırakılmış ve çöküntü altında kalmıştır. Eser­ler Geç Antikçağ/Erken Hristiyanlık Dönemi özel­likleri göstermekte olup; toplu halde bulunmalarıyla Per­ge’nin cadde ve portikolarında metal eşya üretim ve sa­tışına yönelik dükkanlar bulunabileceğine dair ışık tut­maktadırlar.


  • Acara – Olcay 1998 M. Acara – B. Y. Olcay, “Bizans Döneminde Aydınlatma Düzeni ve Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi’nde Kullanılan Aydınlatma Gereçleri”. Adalya II (1998) 249-266.
  • Acara 1990 M. Acara, Türkiye Müzelerindeki Bizans Maden Eserleri. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Ankara 1990.
  • Acara 1997 M. Acara, Bizans Maden Sanatında Dini Törenler Sırasında Kullanılan (Liturjik) Eserler. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Ankara 1997.
  • Acara 1998 M. Acara, “Bizans Ortodoks Kilisesinde Liturji ve Liturjik Eserler”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi XV/1 (1998) 183-201.
  • Ambrosini 2013 L. Ambrosini, “Candelabra, Thymiateria and Kottaboi at Banquets: Greece and Etruria in Comparison”. Etruscan Studies 16 (2013) 1-38.
  • Andrianou 2006 D. Andrianou, “Chairs, Beds and Tables, Evidence for Furnished Interiors in Hellenistic Greece”. Hesperia 75 (2006) 219-266.
  • Ataman 2010 A. D. Ataman, “Dünden Bugüne Kündürün Tedavideki Yeri”. Osmanlı Bilimi Araştırmaları XII/1 (2010) 61-66.
  • Atasoy 2005 S. Atasoy, Bronz Lamps in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. Oxford 2005.
  • Aydın 2010 A. Aydın, “Adana Müzesindeki Altıgen Gövdeli Buhurdan”. Adalya XIII (2010) 305-320.
  • Bailey 1996 D. M. Bailey, A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum IV, Lamps of Metal and Stone and Lampstands. Dorchester 1996.
  • Ballance et al. 1989 M. Ballance, J. Boardman, S. Corbett – S. Hood, Excavations in Chios 1952-1955: Byzantine Emporio. Athens 1989.
  • Bass – van Doorninck 1982 G. F. Bass – F. H. van Doorninck, Yassıada, a Seventh-Century Byzantine Shipwreck. Texas 1982.
  • Beghelli – Gil 2013 M. Beghelli – J. P. Gil, “Corredo e Arredo Liturgico nelle Chiese tra VIII e IX Secolo, Suppellettili Antiche e Moderne, Locali e Importate tra Archeologia, Fonti Scritte e Fonti Iconografiche”. RGZM 60 (2013) 697- 762.
  • Benson 1960 J. L. Benson, “Bronze Tripods from Kourion”. GRBS 3 (1960) 7-16.
  • Bouras – Parani 2008 L. Bouras – M. G. Parani, Lighting in Early Byzantium. Washington 2008.
  • Brokalakis 2005 Y. Brokalakis, “Bronze Vessels from Late Roman and Early Byzantine Eleutherna on Crete”. AntTard 13 (2005) 44-48.
  • Byzanz 2001 Byzanz, Das Licht aus dem Osten. Ed. C. Stiegemann. Paderborn 2001.
  • Byzanz 2010 Byzanz, Pracht und Alltag, 26. Februar bis 13. Juni. Ed. J. Frings. Bonn 2010.
  • Chavane 1975 M. J. Chavane, Salamine de Chypre VI, Les Petits Objects. Paris 1975.
  • Colt 1962 H. D. Colt, Excavations at Nessana. London 1962.
  • Comstock – Vermeule 1971 M. Comstock – C. Vermeule, Greek, Etruscan and Roman Bronzes in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Massachusetts 1971.
  • Cooney 1947 J. D. Cooney, “The Byzantine Exhibition in Baltimore the Coptic Section”. Journal of American Oriental Society 67/4 (1947) 323-326.
  • Crawford 1990 J. S. Crawford, The Byzantine Shops at Sardis, Archaeological Exploration of Sardis 9. Cambridge 1990.
  • Crawford 1990 J. S. Crawford, The Byzantine Shops at Sardis. Cambridge 1990.
  • Dalton 1901 O. M. Dalton, Catalogue of Early Christian Antiquities and Objects from the Christian East in the Department of British and Medieval Antiquities and Etnography of the British Museum. London 1901.
  • Dalton 1907 O. M. Dalton, “Gandhara Sculptures”. Man 7 (1907) 69-70.
  • de Ridder 1915 A. de Ridder, Les Bronzes Antiques du Louvre, Tome Second, les Instruments. Paris 1915.
  • Deonna 1938 W. Deonna, Le Mobilier Delién, Exploration Archaeologique de Délos. Paris 1938.
  • Dieudonne-Glad et al. 2013 N. Dieudonne-Glad, M. Feugere – M. Önal, Zeugma V, Les Objects. Lyon 2013.
  • Ferrazzoli 2012 A. F. Ferrazzoli, “Byzantine Small Finds from Elaiussa Sebaste”. Eds. B. Böhlendorf-Arslan – A Ricci, Byzantine Small Finds in Archaeological Contexts. İstanbul (2012) 289–307.
  • Franken 1993 N. Franken, “Zur Typologie antiker Schnellwaagen”. BJ 193 (1993) 69-120.
  • Gaitzsch 2005 W. Gaitzsch, Eisenfunde aus Pergamon, Geräte, Werkzeuge und Waffen (Pergamenische Forschungen 14). Berlin 2005.
  • Gökalp 2001 Z. D. Gökalp, Türkiye Müzelerindeki Bizans Dönemine Ait Maden Aydınlatma Araçları. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Ankara 2001.
  • Hoepfner 1999 W. Hoepfner, “Die Epoche der Griechen”. Ed. Anonymous, Geschichte des Wohnens. Band 1: 5000 vor Chr. - 500 nach Chr., Vorgeschichte, Frühgeschichte, Antike. Ludwigsburg (1999) 129-608.
  • Holth 1919 S. Holth, Greco-Roman and Arabic Bronze Instruments and Their Medico-Surgical Use. Kristiania 1919.
  • Hostetter 1986 E. Hostetter, Bronzes from Spina. Mainz am Rhein 1986.
  • Kara – Demirel 2014 O. Kara – M. Demirel, “Perge 2013 Yılı Kazıları, Excavations in Perge in 2013”. Anmed 12 (2014) 277-291.
  • Kara – Demirel 2015 O. Kara – M. Demirel, “Perge Antik Kenti 2012–2014 Yılı Kazıları”. Arkeoloji ve Sanat 149 (2015) VII-XXIV.
  • Köroğlu 2005 G. Köroğlu, “Bizans Dönemi Buhurdanları ve Haluk Perk Müzesindeki Örnekler”. Tuliya I (2005) 261-303.
  • Kuban 1993 Z. Kuban, “Eisenfunde aus Arykanda”. Eds. J. Borchardt – G. Dobesch, Akten des II. Internationalen Lykien-Symposions. Wien, 6-12 Mai 1990. Wien (1993) 131-136.
  • Künzl – Künzl 2003 E. Künzl – S. Künzl, Das römische Prunkportal von Ladenburg. Stuttgart 2003.
  • Kürkman 2003 G. Kürkman, Anadolu Ağırlık ve Ölçüleri. İstanbul 2003.
  • Linderski 1996 J. Linderski, “Q. Scipio Imperator”. Ed. J. Linderski, Imperıum Sine Fine. Stuttgart (1996) 130-174.
  • Liv. (= Livius, Ab Urbe Condita) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Roma Tarihi, Ab Urbe Condita: Şehrin Kuruluşundan İtibaren. Çev. S. Şenbark. İstanbul 2002.
  • Luik 2002 M. Luik, Die Funde aus den römischen Lagern um Numantia im römischgermanischen Zentralmuseum. Mainz 2002.
  • Menzel 1969 H. Menzel, Antike Lampen im römisch-germanischen Zentral Museum im Mainz (Katalog 15). Mainz 1969.
  • Meriçboyu – Atasoy 1983 Y. Meriçboyu – S. Atasoy, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesindeki Büst Şeklinde Kantar Ağırlıkları. İstanbul 1983.
  • Metin 2012 H. Metin, Kibyra Kandilleri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi. Erzurum 2012.
  • Militsi 2012 E. Militsi, “Small Finds from the Early Christian Settlement of Kefalos in Cos, Dodekanese”. Eds. B. Böhlendorf-Arslan – A. Ricci, Byzantine Small Finds in Archaeological Contexts. İstanbul (2012) 263-275.
  • Moorey 1972 P. R. S. Moorey, “A Small Tripod-Stand from Western Iran”. Iran 10 (1972) 143-146.
  • Najim – Frazier 1995 M. Najim – T. L. Frazier, Understanding the Orthodox Liturgy: A Guide for Participating in the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. California 1995.
  • Nees 2012 L. Nees, “A Silver ‘Stand’ with Eagles in the Freer Gallery”. Ars Orientalis 42 (2012) 221-230.
  • Oransay 2006 B. S. A. Oransay, Arykanda Antik Kentinde 1971–2002 Kazı Sezonları Ele geçen Madeni Buluntular ve Madencilik Faaliyetleri. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi. Ankara 2006.
  • Oransay 2012 A. Oransay, “Side Arkeoloji Müzesi Madeni Eser Araştırmaları 2010- 2011”. Anmed X (2012) 228-229.
  • Orlin 2008 E. M. Orlin, “Octavian and Egyptian Cults: Redrawing the Boundaries of Romanness”. The American Journal of Philology 129/2 (2008) 231-253.
  • Özçatal – Olcay 2007 F. Özçatal – B. Y. Olcay, “1997 Yılı Seyitgazi İlçesi Mozaik Kurtarma Kazısı”. MKKS VIII (1998) 529-550.
  • Papalexandrou 2008 N. Papalexandrou, “Boiotian Tripods: the Tenacity of a Panhellenic Symbol in a Regional Context”. Hesperia 77/ 2 (2008) 251-282.
  • Pflaum 2007 V. Pflaum, “The Supposed Late Roman Hoard of Tools and a Steelyard from Vodice near Kalce”. Arheoloski Vestnik 58 (2007) 285-332.
  • Pitarakis 2015 B. Pitarakis, Hayat Kısa Sanat Uzun, Bizans’ta Şifa Sanatı. İstanbul 2015.
  • Ploug et al. 1969 G. Ploug, E. Oldenburg, E. Hammershaimb, R. Thomsen – F. Løkkegaard, Hama, Fouilles et Recherches 1931–1938, IV 3. Copenhague 1969.
  • Pollen 1874 J. H. Pollen, Ancient and Modern Furniture and Woodwork in the South Kensington Museum. London 1874.
  • Ricci 2010 A. Ricci, Elaiussa Sebaste III, L’Agora Romana. Ed. E. E. Schneider. İstanbul 2010.
  • Richter 1915 G. M. A. Richter, Greek, Roman and Etruscan Bronzes. New York 1915.
  • Ross 1962 M. C. Ross, Catalogue of the Byzantine and Early Mediaeval Antiquities in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, Vol. 1: Metalwork, Ceramics, Glyptics, Painting. Washington 1962.
  • Rowland 1949 B. Rowland, “The Hellenistic Tradition in Northwestern India”. The Art Bulletin 31/1 (1949) 1-10.
  • Russel 1982 J. Russel, “Byzantine Instrumenta Domestica from Anemurium: The Significance of Context”. Ed. R. L. Hohlfelder, City, Town and Countryside in the Early Byzantine Era. New York (1982) 133-163).
  • Schäfer 1989 T. Schäfer, Imperii Insignia: Sella curulis und Fasces: zur Repräsentation römischer Magistrate. Mainz am Rhein 1989.
  • Schäfer 2003 T. Schäfer, “Rezeption römischer Herrschaftsinsignien in Italien und im Imperium Romanum”. Eds. G. Weber – M. Zimmermann, Propaganda – Selbstdarstellung - Repräsentation im römischen Kaiserreich des 1. Jhs. n. Chr. Stuttgart (2003) 243-273.
  • Smith 1859 W. Smith, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. London 1859. Spieser 1998 J.–M. Spieser, “The Representation of Christ in the Apses of Early Christian Churches”. Gesta 37/1 (1998) 63-73. TDK Türk Dil Kurumu
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There are 82 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ünal Demirer

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 4


APA Demirer, Ü. (2016). 2013 YILI PERGE KAZILARINDAN BİR METAL BULUNTU GRUBU. Cedrus, 4, 243-259.
AMA Demirer Ü. 2013 YILI PERGE KAZILARINDAN BİR METAL BULUNTU GRUBU. Cedrus. June 2016;4:243-259. doi:10.13113/CEDRUS/201614
Chicago Demirer, Ünal. “2013 YILI PERGE KAZILARINDAN BİR METAL BULUNTU GRUBU”. Cedrus 4, June (June 2016): 243-59.
EndNote Demirer Ü (June 1, 2016) 2013 YILI PERGE KAZILARINDAN BİR METAL BULUNTU GRUBU. Cedrus 4 243–259.
IEEE Ü. Demirer, “2013 YILI PERGE KAZILARINDAN BİR METAL BULUNTU GRUBU”, Cedrus, vol. 4, pp. 243–259, 2016, doi: 10.13113/CEDRUS/201614.
ISNAD Demirer, Ünal. “2013 YILI PERGE KAZILARINDAN BİR METAL BULUNTU GRUBU”. Cedrus 4 (June 2016), 243-259.
MLA Demirer, Ünal. “2013 YILI PERGE KAZILARINDAN BİR METAL BULUNTU GRUBU”. Cedrus, vol. 4, 2016, pp. 243-59, doi:10.13113/CEDRUS/201614.
Vancouver Demirer Ü. 2013 YILI PERGE KAZILARINDAN BİR METAL BULUNTU GRUBU. Cedrus. 2016;4:243-59.

The issue of the relevant year publishes a maximum of 15 articles, with article acceptance dates falling between 15th October and 1st May. As of October 2024, Cedrus will accept articles only in foreign languages.